Title: ... Post by: Xero on 4 June 2009, 20:35:33 http://www.vgreleases.com/PS3/ReleaseDate-285101.aspx
I'm just gonna leave that here. Make of it how you will. Title: Re: ... Post by: ASR on 4 June 2009, 20:37:49 Wind beat you!
Title: Re: ... Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2009, 20:38:03 I BEAT XERO.
STILL GUYS. GUYS. THIS IS LIKE. MAAAAAN. THIS BETTER NOT BE A MISTAKE. Title: Re: ... Post by: Slugkid on 4 June 2009, 20:38:56 But PS3, XBOX360? I don't have any chance of playing it! Wii games I can play at DeMat's, but... BLAAAAAARGH.
Title: Re: ... Post by: Xero on 4 June 2009, 20:39:26 No Wii?
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FF Title: Re: ... Post by: ASR on 4 June 2009, 20:41:52 I take it as a good sign, as in they're not dumbing anything down for the Wii.
I hate to say that, but the Wii really does always get the shorter end of the stick, and unless they make it on the same level quality-wise as something like Super Mario Galaxy, I'd rather it be developed for 360. PS3 I could care less about, but that makes sense since the first two were on Sony systems. Title: Re: ... Post by: Fatso on 4 June 2009, 21:08:56 360/PS3 release instantly kills any chance of my playing it, unless they wise up and give me a PC version, because there is no game or combination of games that could ever compel me to get a 360 or PS3.
Title: Re: ... Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2009, 01:29:58 I don't see what's wrong with 360 but for PS3, yeah sure.
Title: Re: ... Post by: ASR on 5 June 2009, 01:35:37 Yeah, 360 gets a bad rap for all the Halo and FPS stuff, but it's really the most solid console of the three out there.
PS3 has always been silly to me. Sony just goes a little nuts trying to make everything an "entertainment powerhouse" and all that. I don't really like any of that nonsense. Title: Re: ... Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2009, 02:12:00 YES.
AMAZING. Title: Re: ... Post by: ASR on 5 June 2009, 02:58:39 I thought you were directly responding to my previous post and I had no idea what you were so excited about until I remembered what this topic was for.
Title: Re: ... Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2009, 03:26:38 Yuuuup. Time to get a 360...
Title: Re: ... Post by: Fatso on 5 June 2009, 10:04:54 I have no specific issue with the 360, I simply consider it superfluous. For platformers and quirky games I have a Wii and DS (well actually two of them now that I have a dsi but whatever), and for everything else (including what are so arrogantly referred to as "hardcore" games - is there something more "hardcore" about, say, Half-Life than there is about, say, Yoshi's Island? Like seriously, guys, a game is a game, it's for fun) I'd have much more fun playing on a PC than on a console.
EDIT: Actually I do have a problem with the 360, I almost forgot about it. Subscription-based internet services. We're already paying for our internet AND in some cases for online games via the internet, why levy an ADDITIONAL charge for services we can get for free on a PC? Title: Re: ... Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2009, 14:46:03 For free on a PC, a Wii, and a PS3.
I don't know, but it works pretty darned well most of the time. Title: Re: ... Post by: NovaMan XP on 5 June 2009, 22:38:45 So uh, this turned out not to be true. Just some random tard posted it.
Title: Re: ... Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2009, 23:19:37 So uh, this turned out not to be true. Just some random tard posted it. ... (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9859/1241544917172.gif) Title: Re: ... Post by: ASR on 6 June 2009, 00:58:59 That's probably my FAVORITE moment of the entire US version. Though it's really not as good out-of-context.
Title: Re: ... Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2009, 01:37:19 I don't know what it's like in context but Peep Show had, from what I can tell, a similar thing in series five and it was genius.
Title: Re: ... Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2009, 02:34:56 So uh, this turned out not to be true. Just some random tard posted it. Seconded... I feel ya... Title: Re: ... Post by: ASR on 6 June 2009, 02:37:36 I don't know what it's like in context but Peep Show had, from what I can tell, a similar thing in series five and it was genius. I don't remember what you're talking about in Peep Show, but in The Office US, there's a running gag about how much Michael hates Toby, the P.R. guy in the office. So Toby's gone for a really long time, like almost a full season, and when he comes back Michael doesn't believe anyone when they tell him. So he goes to his cubicle and doesn't see him there, so he thinks they were just playing a trick on him, and then Toby pops out. Steve Carrell's reaction there is some of his best stuff, which is basically just him screaming "NO" a lot. Steve Carrell's like the only reason I watch The Office anymore. He's REALLY underrated nowadays. I know he had his fame before, but he's still hilarious in The Office. Here's the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHh0rf0ojEc Title: Re: ... Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2009, 09:03:02 The part in Peep Show series five was something like this;
Mark: (Don't say you're pregnant don't say you're pregnant don't say you're pregnant) Sophie: "I'm pregnant." Mark: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Title: Re: ... Post by: ASR on 6 June 2009, 13:37:57 MIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AND ACCIDENTAL FILTER CIRCUMVENTIONS
But yeah, I remember that now. Title: Re: ... Post by: Speed Racer on 7 June 2009, 21:41:38 Well #####, at least I can still preorder Battletoads for the Xbox 360 over at Gamestop!
Title: Re: ... Post by: ChaosVortex on 8 June 2009, 03:00:36 Yuuuup. Time to keep my money and not get a 360...