The MBoard

Non-MegaMan => Any Other Business? => Topic started by: Orange Devil on 2 April 2008, 14:47:43

Title: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 2 April 2008, 14:47:43
I think there used to be a topic like this. Anyway, share your weird or significant dreams.

I personally had an awesome dream last night. I was outside of my house and my dad was on the other side of the screen door to my living room. The blinds were closed, so he couldn't see me. All of a sudden, a robber jumps out of nowhere at me. It was either Marv or Harry from Home Alone, whichever one was played by Joe Pesci. He pointed a crossbow at me and screamed "Give me all your money!" Of course, I was naked. I tried to plead with him that I had nothing on me, but he didn't give up. So I tackled him. All of a sudden, the other robber from Home Alone pops up and shoots me in the neck with his crossbow 7 times. Of course, I lived. I barged in the door bleeding from my neck gasping for help.

After the hospital, I convinced my Mom to buy me a hand gun, because after that I would never feel safe again. In actuality, I just wanted to have a gun. A bunch of boring, way too real stuff happened, and all of a sudden two guys picked up my mom in the city and carried her off. I chased them, jumping over rails, climbing fences, etc, and it was super intense. I eventually held the gun to their heads until the cops came. It was GLOOOORIOUS. I highly suggest that you get a gun and chase some criminals some day.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 April 2008, 16:18:50
It depends on where you live, but when you turn 18, you now have the ability to use a special line.

When someone's ticking you off, just walk up to them, pat them on the back and whisper, "I have a gun."

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Edgecrusher on 2 April 2008, 17:25:21
Fun fact: If they take that as a threat, it's technically a misdemeanor charge of Assault in the fifth degree.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 April 2008, 17:44:10
That's why you shouldn't do it to someone who can't take a joke.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 2 April 2008, 17:56:29
You're doing it to criminals, smarts. You think if they're OK with stealing the mother of a giant mandarin orange that they're too good to exploit a law? There's not even a chance of them really failing that attempt since it's COMPLETELY legal!

Anyway I'm laughing that you daringly jump rails and chase criminals over rooftops to save your mom and not like Salma Hayek or some hot chick from school you're retarded for in your dreams.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 2 April 2008, 18:39:55
I dunno, usually if someone is in my dreams it's someone really close to me or some random ass person that I barely even know. Plus, no hero is too good to save his own mother.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 2 April 2008, 18:55:37
Don't worry, it's cavity enducingly sweet.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 2 April 2008, 20:04:58
For me, it's recently always been people I don't even know very well.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 April 2008, 21:24:42
Random or faceless people for me usually.

Not literally on the last bit.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 2 April 2008, 21:28:41
I've had a recurring dream for a while, one with James Avery chasing me across a bridge.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 4 April 2008, 00:34:33
I hear alot of dreams about getting chased across bridges. Someday I'm going to do a correlation study on dream symbolism and real life events.

Something like the existence of depression vs. amount of nightmares, and get more specific from there.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Snare on 4 April 2008, 00:37:47

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 April 2008, 00:46:45
I only have Nightmares when I'm really sick.
Which is rare.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Teelio on 4 April 2008, 00:49:35
Most of my dreams are just random moments filled with random people doing random bull#####, with something random happening elsewhere.

My life is random.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Nautilus on 4 April 2008, 01:14:43

Says the flower to the orange...

I had an incredibly long dream where they accused this girl of being a witch, and ended up dissecting her while she was completely awake. They picked her up from her village in a horse drawn carriage and told her they were taking her away to protect her from the people. They ended getting attacked out in the woods by people with crossbows, both of the drivers got wounded, and when she walked out of the carriage to go see them  they noticed she was untouched. One of the drivers then grabbed a crossbow and shot her in her right shoulder, then they both laughed at her. They called for a rest, so she wandered off with a book and sat against a tree, reading, eating an apple, and bleeding.

They end up back on the path, until there's a small clearing in the forest with a square stone building in the middle. She realized this wasn't safety as they shoved inside and brought her down into the basement. They shoved her naked on to a table, strapped her down, then decided they'd try to figure her out. They cut horizontally across her chest, and her lower stomach. Then vertically down the torso. She was awake for all of this. Screaming in pain she yelled something about the village, my dream then jumped back to the village where apparently she had cursed them or something because people had swarms of tiny black beetles bursting from their eyes and mouths.

