Title: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 2 December 2007, 19:01:14 I might as well kick things off in this forum with an old classic.
As usual, what with me being a total hack, I've take some Classic MM artwork and slapped it on a modified existing wallpaper with some drop shadows and edge preserving smooths! Also, I'm using a nice spectral theme on Windowblinds. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 2 December 2007, 20:21:04 I have a constant rotation of a load of pictures, so I'm gonna not post any.
:P Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Dr. on 2 December 2007, 21:22:59 I remember!
I made this thread. O: Oh well. Mine's still the old "Fresh Install" of XP. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 2 December 2007, 21:26:22 Positioned in the bottom-left corner, simplistic and effective.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Yubi Shines on 2 December 2007, 22:12:48 Still precisely the same as before, a drawing an acquaintance did for me:
http://quas-quas.deviantart.com/art/060401-RO-Dinah-Hunter-31155663 Except tweaked to have a black background instead of white. Easier on the eyes. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 3 December 2007, 02:25:13 I has a background too!
And excuuuuuuse me, princess, for liking Dragon Quest more than MegaMan. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 02:28:15 RIDE 'EM COWBOY
And then stab 'em in the freaking head. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Jakey on 3 December 2007, 03:05:28 Oh DANG.
If I ever saw one of those guys roaming the land, lookin all scary and high and mighty, thinking he was better than everyone else... I'd smoosh him. BECAUSE I AM A GIANT COLOSSUS. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 03:06:45 A giant mushroom colossus.
I think you might have some problems moving there, Jakey. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Yubi Shines on 3 December 2007, 03:08:09 That is such a depressing game. They're all big and sad and... sort of confused.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 03:09:04 The new order changes many things. Including immobility.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 03:14:38 Truly a force to be reckoned with.
That is such a depressing game. They're all big and sad and... sort of confused. And you kill them all <3 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 03:15:18 What game?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 December 2007, 03:19:24 I should really clean my #####.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 03:21:37 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 03:22:12 HA, that totally copied my old SM64 one! I love it. Send me that pic alone.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 December 2007, 13:54:00 Shadow of the Colossus is a great game. I'm stuck on Number 12, I think...
I need to play it again. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 13:55:58 Do so now, good sir, and you get a giant cookie.
what you must climb and stab before you eat 12 is the sandworm thing, right? Good times. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 December 2007, 14:45:00 No, 11 is the sandworm I think, 12 is the thing in the Lake, 13 is the "Basilisk."
*shudder* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 15:59:57 Whatever #13 is, it's horrible. I'd never want to...
... wait. You guys know those woop-woop WHIRRRRR BOOM things in Half Life? Colossus like that. The lake guy, eh? You need some wrangling music for that. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 December 2007, 16:02:08 Well, ya gotta shoot his head and stuff to make him run away.
And he has laser horns. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 3 December 2007, 18:29:01 Current:
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 3 December 2007, 21:44:01 I need a desktop like that.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 December 2007, 22:08:51 Very professional.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 December 2007, 01:35:33 Hehe, that's a good one.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 4 December 2007, 01:51:19 The wallpaper seems a bit tacky to me, but you'd be surprised how often it actually keeps me on task.
... Clearly not at the moment, by my homework is done through the end of the semester, so that doesn't count. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 December 2007, 02:35:34 I personally need a little more motivation than that.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 4 December 2007, 02:41:14 Mine is manly!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 4 December 2007, 02:44:40 onoez
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 4 December 2007, 02:45:21 ...Yes. It is.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 4 December 2007, 04:08:36 I personally need a little more motivation than that. Almost all the work I do somehow involves this laptop. When you're forced to look at a reminder not to slack, it does wonders. I know you wouldn't think so, but I was surprised as well. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Orange Devil on 4 December 2007, 04:13:24 Hey Sano, know how I know you're gay?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 4 December 2007, 06:50:14 Mudkips! :3
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 4 December 2007, 07:27:15 Mine is so much...
How you kids put it "colder" Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: CIMSomebody on 4 December 2007, 08:33:19 I'm sure most of you will get a kick out of this one. 8D
I <3 my desktop. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 4 December 2007, 19:21:29 Changed muh mind
far too cute. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 December 2007, 21:28:26 That's not that cute.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 4 December 2007, 22:10:41 It's like those pictures of ugly babies. You feel as though you should act like it's cute, but it just feels like a completely hollow gesture.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 December 2007, 22:16:51 Perfect analogy. Ugly babies are so sad, though.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 4 December 2007, 22:28:56 The best part about ugly babies is watching how people act. Of course, if it was MY ugly baby it would be a different story.
Of course, I don't have ANY kids, so I'll bask in morbid amusement without context born guilt. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 December 2007, 22:32:31 Karma's a bitch, I'm just warning you.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 4 December 2007, 22:39:39 If I believed my actions warranted karmic retaliation, then I would have to expect punishment for any instance in which I noticed a pattern and observed it. As far as I'm concerned, what I do is no more different than watching how someone reacts at their surprise birthday party when you know that it's anything but a surprise for them.
Kind of like watching actors in a really, really big movie. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 December 2007, 22:41:09 Don't worry, I laugh at awkward people around ugly babies, too. Quietly, though, and preferably in my head.
They should really hire sexier actresses at my school. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 4 December 2007, 22:44:40 Maybe all of the world as a whole just acts as Hollywood's ugly friend.
You know, the one they only associate with so they look better? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 5 December 2007, 01:16:05 Hey Sano, know how I know you're gay? No, I don't know, how do you know I'm gay? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 December 2007, 01:52:37 Almost all the work I do somehow involves this laptop. When you're forced to look at a reminder not to slack, it does wonders. I know you wouldn't think so, but I was surprised as well. Yeah.. Can you send me that sometime? I'm too lazy/busy to do my own. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 5 December 2007, 02:15:50 For any parties who are interested.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Jakey on 5 December 2007, 02:17:15 Yesssss, I was just about to ask you for that.
That should hopefully put an end to my procrastination. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 December 2007, 02:18:15 Same. Thanks.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 December 2007, 02:20:49 Ditto on all 'dat.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rahvin on 5 December 2007, 04:05:17 OBJECTION!!
Mine is the best! Any objections are over-ruled! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 5 December 2007, 04:08:03 I don't know what's off to that one side, but it's making everybody really happy.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 December 2007, 04:08:20 "ICE CREAM TRUCK!"
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rahvin on 5 December 2007, 04:56:39 They're screaming objection and pointing to a pile of Megaman ZX and Starforce games... I wonder why...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ClickOutMets on 5 December 2007, 05:57:30 Well, may as well post mine since I'm trying to be more active here.
I've had this wallpaper for almost a year on my lappy, which is almost a year old. So that's funny too. (http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m159/clickoutmets/CurrentWallpaper2.png) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 5 December 2007, 06:16:19 It's like a complement sandwhich.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 5 December 2007, 13:09:55 Fluffybitchbird strikes again!
[/img]picture[/img] From someone seeing that for the first time, that is COOL. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 December 2007, 00:33:38 I don't know what's off to that one side, but it's making everybody really happy. Boobs. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: CIMSomebody on 8 December 2007, 01:35:48 I dunno, I had a pretty big GAY vibe coming from PW. . . as did everybody else I know who's played the game.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rahvin on 8 December 2007, 02:57:54 I dunno, I had a pretty big GAY vibe coming from PW. . . as did everybody else I know who's played the game.To quote Edgeworth from AA: Thanks to you, I am saddled with unnecessary... feelings. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2007, 03:24:50 Boobs still make people happy. Gay or human.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 03:29:15 I dunno, I had a pretty big GAY vibe coming from PW. . . as did everybody else I know who's played the game. That might explain the obscene amount of PW yaoi on the internet. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rahvin on 8 December 2007, 03:36:54 Yeah, like the GumshoexArmstrong pics I fou....nevermind....I dunno, I had a pretty big GAY vibe coming from PW. . . as did everybody else I know who's played the game. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: CIMSomebody on 8 December 2007, 04:34:53 Boobs still make people happy. Gay or human. Very true. :B That might explain the obscene amount of PW yaoi on the internet.Yeah, like the GumshoexArmstrong pics I fou....nevermind.... That would have really disturbed me, had I not given birth to the Phoenix Wright Anonymous Kink Meme on LiveJournal. ): After the Kink Meme, there's no going back. . . *sigh* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rahvin on 8 December 2007, 06:29:13 Wow....I probably couldn't handle that as just the sight of Armstrong makes me want to slit my wrists....Boobs still make people happy. Gay or human. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: CIMSomebody on 8 December 2007, 08:50:13 Yeah, me too.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Aresian on 8 December 2007, 13:15:55 *sigh* Normally teh gehys doesn't bother me, but you yaoi fans really killed a series for me this time. Now I can't go much of anywhere involving PW without seeing it. -_-
Oh well, desktop created by my bud, Dominican Zero. It's nifty and stuff. Observative Thought: Now that I thought about it... You guys did it to FMA and a few other series... yaoi fans breed upon every series like rats. :( Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 18:46:10 Melty Blood?
Now that just sounds silly. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: guitaristjoe on 9 December 2007, 02:36:53 Heh...
Melty Blood... I couldn't take that seriously even if it had Sean Penn in it. And let me tell you. Sean Penn is SERIOUS. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 9 December 2007, 03:56:14 It has this evil chick in it that...
... actually, let me show you my Melty Blood desktop. It should clear everything up nicely. actually, now that i see it again it doesn't make much sense i'm pretty sure i don't know how it's related either Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: CIMSomebody on 9 December 2007, 04:45:59 *sigh* Normally teh gehys doesn't bother me, but you yaoi fans really killed a series for me this time. Now I can't go much of anywhere involving PW without seeing it. -_- I really hate being referred to as a 'yaoi fan.' For a while, yeah, I was pretty bad but that was a while ago. I like het and yuri too, thanks. I guess just being gay myself, I find yaoi to be a bit more relevant to my interests. As far as 'ruining' it for you. . . if there were a whole bunch of heterosexual pairings all over the fandom, would it ruin it for you too? Seriously, if it bothers you that much then I suggest you grow some balls and get over it. |: It's not like I'm trying to shove GAY in your face. Anyway, as far as your desktop goes, I don't know how you can even look at her face hahaha. It's drawn so poorly I might throw up on someone. ): Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 9 December 2007, 05:21:43 I got a friend who likes yaoi.
And I always get owned on Melty Blood, sdfsfsfs. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Jakey on 9 December 2007, 05:34:44 I LOVE PLANTBOY&JAKE COMIX
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 December 2007, 13:26:17 Not enough Mikero.
I call affirmative action. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 9 December 2007, 15:35:17 Heh... (http://archive.salon.com/ent/movies/review/2002/01/04/i_am_sam/story.jpg) or (http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/060921/151442__fasttimes_l.jpg) ? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: guitaristjoe on 9 December 2007, 15:57:43 I'm talking the "new" Sean Penn.
The one that always looks pissed off. (http://harvest.canadaeast.com/image.php?id=24550&size=300x0) (http://www.celebbinge.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/seanpenn-1.jpg) Serious. Yes, I have seen Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Like 50 times. I even pulled a pizza ordering in class on the last day of school one year. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 9 December 2007, 16:37:48 lucy in the sky with diaaaaaamonds
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 December 2007, 23:35:33 I even pulled a pizza ordering in class on the last day of school one year. Woah watch out for this guy! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: orclev on 10 December 2007, 02:10:46 Just got a new wallpaper the other day. I like it; it's been a while since I had one with a darker color scheme (the last one was a photograph of the fall colors in the Smoky Mountains -- pretty, but the bright colors made my desktop kind of annoying after a while).
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Zenaku on 10 December 2007, 04:12:50 moar Touhou is needed
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 10 December 2007, 13:55:05 Boobs still make people happy. Gay or human. Oh wow, this is why I love MMM. Oh, and this is my desktop (http://hideyoshi.deviantart.com/art/Train-Station-Episode-1-71798727). Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Aresian on 11 December 2007, 14:19:38 moar Touhou is needed *notices Desktop* You need your ass kicked, I demand a IAMP match. Also, lol Briso. I like seeing how you react. XD Also. Melty Blood > Everything else. It's one of the best fighting games. Ever. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Dr. on 11 December 2007, 14:24:37 Boobs still make people happy. Gay or human. Are you a woman? OR am I mistaken? Can't tell from your avie. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 11 December 2007, 18:48:46 Try looking across from "Gender:"
It MIGHT just have the answers you seek. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Zenaku on 11 December 2007, 22:47:34 moar Touhou is needed I'm out of practice :P Although we should play SWR when it comes out ;) I'm a beast with Aya Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 12 December 2007, 04:47:06 Jake gave me a new desktop, maybe we could start a trend.....
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Aresian on 12 December 2007, 13:00:00 moar Touhou is needed Booo, that's who I plan to use, nub. XD Oh well, give me a notice once the game is raring to go. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 12 December 2007, 13:23:24 Are you a woman? OR am I mistaken? Can't tell from your avie.I'm just naturally beautiful. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: dzx9 on 12 December 2007, 21:29:37 Clickoutmets, Can you post that image?
And this is me: Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Aresian on 12 December 2007, 21:32:28 Clickoutmets, Can you post that image? Woah. That's kickass. As expected from "the man." Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: guitaristjoe on 12 December 2007, 23:26:30 That is trippy and awesome.
Trippy awesome. I've adopted the classic XP look. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 12 December 2007, 23:37:54 He will surprise sex your soul you know.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 12 December 2007, 23:59:15 Dude... You need to get less icons...
(Why would you ever have to execute Acrobat Reader?) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 13 December 2007, 00:33:05 Blah my comp is messy.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 13 December 2007, 01:55:34 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Alex on 13 December 2007, 03:29:58 http://wintech.com.pt/galeria/data/media/6/Black_Hole.jpg
Too big, so here you have the link. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 13 December 2007, 06:31:42 Digital blasphemy, yes?
I believe they made an animated version of that as well. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: dzx9 on 13 December 2007, 08:15:44 And this is me: I'm glad somebody caught that :) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: White Shadow on 13 December 2007, 10:41:17 Dude... You need to get less icons... That's nothing. My desktop is always full, because it's my standard download folder. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 December 2007, 16:46:29 Clickoutmets, Can you post that image? Can you post yours? I love that kind of stuff, and I love angel wing jargon. Conversely my desktop has none of that but I'll show it later. My desktop is always full, because it's my standard download folder. Same. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 14 December 2007, 00:12:10 And this is me: Anytime. I still have that nice desktop of Jake's for my desktop. It's like our computers had sex. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 14 December 2007, 01:32:45 My desktop is 100% empty, as I disabled the icons on it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: KPL on 14 December 2007, 14:10:11 This is my current wallpaper. Pretty neat, huh? I have a Daft Punk Sticker on the back of my laptop, so you can consider me a fanboy.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Yubi Shines on 14 December 2007, 20:02:31 What exactly happens when the grid on your desktop is entirely filled with icons and you dump something else in?
Generally what lands on my desktop (aside from a couple game folders) are notepads for scribbling reminders and quotes on, current avatars, things like that. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 15 December 2007, 00:31:06 <3 Daft Punk
I've watched Interstella 5555 a few times. :) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 15 December 2007, 01:06:14 This is my current wallpaper. Pretty neat, huh? I have a Daft Punk Sticker on the back of my laptop, so you can consider me a fanboy. And savvved. What exactly happens when the grid on your desktop is entirely filled with icons and you dump something else in? I'm pretty sure the Windows desktop can get "full" so nothing else can go on it but I don't know. That's based on something my friend said when I told him my desktop is the default download folder and I haven't organized it in 9 months so there's loads of icons on top of icons. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: TheRedPriest on 15 December 2007, 17:45:08 Doctor Who wallpaper. Good one too. I hate Rose. More than Macs.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 15 December 2007, 23:49:53 Hahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha!
