Title: Star Trek Online Post by: White Shadow on 14 July 2010, 00:59:00 Little hope here, but I thought I'd give it a shot:
I'm looking for a STO trial key, so I can check the game out. There's two ways to get them: Referral by another player or as a freebie in gaming magazines and whatnot. I doubt there's much of the first kind here, but maybe one of you bought something that came with a free code you don't want. Title: Re: Star Trek Online Post by: Johncarllos on 14 July 2010, 03:02:31 No leads here, brutha.
Title: Re: Star Trek Online Post by: Speed Racer on 14 July 2010, 20:31:37 Sorry man. I don't know anyone that plays Star Trek Online. If I ever get a faster computer I'll probably do it though.
Title: Re: Star Trek Online Post by: White Shadow on 17 July 2010, 18:16:09 I picked it up, together with my girlfriend. It's fun, but pretty grindy.