Odd thing is that the girl was my girlfriend...

Anyways that's part one of the dream, it had this weird flash forward thing where the something along the same lines ended up happening in the future. I'll post it if you guys honestly feel like listening to my endless blabbering.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 4 April 2008, 01:22:27
Sounds fabricated and too specific to be a dream, but I have no reason not to believe you.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 April 2008, 01:25:52
I occasionally have extremely vivid dreams.
None like that though.
My vivid dreams involve me getting super powers and figuring out how to use the damn things. I think of some very creative ways to use powers.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Nautilus on 4 April 2008, 01:36:59
I don't dream much at all, every couple years or so, so when they stick they're pretty haunting. I'd probably think it was fabricated if I didn't have it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 4 April 2008, 04:43:16
I have had a dream every night for the past two years.

Well, you have a dream every night, but I remembered my dreams every night for the past two years.

And I've only ever a nightmare once. And The dream didn't even seem like a nightmare, I only woke up sweating like mad.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Snare on 4 April 2008, 13:07:56
I'm pretty sure you dream every night during one of the stages of sleep (IT DON'T MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!)...They are just seldom remembered.

Last night I had a dream where either aunt Patty or Selma died and Lisa played the french horn.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Fatso on 4 April 2008, 23:22:04
I subscribe to the 'something's not quite right here' brand of nightmares. It's the same damn premise every time. Something... just isn't quite right. The foolish inconsistencies crop up throughout the two or three minutes I experience this, then I 'wake up' from what was obviously a screwed-up dream, then I feel some sort of wind (or any sort of air pressure across my body) for ten to twenty seconds until I finally decide I've had enough and pull out. I brand it a 'nightmare' for lack of a better term.

Strangest thing is this is all accomplished within five or ten minutes of my falling asleep, which I thought rather impossible.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 5 April 2008, 00:54:01
I only have Nightmares when I'm really sick.
Which is rare.

I've only had two nightmares that I remember.

One involved saving a town from flooding and meteors, and another involved being stuck in a lake with an underwater sawmill with an exposed saw.

My feverdreams are usually very strange, but rarely nightmarish (except the superreal ones I have about work).

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 5 April 2008, 05:25:54
I haven't had a proper nightmare in years. Though I've not slept much the past two years.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 6 April 2008, 16:35:46

I'm not a hippy. I'm a Psychologist in training.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 April 2008, 17:44:41
I just had this weird ass dream. It's hard to describe, but it went from blocks, to warpholes, to black holes, to veins, and algebraic formulas. Not to mention a depressing mood.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 7 April 2008, 13:57:25
I keep having dreams that I'm getting drunk or smoking pot, but whenever I do it I don't get drunk or high. Weird things just start happening.

Like in one that I had a few nights ago, I smoked, and decided that I wanted to go to Kohls (It's a clothing store). So I go out to get in my car. About half way there, I realize that I had been running the whole time. I went out to get the car and forgot, and just started running. Which felt amazing because I had run like 10 miles without realizing it or feeling tired.

Did you know that usually if you turn a light switch in your dreams, the lights won't turn on? It's just some bizzare thing. It had happened to me all of my life, and then I saw someone talk about it in a movie. They say if you are lucid, that's the real way of figuring out if your dreaming or not, as opposed to pinching yourself.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Yubi Shines on 8 April 2008, 09:10:24
You know how I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman's works?

Last night I had a dream that Laura from American Gods went to London Below from Neverwhere. Then it segued into some story about Desire from The Sandman.

Good. Gravy.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 8 April 2008, 11:43:00
I own a Douglas Adams biography written by Neil Gaiman. That's as much as I know of him.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 8 April 2008, 16:49:20
I had a dream that I found an NES at a resale shop for 1:50 and I stole like 15 games. And amazingly, it worked every time I turned it on.

Good dream.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Snare on 8 April 2008, 22:23:31

I'm not a hippy. I'm a Psychologist in training.

