Title: Just another nostalgic old sucker Post by: Dorf Lundgren on 13 September 2016, 12:31:05 Hello all. None of you would remember me as I went by a name I don't even remember way back in 2002-2005 or so, and was just another stupid kid who spent most of his time #####posting. Or pathetically trying to fit in to fill a void that rather uncomfortable situations in life left in me, as I'm certain was probably the case with at least a few others who have come and gone. As horrifically embarrassing as most if not all of my antics were, I still have a fondness for those memories and this forum.
Anyway, I was just kinda sitting here bored at work and drifting into nostalgia when I remembered this place, and thought it might be fun to take a trip down memory lane for a little bit. I'll admit I was not expecting this place to still be around, much less with any activity within the last few years given the state of Mega Man and Capcom as a whole, and with the advent of social media effectively murdering old school forums like this. It's a very pleasant surprise to see not everyone has forgotten about good ol' MMM. I'd go into some longer, more detailed nostalgic rant, but having looked over some more recent posts I see others have done that far better and more eloquently than I ever could. I just want to let you guys know that some insignificant creeper has a lot of love for this place, and the people who occupied it during the years I was active; even if 80% of our interactions were people telling me how god damn stupid I was. It's in no small part because of some of those interactions...and the accompanying embarrassment that at times makes me want to drive my head right through a wall...that I've continuously struggled to improve as a person over the years. So uh, I guess what I'm trying to say is thanks for giving me some of the best memories I have of my childhood/adolescence. You guys rock, man. [SPOILER]Haha! Ha! ha... I'm so sorry.[/SPOILER] Title: Re: Just another nostalgic old sucker Post by: TheRedPriest on 13 September 2016, 21:26:35 Behave yourself and you may survive to see the 2nd Golden Age of Mega Man Matrix.
Title: Re: Just another nostalgic old sucker Post by: Speed Racer on 16 September 2016, 02:55:27 So...who are you? We've had plenty of people come back, and we've all grown up from our awkward teenage years...to go into our awkward adult years.
Title: Re: Just another nostalgic old sucker Post by: TheRedPriest on 16 September 2016, 17:34:32 I never grew up. Period.