Title: Lost Planet Post by: Jwhude on 25 November 2008, 11:57:28 Does anyone else play this game?
Title: Re: Lost Planet Post by: Abominator on 25 November 2008, 12:50:59 I played the first one on the 360, seemed alright but too repetative and mech-based.
Title: Re: Lost Planet Post by: Speed Racer on 25 November 2008, 16:47:06 I played it a little bit, but other games (mainly Mass Effect) ended up taking my attention away from it. It was okay, but I was annoyed that the "Colonies" expansion was released a month after I bought it, and never made available for download.
Title: Re: Lost Planet Post by: Mikero on 26 November 2008, 00:56:22 Looks OK but it seems (in commercials) like a poor man's Mass Effect (in commercials).
Which I can now try ( Title: Re: Lost Planet Post by: Jwhude on 28 November 2008, 18:30:31 I played the first one on the 360, seemed alright but too repetative and mech-based. Some noobs use the mechs to much, but I just destroy them. I play it alot so I usually get first regardless of mechs. I never use them myself though their to nooby and they require no skill. Oh speedracer alot of people still play the original, I do because colonies is a lag fest. Title: Re: Lost Planet Post by: Abominator on 29 November 2008, 12:47:02 You just used "noob" in a serious manner.
That makes me do a saddy face. Title: Re: Lost Planet Post by: ASR on 29 November 2008, 17:49:28 In a VERY serious manner.
Title: Re: Lost Planet Post by: xXZDeadpoolZXx on 20 October 2010, 09:47:29 I enjoyed the game's. Played the first one for about a month straight when I could but grew weary after struggling with the Extreme difficulty. The second one I played but didnt put too much. Will do soon though.