So you're a nut?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Rama Olendris on 8 April 2008, 22:26:19
I had a dream that my mom turned into Mr. Clean....

....  ???

I have no idea either....

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 8 April 2008, 22:29:01
Should've given your mom one of your wigs..

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Rama Olendris on 8 April 2008, 22:36:13
I should have... but made her clean the kitchen instead.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 9 April 2008, 01:19:19
A friend I worked at Wendy's with made this song up back in the day. It's probably not funny without hearing the tune but ##### you.

"Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean
Always cleaning stuff,
Always scrubbing stuff,
Always wiping stuff.

Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean
He doesn't like germs,
He doesn't eat worms
'Cause worms are dirty."

Yeah. It loosed a lot in text form. But ##### you.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 10 April 2008, 16:57:05
I laughed. But then again, it's easy to make me laugh.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 10 April 2008, 18:22:49
But ##### you.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 11 April 2008, 00:32:04
I had a dream where a bunch of people from various forums were trying to keep me from escaping a city with a giant stuffed bear.

It was very odd.

Last night, I dreamed that I was being chased by an animate stack of McDonald's trays about eight feet tall. ._.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 11 April 2008, 00:49:01
Last night, I dreamt that my Mom's ex-boyfriend came back, was immediately kicked out, then started destroying our stuff outside (Taking a chainsaw to the car and #####)
Then I had a wonderful time kicking his ass.
I hate Dwayne Henry Trinks the second.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 11 April 2008, 00:59:45
Haha, Trinks. >_>

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 12 April 2008, 05:18:01
Almost all of his names are stupid.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 12 April 2008, 07:01:52
I'm-a post my dream tomorrow if I don't forget.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: orclev on 13 April 2008, 07:50:29
I had this freaky nightmare a few days ago in which my uterus, etc., actually fell out and I had to push it all back inside.  It was pretty disturbing.  And I was really worried about it in the dream, and I was making doctors' appointments and stuff.  >.>

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 13 April 2008, 16:07:58
You know THAT has some sort of meaning.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 13 April 2008, 17:46:30

I had a weird Matrix dream. It was first person, and I was viewing the index of the MBoard. Abe installed a new navigation bar to the right of the forum, listing my PM inbox, profile, and other stuff. Below it, was a list he could customize, where he placed a "Top Ten" list. I don't recall what the Top Ten was specifically, but I was listed first. But... right below my name was such a dumb picture that didn't even define or look like me in anyway. It was like some 5-year old spliced together two Marvel characters, poorly added transparency, and uploaded it.

I don't understand it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 13 April 2008, 18:06:59
I don't recall what the Top Ten was specifically, but I was listed first.

Yeah you must have been dreamin'.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 13 April 2008, 19:30:12
I failed at remembering to post my dream. >_>

But my dream last night invovled Solid Snake, Buses, and Winduh for some reason.

I don't know how to put it into words...

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 13 April 2008, 20:36:57
Don't bother. I fear it will be gayer than it already sounds!

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Yubi Shines on 19 April 2008, 23:45:01
I must be going crazy.

Had a dream (one that I'm sure I've had once before) that was a really bad, embarassingly bad, plot for a movie. A girl who was granted a wish from a fairy godmother to be "forever young and beautiful", just like a Barbie doll. She goes to an elaborate dance, a prince (obviously) falls for her, she gets drunk and crazy (obviously) and leaps to her doom off a balcony. Before she hits the ground, she turns into (OBVIOUSLY) a Barbie doll. She also wakes up in her house, unhurt.

Blah blah hijinks with Obligatory Brunette Best Friend blah blah prince goes searching for her and gets seduced by Obligatory Brunette Vixen blah blah.

I could swear I've actually seen this movie, though. Which kind of proves how bad so many movies are. Ugh.

On the other hand, the rest of the dream also included her having the power to bring dead things back to life, and for some reason she collected mummified bodies of small animals, and she suddenly found herself surrounded by a whole lot of fuzzy things that crapped on the carpet and needed feeding.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Edgecrusher on 20 April 2008, 00:19:14
I had a dream last night.

I dreamt I was working the midnight launch of GTA4.

