Title: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Redmage on 3 March 2008, 06:55:00 I am working on making a Sprite Battle and I wanted a Mortal Kombat character, I narrowed it down to Sub Zero and Scorpion and I can't decide over which one to use. Who do you guys think would be the better canidate?
Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Lunchebox on 3 March 2008, 10:05:34 The obvious choice is Reptile.
Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: White Shadow on 3 March 2008, 11:48:16 Choose your Destiny...
Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: preventerWIND on 3 March 2008, 12:40:06 Noob Saibot
Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Abominator on 3 March 2008, 18:18:50 Subby.
Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Johncarllos on 3 March 2008, 20:17:07 Subby has SO many ice moves.
People who master him have no chance. Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Mikero on 3 March 2008, 22:48:08 I used to say Sub Zero back in the day until I saw "Smoke". Which was a secret character. Who was apparently Noob Saibot all along but wasn't a real character at the time or something. Noob Saibot is megagayokyo name though.
Of Sub Zero and Scorpion, it has to be Sub Zero. Plus he had a fat better death in the movie. And then had a brother in that other movie... Reptile is cheap pissant. Especially in MK4, but that sucked all over. Actually MK was never really any good in the first place... Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Xero on 3 March 2008, 22:49:45 inb4GETOVERHERE.
Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 March 2008, 23:13:11 Smoke.
Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Johncarllos on 3 March 2008, 23:34:01 Smoke is great, but the REAL ass kicker is...
Kabal. Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Edgecrusher on 4 March 2008, 02:46:40 Ermac.
[/topic] Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Mikero on 4 March 2008, 04:25:51 Jax.
From the movie. Title: Re: Scorpion or Sub Zero? Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 4 March 2008, 04:28:30 Naked pilot Jax.
From the cartoon... I know no one is going to get that. |