Title: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: Abominator on 6 January 2009, 17:32:31 This (http://news.spong.com/article/16840/Samurai_Toaster_Stabs_WiiWare) looks like it'll either be great fun, or pointless pretentious trash...
Whaddya think? WiiWare is definately going well, in my opinion. Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 January 2009, 18:07:23 I really don't like the art style, but the game can go either way.
Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: ASR on 6 January 2009, 18:29:15 I like the art style a lot. But we'll see about the game.
Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: Mikero on 6 January 2009, 21:56:13 The art style is nothing new and the whole thing has a reek of Flash game on it.
The gameplay could go either way, but from the look I'm leaning more towards "pointless pretentious trash". Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: ChaosVortex on 7 January 2009, 02:44:11 That's how I'm feelin' too.
Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: Xero on 17 January 2009, 00:35:02 Samurai Toaster.
Samurai Jack meets The Brave Little Toaster. Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: preventerWIND on 17 January 2009, 05:56:21 Samurai Jack meets The Brave Little Toaster. DAMNIT. I thought I could've gotten the first Brave Little Toaster comment in.. Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: ChaosVortex on 17 January 2009, 06:41:19 Dude. You had. Like. A week.
Title: Re: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Post by: preventerWIND on 17 January 2009, 13:01:53 Dude. I'm not. On here. Like. A lot.
Despite what the board statistics say anyway.. *aherm* |