I didn't read your post so I didn't get the image until I actually saw the Doctor. Love that they start in Black and White. How many Doctors can come now? He can only change 13 times right? I think he's up pretty high now. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 16 December 2007, 03:19:28 It's plain, very plain. And you can see JC's face in the dock, that makes up for being a mac right Rez?.. Rez?....
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 16 December 2007, 03:23:41 I WIN AT BEING ON WINDS COMPUTER!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 16 December 2007, 03:24:17 Your menu bar is very similar to my menu bar (naturally, but I mean with the icons you have set up there and their order). Respect.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Zenaku on 16 December 2007, 20:55:01 If this is going to be 3-D heads are going to roll
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 16 December 2007, 21:18:25 It's 3D characters with 2D gameplay.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 17 December 2007, 00:55:27 It's the same game with a new look, and SOME new stories.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: TheRedPriest on 17 December 2007, 06:07:19 How many Doctors can come now? He can only change 13 times right? I think he's up pretty high now. He can regenerate 12 times, making 13 incarnations possible. He's in his 10th incarnation, leaving 3 incarnations left. It's plain, very plain. And you can see JC's face in the dock, that makes up for being a mac right Rez?.. Rez?.... NOTHING excuses a Mac. NOTHING. :: beats with tomatoe stick :: Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 17 December 2007, 06:09:38 :: Is beaten with tomato stick ::
: ' ( Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 17 December 2007, 06:48:04 I would give my left arm to have Skullomania in Street Fighter IV.
He can regenerate 12 times, making 13 incarnations possible. He's in his 10th incarnation, leaving 3 incarnations left. I'm pretty sure there's ways of bypassing that limit, though. Didn't the master go over his 12 regenerations? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Talon Draukner on 17 December 2007, 08:02:06 Well mines not all that great, I've just got my stock desk top at the moment.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: TheRedPriest on 17 December 2007, 14:29:51 :: Is beaten with tomato stick :: It's tomatoe. With an "E". Learn how to spell you fool. :: releases Nibbles :: I'm pretty sure there's ways of bypassing that limit, though. Didn't the master go over his 12 regenerations? No, not normally. The Master did some VERY unorthodox things to extend his life, but then given the lifestyle he lived he was prone to regenerating a lot more frequently than a typical Time Lord. RTD made up some bullock about resetting the Master's Regeneration Cycle, but he also turned Dr. Who into "ZOMG I'M IN LOVE WITH TEH DOKTOR!" LOL. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 18 December 2007, 03:41:20 What makes me cry is how the bride is going to be the next companion. :(
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 18 December 2007, 04:09:47 The bride from the one with spider aliens? That's like one of the only ones I've ever seen even though I quite like Dr. Who. I thought she was alright, she'd at least be a funny companion.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 19 December 2007, 03:15:51 What exactly happens when the grid on your desktop is entirely filled with icons and you dump something else in? I'm pretty sure the icons start layering underneath the ones present. Like, in between the corners. It gets hard to read them. There must be a limit, though... ANYWAY YAY FOR DOCTOR WHO! I really wish it could've been the sort of thing I grew up with. I love it, and I'd literally kill for a chance to be caught up on everything. Everything. That's gotta' be impossible though, nobody has that kind of time. I almost bought some of the old radio shows, but... they're a bit pricey, and I was low on cash. I really wanted to, though. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 19 December 2007, 06:59:55 It COULD have been the sort of thing you grew up with!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 19 December 2007, 11:48:27 It COULD have been the sort of thing you grew up with! Except that ASR is N/A years old according to his profile, so it couldn't... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 19 December 2007, 23:44:39 I'm 17. And yes, I COULD have, but my American culture steered me the other way.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 20 December 2007, 00:08:31 Don't worry, your American culture steered me away from it too.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 20 December 2007, 00:24:30 Get your own culture.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: orclev on 20 December 2007, 06:35:57 Okay, I changed mine again. (I feel like such a nerd...or maybe just a fangirl...possibly both?)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Zenaku on 20 December 2007, 07:13:10 Get your own culture. We do have a culture, it's called POUTINE. Delicious POUTINE. Also, I love Muse :( Starlight is my favorite Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: orclev on 20 December 2007, 08:07:36 Starlight is one of my ringtones on my phone. :D
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 24 December 2007, 06:03:34 Same crap on my desktop, different wallpaper. Chouginga Gurren-Lagann
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 24 December 2007, 06:39:27 For some reason that reminds me of Ronin Warriors.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 25 December 2007, 06:22:45 It remind you of nothing! That mecha is the size of the moon! It's in a league of it's own!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 December 2007, 07:19:23 Too lazy to clean up my desktop enough to show, so imagine some Mac bar at the top, some baller-ass custom dock icons, rocking iTunes, and some folders about.
Mouse Guard. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 25 December 2007, 13:13:08 Much love for Mouse Guard.
Probably because I'm furry, but whatever. We don't even get Mouse Guard in Australia, as far as I'm aware. :( Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 25 December 2007, 13:24:06 I think I'm pretty glad I don't know what that is.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 December 2007, 17:35:43 It's not a furry thing, I hate that #####. It's like Redwall except good because they fight and ##### instead of doing boring crap all the time. Also it's graphic novel/comic and not a novel/moderately entertaining cartoon.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 27 December 2007, 00:52:35 There's fighting in Redwall.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 27 December 2007, 01:14:49 Redwall is BORING.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 December 2007, 01:26:40 Gee, it sure is boring around here. ::)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 27 December 2007, 01:29:10 My boy, this piece is what all true warriors strive for...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 December 2007, 01:33:48 I just wonder what Ganon's up to.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 31 December 2007, 21:20:18 Enough! My ship sails morning! I wonder what's for dinner.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 31 December 2007, 23:33:13 It is written, only Link can defeat Ganon.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 January 2008, 02:52:29 You dare bring light into my lair? YOU MUST DIE!!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 1 January 2008, 03:22:45 Rope? Lamp oil? Bombs? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough rubys.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 1 January 2008, 06:29:49 Rubys?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 January 2008, 06:30:35 ##### YOU RUINED THE CONSISTENCY DAMN YOU WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY >:( >:(
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 1 January 2008, 09:03:27 Yeah, on the CD-i they said rubys.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 1 January 2008, 22:16:22 I came....
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 1 January 2008, 22:45:39 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 2 January 2008, 00:01:39 Yeah, that's a curious post, there, Xel...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 2 January 2008, 00:14:32 Sorry...
I thought that quote was with the CD-I games. Didn't Ganon say that or something then about making someones face and dying. Bah...I've been at ED too much. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Jakey on 2 January 2008, 01:08:57 You've been at Erectile Dysfunction too much?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 2 January 2008, 01:14:04 Encyclopedia Dramatica.
That's where I've been during MMM's downtime. Alot of NSFW stuff there but it has alot of funny crap and ED is not to be taken too seriously. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 January 2008, 01:31:38 Encyclopedia Dramatica is barely funny taken seriously or not. The only thing I found remotely worth reading there was the term "an hero".
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 2 January 2008, 01:37:25 Yeah. I stay away from the gross crap and read more of the lesser stuff like memes.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 January 2008, 01:42:28 I'm not even talking about gross stuff. I'm talking common decencies regarding race, religion, etc. There's comedy, and then there's shock humour which has never been funny, interesting, or ballsy. I can and have taken all sorts of race and religious and such jokes, sometimes at my own expense, but ED isn't even comical in the SLIGHTEST. It's beyond rude, because sometimes people are rude because they think it's funny. It's just not funny and trying way too hard for shock value.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Voulnet on 2 January 2008, 13:00:40 You just pick what you want to read/enjoy there, Miky. ED is just like that, and if it's gonna change, it will be for the worse. Myself, I don't frequent ED, I just see some specific things for the LULZ. Hell, I was even mentioned in ED before, but someone removed it XD
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 January 2008, 17:29:39 Yeah yeah I'm just saying there's stuff that's totally rude and that crosses the line but still manages to be fun. ED doesn't. Like I can seriously develop a mental image of a person who adds to that site because it's trying so hard and it's so typical. I've read the page on Hitler; Not funny. I'm not being a prude or anything, I've done ##### for the lulz too, it's just not even funny while being offensive/wrong. I'd rather watch Mind of Mencia.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 2 January 2008, 18:39:02 Gee, it sure is boring around here.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 2 January 2008, 19:07:55 You dare bring light into my lair!?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 2 January 2008, 23:35:41 Join me Link and I will make your face the greatest in Coradie, or else you will die!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 2 January 2008, 23:50:51 How about a kiss for good luck?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 January 2008, 00:10:49 I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 3 January 2008, 00:40:01 All toasters toast toast.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 January 2008, 00:49:04 Remember, when ya pinch Wendy's pennies, they pinch back.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 3 January 2008, 19:41:04 That's MAMA luigi to you!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 January 2008, 19:44:32 Hello Tyrannosaurus Alan!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Snare on 8 January 2008, 04:04:16 I actually really liked youtube poop and stuff.
But you guys are killing it for me, my one and only solace. RUINED. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Jakey on 8 January 2008, 04:08:57 Don't listen to them Snare.
They still haven't reached Dr. Rabbit... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Snare on 8 January 2008, 04:11:00 Oh god, if they ruin Dr. Rabbit I'll be all kinds of stinky with anger.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 January 2008, 04:56:48 Hello there! I am Dr.Rabbit! The world's only rabbit dentist!
In all seriousness, does everyone suddenly love Youtube Poop? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 8 January 2008, 10:16:33 I never saw youtube poop.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 January 2008, 00:07:48 (I wonder how long it'll be before we have to say a thread isn't dial-up friendly. Dial-up should already be dead by now, why does it insist on living?)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Xero on 9 January 2008, 00:28:03 Cause people can't afford good internets.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Voulnet on 9 January 2008, 14:45:35 Hahah, you're 4 pages late, Mikey,
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 9 January 2008, 15:06:34 This page is too modem friendly- BAM!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 9 January 2008, 15:13:37 What happened to FIRE breathing dragons?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 9 January 2008, 15:24:49 They got wiped out last week, remember? The few that survived had to do some selective breading in order to created ligntning breathing dragons.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 9 January 2008, 15:36:19 What happened to FIRE breathing dragons?Fire breathing dragons are so 2007. *rolls eyes* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 9 January 2008, 17:42:43 I was going to say something similar. I like that picture. Change up the element.
I've seen fire, water, and ice. Lasers too, BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 10 January 2008, 01:04:39 Mine is epic.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 01:08:14 I call shenanigans.
UNCOOL Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 10 January 2008, 01:09:13 RIPOFF ARTIST!
*kicks Sano in the shin and runs off* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 10 January 2008, 01:10:02 I was about to ask why you didn't just kick him in the nuts.
Then I remembered. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 10 January 2008, 01:10:38 Shut up losers.
It's cooler with Haruhi. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 10 January 2008, 01:11:31 Why is there a cat anyway? There aren't any important animals in Haruhi except boobs.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 01:12:53 Yeah, Haruhi and Gurren-Lagann should never mix. It's like first rule of Ghost Busters.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 10 January 2008, 01:15:13 1st Rule of Ghost Busters, you don't talk about Ghost Busters.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 01:16:22 Hey, Mike. Ghost Busting is serious business. >_>
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 10 January 2008, 01:19:13 HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GHOST BUSTING?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 01:23:34 My school just happens to have a Ghost Busting class. Doesn't yours?
Heh. You and your underprivileged schools. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 10 January 2008, 01:35:03 It's actually a pretty hard class, I managed to finish with an A-, though.
I hear the Canadian school system is still against adopting it, though. Pity, really. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 10 January 2008, 01:37:21 Why is there a cat anyway? There aren't any important animals in Haruhi except boobs. That's Shamisen. He was the cat on Yuki's shoulder in episode zero, and in a later episode he was used as a cut away to censor The Computer Club President's name. Yeah, he didn't play much of an important role in the first season, but he does some memorable things later on in the story. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 10 January 2008, 01:44:42 [spoiler]If it turns human, I'm gonna puke.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 01:51:31 It's actually a pretty hard class, I managed to finish with an A-, though.Screw letters, we like our numbers, that way we know our percentage. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 10 January 2008, 01:52:09 [spoiler]If it turns human, I'm gonna puke.[/spoiler] No, nobody likes furfags. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 01:53:22 Yeah, Nova. >.>[spoiler]If it turns human, I'm gonna puke.[/spoiler] Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 10 January 2008, 01:57:58 Nova!? A furfag!? What!?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 02:10:24 Yeah, go git'em.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 10 January 2008, 02:26:00 My school just happens to have a Ghost Busting class. Doesn't yours? I was doing a line from Corner Gas you mook! Karen: "I thought the first rule of book club is that we don't talk about book club." Lacey: "That's Fight Club." Karen: "Howdoyouknowaboutfightclub?" And yeah, we don't have Ghost Busting class in Ottawa. Us "Otters", as you say, are BORN Ghost Busters! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 10 January 2008, 03:13:58 Are you sure it isn't just a class where you animate Ghost Busters?
I mean, I highly doubt you... Canadians could afford all of the equipment needed for a true Ghost Busters education. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 10 January 2008, 03:21:00 I said Ottawa people don't need a class on it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 10 January 2008, 06:04:24 No, nobody likes furfags.DRAMA! Wait, Nova's a furry? O_o Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 10 January 2008, 06:57:44 I'm really hoping he isn't.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 10 January 2008, 13:05:41 He is. I think. Probably.
Anyways, Mikey, I don't watch Corner Gass very often. Also, that otter thing was something I asked my friends, still to this day I don't know what they call people from Ottawa.. Care to fill me in? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 11 January 2008, 01:04:07 I don't know. "Ottawans"? You'd have to ask people outside the city I think, since there's no reason to talk about ourselves in the third person. I think it's just generally "People from Ottawa [who take all our tax dollars]". The second part is to be added if you're from one of the Territories.
Otter is funny though. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 11 January 2008, 01:26:21 Still haven't cleaned my desktop.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Jakey on 11 January 2008, 03:58:55 My wallpaper is EYEPOPPING!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 11 January 2008, 23:44:32 Oooh, neato.
His head is shaped like an egg. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 January 2008, 04:28:11 Uhf. PC.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 12 January 2008, 06:12:59 So, is Nova a furfag? We never cleared that up.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 January 2008, 06:44:23 None of our business.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 12 January 2008, 06:52:22 Yes it is Mike. Friends don't let friends be furfags.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 January 2008, 06:54:37 The amount of times the word fag is on this page is more than annoying already.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 12 January 2008, 06:56:21 Fine. Friends don't let friends love furrys.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 12 January 2008, 14:14:47 *looks at my username*
...what's wrong with being furry? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 12 January 2008, 19:29:22 Everything.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Snare on 13 January 2008, 02:14:37 The amount of times the word fag is on this page is more than annoying already. It never fails. Sano will bring up homosexuality or question of manliness in every topic he posts in. EVEN IF IT IS ONLY PART OF A WORD. Well played, Sano. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 13 January 2008, 03:48:13 Er, where did ANYONE get the idea that I was a furry-lover or whatever?
