The MBoard

Non-MegaMan => Any Other Business? => Topic started by: Panda on 24 December 2007, 12:54:24

Title: Christmas!
Post by: Panda on 24 December 2007, 12:54:24
Merry Christmas, from Panda!

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Aych on 24 December 2007, 13:49:16
Have an ingeeeenious Christmas.

*Blinks erratically*

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 24 December 2007, 14:08:39
Here the Chort, have a trophy.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 24 December 2007, 14:43:45
That made me smile.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 24 December 2007, 15:17:49
Good word.
Bad meaning

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 24 December 2007, 20:43:10
Screw Christmas!

Happy Festivus!

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 24 December 2007, 21:25:57
It's not even Christmas yet. >.>

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Snare on 25 December 2007, 03:32:34
We opened our gifts today, I got a trumpet.

Not quite a cello or a harp but I'm happy! 8D

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 25 December 2007, 04:34:06
I got the majority of my stuff tonight. Mostly clothes and money which I'm going to use towards an mp3 player. More gifts tomorrow from other family. Well 1 other family member. We have a secret santa thing execept everyone knows who has who. But I don't even know who has me so it's probably going to be clothes.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 04:43:22
I got the majority of my stuff tonight. Mostly clothes and money which I'm going to use towards an mp3 player. More gifts tomorrow from other family. Well 1 other family member. We have a secret santa thing execept everyone knows who has who. But I don't even know who has me so it's probably going to be clothes.

Don't forget my gift to you. The gift of learning. I hope you execept it. See, I'm funny, it should be accept not except, and I'm pointing out you misspelled except. Also, the first letter in Santa should be capitalized because it's a person's name.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: ChaosVortex on 25 December 2007, 04:45:06
I'm funny

You were funny (to an extent). Now you're just poking with a stick for no raisen.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 04:46:26
I'm funny

You were funny (to an extent). Now you're just poking with a stick for no raisen.

...I see what you did there...

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 25 December 2007, 04:49:31
I got the majority of my stuff tonight. Mostly clothes and money which I'm going to use towards an mp3 player. More gifts tomorrow from other family. Well 1 other family member. We have a secret santa thing execept everyone knows who has who. But I don't even know who has me so it's probably going to be clothes.

Don't forget my gift to you. The gift of learning. I hope you execept it. See, I'm funny, it should be accept not except, and I'm pointing out you misspelled except. Also, the first letter in Santa should be capitalized because it's a person's name.

I was debating wether or not to capitalize Santa but I chose not to. Just so you could look at my posts and feel good about yourself.

A burn.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 04:52:45
'A burn' is a sentence fragment.
You get coal this year Coal Mother.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 25 December 2007, 04:56:01
It's actually a quote from That 70's Show. You suck donkey balls.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 05:07:04
Oh crap! You made a post without any errors!
You win this round, Cookie Monster.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 25 December 2007, 05:16:34
You can stop guessing what CM stands for. Or not it's amusing either way.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Jakey on 25 December 2007, 05:19:20
Got that right, Comrade Mikelov.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Rahvin on 25 December 2007, 05:22:11
Oh oh!  I know! It stands for Chronic Ma*banned*

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Jakey on 25 December 2007, 05:36:25
Christmas Miracle.

Awwwwwwwwwwww <3

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 25 December 2007, 05:38:35
No you're all wrong.


Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Jakey on 25 December 2007, 05:40:43
... cock master.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 25 December 2007, 05:48:08
That's Captain Sandinmycoochie's title. I wouldn't want to rob him of it.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 25 December 2007, 05:49:20
cock MONSTER...


Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 25 December 2007, 06:00:18
I got 215$ in cash and 85$ in gift card monies. As well as a stocking full of trinkets such as a plastic harmonica, dart gun, candy, and an egg(?)


Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Slugkid on 25 December 2007, 06:07:17
I got a bicycle. When I didn't want one. But, it's cooool.
Also, I know what CM stands for...
I made a draawing!

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 06:36:44
Cat Molester.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 25 December 2007, 07:00:50
##### monkey

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 25 December 2007, 10:53:46
I got a bicycle. When I didn't want one. But, it's cooool.
Also, I know what CM stands for...
I made a draawing!

You're half way correct.

Captain Sandinmycoochie is a hater.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: ChaosVortex on 25 December 2007, 17:30:33
I just opened mine. I'm happy.