I dreamt I dealt with one too many rude customers.

I woke up shortly after beating the living ##### out of almost everyone in the store.

I'm uncertain how to feel about this.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 20 April 2008, 03:37:33
The other day I dreamt I was a phoenix, nonsensing around the place, and flying. There was a lake, and I landed there.
On the lake there was a mixture of a racoon and a badger and it shouted at me "You have been doing silly thing 'till the time!" And then, just then, the alarm went off...Weeird.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 20 April 2008, 14:28:01
The other day I dreamt I was a phoenix, nonsensing around the place, and flying. There was a lake, and I landed there.
On the lake there was a mixture of a racoon and a badger and it shouted at me "You have been doing silly thing 'till the time!" And then, just then, the alarm went off...Weeird.

Grandma's Boy, anyone?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 20 April 2008, 14:56:40
Grandma's Boy?
Enlighten me.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 23 April 2008, 01:47:25

I dreamed I was in a screwed up episode 2/3 of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann a few nights ago.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 23 April 2008, 01:51:44
Yesterday, I had a weird dream where the neighbor across the street just has a huge snake crawl into his yard. His dog began to wrestle it. I'm watching this all through the front door window, and a humongous black anaconda crawls up my driveway and just lays there.

I began to look through the house for a gun.

Then I awoke.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 23 April 2008, 04:00:56
I never thought I'd actually care to share a dream.

But over vacation I dreamt that I was trying to save a friend from committing suicide while on a bus and 19th Nervous Breakdown was playing over and over in the background and it was all just very amusing to me because I don't really like this particular friend anyway.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 23 April 2008, 17:31:00
Grandma's Boy?
Enlighten me.
It's a hilarious movie about video game testers made by Happy Madison.

You really should all see it if you havent.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 26 April 2008, 18:41:54
It's overhyped but it's a funny movie, yea. But I don't know how that dream relates to the movie.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 28 April 2008, 03:31:26
Overhyped? No one even KNOWS about it.

And the dream relates to the movie because it's like the dream that Mr. Chiesel has and explains to everyone.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 28 April 2008, 04:18:25
But over vacation I dreamt that I was trying to save a friend from committing suicide while on a bus and 19th Nervous Breakdown was playing over and over in the background and it was all just very amusing to me because I don't really like this particular friend anyway.

Switch the background music to intense action music and I'm imagining the scene ON TOP of the bus.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 28 April 2008, 04:26:24
I'll take note of that for the next time I'm dreaming.

Also, OD, everyone I know has heard of and watched Grandma's Boy. I don't know where you're living that nobody's heard of it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 28 April 2008, 11:45:24
OD would like it.
They get so stoned that they can ONLY get where they are going by letting a chimpanzee drive their jeep.

A Chimp that knows martial arts.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Edgecrusher on 28 April 2008, 18:32:52
I'm way too baked to drive to the devil's house...

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 28 April 2008, 20:17:08
Also, OD, everyone I know has heard of and watched Grandma's Boy. I don't know where you're living that nobody's heard of it.

Yeah, same here. I was one of the last people I know to have seen it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 28 April 2008, 22:39:44
OD would like it.
They get so stoned that they can ONLY get where they are going by letting a chimpanzee drive their jeep.

A Chimp that knows martial arts.

What do you mean I would like it? I've seen it thousands of times.

I'm the one who brought it up.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 28 April 2008, 22:48:03
OD would like it.

As in, of course you would. They're your kind of people.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 29 April 2008, 13:09:31
I just had a dream, where I met ASR for some unknown reason, and OD and JC were there too. Maybe Nova.

And we had fun doing random stuff... and then I gave OD $20 in Canadian and he said something like, "Meh, Canadian money is still money" or something like that...

ASR posted about it a lot too... when I wasn't there. He say stuff like, "Yeah, Vinch and me did this today..." when I was at home looking at that message.


I think I spend too much time here...

Also, I dreamed of Family Guy, and I laughed for some reason when Peter said, "They checked ALL of the strawberries!?" when they were talking about a box full of strawberries.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 29 April 2008, 13:52:32
Go home, I don't want your Monopoly money.