Riiight. I'm not. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 13 January 2008, 04:11:34 Sounded pretty random and accusational to me.
I say we beat Sano. And not the good kind. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 13 January 2008, 04:13:32 Actually, it was Wind who called me it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 January 2008, 04:14:57 YEAH LETS BEAT SANO!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 13 January 2008, 05:15:16 No, I was defending my faithful sidekick all the way.
I say WIND deserves a good spanking... WITH A BASEBALL BAT! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 January 2008, 05:24:29 Spank Wind on your own time like we know you dream about every night while listening to Your Chemical Romance LPs under the covers with a flashlight writing in your diary about how pissed off you are at your parents for making you get braces and how you can't have popcorn with the other boys when your cabin watches movies because it gets stuck in your brace face. "Oh I can't chew gum! Oh I can't eat soy! Lactose gives me spastic colon! My feet are wet!" LISTEN TO YOURSELF, MAN! You're spiraling down an evervescent tube to your own demise, man! An obsidian void is creeping up inside your soul, the very core of being is drowning, drenched in the puss and bile and waste that has become your own mind. You think there's no system, man? You think they're not watching? They're not lisntening? There's a sticker on every banana, man! Think about that #####!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 13 January 2008, 05:25:49 I have. No idea. What I just read, but it made me smile.
A lot. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 13 January 2008, 05:55:03 Spank Wind on your own time like we know you dream about every night while listening to Your Chemical Romance LPs under the covers with a flashlight writing in your diary about how pissed off you are at your parents for making you get braces and how you can't have popcorn with the other boys when your cabin watches movies because it gets stuck in your brace face. "Oh I can't chew gum! Oh I can't eat soy! Lactose gives me spastic colon! My feet are wet!" LISTEN TO YOURSELF, MAN! You're spiraling down an evervescent tube to your own demise, man! An obsidian void is creeping up inside your soul, the very core of being is drowning, drenched in the puss and bile and waste that has become your own mind. You think there's no system, man? You think they're not watching? They're not listening? There's a sticker on every banana, man! Think about that #####! Chemical Romance sucks. I chose to get braces. I hate popcorn. I don't live in a cabin with other boys and watch movies. I still chew gum anyway. I don't even really know what Soy is. I've never really cared about my colon. I actually do have to be careful about having my feet wet because letting my feet be wet for an extended amount of time gives me a really bad rash called Eczima. I hate my own voice. I like water tube slides. I don't care about systems, math annoys me. I don't care if math is watching me. Or listening to me. I don't care about the sticker, I don't eat the peel. I won't think at all. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 13 January 2008, 06:00:23 My Chemical Romance is a love-it-or-hate-it band.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 January 2008, 06:05:24 Hate it.
Spank Wind on your own time like we know you dream about every night while listening to Your Chemical Romance LPs under the covers with a flashlight writing in your diary about how pissed off you are at your parents for making you get braces and how you can't have popcorn with the other boys when your cabin watches movies because it gets stuck in your brace face. "Oh I can't chew gum! Oh I can't eat soy! Lactose gives me spastic colon! My feet are wet!" LISTEN TO YOURSELF, MAN! You're spiraling down an evervescent tube to your own demise, man! An obsidian void is creeping up inside your soul, the very core of being is drowning, drenched in the puss and bile and waste that has become your own mind. You think there's no system, man? You think they're not watching? They're not listening? There's a sticker on every banana, man! Think about that #####! You're the one that listens to them. Braces are for nerds with bad teeth like you. Popcorn > You. Cabins are at camp, the idea was that you're at camp, keep up. How do people not know what soy is? You'd care if you had spastic colon, look it up. Eczema is gross and is spelled with 2 E's. A lot of people hate their own voice. Waterslides are fun, a portal to death isn't (unless you're a FOR-TRUE emo, but that's an oxymoron). I said nothing about math, don't change the subject (the subject is not math, english, law or any scholastic "subject"). Math has no eyes with which to watch, but THEY do. Math has no ears with which to listen, but THEY do. The sticker is a device, the peel is a lie. Why should today be any different? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 13 January 2008, 06:11:20 Haven't listened to it. But I come across people who love it and people who hate it regularly, and the people who like it tend to have respectable opinions, so I figure it's just that.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 13 January 2008, 06:15:52 You're the one that listens to them. Braces are for nerds with bad teeth like you. Popcorn > You. Cabins are at camp, the idea was that you're at camp, keep up. How do people not know what soy is? You'd care if you had spastic colon, look it up. Eczema is gross and is spelled with 2 E's. A lot of people hate their own voice. Waterslides are fun, a portal to death isn't (unless you're a FOR-TRUE emo, but that's an oxymoron). I said nothing about math, don't change the subject (the subject is not math, English, law or any scholastic "subject"). Math has no eyes with which to watch, but THEY do. Math has no ears with which to listen, but THEY do. The sticker is a device, the peel is a lie. Why should today be any different? No, you are. Braces are for people who want teeth that work correctly. Me > You. Yeah, i got that, I've never been to a camp anyway. Because soy is stupid. No, colons are stupid. I know Eczema is gross, and there are many ways to spell it, be glad my way was anywhere close to correct. I know. Dieing is for losers and fat people. I like English! THEY suck. THEY suck. The sticker is a tiny piece of paper with adhesive on the back, the peel is real and born in nature. It's actually night right now. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 13 January 2008, 06:19:48 Reading this is mental rape.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 January 2008, 06:23:30 Pretty much.
You're the one that listens to them. Braces are for nerds with bad teeth like you. Popcorn > You. Cabins are at camp, the idea was that you're at camp, keep up. How do people not know what soy is? You'd care if you had spastic colon, look it up. Eczema is gross and is spelled with 2 E's. A lot of people hate their own voice. Waterslides are fun, a portal to death isn't (unless you're a FOR-TRUE emo, but that's an oxymoron). I said nothing about math, don't change the subject (the subject is not math, English, law or any scholastic "subject"). Math has no eyes with which to watch, but THEY do. Math has no ears with which to listen, but THEY do. The sticker is a device, the peel is a lie. Why should today be any different? Wrong. You should have been awesome enough to grow teeth correctly out sheer force of will. Wrong. That's sucky. Wrong. That's ignorant. As far as the DICTIONARY is concerned, it's eczema. Me too. Pretty much. Me too. Yes, but do THEY swallow? Yes, but do THEY spit? The sticker is a device, the peel is a lie. Night is a device. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 13 January 2008, 06:33:12 Wrong. You should have been awesome enough to grow teeth correctly out sheer force of will. Wrong. That's sucky. Wrong. That's ignorant. As far as the DICTIONARY is concerned, it's eczema. Me too. Pretty much. Me too. Yes, but do THEY swallow? Yes, but do THEY spit? The sticker is a device, the peel is a lie. Night is a device. Yes huh. One can't change how they were born. I've never really been interested. Yes huh. Fine, I'll check it out later. Well, now I know so it's fine. Cool. Yeah. Great. I'm sure THEY do. If THEY feel like looking extremely rude. No not really, and the peel is pretty real to me. Night is a period of time characterized by darkness and the sun being at the other side of the Earth. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 January 2008, 06:33:38 Both of you shut the hell up. Please.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 January 2008, 06:39:43 I could've just let him spank you, now he's distracted. Anyway it's pretty much totally dissolved now.
Wrong. You should have been awesome enough to grow teeth correctly out sheer force of will. Wrong. That's sucky. Wrong. That's ignorant. As far as the DICTIONARY is concerned, it's eczema. Me too. Pretty much. Me too. Yes, but do THEY swallow? Yes, but do THEY spit? The sticker is a device, the peel is a lie. Night is a device. No, not at all. You can if you're born from aliens, I suspect. It's fun. Nope. Don't bother it's gross. OK. Yep. Yep. THEY do. THEY don't. Night is a lie. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 13 January 2008, 06:56:07 I'm so over this.
Back to business, it's time to spank WIND. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 January 2008, 07:02:19 Deal, but I'm not paying you for Digimon.
*bends down* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 13 January 2008, 07:10:02 NO! MY FREAKIN' DIGIMON! DIE!
*Bat'd.* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 January 2008, 07:12:48 BUT YOU *thwack* PROMISED! ;_;
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 January 2008, 08:11:00 I'm so over this. Translation: Mike wins. Again. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 13 January 2008, 16:38:23 It's undeniable.
That argument was an enjoyable read. I kind of want to save it... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 13 January 2008, 17:47:40 Do it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 14 January 2008, 12:54:20 Save it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 14 January 2008, 21:26:15 Done.
Tell me if I screwed up. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 14 January 2008, 23:15:06 You did.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 15 January 2008, 02:08:35 Formatting plz.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 15 January 2008, 02:14:42 Elaboration would help.
I'm not sure how accurately Mac rtf->txt-> your computers looks. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 15 January 2008, 02:16:12 Essentially, it's just one big blob of text. Make it a new line every time someone speaks.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 15 January 2008, 02:39:31 What he said.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 15 January 2008, 23:58:10 ...oh.
*goes to fix?* Posted on: January 15, 2008, 06:55:40 PM Failure, in that it looks fine on my end. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 17 January 2008, 23:15:05 My desktop is just a drawing I found of Kali (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali) with a bloody sword in one hand, a dick in another, a severed head in another, a heart on the palm of the last one, and a look of insanity.
It's on an orange background with a yellow glow behind her. I love it, but I don't think I could post it here. >_> Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 17 January 2008, 23:22:10 But we LOVE dicks!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 17 January 2008, 23:32:26 Not chopped-off ones. :3
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 17 January 2008, 23:43:10 Yeah, I was trying to picture just, y'know, a dick.
I just didn't want to describe it in my head and "chopped-off." EDIT: I take full responsibility for this extremely homoerotic post. Ew. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 January 2008, 23:02:45 For the TTGL watchers.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 20 January 2008, 23:11:10 Why is his pelvis the focus?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 20 January 2008, 23:30:57 For you, Sano. For you.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 12 February 2008, 04:03:22 I got some crazy program that Mac-ifies my windows task bar. Extremely customizable.
LOVE IT. Also, ph33r teh almighty Jack Frost. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 12 February 2008, 11:47:36 Dude, take away the writing and you have a nice wallpaper, there.
Otherwise, you do not. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 12 February 2008, 16:03:55 Especially since the Japanese text is randomly solid-white in comparison to the lighter-blue everywhere else.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 12 February 2008, 22:17:40 Hey, don't look at me, I didn't make it. >_>
But I was meaning to resize and blur it so it doesn't look so choppy, I guess I'll remove the text as well. Posted on: 12 February 2008, 11:54:03 Update: Looks MUCH nicer now. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 12 February 2008, 22:34:52 Yes, yes it does.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 February 2008, 17:34:00 That program is cool. When I get an Intel Mac I will have to use that on my windows account so I can do ##### faster when I switch around. That's not really perfect but it's pretty much close enough to the dock.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 16 February 2008, 06:36:20 With a blood-red scheme.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 16 February 2008, 08:04:35 Awwww ##### yeah.
^ Actual spoken response. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 16 February 2008, 18:02:20 Pretty.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rama Olendris on 21 February 2008, 22:07:34 Right now, this is my desktop. It makes me giggle.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 21 February 2008, 22:46:39 Reason number one why I use firefox.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 21 February 2008, 22:52:59 Humuna humuna humuna humuna humuna...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 21 February 2008, 23:06:35 Humuna humuna humuna humuna humuna...What he said. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 21 February 2008, 23:19:04 Ugh, no.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 22 February 2008, 00:06:10 Foxgirl?
OK. Loli foxgirl? No thank you. Also, since I should do this: FRACTAL Made with Apophysis flame fractal generator. yes that is my resolution Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 22 February 2008, 00:11:51 Yeah? Well, my resolution is 1920x1200!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 22 February 2008, 00:16:58 Enjoy your cataracts.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 22 February 2008, 00:24:29 I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS!
KING KITTAN! GIGA! DRILLLL!! BREAKKKKAAAAAAAA!!! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 22 February 2008, 18:46:02 This thread got messed up somehow, and a bunch of posts are missing from it now.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 22 February 2008, 19:00:36 Yeah, I thought I read those posts before...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 02:18:06 Imagine trying to reenact them all.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 23 February 2008, 03:35:22 Why imagine when we could phsyically do it?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 03:37:50 Because imagining it is far less pathetisad.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 03:40:28 Woah. This is freaky.
It's not even letting me post images at all now. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 03:43:22 You break everything you touch!!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 03:44:25 Not everything...
*touches the nearest member's arm* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 03:45:28 You're getting no where near my member.
Or my #####! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 03:46:15 Who said anything about your member?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 03:46:46 You just did!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 03:49:28 But you're not the nearest member.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 03:51:00 YOU'RE NOT GETTING NEAR MY MEMBER or my #####, DAMN YOU!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 23 February 2008, 03:51:22 -.-
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 03:51:53 My thoughts exactly.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 03:54:19 YOU'RE NOT GETTING NEAR MY MEMBER or my #####, DAMN YOU! Why would I want to? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2008, 04:05:55 "Why would I want to?" she says.
Oh lawrdy, this gurrl. Dayum. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 23 February 2008, 04:17:05 C'mon, even I want to!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 23 February 2008, 04:26:17 YOU'RE NOT GETTING NEAR MY MEMBER or my #####, DAMN YOU! You know what they say about those NINJA guys... They do it stealthily. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 04:35:12 Exactly. What's the point?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 23 February 2008, 13:29:54 Found the missing posts.
Someone posted 15million enormous images in one post and something went wrong. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 22:14:19 I posted one.
I tried to remove it and post another, and it all #####ed up. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 23 February 2008, 23:39:28 Someone posted 15million enormous images in one post and something went wrong. lol how? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 February 2008, 23:48:37 Found the missing posts. I posted one. Multiple tries probably #####ed something up. Either that, or it was the refreshing it when I got the white screen. The one that was too big wouldn't post, and the one I was trying to post after that was only 717k, which isn't that huge for this thread. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 24 February 2008, 09:45:13 Either way, it's up now. Show your desktops.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 26 February 2008, 19:48:36 Fixed the image problem.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 26 February 2008, 19:55:03 That was worth killing the thread.
Hehe, just messin'. Pretty cool, I suppose. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 26 February 2008, 20:08:00 I found out that my MSPaint canvas settings were #####ed up, and there was like a time and a half again the width and several times the height of the actual image in blank, white space.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 27 February 2008, 07:34:36 That seems like it would be... distracting.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 28 February 2008, 01:30:25 Shiny
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 28 February 2008, 01:31:15 I can't help but compare that with Rez.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 28 February 2008, 01:32:37 Yeah.. it even has a little pet rodent! : O
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 28 February 2008, 01:33:57 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 28 February 2008, 01:36:35 EVERYONE LEAVE THE PREMISES!
THIS TOPIC IS IN LOCKDOWN. I REPEAT. LEAVE THE PREMISES. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 28 February 2008, 01:37:23 W-WHAT!? I DIDN'T MEAN IT IN THAT WA-
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 28 February 2008, 02:12:06 OH GOD.
*Gets soaked in blood* *Pulls out umbrella* *Umbrella gets so soaked with blood that the blood seeps through and hits me* *Gets soaked in more blood* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 28 February 2008, 02:42:47 OH ##### IT'S TRABBITS TOUCHDOWN
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 28 February 2008, 02:48:09 MAINTAIN THE QUARANTINE!