I gots:

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Animal Crossing: Wild World (No case, but hey.)
  • Two Wii Nunchuks (With a total of 4. Now I just need 2 Wiimotes.)
  • 2000 Wii Points Card
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • A new Timex watch
  • Chocolates

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 25 December 2007, 17:53:51
I just done enjoying some of what I got, which was awesome. So far all together (including a Wii game from a friend and such things);

· Lots of chocolate and coffee.
· A Stella Artois with a fancy shmancy Stella Artois glasss.
· A retroesque Speed Racer t-shirt. :-)
· A couple sweaters/hoodies, a baseball NY shirt, and a Michigan State letterman jacket.
· Marker set.
· Hot Fuzz DVD.
· 28 Weeks Later DVD.
· Guitar Hero III Wii.
· Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition.
· 120 bucks.

Good haul.

Edit: Forgot the DVDs.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: White Shadow on 25 December 2007, 18:04:40
-Arsene Lupin (2004) on DVD
-An illustrated book on American art deco
-A Nokia Pocketwatch
-Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
-Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater (PS2)
-Final Fantasy X (PS2)
-Dynasty Warriors 5 (PS2)
-A digital camera

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 20:34:37
Let's see, I got a used copy of Soul Calibur 2 and 3, I also got Guitar Hero 2 for the PS2 along with a controller. That's about it for me this year, unless my Uncle pulls through and gets me another bitchin' game for the DS, he's been pretty good at doing that for the past 3 years.

Captain Sandinmycoochie is a hater.

No, you just fail at life, Crunchy Molly.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: MOX on 25 December 2007, 20:49:08
I'm probably just getting money (around 200-300 total), that's what I usualy get each year so I plan to get these things:

-Me and my sister are gonna cash in for a Wii
-An MP3 Player that can also play movies (I heard Zune was pretty decent though dont know much about it) My ghetto CD player dosent cut it >_>
-Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (if I have any left over cash)

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 20:51:11
Yeah, get a Zune, they're neat.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: MOX on 25 December 2007, 20:56:15
You know if they have any kinds of restrictions on playing videos on it?

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 25 December 2007, 20:56:52
I don't really know.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Teelio on 25 December 2007, 22:20:35
1. eMachines computer and monitor.
2. Canon photo printer.
3. Some "Lucky You" cologne.
4. $200 in spending money.
5. A bling Famous Stars and Straps t-shirt.
6. Shiny chain necklace.
7. A shot glass ("Whiskey makes me frisky")

And the priveledge of being #####ED UP. (as of now)

Boy, do I love the holidays.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 25 December 2007, 22:33:29
I got...

-A new wallet
-New, MUCH BETTER, and warm, slippers
-Crazy high-tech alarm clock
-A new Wiimote and Nunchuck
-Super Mario Strikers (which is amazingly fun)
-And chocolates

My brother got (which is relevant to my interests):

-Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (great fun)
-Electric Guitar

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: ChaosVortex on 26 December 2007, 00:23:03
I've been playing PW as much as I can non-stop. It's mind boggling intense. This game is so awesome!

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 December 2007, 03:42:26
Over the month with early gifts and such I got a total of 200 dollars, an MP3 player, MM:ZXA... yup.

MIKE, you need to post your GH3 code so I can play you!

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Jakey on 26 December 2007, 04:20:13
Among other sweet things, I got a Korg padKontrol (, Reason (, and a dope ass ( shirt that lights up like an equalizer, when the little sensor picks up sound.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 26 December 2007, 04:34:25
In addition to what I previously stated I got a couple movies. Simpsons movie, Wedding Crashers, and Batman Begins. Got a Seether pick that looks like it's signed, Cadillac mints, this weird thing called a Dunny, a few stickers, and a Rhino lanyard.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: MOX on 26 December 2007, 06:50:00
Ok, so total christmas money I got was 190, so I wont have enough for a Zune but I can still use 125 with my sister to buy a Wii, and the remaining 65 to buy something else.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 26 December 2007, 07:50:03
Reason (,

There was a time in high school when I used to make beats in Fruity Loops but then my DJ friends moved up to Reason and I left it all behind. I miss making tracks even though I wasn't good. I still have some old ones.

MIKE, you need to post your GH3 code so I can play you!

I'm not good.

In other GH3 related news, I accidentally bought Slash when I wanted to buy Tom Morello today. I'm not happy.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 December 2007, 14:04:56
Beat a few more tiers and you'll be all good.

