Title: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Johncarllos on 6 April 2009, 16:07:35 http://lab.andre-michelle.com/tonematrix
Really cool program, makes synth sounds and stuff. Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 April 2009, 18:37:53 It gets boring, but it's pretty cool.
Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Johncarllos on 18 April 2009, 00:05:51 They have a bunch of other fun sound and video things to play with as well.
It's a neat little time waster. Posted on: April 06, 2009, 03:45:38 PM You can copy-paste into and out of it to share your stuff. Just right click on the thing and paste this 98,160,96,32,128,160,48,96,40,0,0,32,16,32,0,0 Everyone share. Posted on: April 17, 2009, 07:04:12 PM Another good one I found. 520,33280,66568,512,33296,16,33280,66052,1024,33796,256,33056,67588,2048,33284,66048 Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Chron on 18 April 2009, 02:12:55 Heh, I was playing with this earlier.
0,7680,16128,12160,22912,22208,23008,24572,23008,22208,22912,12160,16128,7680,0,0 0,32764,8,65424,288,127552,9344,18688,18688,9344,127552,288,65424,8,32764,0 Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Johncarllos on 18 April 2009, 18:30:55 Chron I like that second one.
Here's another nice one I just made. 16642,17920,33808,528,272,65664,144,16640,16420,33800,1024,512,16656,65696,256,512 Posted on: April 18, 2009, 01:11:23 PM I can't get enough of this, it's so easy to make something cool sounding! 16386,16384,32,32784,16,65568,68096,0,32770,0,16400,16416,1280,32784,32,640 Posted on: April 18, 2009, 01:14:32 PM Addiction. 65600,32768,16528,8192,102408,8208,16416,32832,65536,32912,16384,8256,102432,8208,16392,32768 Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: MOX on 19 April 2009, 19:23:08 I really like the last one.
Im hooked. 0,65536,8192,4160,67648,98368,65600,32892,8448,65656,66624,65600,69696,65600,81984,98304 Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Johncarllos on 19 April 2009, 20:33:33 Mox, that's pretty sweet, but I like it a little better like this. No offense.
0,65536,8192,4160,67648,32832,65600,32852,8448,65608,66624,65600,69696,65600,81984,32768 Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Fatso on 20 April 2009, 00:00:58 34320,544,4,67080,528,0,35392,512,19472,32,4,74752,16,0,54274,0
Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Johncarllos on 20 April 2009, 00:53:00 That's a fun one to listen to.
Nice job on it. Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Fatso on 20 April 2009, 21:04:13 ...why on earth does it create numbers higher than 65535? That's all the numbers you need to encode one step of a 16-tone sequencer...
...whatever. Title: Re: AM Labs Tone Matrix. Post by: Chron on 20 April 2009, 21:21:52 It has to do with the way flash handles numbers; 65535 is way lower than the highest number Actionscript understands, and there's no way to request a smaller datatype.
So errors like that happen. Or it could be just the way the person compacts these numbers... no idea. |