[/28 Days Later poster] Anyway that's not badass enough to be Rez but it makes me want to draw one of Rez and Nibbles like that because it WOULD be awesome. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 28 February 2008, 02:56:27 Wind, I stole your wallpaper.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 1 March 2008, 08:55:35 Can't wait for Brawl...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 1 March 2008, 09:54:43 Lucario is a dumb character that shouldn't be in BRAWL.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 1 March 2008, 11:23:38 I don't know why everyone hates Lucario so much, maybe because people think he replaced Mewtwo?
He's an Anubis, which is awesome in it's own right, and then he has the cool gameplay design of dealing more damage the higher his percentage is, and apparently he can stick to walls, and he has a cool and tricky to use Up B move. He has a crazy range as well, and his final smash rocks. Why wouldn't you want him in Brawl? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 1 March 2008, 13:23:48 Because he looks dumb and I'm sick of them filling in slots with Pokemon, when that easily could have been someone like Waluigi.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 1 March 2008, 13:24:22 Because he's an unnecessary Pokemon and there was nothing wrong with Mewtwo.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 1 March 2008, 13:24:49 Man, I don't even care about Mewtwo, I just think he looks dumb.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 1 March 2008, 13:28:19 He looks like he's wearing huge shorts.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 March 2008, 14:51:54 Mewtwo sucked, but that doesn't mean I didn't like him. I would've improved him for Brawl, not replace him.
... If I was Sakurai, that is. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 1 March 2008, 19:49:14 I agree with Panda. Screw improving Mewtwo if they could bring in a better character with a cooler concept.
I'm also glad it wasn't Waluigi. They're not "filling in slots" with Pokemon as much as they're doing with Mario characters (there's actually still only four Pokemon slots, the number hasn't even gone up), and enough is enough. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 1 March 2008, 20:29:06 Hm hm hm photoshop...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 March 2008, 21:03:39 That makes me smile.
... Also, I just remembered. My friend said they're dubbing the anime. Source was from an Anime Insider magazine. ... I'm HOPING that's a good thing. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 2 March 2008, 04:53:00 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 2 March 2008, 04:58:56 My friend's uncle was a Zeus.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 2 March 2008, 05:03:31 I just figured "an Anubis" was something given the physical characteristics of Anubis.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 2 March 2008, 05:04:38 Anubis is the God of death (in Egypt).
He should have said "He looks similar to Anubis". Which he doesn't. Lucario looks like a chump. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 2 March 2008, 05:10:41 I KNOW what Anubis is. I even clearly implied that I did. I'm just saying that when I read his post, I simply differentiated between the God "Anubis" and "an Anubis," Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 2 March 2008, 05:35:29 And I'm saying him calling Lucario "an Anubis" is stupid.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 March 2008, 06:04:41 I KNOW what Anubis is. I even clearly implied that I did. I'm just saying that when I read his post, I simply differentiated between the God "Anubis" and "an Anubis," Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has nothing to do with Anubis. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 2 March 2008, 06:07:06 Well, Gods-in-general damn you and your logic.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 March 2008, 04:22:43 Anubis=Jackal Man.
Lucario looks like a Jackal Man. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 3 March 2008, 04:25:05 Fox McCloud + Sly Cooper = Lucario
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 March 2008, 04:26:28 Sly Cooper = Phail
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 3 March 2008, 04:30:44 So Lucario is, at the very least, phail by proxy.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 March 2008, 04:34:15 No, you just suck at math.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 March 2008, 04:37:15 Holy on topic.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 March 2008, 04:37:56 (http://sano.sytes.net/images/reactionlawl.gif)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 March 2008, 04:40:39 Two posts with this image....
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 3 March 2008, 04:41:45 No, you just suck at math. Assuming your statement about Sly Cooper is correct, that makes Lucario %50 phail by volume. Near as I can tell, my math is dead on. Perhaps your tastes just suck. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 3 March 2008, 11:31:28 He's an Anubis Stop being a Hitler. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 3 March 2008, 11:37:09 Don't be a Sano.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 3 March 2008, 11:47:59 Okay, now that's going a bit far.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 3 March 2008, 11:57:51 I say I'm not going far enough!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 3 March 2008, 12:10:52 What's farther than Sano?
Further? Farther? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 3 March 2008, 12:17:25 Pulling a Panda.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Panda on 3 March 2008, 12:33:49 I don't love you anymore, Lunk heart.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rama Olendris on 3 March 2008, 21:47:00 Fan art of X that -isn't- girly, I was very surprised.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 3 March 2008, 21:48:53 Looks good, but why did you take a picture of your monitor? xD You can easily just press the Print Screen button (above Insert on right of keyboard) and paste it in paint and save it and then upload that.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 3 March 2008, 21:50:11 It's ghetto screen cap! SHADDAP
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rama Olendris on 3 March 2008, 22:13:15 Looks good, but why did you take a picture of your monitor? xD You can easily just press the Print Screen button (above Insert on right of keyboard) and paste it in paint and save it and then upload that. Because I'm at school and I took the photo of my monitor by accident yesterday and thought just now to post it. If I were at home I'd take a screen shot, but I'm not. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 March 2008, 23:32:02 That is a sick desktop.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 3 March 2008, 23:32:49 Looks good, but why did you take a picture of your monitor? xD You can easily just press the Print Screen button (above Insert on right of keyboard) and paste it in paint and save it and then upload that. Ah, nevermind then. Lolz Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 4 March 2008, 06:09:36 Too ra loo ra looo raa....
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Voulnet on 4 March 2008, 20:44:37 The very season they put those Celtics Dancers (after Red's death, because he opposed the idea of dancers), the Celtics had their worst season including a 17 or 18 loss streak.
The Lakers will win this year, check back with me in June. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 4 March 2008, 23:45:56 Wait, Red as in Red Dawn? He's dead?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Lunchebox on 5 March 2008, 00:27:55 Yes, because Red Dawn opposed the dancers, they waited until he died to put them on the Celtics.
Because we all know how much influence Red Dawn had over the Celtics. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 March 2008, 00:30:01 Lunche said it. Must be true.
... wait, he's being sarcastic. ... THEN THAT MEANS... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 00:42:20 Wait, Red as in Red Dawn? He's dead? Red Auerbach, fool. Greatest Celtics coach in ever. The very season they put those Celtics Dancers (after Red's death, because he opposed the idea of dancers), the Celtics had their worst season including a 17 or 18 loss streak. That was because Red was gone, not because of the dancers. Either way I don't really care about the dancers in NBA, NFL cheerleaders, or anything as I don't bother watching their stuff. I put that up because I wanted a change and Green is the joint, and women are the joint, and the Celtics are the joint. Unfortunately one of them has a quasi-ugly face. I think one of the dumbest NBA little group things is those G-Boys or whatever. I think they're from the Mavs or somewhere as my friend showed them to me and he's a Mavs fan. Lakers are of course doing awesome as usual, but Cetics are having an awesome season. Though they often start off well and then spin off when it gets down to it. Mavs are doing well too, I think. Whatever, I like Celtics more for history than I do for current stuff, as with all sports teams for me. Fun fact: Celtics are the third most successful professional sports team in history under the Montreal Canadians (my favourite NHL team), and the New York Yankees. I haven't had a favourite MLB team in a long time, but I like a bunch. For NFL I have backed the Green Bay Packers since grade 8. But CFL is better, and I've backed the Ottawa team since birth. We were the original Rough Riders (which is a wicked football team name, especially pre-DMX Ruff Ryders) but the team closed and there was another Saskatchewan CFL team called the "Saskatchewan Roughriders" (founded under a different league until both merged into the CFL) with different colours (green and white instead of black and red). We came back as Renegades for a while in 2002 but I didn't like that team and they suspended in '06. There are current talks to get Ottawa a team again. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 5 March 2008, 01:25:43 Wait, Red as in Red Dawn? He's dead? No one understands when I'm trying to be silly. Then when I'm serious no one takes me serious. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: TheRedPriest on 5 March 2008, 01:40:25 Fan art of X that -isn't- girly, I was very surprised. He has the awful X8 style "X" ears. To hell with that. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 March 2008, 02:12:36 I like those earthingers on the normal X body.
Mike, which one do you say is Quasi-ugly? 5th from right? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 02:38:25 You can't tell in that picture. But that's probably her.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 5 March 2008, 03:17:02 New... I think I'll stick with this one for a while.
I mean, Look at it, he's suffering. Maybe that's sano... Naw. But whoever it is, he's suffering... and that's nice. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 5 March 2008, 03:18:56 That's not me, I'm way better at slamming my face against scanners.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 03:22:05 If that was like an actual photo and not "Dhurr I'm on a scanner being dark" it could be coolish.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 5 March 2008, 04:16:57 Besides, I still did better that time I mashed my face against a scanner.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Voulnet on 5 March 2008, 19:16:46 Yeah, the Cs have a lot of history alright, and 17 banners speak for themselves, but the Celtics had most of their success during the 50s, while the Lakers had their 14 titles distributed over the 50s, 70s, 80s and the last threepeat in 2000, they also have the best franchise winning percentage.Wait, Red as in Red Dawn? He's dead? I'm really praying for a Lakers-Celtics finals this year, it would be marvelous! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 20:35:24 Probably wouldn't happen but yeah.
(http://img1.college-football-sports.com/img/showpics/7c/1f/l34c129d80000_1_6969.jpg) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 6 April 2008, 05:54:14 I'm going to try to forget I just looked at that.
My own is fairly bland, but what can I do? I have no real image-editing talent or training at this point. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 April 2008, 07:09:47 I'm going to try to forget I just looked at that. You clearly know nothing about the NBA and should've stopped talking before starting. But I approve of your background subject. Although I find the art just, uhf, the same old kind of stuff, even though it's well done. SCII should have way more kickass pictures than that boring jargon. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 6 April 2008, 21:18:09 You clearly know nothing about the NBA and should've stopped talking before starting.I heartily agree. But I approve of your background subject. Although I find the art just, uhf, the same old kind of stuff, even though it's well done. SCII should have way more kickass pictures than that boring jargon.Like I said, rather bland. I could have used one of the teaser screenshots, but that would be far too busy and hide my shortcuts (what few I have at the moment), so I just picked up one of Blizzard's promo wallpapers instead. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 April 2008, 22:40:55 I find Blizzard always sucks at promo wallpapers. They make some of the most boring wallpaper out of awesome pictures. But I'm not a fan of those kinds of wallpapers to begin with, so yeah.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 11 April 2008, 22:17:34 This isn't my current but I'm adding it to my collection. I'll probably use it a bit later, it's pretty nice, but the size weird. Needs something like the title up there too : \
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 12 April 2008, 04:22:38 If you center it, rather than stretch, it looks good.
Or just increase the whole size and paint the background using the same black. I like it. It's simple. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 April 2008, 04:46:39 Needs something like the title up there too : \ It's far better without. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 12 April 2008, 05:42:21 Something like that, it lacks something. But I love the simplicity.
And to Chaos, I've actually edited this from another one, which was too big and would have had the image of Samus off screen. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 April 2008, 06:10:01 It won't look lacking once your icons are over it. The title would be gawdy and just a clunk as there's no real place to put it that's good.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 12 April 2008, 17:37:05 Mac's icons are on the right, right?
Personally, I'd have the picture to the right, since my icons are to my left, with a PC and all. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 April 2008, 18:01:03 The icons on either OS are where ever you put them, but yes by default the icons or on the right.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 12 April 2008, 18:52:12 Damn Macs, always trying to be different. "X" button on the left, icons on the right.
Just kidding, but I've always founnd those little obvious differences to be funny. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 April 2008, 22:14:04 I think you mean "Damn Windows" actually, since it came out later and (I've heard) was based off Mac in the first place.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 12 April 2008, 23:16:44 Phooey.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 April 2008, 07:50:47 Does your precious Windows enable the use of all 250 mouse buttons!? MAC DOES!
I'm leaning towards my computer being retarded, but whatever, it's humorous.. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 April 2008, 18:04:43 What did you even click to get mouse buttons to show up in Dashboard & Exposé?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 April 2008, 21:20:59 Theres a list beside F9-12, then you can use some mouse buttons on the side or even the scroll wheel button to hide your windows, show them all in minimal view etc..
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: TheRedPriest on 14 April 2008, 14:57:30 ... a Mac? A MAC?! Jesus H Christ boy, didn't I teach you better than that?
:: back hands with iron glove :: Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Rama Olendris on 17 April 2008, 22:59:25 I decided to revisit my favorite Final Fantasy and was surprised to find out they 're-did' it. I am looking forward to seeing how well it is when it comes out in July. Nice new artwork.
This is Edge. My favorite character from FFIV. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 18 April 2008, 05:13:27 The Final Fantasy IV remake is going to be awesome. Hope they hired some decent English voice actors though.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 18 April 2008, 05:18:53 I hear they're also going to make a sequel to FF4, having Cecil's son or something..
Oh wait, lemme guess, this is old news, SORRY. WINDS ALWAYS UNDER A FREAKIN' ROCK! GOD #####ING DAMN! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 18 April 2008, 05:36:15 IV = 4, buddy.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 18 April 2008, 05:37:46 I hear they're also going to make a sequel to FF4, having Cecil's son or something.. Yeah. There's a sequel alright. For cell phones. Japan only. ... Man it's cOLD in here, I think that's from the draft coming from Wind. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 18 April 2008, 05:38:43 OH. I see what Wind meant. My mistake.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 19 April 2008, 00:24:04 Old news or not, I never really cared.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 3 May 2008, 23:52:39 Not as hard as it looks.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 4 May 2008, 02:29:02 WAT IS GOING ON.
IT HURT MY BRAIN. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 May 2008, 02:44:00 ACTUAL WINDOW EDITION doesn't look as cool at night, when the rest of the room is dark and my screen is still a photo of a bright wall and cords.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 4 May 2008, 02:56:16 If I had more behind my screen I could do that decently....
It's really just a wall though. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 May 2008, 05:00:58 WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 4 May 2008, 05:09:34 PIME TARADOX!
*smashes head on desk* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 4 May 2008, 20:42:05 That wouldn't work with my laptop, but I could try making it look as if I'm looking into a mirror...
I might investigate this further... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 May 2008, 21:36:44 That was one of my other ideas.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 4 May 2008, 21:39:01 EASY FOR YOU TO SAY NOW!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 May 2008, 21:40:52 I ALSO THOUGHT OF CHAIRS AND TELEVISION BUT I NEVER SPEAK UP EARLY ENOUGH
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 4 May 2008, 21:42:53 Everyone hears about Edison but you never hear about the SECOND guy who thought up the light bulb.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 4 May 2008, 21:47:15 I heard the lightbulb was already created, but Edison was the first one to patent it and claim it as his own.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 4 May 2008, 21:50:34 Probably.
And to be fair, EVERYONE thought of the light bulb just like everyone's thought of the flying car (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsFfBB2W7IA). Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 02:40:10 Here's my desktop. The Fighter Ace is my dad's, he likes plane games. And unfortunately I'm still stuck with Windows XP. And now you know where I got my avatar.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 02:42:37 Windows XP is better than Vista.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 02:45:44 That's what my dad said. He said Vista looks better, but it's actually loaded with crap. I can't say because I've never used it. He's had experience because he's a computer technician, but I think Vista looks awesome.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 02:46:56 Vista is good if you shut everything off.
I do that. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 03:15:59 Then isn't it just basically Windows XP?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 03:19:02 Yes, but prettier with faster searching.