Even if you're 'not good' we can still battle, co-op, and face off on our respective difficulties, just no Pro face off.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Zenaku on 26 December 2007, 15:23:49
- 8gig iPhone.
- Money
- ????

My parents haven't gotten me anything yet. ;~;

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 26 December 2007, 22:10:25
iPhone is kind of bad (

Beat a few more tiers and you'll be all good.

Even if you're 'not good' we can still battle, co-op, and face off on our respective difficulties, just no Pro face off.

Maybe when I get #####ing Tom Morello >:-(

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: KPL on 26 December 2007, 22:21:12
Congrats! You've beaten Christmas! You receive:

- Champagne
- Cocktail Shaker
- Ironing..thing. God I need to practice my english.
- Electric Toothbrush
- 300 2-disc dvd

And that's about it. The rest is not easy to name in english. Pretty happy about the stuff, yay!

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 December 2007, 22:26:01
iPhone is kind of bad (

I love Maddox.
:  mikero

Beat a few more tiers and you'll be all good.

Even if you're 'not good' we can still battle, co-op, and face off on our respective difficulties, just no Pro face off.

Maybe when I get #####ing Tom Morello >:-(

sorry... [/"sad"]

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 26 December 2007, 22:31:49
If I hadn't hit buttons too fast when changing menus, I probably would have bought Slash LAST. Not that I don't like GnR, but I'm not a big fan of Slash since he decided to whore his image out.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 December 2007, 22:47:15
I don't really care that him or Tom Morello are in the game, I'd rather have badass characters like Lou, and cool ones like Elroy (I use his guitar).
Midori sucks,
I hate that everybody uses Slash online, it's lame. He has a PINK fretboard for chrissakes.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 26 December 2007, 22:52:24
If I hadn't hit buttons too fast when changing menus, I probably would have bought Slash LAST. Not that I don't like GnR, but I'm not a big fan of Slash since he decided to whore his image out.

Be glad there isn't a Slash-fu or any Slash related games on the CD-i.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 26 December 2007, 22:58:53
I use the Hendrix wannabe. Xavier or whatever. I just bought his Captain suit thing. Tom Morello is my favourite guitarist ever.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 December 2007, 23:02:37
It's funny, I've run out of things to spend my money on. I have all the guitars (besides the 2-3 I haven't unlocked), all skins (I think), and everything with cash left over.
Those guitars for Five starring every song on hard (-3) and Expert (about 10 away) must be crazy expensive. Together about $6000

One thing different that I hate is that you actually have to beat the lower difficulties on this one to get the money from them, I just tortured myself through easy and medium today to get the rest of the money.

Posted on: December 26, 2007, 05:59:35 PM

Xavier Stone is good.
I use Axel Steel wearing brown shorts and the '77 Solid Gold.
Monochromatic and bearded.

And one of my friends with the 360 promised never to use Judy Nails again, because he was distracted by her tits so much that he would fail songs, claiming "Those damn tits look too goddam good!"

He's a bit of a loser, but on the 360 I can see his point.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 26 December 2007, 23:03:08
I got Stricken by Disturbed last night and was so excited to play it. I figured out why I had trouble with a part in Bulls On A Parade; If it's one of my favourite songs I ##### up playing it because I'm either trying to do too much or going along with the lyrics instead of the guitar.

So, different guitars do what, other than look slick?

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 26 December 2007, 23:07:37
I got Stricken by Disturbed last night and was so excited to play it. I figured out why I had trouble with a part in Bulls On A Parade; If it's one of my favourite songs I ##### up playing it because I'm either trying to do too much or going along with the lyrics instead of the guitar.

You mean like hittin' the whammy bar or moving around like you're actually cool and playing a real guitar? I mean I do all the stupid show off stuff when I play, I've yet to bash the controller against the ground or anything stupid like that, but I get so into playing' I often begin to jump or something. Yeah, completely different from how I am when I'm actually playing a real guitar.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 26 December 2007, 23:10:31
No I mean I'm focusing myself on other rhythmic patterns in the song than whatever the games wants me doing. I don't really do any showoff stuff unless I'm turning on the star power.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 December 2007, 23:11:35
I should turn back on the 'warn when new replies are posted' thing, because I'm slow.

What do guitars do?
Not a damn thing.
The first thing you buy is songs, then whatever the hell you want because the rest is JUST looks.

