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Non-MegaMan => Non-MegaMan Games => Topic started by: yuri on 2 March 2008, 03:11:29

Title: Deus ex machina
Post by: yuri on 2 March 2008, 03:11:29
Does anyone else watch this. To people who don't know what it is it is a series made with Halo 3 online maps.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: NovaMan XP on 2 March 2008, 03:13:58
Wow Yuri, nice job stealing the exact avatar I used. Hell, the same image I uploaded.

EDIT: nevermind then, thanks.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: yuri on 2 March 2008, 03:15:49
Dude I just asked a friend who used one of the avatars to make me one.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: NovaMan XP on 2 March 2008, 03:21:33

The one I used...


Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: yuri on 2 March 2008, 03:22:20
Who knows, I'm just sayin I didn't steal you icon.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: Mikero on 2 March 2008, 04:28:42
Icons are for programs, folders, etc.

Avatars are what people use.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: Winged Warrior on 2 March 2008, 04:30:23
Icons are for programs, folders, etc.

Avatars are what people use.

Avatars are iconic representations... symbols...

People use Icons and Avatars.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: Mikero on 2 March 2008, 04:38:15
Do you even know what iconic means? You literally just said "Avatars pertain to the characteristics of an icon" which doesn't really get at what you're trying to say.

Avatars are a manifestation of someone or something; My avatar is a bodily manifestation of myself in cyberspace. An icon is a representation of something. They are similar, but not the same.

I know what you mean, and you're kind of on the level but they are not the same thing. Ex: A painting of Jesus is an icon, Jesus was an avatar.

At the end of the day, it will always sound weird to say icon in this scenario to me.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 March 2008, 05:36:47
Havin' a big Elec Man Déjà vu right now.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: yuri on 2 March 2008, 17:56:12
Little off topic.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: Edgecrusher on 2 March 2008, 18:03:44
That's what we do best here.

Title: Re: Deus ex machina
Post by: Mikero on 2 March 2008, 18:04:29
Yeah, whatever. Tomato tomato.

But just for the record, around here, it's always tomato.

(And sometimes tomatoe.)