Anyone who runs all the crap that come with Vista is a tool. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 03:42:05 Then they shouldn't sell it with all that crap. I don't want to have to manually turn off a bunch of programs to use my computer.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 03:59:22 Here are the programs that run when I start up my computer.
-Java -touchpad software -Windows Explorer -a few little windows background things. That's it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:01:20 That's a rather invasive and expensive XP patch.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:11:28 It came on the Machine.
I might as well be using XP though, hell even all the little monitors that Vista would normally run aren't on. HAY GUYZ!!!! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:14:40 Originally I read "I came on the Machine" and wondered what the hell would be that exciting about your list of processes. Why am I looking at a list of your processes?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:17:24 I dunno, because people run more of XP then I do on Vista?
Just trying to convey my point AND show how I operate (show desktop, close enough). Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:21:25 XP runs fine with more of the processes running than Vista does with fewer.
Even though that's a blind statement and I can't back it up, I enjoy sounding knowledgeable on the subject and will pretend that I'm right. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:24:04 It's true though, because Vista always has it's unused RAM doing SOMETHING on the side, whether it be getting ready for a search, or actually not in use at all. It's kind of annoying.
Anyways, it's okay. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:26:48 If it makes you feel any better I think computers in general were a step in the wrong direction for society, regardless of how much I enjoy them.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:28:48 I see what you mean, but I too thoroughly enjoy them.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:30:20 Computers are the best. They give you access to anything.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:30:43 Once again, bad move.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:33:03 Well, yeah, access to anything is bad. But I don't think computers are bad, it's just the internet.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:35:18 Computers are the best. They give you access to anything. And how do computeres give you access to anything? Oh, I do believe it's the internet. Anyway, I'm hardly serious. I've just always wondered how society would be if nobody ever thought computers would be a good idea. Of course it's only natural evolution that we created them and it was probably unavoidable. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:39:11 Well you can blame human curiousity for it unavoidability.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:43:06 Otaku, Rare candies are the worst way to level up a Pokemon, they don't get better stats, just attacks and possibly evolution.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:45:17 The only thing you can feed these stupid PokePlushies are Rare Candies.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:48:49 You'd better have a good dentist because I can guarantee you'll get at least one cavity.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:51:58 Stupid is right.
Anyway if no one thought of computers there would be nothing man-made in space, not MRI machines and a whole #####-load of other medical marvels, crap TV broadcasting, grainy movie quality, and much worse ways to make music portable (some kind of of mobile record player?) so I'll take my world of computers, thanks. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:52:42 I won't get a cavity, Darkrai will. And even if he did I wouldn't be able to find a dentist that would operate on a fictional pet.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:53:50 ...
It's called the delete button. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:55:45 If it was a Digimon instead of a Pokemon, he'd need a computer.
And then he'd just CUT and PASTE in a filling! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 06:15:11 COMPUTERS ARE AWESOME I WAS MAKING A HYPOCRITICALLY CYNICAL COMMENT
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 00:33:09 I hate Digimon. I'd take a fat Psyduck over those weird creatures anyday.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 6 June 2008, 01:16:51 Digimon rock.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 01:20:50 Digimon aren't any bit more or less weird than Pokemon...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 01:21:23 Digimon freaking rule.
I like the first 4 seasons. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 6 June 2008, 01:24:00 First 3, I'll give it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 01:28:09 Sure Pokemon is just as weird as Digimon, but Pokemon is a bigger franchise and it's much more popular. The Digimon people copied Pokemon's distinct name anyway. Dumb biters.
I used to wake up at seven in the morning just to watch Digimon on the TV in my mom's room. And then some Digimon went and made a loud battle cry, making my mom wake up and kick my buttox. I've hated Digimon ever since. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 01:42:43 Right. Digimon came out before Pokemon during the Tamagotchi age. Digimon started out as a Tamagotchi-like pet thing but you could hook two of them up and they'd fight and get exp.
First 3, I'll give it. 2. If that means the original team and the second team with Davis and ##### that came after the movie. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 6 June 2008, 01:50:14 The first two seasons are with the original team. That means the Devimon story arc and then the Etemon story arc. I watched these religiously.
Season 3 was with the new team, and I never really followed that one thoroughly but it didn't look bad. Season 4 was that Tamers nonsense and I hated it. Posted on: 6 June 2008, 01:44:30 Wait, now I'm confused. I just checked online and apparently Season 1 is 54 episodes and Etemon is on the 15th episode so there are a LOT more than I thought. I never knew it was on DVD. Amazing. (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000UUQG2Q/ref=pd_cp_d_2?pf_rd_p=316286001&pf_rd_s=center-41&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0007WW8CO&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0JREAH38BRWP52TMT905) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 02:39:36 I don't remember what Etemon was but the first team didn't finish until the movie, which bridged the gap between both teams. Before the movie it was a lot of stuff about them using those medallion things to digivolve to ultimate or whatever.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 02:44:17 Y'see, I never got into DigiMon, therefore I never liked it. And the fact that the fans in Elementary school were pretentious didn't help either.
I was really liking PokeMon at the time and collecting the cards. I remember a group of kids playing the DigiMon card game (which I heard sucked BTW), and I asked if any of them played PokeMon. I heard something on the lines of "HA! Who plays PokeMon? Everyone plays DigiMon now. Get with the times." There were like, three kids in the group. A VERY weak statement. Especially when I knew at least ten kids at the school brought their cards to school every week. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 6 June 2008, 02:47:07 Everyone played Pokemon, nobody played Digimon.
Actually, more people collected Pokemon than played it. Mike, Etemon was the Elvis-monkey Digimon. Like, my favorite character. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 02:56:21 Well, where I was, a lot more kids would've played rather than collected had the school policy not been retarded. If you played cards, they'd confiscate them or something. Same crap applied in Middle School. They were afraid kids would get their cards stolen or something, so the best thing you had to do was do undercover trades or just show some of your cards for bragging rights.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 02:57:27 Ha. That's just funny. Imagine their moded-ness when Pokemon came out with all their games and plushes and entertainment. The only Pokemon thing I don't like is the Pokemon TCG. It's dumb and it's weird. I prefer just sticking to the games.
Long ago, when I was a wee second grader, I ran out onto the yard during recess. I was so enthusiastic, because I had finally managed to sneak some Yu-Gi-Oh cards into my backpack and not let my father 'confiscate' them. I ran towards the group with all the nerdy boys who were into Pokemon and all that kid anime. I was like,"Look, look, my Yu-Gi-Oh cards!". They just stared and said,"We don't care about Yu-Gi-Oh, now it's Pokemon!" I was so downtrodden and somber. I got rejected by a bunch of nerds. By Pokemon cards. I guess that's why I'm not so fond of the Pokemon TCG. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 03:03:08 Yu-Gi-Oh! is far much better than PokeMon gameplay wise. PokeMon really in a nutshell consisted of playing "Energy" cards each turn and flipping coins. There's almost no strategic element.
During my Freshmen, Sophmore, and Junior years of High School, Yu-Gi-Oh! was commonly played. Some days, Magic would bust out or something rare like InuYasha or World of Warcraft, but it was usually Yu-Gi-Oh! or Magic. One time, some of them were actually playing PokeMon and I was all like "What the hell happened? This game is dead! Did Pikachu stick his hand out of the grave?" So we played PokeMon that week. No. Wait. That's right. The game sucked. We only played it for two days. The game was much more fun when I was younger. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 03:04:27 Pokemon TGC died along(or sometime before) with the Ruby/Sapphire age. The first base set was so bomb, everyone at my school went ape ##### for Pokemon cards. I remember my brother fishing out a ruined Charizard card in the school toilet, at the time, Charizard was the Exodia of Pokemon.
Don't get me started on Digimon, I still love it to bits, the first 2 seasons were godly. 3 was okay, not my favorite by far. I still play the games as well, Digimon World DS; I highly recommend it if you like Pokemon games. But Digimon World for PS1 still continues to be one of my favorite games in history. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 03:07:19 Charizard was the Exodia of Pokemon. Oh, it truly was. I could never get it during my Elementary years and during the Gold/Silver age, I actually managed to assemble and awesome Fire deck consisting of two Charizards and some Enteis. A few years later, I saw in a card shop, the same ol' Charizard which I had love, NOT HOLOGRAPHIC. It was still rare, but they reprinted the card in a pack or something without making it holographic. Something about it, make me die on the inside. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 03:09:04 I'm pretty sure it was base set #2. My cousin managed to get all 151 original Pokemon cards. I'd love to check them out some time.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 03:16:56 I don't think so. I remember base set #2. It must've been some other special pack or a base set higher than #2, 'cause it was around the time I quit PokeMon and Yu-Gi-Oh! just came out.
http://cgi.ebay.com/POKEMON-Charizard-3%2F110-non-holo-ex-ULTRA-RARE-_W0QQitemZ250255432535QQcmdZViewItem?IMSfp=TL0806042072r15023 Check the icon on the card. That's not the base set 2 icon. In fact, I have no idea what set that is. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 03:21:32 Ah, it's one of those. They probably re-released it recently.
Anyway, just a random fact I'm throwin' this out there... I love Crobat, when Platinum comes out I'm assembling a hardcore flying type team.. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 03:26:02 Everyone played Pokemon, nobody played Digimon. 'Kay, I'm reaaally sure it ended well after him, with yet another incarnation Miotismon that Cari and TK had to take care of with Angiwomon and MagnaAngimon (so much gayer than Angimon who is the coolest #####er ever). Anyway the Digimon Tamers season was OK, but I completely stopped watching after it as it was getting BEYOND crap. No one in my high school played Yu-Gi-Oh or any of that because, well, we were in high school. I have a friend who collected the cards at the time though, but didn't play. And other friends of mine played VS., which at the time was limited to Marvel. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 03:37:28 Well, I'll still play just for the fun of it all, and I heard some kids play in college.
Although, I think it's kinda stupid since it is college. High School was one thing, college is another. Also WIND, if you read, that Charizard was NOT released "recently". I saw that dumb thing around when Yu-Gi-Oh! came out, so I'd say it's about 5-6 years old. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 03:43:47 There will always be someone playing no matter their age, it's just that less and less people do the older they get.
I haven't been paying close attention to your Pokemon card discussion but Charizard came out when the TCG first came out. I remember the holofoil being particularly expensive. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 03:48:31 Yeah. Well that same Charizard they reprinted into a Non-Holo form. As said before, it's about 6 years old now and when I saw it, I thought it was one of the dumbest things I had ever seen.
I say the same thing about every Yu-Gi-Oh! card Upperdeck prints in a new Structure Deck as a common that was originally Ultra Rare and/or was something I worked hard to nab years ago. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 6 June 2008, 03:48:43 Mike, I made a mistake about the seasons. For some reason I thought Etemon was the start of Season 2 and then those 40 episodes after that with Myotismon and the 8th DigiDestined and whatnot was that the second season. I was wrong, I checked that.
About card games... nobody, not even the nerds, at my high school ever played any TCG's. I mean, maybe they did, but I never once witnessed it. Not once. No Yu-Gi-Oh!, no Pokemon, not even Magic. Middle school, though, yeah, everyone still played. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 03:57:06 Well, it was mostly the card game fanatics that kept it alive at school. Once they all graduated, stopped playing, or switch to Magic, everyone else stopped playing. By my Junior year, there were more card fanatics coming in as Freshmen, but they were complete douches who I'd be willing to bash in the face with a shovel without hesitation. It's still popular, but I'm not playing the game with fags.
And hell, Tourney tards even apply there. You play a simple game and they argue saying you don't know how to play or don't know how to use a certain card, and if you say anything about it, they say "they're a judge at a tournament" like it's supposed to some type of authoritic badge with ANY meaning. In short: Tourney Tards ruin Smash Bros. Tourney Tards ruin Yu-Gi-Oh! Tourney Tards ruin EVERYTHING. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 03:58:56 I just spent like 20 minutes trying to find a new wallpaper for my desktop so I could end this card discussion.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 03:59:58 That post will suffice.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 04:01:32 Damnit.
I just wasted 20 minutes of my li--- ... o wait i use teh intrnet lololol Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 04:03:44 My desktop is the Boston Celtics logo. On black.
So there. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 04:32:01 Yes, finally, a stop to this TCG madness.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 04:38:10 Most of it was old PokeMon clarification and ranting anyway.
But enough of that. MY DESKTOP SUCKS. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 04:45:27 My desktop is awesome. It has a pencil box on it, and my monitor, and a lamp . . .
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 04:56:02 ...
laaaaaaaame. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:02:53 Plus it has a little dog that barks if you press his paw . . . I'm just kidding, that's my brother.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:08:19 Even LAAAAMER.
Almost as lame as these.... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:10:06 Hey look, a funny star.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:11:10 JC, you made those?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:12:35 HA no.
I wish. I got them off some site and saved them in case I wanted to make an easy shop onto something. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:14:08 Cool, I made a pair exactly like those, but not that well drawn. It was just an orange line art with white reflections.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 05:20:59 Here for you ChaosVeeeeeeee!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:23:03 Cool, I made a pair exactly like those, but not that well drawn. It was just an orange line art with white reflections. I know, they were applied to my face, (http://www.megaman.co.uk/mboard/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=21.0;attach=971;image) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 05:23:45 Awesome.
I don't know whether to use it or put it in an imaginary frame and hang it on a cybernetic wall. I'll probably do the latter. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:24:15 Woah, that actually looks really nice. But instead of the black shirt emblazed with "CV Is OK!", you should've left him topless with some pheonix-shaped chest hair. Now that would be picture perfect.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:26:31 For you anyways, silly woman.
Also, I still didn't do that one of you CV, I'm gonna need a better picture, you smiling aint gonna cut it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 05:27:31 Woah, that actually looks really nice. But instead of the black shirt emblazed with "CV Is OK!", you should've left him topless with some pheonix-shaped chest hair. Now that would be picture perfect. Uh, no. That's just fine, thanks. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:29:02 I'm sorry I seem a bit creepy. I'm just random, that's all.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 05:29:58 The vortex took the longest (obviously), but in the stupidest way.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 20 June 2008, 05:21:09 I am VERY picky when it comes to desktop wallpapers.
Never, ever, ever before in my life have I seen a wallpaper online and desperately wanted to set it as my own. I've always had to make my own. I've never actually wanted to set a background I saw as my own. This is a major want. However, I can't find it. Somebody help me. I'm dying. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 June 2008, 05:23:07 I search desperately.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 20 June 2008, 05:27:39 John pulled through. Thank you.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 June 2008, 05:31:50 Yay for /r/.
In all it's gross there was a shining light. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 20 June 2008, 05:44:02 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v475/ASRman/RobertRainbowDesktop.png)
For those who want it: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v475/ASRman/DowneyRainbow.jpg Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 20 June 2008, 07:52:27 Yay for /r/. Eugh, you really DID suffer through the search process. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 20 June 2008, 13:34:44 That isn't 1680 x 1024.
I... I can't use it like that. Stark shouldn't be fuzzy unless he's drunk. Here's a sufficiently smaller version of the desktop I'm currently using as of right now. A little busy, but it's good. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 June 2008, 16:08:13 Very busy, so much epic though.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 20 June 2008, 16:38:13 Chron, I have the 1900x1200 hi-res version but I didn't realize when it uploaded to Photobucket, it shrunk.
Also, I like that as a picture, not as a desktop. Cool. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 21 June 2008, 01:31:41 I need to make a wallpaper out of this.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 26 June 2008, 18:29:18 Chron, I love Coca-Cola. Therefore I love you for posting that.