Though, some character's fretboards are easier to read than other's. For example, Lou's has way too much detail and is red and black with orange, so it's easy to not even see some notes depending on the TV. Axel's is brown, everything shows up on it. Casey's is black and is considered the easiest to read fretboard. Tom Morello's is a dark blue, so you get pretty screwed on Star power.

ANYWAYS, Guitars are just for looks. If you manage to ever 5 star all of hard or Expert, use the guitar it gives you to increase your cred online. Besides that, whatever you want.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 26 December 2007, 23:13:52
No I mean I'm focusing myself on other rhythmic patterns in the song than whatever the games wants me doing. I don't really do any showoff stuff unless I'm turning on the star power.

You should really try jumping around like you're a freakin' idiot, it makes the game more fun.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 26 December 2007, 23:14:58
Maybe when a girl who likes dumbasses is around. What am I talking about, 90% of girls like dumbasses.

I'm just gonna buy Tom Morello and music, probably. Depending on other character crud later. Guitar finishes will be the last thing I get.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 December 2007, 23:18:13
It was the last thing I got, because once I chose a guitar I wanted, I didn't need all the others to be able to accessorize.

Yeah, songs are good to get because it's more gameplay, and some of them are amazing, such as Impulse, Don't Hold Back, Hier Kommt Alex, Generation Rock, etc....

Mike, what level are you on?

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 26 December 2007, 23:21:00
Maybe when a girl who likes dumbasses is around. What am I talking about, 90% of girls like dumbasses.

If that were true in any way I'd have lost my virginity long ago.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: KPL on 26 December 2007, 23:53:15
I guess not your kind of dumbassness. Obviously I don't know what you consider yourself to be, but I think i'm not far off when I say that Mikero's got a point.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 December 2007, 00:41:12
Isn't it kind of sexist and mean to say most women desire men who lack intelligence?

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 27 December 2007, 03:32:30
No it's kind of astute and true.

It was the last thing I got, because once I chose a guitar I wanted, I didn't need all the others to be able to accessorize.

Yeah, songs are good to get because it's more gameplay, and some of them are amazing, such as Impulse, Don't Hold Back, Hier Kommt Alex, Generation Rock, etc....

Mike, what level are you on?

I haven't seen any buyable songs yet that I really want. I'm doing it on Easy still, got to the concert in the underworld or whatever tonight but I haven't started it. I'm trying to get better before I move on because I make stupid mistakes when I think too much about what I'm doing.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 December 2007, 03:34:43
Mike, judging and regulating people by their genders is just as bad as judging and regulating people by their race. You don't want to be a racist, do you?

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 27 December 2007, 03:38:58
Grow up, I didn't even do that. I'm just saying that a LOT of girls either get assholes or morons for boyfriends and then complain about what jerk/dumbass their boyfriend is. It's a very known trend that happens everywhere on the planet.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 December 2007, 03:50:04
Okay, okay, I have to agree with you on that, but it's way less than 90%.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 27 December 2007, 04:00:58
Not in my experience.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Majikn on 27 December 2007, 04:29:09
- random Kirby DS game
- new hoodie
- new belt
- new wallet thing
- chocolate
- chocolate
- chocolate
- iPod nano (as suspected)
- bit o' money

I'm glad it was nice and simple this year. Though my birthday's coming around and I'm probably getting one or two sweet-ass pieces of furniture. I'm working on that day, but whatever.

I have a feeling iTunes is going to piss me the hell off, but I really like the earphones. If only they came in black...

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: NovaMan XP on 27 December 2007, 04:32:12
- chocolate
- chocolate
- chocolate

*steals your chocolate*

Anyway, I gotz: new sheets for my bed, some clothes, 2000 Wii points, and Super Paper Mario (so far).

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Jakey on 27 December 2007, 05:12:49

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 27 December 2007, 06:23:05
I got so much chocolate too. I don't even eat chocolate. I'm gonna get acne and/or fat and/or other crap.

But it's sOooOOOooooOooOoOoOoOo~ good!

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: ChaosVortex on 27 December 2007, 06:31:07
I know man. I got these little chocolate mints...


I practically went through more than half the bag in a few hours...

