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MegaMan Series => Legends Series => Topic started by: Jwhude on 19 November 2008, 11:46:17

Title: Virtual Console
Post by: Jwhude on 19 November 2008, 11:46:17
Is the N64 version of this game for the virtual console now?

Title: Re: Virtual Console
Post by: preventerWIND on 19 November 2008, 13:28:05
They didn't even say if they were gonna release it for VC. They probably won't, since it was just a port.

Title: Re: Virtual Console
Post by: Abominator on 19 November 2008, 18:03:01
I don't see why they wouldn't, really.

Title: Re: Virtual Console
Post by: Fatso on 19 November 2008, 18:07:34
Controls for the 64 edition were already iffy enough without the different configurations of the Classic and 'cube controllers. Giving it a good hard think, it might be doable, but there's no button on the Classic Controller mapped to C-Up IIRC (maybe it was C-Down).

Title: Re: Virtual Console
Post by: NovaMan XP on 19 November 2008, 22:30:55
The C buttons are mapped to the right analog stick in the Classic Controller...

Title: Re: Virtual Console
Post by: Fatso on 19 November 2008, 22:39:07
As well as the x, y and z buttons. The C-Stick would be far too finnicky for controlling, say, subweapons (C-Right IIRC)

Title: Re: Virtual Console
Post by: Mikero on 20 November 2008, 01:11:38
I don't see it being that hard. N64 controller can be mapped to GC pretty easily, it seems. And then from GC to Classic, that parts a bit harder, but that's the logical order of the work anyway.

Title: Re: Virtual Console
Post by: Jwhude on 20 November 2008, 11:32:59
Oh, well my friend at school said that they were.