Posted on: 21 June 2008, 01:47:32 Yeah yeah, another Gurren Laggan one. But anyway, I emailed a guy on DeviantArt and asked if he could send me this desktop, since it blew my mind. Seriously, my minds all over the wall, its a mess. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 26 June 2008, 18:44:56 My current desktop image (in whatever resolution makes you happy) (http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/details.php?id=1543&w=1280&h=800)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Dizzy on 27 June 2008, 22:03:35 Seems like nothing has really changed on the forums much. :D
Spawn desktop. Gotten into a lot of comics lately. Usually of the horror genre. Actually, I've really been drawn into horror anything lately. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 28 June 2008, 02:01:54 Spawn has like 4 stories. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 2 July 2008, 04:16:20 New wallpaper. Got it off of leasticoulddo.com, it's hecka funny.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 2 July 2008, 04:17:18 Stop saying hecka, its worse than hella.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 2 July 2008, 04:17:35 There's nothing wrong with "hella."
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 2 July 2008, 04:20:01 Growing up in an elementary school that loves South Park, I find the fad "hella" lasted too long, and lost its luster after the first few minutes. I find it hard not to hate.
GOOD DAY Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 2 July 2008, 04:26:21 Hella funny?
I fail to see it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 2 July 2008, 04:41:34 Fine, I'll just speak like a human and use the word 'really'. And I think it's funny once in a while. And in those few times the strip gets hilarious.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 July 2008, 05:56:31 I started using hella after the No Doubt song "Hella Good" and before South Park touched on it. I was pretty much the only person I know who ever said it, but I was still getting a bit tired of it by the time South Park started with it.
Anyway I wouldn't call that desktop hecka funny. Not because I don't think it's hecka funny, but because I don't think it's hecka funny. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 2 July 2008, 14:40:59 I find nothing humorous about it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 2 July 2008, 17:22:35 Neither do I.
I never really started SAYING "hella", but I used it every once in a while after South Park did it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 July 2008, 18:28:03 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 2 July 2008, 23:06:57 Guys, I'm not calling the friggin' desktop funny! I meant the comic!! The wallpaper is okay, but there is definitely nothing funny about it. When I said it was 'hecka funny' I meant the comic strip at leasticoulddo.com is funny. You guys are too literal.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 July 2008, 23:13:06 No. Actually, we're not the ones who are wrong. I can dissect your post in a second and see that.
You said New wallpaper. Got it off of leasticoulddo.com, it's hecka funny. The first "it" refers to the subject, which you established was your "New wallpaper". Every instance of "it" after that refers to that subject until you change the subject, which you didn't, so "it's hecka funny" referred to the "New wallpaper". You should have said something more like "New wallpaper. I got it off blahblah.com, which is a hecka funny webcomic." or so. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 2 July 2008, 23:15:20 You've been playing too much Ace Attorney Mike-o.
And theres nothing wrong with that. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 July 2008, 23:19:54 There's nothing Ace Attorney-ey about that!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 2 July 2008, 23:25:16 Fine then, you're not an attorney after all. Just a ninja. Not a ninja-attorney.
JUST A NINJA Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 July 2008, 23:31:30 I'm a ninjattorney when I have to be, I just didn't have to be in this case.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 3 July 2008, 01:59:52 Oh God, now I'm having visions of Mikero as an attorney.
"OBJECTION!!!" "Overrul--GAK" "I think you meant to say sustained." Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 3 July 2008, 04:12:48 Didn't he make an Ace Attorney sprite of himself a while back?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 3 July 2008, 06:12:58 .
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 3 July 2008, 15:55:03 Hehehe, yep.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 3 July 2008, 20:59:06 I remember it being as jaggy as that. I'll have to work on it again.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 11 July 2008, 17:11:21 And that the defense attorney badge is supposed to be yellow. Though you might've said he was a prosecuter, I dont remember too well.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 12 July 2008, 01:13:35 He is a prosecutor, but I'm taking out the badge entirely if I go back to it. It's stupid for attorneys to have such "badges".
Also, I meant to say "I don't remember it being as jaggy as that" in my last post. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 15 July 2008, 13:35:48 moar gurin lagin
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 15 July 2008, 21:31:58 That looks horrible.
I know it's an artistic rendering of the GL right after it kills Guam, but seriously! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 15 July 2008, 21:36:09 Yup.
Too bright. Posted on: 15 July 2008, 21:33:39 <3 Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 15 July 2008, 21:36:59 YOU'RE BEHIND BY A GAME
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 15 July 2008, 21:38:14 I dun care. I'm not buyin' a PS3.
If you don't like it, buy me one then. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 15 July 2008, 21:38:33 Metal Gear Solid 4 is MUCH better.
I think it may even surpass MGS for the PSX in awesomeness. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 15 July 2008, 23:26:56 MGS was far wickedder on Gamecube, so bully to you Rock. BULLY I SAY! Bully!
I've heard MGS4 is good but like... It's like hour long cutscenes and stuff. That's a turn off. I love cutscenes but... #####. Man. Really? Man. #####. moar gurin lagin That one's actually cool. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 15 July 2008, 23:33:24 MGS3 was great, it utilized stealth more than in MGS1 IMO. Though MGS1 was more memorable for me since I played that first.
I went to my friend's house to see him play MGS4 and watched one of the cutscenes at the begining. Even 20 minutes was long though it was cool still since It explained the story somewhat. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Dizzy on 17 July 2008, 02:09:36 Yeah, the thing about those cutscenes is that you don't really start think it's long until your brain goes numb. *stares at MGS2 scene of doom*
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 17 July 2008, 03:13:11 MGS was far wickedder on Gamecube, so bully to you Rock. BULLY I SAY! Bully! The game wouldn't be complete without the cutscenes. Even though I sometimes want to hurry up to the gameplay, I wouldn't dare skip the cutscenes. If MGS4 only took place in the Middle East, it wouldn't have been perfect. But then there were other areas for each Act, and Act 4... oh god, if it wasn't for Act 4, the game couldn't have been more perfect. Trying not to spoil it too much, but I really think MGS4 surpasses the other games. Even though I haven't beat it yet. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 17 July 2008, 03:26:54 The game wouldn't be complete without the cutscenes. Well, duh, that's rather true of any game with cutscenes. It is not an excuse, however. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 17 July 2008, 03:30:11 I think it's a neat idea to have such a cinematic game, but honestly I personally don't think I'd have the patience for it.
My brother and his friend ALWAYS skip cutscenes in any game no matter what, and it really bugs me because those are generally just as important as any other part of the game. I don't think my brother's ever sat through a full cut-scene, and back when we used to play games together, he'd always be the one to skip a scene while I want to watch it, and he'd just be like "oh whoops clicked Start by accident, sorry." Though that's just loosely-related venting. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: XJ on 18 July 2008, 15:55:05 If you know me, you know I have an obsession with demotivators. Well, I found this and started to ROFLMAO.
BEHOLD! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 18 July 2008, 16:09:51 I think the words make it funnier. The picture isn't all that great..
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 19 July 2008, 07:36:51 L33t Hax on opal's computer
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Pluvius on 19 July 2008, 20:53:48 ( (
This is only a temporary computer at my mom's house, though. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 19 July 2008, 20:59:32 Dere be a bad bad file on your desktop pal.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 19 July 2008, 21:35:19 I've never understood why people put so much crap on their desktop.
Even with just program and shortcut items it's too much. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 19 July 2008, 21:47:01 I know.
People are idiots. ... Why have a "Show Desktop" shortcut on your desktop? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Pluvius on 19 July 2008, 22:26:01 Dere be a bad bad file on your desktop pal.What one? Why have a "Show Desktop" shortcut on your desktop?So I can move some windows aside & get all of them at once for screenshotting. I put it there just now for this sort of thing. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 19 July 2008, 23:30:17 It's still stupid, since the only place you should have a "Show Desktop" shortcut is on your taskbar/startbar.
My desktop is super messy right now because it's my default download "folder" and I haven't cleaned it in more than a year, but I try to keep it down to only my HD, any connected drives or whatever, and a shortcut to the folder for my site. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Dizzy on 20 July 2008, 06:44:37 New desktop. Found it while trying to order the newer issues online.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 20 July 2008, 06:44:45 What one?I can think of a couple he might consider 'bad', particularly a couple file folders near the top left, and then the Gateway Editor is a little questionable. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Pluvius on 20 July 2008, 07:48:58 What, my ROM piracy directories? The gateway editor is so I can play pirated copies of the Blizzard games I have at home here at my mom's. Not that I have any problem with piracy. All sorts of inconveniences & obstructions of my rights have been thrown at me by software companies, so I decide to play their game at its fullest if I'm forced to.What one?I can think of a couple he might consider 'bad', particularly a couple file folders near the top left, and then the Gateway Editor is a little questionable. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 20 July 2008, 13:29:10 Odd behaviour for someone who cares so much about the rules.
And your sig's too tall again. Tool. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 20 July 2008, 17:56:03 Not that I have any problem with piracy. No one cares about your feelings on the subject, since it's against the rules to discuss it. All sorts of inconveniences & obstructions of my rights have been thrown at me by software companies, so I decide to play their game at its fullest if I'm forced to. Does anyone else read this as "They want munnies! I don't haz munniez! *cries*"? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 July 2008, 18:36:33 I read, "Bull#####bull#####bull#####bull#####".
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 20 July 2008, 18:44:49 I read a combo of both.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 20 July 2008, 20:01:45 I'm also pretty sure he's confused regarding his "rights".
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 July 2008, 20:07:35 It's alright. He justified why he steals. That makes it okay.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 20 July 2008, 20:11:41 Yeah, this place is pretty uptight about that sort of thing; for example, the first time I came here I was more or less chased out for calling the Virtual Console a multi-system "computer program of dubious legality".
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Pluvius on 20 July 2008, 21:08:50 Odd behaviour for someone who cares so much about the rules.Since when do I care about the rules so much? I follow them when I need to do so, but as far as the law is concerned, I do what I want so long as I can get away with it. And your sig's too tall again.It's 87 pixels tall. You said 100. Is it really a problem? It's against the rules to discuss it? Most places make it against the rules to discuss how to obtain illegal things, but not how to do it, since the methods of emulation & such are legal & also have legitimate uses.Not that I have any problem with piracy.No one cares about your feelings on the subject, since it's against the rules to discuss it. All sorts of inconveniences & obstructions of my rights have been thrown at me by software companies, so I decide to play their game at its fullest if I'm forced to.Does anyone else read this as "They want munnies! I don't haz munniez! *cries*"? I read, "Bull#####bull#####bull#####bull#####". I'm also pretty sure he's confused regarding his "rights".I have the right to back up software to which I've purchased a license to use, & yet copy prevention makes that more difficult than it should be. I have a right to play my Blizzard games I have purchased on emulated Battle.net servers, but Blizzard shuts those down to "combat piracy". It's alright. He justified why he steals. That makes it okay.Morals are very arbitrary. It is okay. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 20 July 2008, 21:11:54 This isn't RPM, don't expect it to be. And if you feel like bending the rules because you can "get away with it" I can direct you to the door. With my foot.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Pluvius on 20 July 2008, 21:20:29 This isn't RPM, don't expect it to be.I don't know what you mean by that, but I don't expect it to be. And if you feel like bending the rules because you can "get away with it" I can direct you to the door. With my foot.I have no intentions of bending the rules of MMM. Obeying rules is a matter of respect. I respect Abobo, but I do not respect the US government. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 20 July 2008, 21:27:32 This isn't RPM, don't expect it to be.I don't know what you mean by that, but I don't expect it to be. RPM has that emulation talk goin about, we don't, so read the rules before you go near that. And most places have rules, and expect you do read them. And I misread the whole part of you "doing what you want so long as you can get away with it." Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 20 July 2008, 21:29:13 It's against the rules to discuss it? Most places make it against the rules to discuss how to obtain illegal things, but not how to do it, since the methods of emulation & such are legal & also have legitimate uses. I really wish people wouldn't believe everything they read on the internet. Generally speaking, emulation (methods and all) ARE illegal when used on a product you do not legally own. Just because you bought a disc, does not mean you legally own the product. I have the right to back up software to which I've purchased a license to use, & yet copy prevention makes that more difficult than it should be. I have a right to play my Blizzard games I have purchased on emulated Battle.net servers, but Blizzard shuts those down to "combat piracy". You're confused. Battle.net was an infringement of Blizzards EULA and DMCA, and was shut down accordingly. Have you ever actually stopped to read an EULA? You don't have ##### for rights, because you don't actually own anything. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Pluvius on 20 July 2008, 21:32:36 Oh, I see, don't approach it at all. Silly, but OK. I guess I forgot that one. Not that I brought it up in the first place.
So that leaves... My signature being too tall at 87 pixels tall. I made it under the limit Abobo gave, so I don't see the problem. & desktops. This thread is about desktops. Mine is full of shortcuts to the programs I use often, some directories, & a bunch of stuff Firefox saves there defaultly. I'm too lazy to change its download location. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 20 July 2008, 22:39:31 Don't say you respect me and call me Abobo in one sentence.
See ya. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 July 2008, 22:42:05 Moron.
So. How about dem desktops? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 21 July 2008, 05:58:20 I have the right to back up software to which I've purchased a license to use, & yet copy prevention makes that more difficult than it should be. I have a right to play my Blizzard games I have purchased on emulated Battle.net servers, but Blizzard shuts those down to "combat piracy". Yeah no, you don't have such a right. And if you feel like bending the rules because you can "get away with it" I can direct you to the door. With my foot.I have no intentions of bending the rules of MMM. Obeying rules is a matter of respect. I respect Abobo, but I do not respect the US government. No one who respected Abe would call him "Abobo". Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 21 July 2008, 18:22:41 Which is why he was banned 7 minutes later.
On topic: This weeks wallpaper. (http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/details/1625/dark_clouds_await.html) I'm a sucker for high dynamic range. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 25 July 2008, 04:34:45 My current desktop. Now you know how much I love the anime that I keep bugging you guys with.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 July 2008, 04:50:21 I'll change mine to this or the Rorschach one later on. I can't screen cap my desktop because there's SO much mess on it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 27 July 2008, 00:32:23 My current desktop. Now you know how much I love the anime that I keep bugging you guys with. I think I win. Posted on: July 26, 2008, 07:31:33 PM Holy crap I'm fat. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 27 July 2008, 02:36:20 FAT ENOUGH TO BE A DESKTOP
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 July 2008, 02:44:28 No, fat enough to be way cooler than Eye#####21.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 27 July 2008, 06:49:24 JC is 2048x1536 lbs.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 27 July 2008, 23:56:49 But can this 2048x1536 JC be faster than 'The Man With The Golden Legs', 'The Devil Bat Ace', the 'Devil Bat Ghost'? I think not. But here's my new desktop, my brother liked this:
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 28 July 2008, 00:52:00 Not bad.
and I'm not fast. I block people. But I'm a REAL football player. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 28 July 2008, 00:55:37 Soccer?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 28 July 2008, 01:46:37 John is not backwards.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 28 July 2008, 03:00:12 Rugby?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 28 July 2008, 03:02:07 No. No, Mike. How many times do I have to tell you it's not rugby?
*cue laughtrack* Oh, that Mike! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 28 July 2008, 03:25:40 ... Australian rules football?