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 27 December 2007, 06:32:52
Ginger chews
Long-sleeved white t-shirt
Complete series of Azumanga Daioh
Various games
gift certificate to Label's
gift card to Goodwill for when we move in
Superfurry Animals' Rings Around the World album

other things i don't recall >_>;

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Majikn on 27 December 2007, 06:38:42
I know man. I got these little chocolate mints...


I practically went through more than half the bag in a few hours...

First one was a sweet one
Second one was a blast
Soon I finished up the bag, ate 'em up real fast
You can see 'em in my teeth
Tell it when I talk
Had so many my pancreas just went into shock

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 27 December 2007, 06:43:10
oh, dude.

I almost forgot my superawesome Sigmund Freud Finger Puppet.


Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: orclev on 27 December 2007, 06:48:34
Maybe when a girl who likes dumbasses is around. What am I talking about, 90% of girls like dumbasses.

Might want to add "and/or assholes" to that. 

I'm part of the 10%, though.  Unfortunately, my former best friend was one of those 90%, but she refused to believe that her wonderful boyfriend could ever be considered an asshole (even though EVERYONE said as much), so that's one reason why she's my former best friend.  :/

Dumbasses are dumb.  *wrinkles nose*

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: KPL on 27 December 2007, 08:20:45
Maybe when a girl who likes dumbasses is around. What am I talking about, 90% of girls like dumbasses.

Might want to add "and/or assholes" to that. 

I'm part of the 10%, though.  Unfortunately, my former best friend was one of those 90%, but she refused to believe that her wonderful boyfriend could ever be considered an asshole (even though EVERYONE said as much), so that's one reason why she's my former best friend.  :/

Dumbasses are dumb.  *wrinkles nose*

I recognise this. I've got this female friend who keeps dating and doing the right stuff *wink wink nudge nudge* with the totally wrong folks. And although I'm usually right in giving advice, she's all like "NOT THIS TIME HE'S FOR REAL LOLOLOL SOOO GOOD!"

And who has to be the crying shoulder? c'est moi. I guess this poop goes around the world.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 27 December 2007, 08:27:35
Been there, am that.

Maybe when a girl who likes dumbasses is around. What am I talking about, 90% of girls like dumbasses.

Might want to add "and/or assholes" to that. 

Heh, I added it in a later post.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 27 December 2007, 14:17:07
I wish I could be part of that 90% of guys every girl is dating.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Zenaku on 27 December 2007, 14:22:16
iPhone is kind of bad (

Free iPhone > Anything Maddox has ever said.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: TheRedPriest on 27 December 2007, 15:09:32
Free stabbing = good because it's free, right?

So too is it with the iPhone.  Getting something bad for free is still bad you foolishly foolish fool.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Zenaku on 27 December 2007, 15:43:28
I would let her foolishly fool with my foolish fools if you know what I mean.

Edit: Maddox sucks, so anything material is better than anything he has said. And I still haven't really opened it yet, but it can't be worse than the free Motorola model I'm currently using. And I'm not really losing anything here if it does turn out to be terribad, compared to losing copious amounts of blood from being stabbed.


Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: TheRedPriest on 27 December 2007, 18:26:53
You're better off losing the blood than the time wasted trying to do anything on an Apple product.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Jakey on 27 December 2007, 18:49:40
I like my iPod.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Majikn on 27 December 2007, 19:19:20
iTunes was a pain in the ass for the first several tens of minutes I was using the damn thing. When I figured out what the problem was (it was a really STUPID problem) I finally got it to work. Now I'm okay with it. Still, holy #####.

And now people are all "lol you're a sheep" and I'm like "shut up"
It holds a hell of a lot more songs than my last mp3 player. I don't care that it's an iPod, I care that it's a gift, and with a bit of effort in the beginning, it works.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Edgecrusher on 27 December 2007, 22:08:02
"lol you're a sheep"

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 December 2007, 22:30:45
I can barely find an mp3 player that works on a mac. Oh well I'll stick with my iPod. It has enough memory, it looks pretty good, and it plays songs, that's all I care about.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: KPL on 27 December 2007, 22:32:10
Exactly the things it was meant to do.

The only thing about it that sucks chocolate salty balls is that it's easily usable. You can't just bring an iPod to a party, plug it in a computer and start playing them fine tunes.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Xero on 27 December 2007, 22:39:30
Here is what I got.

A hoodie.
100 bucks
Gamestop 50 card
Wiimote Charger
Wii Zapper.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 28 December 2007, 01:14:40
Edit: Maddox sucks,

Nope. He's right. I'm not saying it's not fine to use the phone or have it for free or whatever but it's not as good as it's hype.