There's no other "real" football after those three. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 28 July 2008, 04:44:15 I remembered we used to play a baseball soccer game for gym in elementary sometimes. It was a pretty fun game despite it being for losers with no real upper body strength.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 28 July 2008, 04:50:02 It's called "Soccer-Baseball". It's not un-fun, but it's crap in comparison to soccer and baseball which are both great fun.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 28 July 2008, 04:52:46 I had a real knack for nailing people in their faces, so that was the only real fun of it. But yes, it fails next to the other two.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: The Otaku on 28 July 2008, 20:38:30 Isn't a baseball/soccer game known as kickball . . ?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 28 July 2008, 21:22:06 So far as I know, yes. But they're from Ontario, forgive them.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 28 July 2008, 21:23:21 *chucks a bag of milk at Fatso*
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 28 July 2008, 21:33:47 *catches it and puts it in the jug*
We had those on Vancouver Island too. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 28 July 2008, 23:21:34 Why don't you just go and let people in BC know that there's also places and people on the other side of those mountains, instead of dicking around?
Isn't a baseball/soccer game known as kickball . . ? Kickball is different. I'm pretty certain. It's also a gayer name. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 29 July 2008, 00:32:00 This side of the mountains is better.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 29 July 2008, 03:14:44 Why don't you just go and let people in BC know that there's also places and people on the other side of those mountains, instead of dicking around? Oh, we know there's people out there, because we pay them taxes. We just don't like them, again because we pay them taxes. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 29 July 2008, 03:57:48 I know where they ship their tea, if you're curious.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 3 August 2008, 05:16:57 xD
Anyway, I decided to change my colour scheme. I think Ray already posted our desktop, but just to be sure... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 August 2008, 14:17:57 It's straight out of the 90s!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 4 August 2008, 01:50:00 Or now.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: saldite on 5 August 2008, 05:53:34 This is my Desktop.
(http://C:\Documents and Settings\Chrismyster\My Documents\My Pictures\Chris's Pix\untitled.JPG) I'm a sucker for old-school gaming. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Dragster on 5 August 2008, 11:43:11 Here's my desktop.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 August 2008, 14:51:06 Saldite, I would lose my icons in about 3 seconds on that.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: saldite on 5 August 2008, 19:12:01 Yeah, it took me a while to get familliar with it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Abominator on 5 August 2008, 19:43:23 Yeah, it's a good picture, but not a functional desktop.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 August 2008, 22:34:26 I'm a sucker for old-school gaming. Ironic, then, that it's a Wii wallpaper. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: saldite on 5 August 2008, 23:49:52 Yes, it does say Wii on it, but it is mostly a portrayal of classic gaming.
Thus, the reason I chose it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Dragster on 6 August 2008, 00:14:02 Lol, I found Cutman. XD
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 August 2008, 02:24:53 Yes, it does say Wii on it, but it is mostly a portrayal of classic gaming. I didn't say that I didn't get it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 7 August 2008, 21:46:12 I saw that ages ago and thought it was an awesome picture. I still have it saved somewhere on my computer back home.
But I would never use it as a desktop. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 August 2008, 22:18:45 Same here on both counts.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 7 August 2008, 23:00:10 I like my retro look. It adds to the zombie effect.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 August 2008, 23:22:50 ::hums to self::
Life is lame, so let me eat your brain! Life is lame, so let me eat your brain! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: saldite on 8 August 2008, 23:22:48 I've had the other desktop since I've had this computer ('bout a month) so I decided to change it to this.
I've had this game on my mind for a while... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Ikeoko on 9 August 2008, 01:39:45 Ok, so here's my desktop. As you can see, it is where people come and argue on who's coolest.
(http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a323/Ikeoko/desktop.jpg) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 August 2008, 02:02:50 Apparently only Crista comes anymore. I think Connor? Cour? Gour? Gouor? Whoever. I think he? She? Whatever. I think they gave up? Quit? Died?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Ikeoko on 9 August 2008, 02:09:29 Conor. When he comes back over he will add more to it...and the cycle shall continue!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: saldite on 9 August 2008, 02:10:11 Mabinogi
Good choice in games. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 August 2008, 02:10:41 He won't be coming back, I'm afraid.
mu-muha-muahahaaamaMuaamuaamuaMAUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA! .. He has diarrhea. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 9 August 2008, 02:12:41 About halfway through that maniacal laugh it sounded like you were crying out for your mom. You need to work on it some more, bubs.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 August 2008, 02:14:33 No it didn't. No I don't. I'm not your bub, pal.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 9 August 2008, 02:16:59 mu-muha-muahahaaamaMuaamuaamuaMAUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA! There. Right there. Also, I'm... not... your guy... Nevermind. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 August 2008, 02:44:53 No it says "mua" not "ma".
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 9 August 2008, 02:46:50 You got lucky.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 9 August 2008, 02:47:25 No, I edited my post. Or did I?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 9 August 2008, 09:55:39 Ok, so here's my desktop. As you can see, it is where people come and argue on who's coolest. RTEWR:LJ That color... MY EYES. Also, tell your friends to stay the hell off your computer. Really. Then if they ##### with your desktop, take a corkscrew to their left eyes. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 9 August 2008, 10:02:44 Regular human beings only have one left eye. It's alright, it's a common mistake.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 9 August 2008, 10:03:56 Friends.
PLURAL. As in, EACH INDIVIDUAL EYE. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 9 August 2008, 10:10:27 WELL EXCUUUSE MEEE PRINCESS!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 9 August 2008, 10:15:29 Go suck on a sea turtle.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 17 August 2008, 02:48:29 no u
Yes, it's Gurren Lagann, but it works really well. Simple, good color, and excellent quality, it works so well with my files and their text color. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 17 August 2008, 03:15:37 GIVE ME THE SOURCE.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 17 August 2008, 03:33:55 NO LOL
. (http://www.furuanimepanikku.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/drill_gurren_lagann-vector.jpg) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 17 August 2008, 04:04:20 YES LOL
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 17 August 2008, 04:05:06 : (
COPYCAT Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 17 August 2008, 04:16:38 Windows copied Mac?
You are sorely mistaken. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 17 August 2008, 23:08:27 This one is delightfully depressing.
I also have a blue one, just in case the opal doesn't approve. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 17 August 2008, 23:10:06 Windows copied Mac? You clearly don't know much about how Windows was created. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 18 August 2008, 00:48:16 With my new Laptop I was free to do whatever the hell I wanted on it.
WINDOWS DOCK GET WATCHMEN BACKGROUND GET SUPERIORITY GET Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 18 August 2008, 00:50:14 Thanks for ripping me off like you was JC, you poobag!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 18 August 2008, 00:54:10 I didn't know you had a Watchmen Background...
I was either this or Dr. M and I didn't feel like being stared at a muscly blue naked man so I went with Rorschach. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 18 August 2008, 00:55:08 I'm still sporting the Robert Downey Rainbow and don't intend to change it anytime soon.
But I like that Rorschach one. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 19 August 2008, 02:52:04 Heh.
I was either this or Dr. M and I didn't feel like being stared at a muscly blue naked man so I went with Rorschach. I'll change mine to this or the Rorschach one later on. I can't screen cap my desktop because there's SO much mess on it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: saldite on 10 September 2008, 00:58:15 I changed my wallpaper to SMT...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 10 September 2008, 23:14:44 Might change it to what my avatar is, if/when I start making M&C wallpapers.
My desktop is actually extremely messy but I just put all the icons onto each other until they were just in the one spot. Scaled down. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 11 September 2008, 00:28:27 That is neat, albeit quite confusing.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 11 September 2008, 01:39:52 "Neat" and "albeit" rhyme pleasantly.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 11 September 2008, 02:56:41 They do.
I guess it's confusing but I don't ever really look at my desktop for icons, I just open a finder window so I can go through it as a list. Besides, icons are on the right on a Mac. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Ikeoko on 11 October 2008, 04:17:19 (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a323/Ikeoko/oyeah.jpg)
A mi me gusta mas. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 11 October 2008, 04:25:58 (http://www.court-records.net/animation/phoenix-hearts(extra).gif)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 28 December 2008, 23:57:01 I like it.
I have a load of nice looking desktops. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 29 December 2008, 01:23:24 I really like that, actually. My brother wants the image. Give.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 29 December 2008, 01:53:08 This is mine currently. I always have to readjust my icons when I change my picture. xD
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 29 December 2008, 02:29:48 You worry too much.
But it looks good. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 29 December 2008, 02:56:07 I don't worry about them.
It's just... icon feng shui, I guess. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 05:38:16 SUDDENLY THE BEST DESKTOP ON THE PLANET APPEARS!
I am so happy right now. *SEE 2 POSTS BELOW* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 29 December 2008, 05:58:51 I wouldn't be able to stand all those charts, personally.
I like simplicity. And icon feng shui. >_> Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 06:00:58 I moved them around a lot.
New version. *deletes old* *EDIT: IMAGE MOVED TO NEXT PAGE FOR GOOD VIEWING.* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 29 December 2008, 06:04:16 You have a clock on the bar, why do you need one on the desktop? I almost don't see the desktop when I use the PC...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 06:06:55 You can have these hover over things too, and it just looks really snazzy and doesn't use up absurd amounts of system resources like some skins do.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 07:28:39 Now THAT'S epic.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 07:30:07 Image moved here for better viewing.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 07:31:27 .......now THAT'S epic.........:|
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 07:49:00 It might be my favorite setup for a computer ever.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 17:40:47 Well, it's LoZ, so I agree.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 29 December 2008, 17:44:41 I'm sorry, but I now need to re-post my current desktop to prove that your #####ty Master Sword one is NOT the best desktop wallpaper ever.
I literally CANNOT force myself to change this desktop. No matter how hard I try, or how cool a desktop looks, I CAN'T force myself to change from this one. It makes me laugh so hard every time I see it. In fact, I even printed it out and put it in a little picture frame thing to keep above my computer, so that I'd still be able to look at the picture after I changed my desktop background. The thing is, I still haven't changed my desktop background. And I'm starting to think that I never will. (Image is a JPG because the PNG was 1.2 MB) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 17:46:51 I can't stop laughing at this picture. It's just too good. Could I save this?
ps: Iron Man for the win. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 17:50:01 Hey.
I got you the high res version of that image. And mine is still good regardless. Posted on: December 29, 2008, 12:49:36 PM I can't stop laughing at this picture. It's just too good. Could I save this?Dude, I can get you the original. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 17:51:05 Yeah, it's still good, but it's certainly not funny. (if you're talking about your Master Sword topic.)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 18:01:04 Well, not funny at all.
Just sweet. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 18:02:13 Oh, could I have the original to ASR's desktop?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 29 December 2008, 18:09:23 The file is too big to post here and I don't have it uploaded anywhere so make John send it to you if he still has it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 18:11:03 Send it to me through a PM?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 18:15:21 The file is too big to post here and I don't have it uploaded anywhere so make John send it to you if he still has it. Funny thing. I have no idea where it is. I will have to go find it again. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 18:15:45 Way to go. >_>
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 18:18:23 The internet will provide.
Of course, Alec could always just put the image on photobucket or imageshack or something and link to it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 29 December 2008, 18:20:30 I already saved the version ASR posted.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 29 December 2008, 19:58:28 Which is terrible quality.
But yeah, I posted it on Photobucket but it automatically shrinks it down so it's not worth it. But... whatever. Just realized that the original file ISN'T too big to post here. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2008, 20:26:59 Good man Alec.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 30 December 2008, 00:24:02 kkthnx
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Morgan Guyer on 30 December 2008, 19:52:24 Albeit.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 30 December 2008, 20:02:43 I would get that shirt if it were green.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 30 December 2008, 20:28:41 That put a big smile on my face.
THANKS. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 30 December 2008, 20:44:35 Thank Chris Hastings (http://www.drmcninja.com).
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 31 December 2008, 01:33:56 Exactly.
He has to watermark all his stuff now because it's been stolen and redistributed so much. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 31 December 2008, 01:40:27 look what i drew
(http://www.drmcninja.com/images/warriorplumbers.gif) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 31 December 2008, 01:42:44 I'm sure you drew that. :D
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 31 December 2008, 01:44:10 I JUST realized that Yoshi has human hands.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 31 December 2008, 01:45:23 Hm....maybe I know what Bowser was doing with Peach now..........
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 31 December 2008, 01:47:02 Those Yoshi hands creep me out a bit now that you pointed it out.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Shawn on 31 December 2008, 01:47:52 Bowser had no self-control.......
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 31 December 2008, 01:53:11 Those Yoshi hands creep me out a bit now that you pointed it out. I KNOOOOOOOOW. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2008, 06:24:24 Sometimes I fear the shark and gorilla high five seeped into my unconscious and I accidentally ripped it off in Mittens And Crumplehorn. But I don't really think so.
I kind of want to change my desktop to something from my pre-animation design teacher's blog (http://stephendaggitt.blogspot.com/) (plug), but I really like what I have now. Which is still that green thing I think I posted a whiles back. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 31 December 2008, 06:28:45 Sometimes I fear the shark and gorilla high five seeped into my unconscious and I accidentally ripped it off in Mittens And Crumplehorn. But I don't really think so. Holy ##### they look a lot alike. Posted on: December 31, 2008, 01:27:13 AM Mike your animation teacher is the man. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2008, 06:30:45 Secret: He technically didn't graduate the animation program.
Anyway he got me passionate about layout design when I was in the Pre-Animation program. And that was before I saw any of his stuff, which I would do almost anything to be able to do. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 31 December 2008, 06:32:53 Almost aaaaaaaaanything?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2008, 06:36:36 I would do an
y thing for love... ... but I won't do that! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 31 December 2008, 06:38:11 #####.
You made me happy again. Jerk. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Fatso on 31 December 2008, 06:40:37 ##### I love that song.
And that is some awesome stuff. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 31 December 2008, 16:31:07 That guy is the shiiiiiiiiit, fella's.
That Elvis one just made me crack up. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2008, 20:37:28 He's the teacher I had that worked on the Family Guy - American Dad fighting flash game, because he works/worked for Fuel. Awesome guy too, young. I've been drinking with him.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 31 December 2008, 21:39:19 Pretty swell dealio.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Yubi Shines on 1 January 2009, 09:57:27 Finally changed my desktop to this:
(http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v73/yubishines/misc/th_huzzah.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v73/yubishines/misc/huzzah.jpg) (Think that's cluttered? Guess why there's a folder called "move this stuff.") It is drawn by Lumi (http://lemdrop.deviantart.com/art/DrowLove-WIP-Screenshot-107810388), who is made of awesome. I dunno if I'll update it when he's done colouring, I kinda like the grey. I should at least reorganize the folders so Flan's face isn't obscured... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 1 January 2009, 17:04:45 I have a folder on my desktop now marked "Porn," and when you open it, there's just an empty text file named "MADE YOU LOOK."
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 25 February 2009, 04:28:45 geckooooooooo
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 February 2009, 18:17:42 It's not "gecko" it's GEICO!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 25 February 2009, 19:14:03 I was originally looking for something similar to the new Telus commercial, since I actually find lizards and salamanders and the like to be quite adorable.
I can't figure out for the life of me the species of salamander in it, though. ): It makes it incredibly hard to find photos of it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 February 2009, 19:55:58 I can only find their chameleon pictures.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 25 February 2009, 20:01:14 Yeah, I know. ):
It's their newest commercial, though, so maybe that's why. I wonder how I'd go about asking their persons-responsible-for-advertising what species that is. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 26 February 2009, 21:19:29 Actually, it probably wouldn't be that odd. I have a feeling they get that a lot.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 27 February 2009, 08:55:37 I mean, how to contact them. For all their commercials, I don't know how to contact them.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 March 2009, 22:06:43 Through their website. E-mail someone.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 30 March 2009, 06:16:40 It was blue before. I made it green.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 30 March 2009, 07:08:27 Cool.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 2 April 2009, 03:00:07 Through their website. E-mail someone. They have their e-mail contacts set up so that you can't contact them outside of being a customer or having issues with their product. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 2 April 2009, 03:14:50 Ah, makes sense. I just saw that they had e-mail stuff on there, not the specifics. You'll have to find some general inquiries phone number but even then it'll connect you in a crazy loop of call transfers in India.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 8 April 2009, 15:36:15 Not my desktop, but my homepage.