The only thing about it that sucks chocolate salty balls is that it's easily usable. You can't just bring an iPod to a party, plug it in a computer and start playing them fine tunes.

My only problem with iPods right there. I like mine.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 01:27:19
The no exporting rule is what really pisses me off. What if my library is deleted? No new songs from the iPod that's fo sho. It receives but never gives.

The iPod's a selfish bitch.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 28 December 2007, 01:34:14
It's a ridiculous flaw because it's paying for a storage system that you're not allowed to take files FROM.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 28 December 2007, 01:47:08
I like my MP3 players to be a storage device that plays music and movies, but can also store pictures and papers and junk. I use mine for school work so the Man can't actually confiscate it, just tell me to put it away.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 28 December 2007, 02:16:30
If I had an mp3 player that could play video, I wouldn't put videos on it. There's not need like at all.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 02:19:51
I bet Steve Jobs puts Mac ads on his new iPod nano video >_>

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 28 December 2007, 02:41:22
I bet he uses his iPhone instead, and I bet he browses the internet on it, looking at pr0n with apples.

"Welcome to the iWorld Bill, I am a GOD here!"

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 28 December 2007, 02:47:42
He probably uses iPod Touch.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 02:48:41
"iPhone bitch!!"

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 28 December 2007, 03:21:33
"iPhone bitch!!"

Exactly why I said what I said.
"I am the Mighty Finder, I can find anything,
You can run Windows but you cannot hide from the ghost in the machine,
there is noooo escape button,
no ctrl alt delete yeeeaaaeah."

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 28 December 2007, 04:29:26
I just bought a 30 Gig Zune today and so far I'm highly annoyed at the fact that I can't install updates and charge at the same time. I'm currently waiting for it to charge so I can use it. And every time I go to try it again it turns on and then off like 40 seconds later. I mean I just payed 200 bucks for the thing, at least it could tell me how far it's charged or allow me to put some songs on it.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 04:34:53
CM: This is madness..

Gates: Madness? THIS. IS. MICROSOFT!
*wimpy push*

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 28 December 2007, 04:36:35
This isn't funny!

*goes to try my zune again*

[edit] Damn it's still not working. I'm wondering if it's not holding a charge or I just need to wait like a million hours to get the thing going. I mean geeze my PSP isn't even this bad.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Majikn on 28 December 2007, 05:29:48
"lol you're a sheep"

Y'know if that came from anyone else, I wouldn't have been surprised or disappointed.

Good job insulting someone over something as insignificant as a music player gift.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: CM on 28 December 2007, 05:55:53
After charging for about an hour I was able to download the junk and get some music on my zune. It's pretty #####ing sick I must say. Very easy to get songs on it, easy menus, plus you can transfer songs wirelessly. Gonna take this bad boy to work tomorrow and share some songs with one of my buddies. I love it.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 28 December 2007, 05:59:01
"iPhone bitch!!"

Exactly why I said what I said.
"I am the Mighty Finder, I can find anything,
You can run Windows but you cannot hide from the ghost in the machine,
there is noooo escape button,
no ctrl alt delete yeeeaaaeah."

There is an escape button, slick.

"lol you're a sheep"

Y'know if that came from anyone else, I wouldn't have been surprised or disappointed.

Good job insulting someone over something as insignificant as a music player gift.

Pretty sure it was in jest, broseph.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Zenaku on 28 December 2007, 18:57:24
Edit: Maddox sucks,

Nope. He's right. I'm not saying it's not fine to use the phone or have it for free or whatever but it's not as good as it's hype.

Not saying he's wrong, just saying he's trying wayyyyy toooo harrrd to be funny.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 19:15:19
We really don't care about the technicalities, what he says makes a lot of sense (most of the time) and it's pure lulz.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Zenaku on 28 December 2007, 19:26:32
We really don't care about the technicalities, what he says makes a lot of sense (most of the time) and it's pure lulz.

Lewis Black would crush him in an instant.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 28 December 2007, 19:31:28
"iPhone bitch!!"

Exactly why I said what I said.
"I am the Mighty Finder, I can find anything,
You can run Windows but you cannot hide from the ghost in the machine,
there is noooo escape button,
no ctrl alt delete yeeeaaaeah."

There is an escape button, slick.