It's decent. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 8 April 2009, 15:51:46 Wind and I are way ahead of you.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 8 April 2009, 15:57:48 I figured as much, but I've had this since it came out.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 8 April 2009, 16:31:01 US TOO
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 8 April 2009, 18:07:43 WE CAN ALL BE BUDDIES NOW
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 8 April 2009, 18:39:39 Yeah, butt-buddies.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 8 April 2009, 18:40:25 WE CAN ALL BE BUDDIES NOW Sorry, no. 'CAUSE WE ALREADY ARE AHURR HURR Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 8 April 2009, 18:45:51 Yeah, are butt-buddies.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 8 April 2009, 19:03:10 I ignored your post the first time, I can do it again.
*IGNORES!* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 8 April 2009, 19:11:04 ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmnowdoesthat really count as ignoring?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 11 April 2009, 00:34:00 So how 'bout them desktops fellas? Terrific things they are.
Posted on: 8 April 2009, 19:33:11 :C Doesn't work very well for macs, but it's pretty spiffy. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 14 April 2009, 20:51:02 The new one.
Not gonna keep it for long, I have over 200 wallpapers saved but none of them suit my use of Rainmeter. Posted on: April 13, 2009, 10:05:34 PM ISN'T IT AWESOME GUYS. GUYS?! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 14 April 2009, 21:01:02 Eh.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 18 April 2009, 06:48:49 Yeh.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 May 2009, 04:27:17 Just a little quickie of what I got. Keepin' it simple and snazzy.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Majikn on 6 May 2009, 04:30:55 Doesn't look very simple to me.
I'd wear that though. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 6 May 2009, 04:41:20 I like it. A lot.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 May 2009, 04:43:07 Doesn't look very simple to me. Compared to the stuff I use, it's pretty bland. I got tired of having wallpapers that make it hard to see where my files are. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 May 2009, 05:00:27 I have that and actually considered using it before my current.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 May 2009, 05:28:11 Pretty nice. I saved it 'cause I like stars, although I'm not really a fan of that kind of star. The one you see in bad punk stuff, being red and black.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 May 2009, 14:15:57 I didn't like it for being a bit too bright, so I edited that one for maybe an hour in photoshop to get it to something I like better.
No dice. It's hard to get desktops that are green and look good with Rainmeter. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 6 May 2009, 17:04:43 If you're gonna save it then I'll upload the large one..
http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/3961/file1846294.jpg Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 6 May 2009, 17:09:31 Nice. Thanks.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 6 May 2009, 20:18:28 Nice. Thanks.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 May 2009, 20:36:15 Nice.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 7 May 2009, 02:19:46 Thanks.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 7 May 2009, 02:44:52 Thanks. Nice.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 May 2009, 03:25:17 Thanks rice.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 7 May 2009, 03:38:25 Thinks rise.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 May 2009, 03:39:41 Thinks Bo Bice.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 7 May 2009, 03:41:31 Shank mice.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 May 2009, 03:42:56 Crookshanks, Scabbers.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 7 May 2009, 03:46:38 Snapekilleddumbledore.com
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 May 2009, 03:47:29 Avadakadavra.org
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 7 May 2009, 03:49:09 Neville's parents.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 May 2009, 03:51:41 Robert Neville's descents.
The Longbottoms were killed with the Crucio curse not Avada Kedavra by the way... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 7 May 2009, 03:53:01 MILK
PEAS CORN MEAT Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 May 2009, 03:56:37 MIKERO
PREVENTERWIND CHRON MAJIKN Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 7 May 2009, 04:11:02 I LOST TRACK OF WHAT WE'RE DOING
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 7 May 2009, 04:49:21 #####
##### ##### ##### o wate Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 7 May 2009, 13:17:20 (http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b317/shimrra676/TooSilly.jpg)
Stop that, stop that! It's silly. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 10 May 2009, 03:43:38 This is the current setup, still rain-metering.
Those are all collapsible RSS feeds at the top, for facebook, Digg, and google news. I really like this setup. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 22 May 2009, 03:14:48 Post for ASR
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 22 May 2009, 03:34:15 Nice.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 22 May 2009, 03:34:25 I don't want them.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 22 May 2009, 03:35:28 They don't want you.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 22 May 2009, 03:41:31 They're pretty meh for stuff that was probably a good idea at the time.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 3 June 2009, 05:53:21 Decent for now.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 3 June 2009, 21:22:51 This is my current desktop image:
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 17 June 2009, 03:21:26 Bamboo.
[Edit]I didn't mean to post it twice. My bad.[/Edit] Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 17 June 2009, 03:31:13 Hells yeah, Windows 7.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 17 June 2009, 03:34:50 I can't wait for it to come out.
Problem is that I can't expand my partition to be big enough to allow Windows 7 to install right now. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 17 June 2009, 06:39:07 Ewwwyuck Edge said "my bad". Oh ##### now I've said it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Edgecrusher on 17 June 2009, 14:46:54 I make no apologies for my manner of speech.
I also use all sorts of antiquated slang terms that you aren't likely to hear outside of blacksploitation films. Dolomite > Chuck Norris Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 17 June 2009, 21:53:15 The only jive I don't really like is "my bad" and even then I don't really care.
Dolemite > Dolemite 2000, though. Obviously. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 13 August 2009, 19:50:56 Couldn't help myself.
Posted on: August 12, 2009, 10:27:37 PM Come on, nobody? Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 August 2009, 19:53:56 Boo!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 13 August 2009, 19:55:06 :-O
:-( Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 13 August 2009, 21:26:49 Gimme the full image!
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 August 2009, 21:31:21 Maybe if that movie was new, at all.
I had just graduated high school when that movie came out. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 13 August 2009, 21:32:13 It's still one of the only comedies that can consistently make me laugh upon every viewing.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 August 2009, 21:33:13 Still.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 13 August 2009, 22:46:49 ...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 13 August 2009, 23:01:01 Neat.
Posted on: 13 August 2009, 17:58:51 Also, I like this but I probably will never use it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 August 2009, 23:22:42 Cla-sick.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 14 August 2009, 01:53:36 WW, I have that one.
Alec, I'll send it over AIM. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 14 August 2009, 05:06:26 Thanks, John.
And just for the record everybody: I'm STILL rockin' Robbie DJ. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 24 August 2009, 22:04:18 I #####ing love Punch-Out!! for the Wii... and I thought it wouldn't be nearly as good as the NES game.
And yeah, Don Flamenco, from one of the cutscenes they show before the fight. Unfortunately it looks a little... eh, because of JPEG'edness. PNG was too big for MMM. EDIT YOU SCROLL DOWN Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 August 2009, 00:50:32 Why is it stretched vertically?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 25 August 2009, 01:16:36 cuz i dont liek teh black bars. :(
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 25 August 2009, 01:36:43 I still desire to own that magnificent game.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 August 2009, 02:00:25 I'll never understand why someone would ruin an image they like by stretching it to fit. It's like breaking something so it will fit in your pocket.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 25 August 2009, 02:40:09 BUT IT MAKES SENSE.
Meh. I guess I could use the bigger resolution... but some parts of the image end up being cut off... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 25 August 2009, 03:31:17 It doesn't "make sense". You're changing the art, effectively breaking it. I mean, it's your choice of course, but I'd rather have stuff cut out. I can't knowingly look at wonky proportion all the time, it would drive me off the wall.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 25 August 2009, 04:53:07 It doesn't "make sense". You're changing the art, effectively breaking it. I mean, it's your choice of course, but I'd rather have stuff cut out. I can't knowingly look at wonky proportion all the time, it would drive me off the wall. I hate when people do that. Or even have their entire computer set to the wrong aspect ratio. My sister watches our 16:9 HDTV at home in 'stretched' mode. Making everything stretched horizontally, and gets pissed at me when I try to make it the CORRECT aspect ratio EVEN WHEN THERE ARE THE BARS AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 25 August 2009, 15:02:18 ur all dum i hat u diedie
Alright, I'll keep the bars, but I'm gonna make it slightly less boring then. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 25 August 2009, 17:58:38 That looks a hundred times better.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 4 September 2009, 18:59:00 ...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 4 September 2009, 19:53:08 Gundams look much less impressive at full size.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 September 2009, 03:09:06 Wow, you know John... You're completely right. Just... Wow.
Like... At full size they're just kind of lame. Well, they weren't exactly "not lame" before but you know. Also, it's weird how they advertise that thing as "to scale" when it's apparently a bit shorter. (I've heard. At work. Which is a Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 5 September 2009, 03:23:54 I feel like I could defeat that.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 5 September 2009, 03:29:57 ASR nailed it.
It's a giant action figure! I expect a hard metal appearance for a giant robot model! Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 5 September 2009, 03:42:52 They're just not detailed enough to realistically fit in with the current look of our planet.
And yeah, I'm thinking I could take that. With like, arrows or something, even. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 6 September 2009, 07:55:25 What you guys are forgetting is perspective.
Look at those buildings. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 September 2009, 08:16:54 LOOK AT THOSE CLOUDS
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 6 September 2009, 11:30:14 Look at my apathy!
Here's a few more for perspective and the LOHLS Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 6 September 2009, 15:34:58 Still looks really silly.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 6 September 2009, 21:14:12 Oh yeah? Well, your face looks really silly.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 7 September 2009, 02:44:20 You tell him WW! >:(
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 7 September 2009, 22:23:17 What you guys are forgetting is perspective. What about them? If you're just saying "Look how big it is", well, it's old news. I don't know about anyone else, but working where I work I heard about this project aaaages ago. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 14 October 2009, 04:43:42 I love dual screening.
(lol the png was 3MB. saved in paint as jpg.) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 13 November 2009, 04:45:46 I want the retail version of Windows 7 already so I can finally remove XP from my comp and get some extra space. My 40 GB partition is getting really cramped. Hopefully Steam actually works on the retail version without having to run it in XP compatability mode.
Posted on: 14 October 2009, 06:26:53 I made some pretty cool kindergarten houses. [spoiler](http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/7751/prettycoolhouses.jpg)[/spoiler] I finally got a flash program to work with 8) but I wish I played around with it during the same time I played around with Photoshop and other programs back then. Flash looks pretty intimidating so far. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 13 November 2009, 05:59:29 i c wut u did dar
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 13 November 2009, 06:39:12 ;)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: preventerWIND on 13 November 2009, 06:42:14 I'm abusing the changing desktop option like mad right now, I have about 30+ images, changing every 5 minutes.
This is the newest addition, it reminds me Bad Religion's Recipe for Hate. The other two are examples of what I've got goin' on. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 13 November 2009, 15:22:58 Funny, I have 87 dual screen images that change every hour.
Some of them are very nifty. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 14 November 2009, 03:00:36 Ever changing desktops ruin my performance on this old iBook so I don't play that noise.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 27 April 2010, 06:11:47 New desktop old movie.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: AlexThePenguin on 21 June 2010, 21:16:51 ROAR, yes I know, necropost, but I remember I enjoyed this thread.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 23 June 2010, 02:26:00 I can't show my actual desktop from there I switched to this image at work today. Mmight switch to a different one from him soonish thought because I can't find a big version of this.
I've been really into rubber hose stuff since before school ended. (http://koikoikoi.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/perfect-afternoon-580x442.jpg) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 20 January 2011, 01:23:11 All these and some more rotate every 30 secs.
(http://www.imgjoe.com/x/untitlediyi.png) Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 January 2011, 03:02:12 Wow.
Just wow. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 20 January 2011, 03:32:09 Yeah... Checked again, it's actually every 10 seconds... Heh.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 January 2011, 05:52:42 That is such a waste of resources...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 20 January 2011, 06:53:59 I"m OCD about having wallpapers that don't fill my entire screen.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 20 January 2011, 16:37:44 That is such a waste of resources...It doesn't slow down my computer at all. I barely see my desktop, anyway... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NovaMan XP on 20 January 2011, 20:05:09 ...and as such is a waste since you never look at it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 January 2011, 22:16:41 What are the specs of your computer?
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 20 January 2011, 23:56:06 @Nova: I know. I still don't care.
@JC: It's got a dual core processor, 2.5GB RAM, Windows 7 ultimate (32 bits) and a 500gb hard drive. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 20 January 2011, 23:59:23 Any graphics card?
If not, you're really killing your computer. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 21 January 2011, 01:04:52 Hmyeah, I got a NVIDIA GeForce 7300.
The computer runs very smoothly. If it didn't I wouldn't have that. I wouldn't even have Aero, I'd dress it as a 98 or something :P Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 22 January 2011, 01:10:55 NEVER USE AERO.
NEVER TURN ON ANYTHING THAT EATS UP PROCESSING POWER OF ANY KIND. BOTTOM LINE: IF YOU DON'T NEED IT YOU SHOULDN'T USE IT. *dump truck of salt* Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Slugkid on 22 January 2011, 02:25:33 The computer runs very smoothly. If it didn't I wouldn't have Aero, I'd dress it as a 98 or something :P Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 22 January 2011, 14:37:43 IF YOU DON'T NEED IT YOU SHOULDN'T USE IT. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Johncarllos on 22 January 2011, 15:56:25 I like the eye candy transparencies or Aero.
Besides, windows 7 runs so smooth anyways, and I keep 90% transparency on so I can actually see my desktop. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Chron on 23 January 2011, 13:41:19 You barbarians.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NekoMaru on 30 March 2011, 20:39:35 Ive got 3 backgrounds i use while im at school there this
(http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/5210/backgroundok.png) (http://img840.imageshack.us/i/backgroundok.png/) This (http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/4041/background2x.png) (http://img862.imageshack.us/i/background2x.png/) and This (http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7590/background3wa.png) (http://img707.imageshack.us/i/background3wa.png/) Ill post the background i have at home when i get back home Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 31 March 2011, 19:56:22 Christ when that third image was loading I thought I saw something bad.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: NekoMaru on 1 April 2011, 18:10:56 And yet it was somthing cute :D
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: MOX on 4 August 2011, 00:59:57 8)
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 4 August 2011, 17:13:14 "0 mails" sounds ridiculous.
And yet it was somthing cute :D Ehhhhhhh.... Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 September 2011, 15:32:43 Gotta type this fast because I have to go to work...
Just got a new laptop. First time on Windows 7. Loving it. So yeah, it's an ASUS laptop. I had a default background, but I changed it to this. Looking forward to hi-fiving anyone public who sees it and compliments it. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ASR on 1 September 2011, 22:55:28 I just got a new laptop, too, also ASUS. I'm loving it.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 1 September 2011, 22:57:11 I'm guessing it's not a work laptop since you have Braid on it...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 September 2011, 06:03:58 My old computer is terrible and can't play anything. This laptop counts as both.
Braid, BTW, is incredible. Never played it until now. Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Winged Warrior on 8 September 2011, 20:49:36 Edited for your fourteen year old innocence.
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: Mikero on 10 September 2011, 01:13:44 Um...
Title: Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) Post by: saldite on 14 September 2011, 19:26:22 Yup...