Hey, that's just how the song goes man.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 19:31:59
We really don't care about the technicalities, what he says makes a lot of sense (most of the time) and it's pure lulz.

Lewis Black would crush him in an instant.


Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 28 December 2007, 19:32:48
And Majikn, I didn't get a single negative vibe from Edge. If it's a reference, I didn't get it.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 23:00:46
I just got 140$ worth of clothes. Very happy right now. Tomorow I'm going to sell my printer for 30$ and get a new iPod for 90$.


Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 28 December 2007, 23:08:12
I just got a PSP Slim packaged with a StarWars Battlefront game...

...Too bad Sony had to be cheap bastards and didn't include a Memory Stick. Now I can't save ANYTHING for two days before going into town and buying a 2gb Memory Stick Pro Duo for $50. Damn you, Sony...

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: preventerWIND on 28 December 2007, 23:12:53
You could just put it on sleep mode and charge it until you want to play again.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 28 December 2007, 23:14:11
Meh, doesn't matter much. I won't be playing StarWars anyway. The true purpose of a PSP isn't to play PSP games... muhahahaha...

>_> I won't be getting into that though.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 29 December 2007, 02:20:18
Oh, talk to ASR about PSP, he can hook you up with some sweet stuff. (Once he gets finished with that damn cruise)

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Zenaku on 30 December 2007, 14:05:31
I just got a PSP Slim packaged with a StarWars Battlefront game...

Niiiiice unit

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 30 December 2007, 15:47:54
Almost as awesome as mine.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Dr. on 30 December 2007, 17:59:47
I got:

a hoodie
10 bucks
a shirt
a watch I'll never wear.

Posted on: 30 December 2007, 11:58:57

Meh, doesn't matter much. I won't be playing StarWars anyway. The true purpose of a PSP isn't to play PSP games... muhahahaha...

>_> I won't be getting into that though.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Zenaku on 30 December 2007, 18:31:38

a watch I'll never wear.

Yeah... My parents got me an expensive watch for my birthday last year. I appreciate the money they put into it and whatever, but I've never worn watches like ever.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Edgecrusher on 30 December 2007, 19:06:25
"lol you're a sheep"

Y'know if that came from anyone else, I wouldn't have been surprised or disappointed.

Good job insulting someone over something as insignificant as a music player gift.

It was a joke.

I could honestly give a damn what music player anyone uses.

Besides, when was the last time I flamed any member of the board without solid grounds?

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Johncarllos on 30 December 2007, 19:45:27
I got:
a watch I'll never wear.

Well, put up a pic and I'll buy it off you, maybe.
I love a good watch.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Majikn on 30 December 2007, 20:30:30
Besides, when was the last time I flamed any member of the board without solid grounds?

Thus explaining my surprise.

I just didn't catch it, sorry.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 30 December 2007, 22:24:13
I just got a PSP Slim packaged with a StarWars Battlefront game...

Niiiiice unit


We really don't care about the technicalities, what he says makes a lot of sense (most of the time) and it's pure lulz.

Lewis Black would crush him in an instant.

Lewis Black is professional comedian, Maddox is a man with a website.

Apples and Oranges.

"iPhone bitch!!"

Exactly why I said what I said.
"I am the Mighty Finder, I can find anything,
You can run Windows but you cannot hide from the ghost in the machine,
there is noooo escape button,
no ctrl alt delete yeeeaaaeah."

There is an escape button, slick.

Hey, that's just how the song goes man.

I don't know what you were doing.

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Speed Racer on 6 January 2008, 16:30:42
I got
-Dress shirts for my internship
-Dress pants for my internship
-Ties for my internship
-Yellow Submarine calender
-The Truth About Chuck Norris book
-Autobot Jazz action figure (Transformer)
-La Haine DVD (French movie, also known as Hate)
-Steamboy DVD
-Amazing Grace DVD (with bonus CD)

For my birthday, I got:
-Dress shirt for my internship
-Dress pants for my internship
-Payload action figure (Transformer, Payload is a Decepticon)
-Halo 3 soundtrack
-Once Upon a Time in the West DVD

Title: Re: Christmas!
Post by: Mikero on 6 January 2008, 22:30:03
Is Steamboy good?

Amazing Grace looks lame.

I got a tiny 80's little Ironhide on my birthday from my friend. It's like an inch and half or less tall, and transforms like a go-bot in like 3 clicks but I love it.