Posted on: 29 April 2008, 13:51:14

Oh man! I just remembered that I found a "Johnny and the Moondogs" CD, and I was so freaking excited. I woke up in a good mood and I just realized that that's why.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Xzeemo on 29 April 2008, 15:50:13
I haven't had any dreams for a long time for some reason. I used to have them all the time. But when I do get them they are extremely real. It's actually scary. All of my senses work in my dreams. It's really weird. Most people only have dreams that are like a movie, they are just watching, having no ability to control what's going on. All of mine I can control what I myself am doing to a extent, but not anyone else. I can actually think like normal, making decisions and everything. My mind gets so into dream that it actually starts changing smells in my head so that they match the dream. I can taste things, hear and see. There was one dream where I could actually feel everything that was in it, it was the craziest damn thing ever. I have no idea how that happened, I was positive that I read somewhere that that wasn't even posibble.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Winged Warrior on 29 April 2008, 20:35:38
It is Night, and I am walking home. My tounge hits my kanine tooth and I realize that it is loose. With curiocity, I grab the loose tooth with my thumb and fore finger and wiggle it some, only to find out it is quite loose.

"Great" I think to myself "I'm going to loose my first adult tooth soon"

I decide to leave it alone, Maybe I can brush more often to ensure it stays, Lay off the sugar for a little while, Milk more often...

the tooth falls out. Just like that, no provication, Right out of my mouth. I relize it fell and I fumble with my hands to catch it.  I feel the whole that once held my tooth, and it's a clean gaping hole... The root must of fell out as well.

So I look at the tooth that fell out... It was a sharpened pencil top.
By this point I'm a little wierded out, And I decide to walk home.

I Go home to my mansion that I apperently own, and there are a group of people excited to the point of #####ting themselves that I am there.

"He's Here! He's HERE!!!!"

a woman walks up to me and says something about me taking my time, Drags me to this accultish circle, and wispers to me "You going to announce your new video or what?"

"And now, My new video!" I scream to the masses still very confused.

My cohort presses play and a music video plays. Lestat from queen of the damned meets bowie sort of music.

She wispers "Well you need some kind of Item to adorn with the power of your music, what do you have in mind?"

I grab my 'tooth' thinking "Well... This way it won't rot in my mouth" And I hand it to her. She raises it in the air, everyone praises the pencil peice and passes it around the circle.

Later that evening, I show my missing tooth to my co-hort, and she takes me to the dentist

It was more of a home call rather than a big office. The dentist would not want to speak buisness, instead, his son was a big fan of mine, And wanted me to meet him. the son, excited, asked me to... stick out my tounge for him... I did, playing along with this dream.

My cohort asked him, "So did you hear about the cerimony?
"what did they say was used to celebrate the new video?"
"well they told me that he did it in real gothic style with a family heirloom sword!"

Me and my cohort laughed out loud about this.

"You wanna know my biggest secret?" I asked him"
I lift up my upper lip to show him I was missing a tooth, Hoping he'd tell his father about it.

Playing with the hole, I relize ther is a small shard there poking trough the gum. I work it out and it is a sliver ot tooth that was beside the pencil peice. And then I slowly wake up.

I usually don't have very many dreams, though when they do happen they are usually story pots, though I usually decide to forget them.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 29 April 2008, 20:45:11
Canadian money is worth more than American money right now...

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 29 April 2008, 20:48:05
ASR posted about it a lot too... when I wasn't there. He say stuff like, "Yeah, Vinch and me did this today..." when I was at home looking at that message.

What am I, some sort of blogger? For shame!

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 29 April 2008, 20:53:15
Canadian money is worth more than American money right now...

Yup. Thank you Economics class.

USA economy isn't doing too well.

I learned there's a country (forgot which one) that has $5,000 bills. However, comparing their currency with the US, their $5,000 is worth half a penny.

Also, I liked WW's dream, but I was confused near the end. I'll have to reread it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 29 April 2008, 22:07:56
I like my colour coded money. I'm so used to figuring how how much a bill is worth just by glancing at its colour that when I'm using American money I keep thinking they're all twenties.

EDIT: That doesn't have much to do with anything in this thread, but I DID have a dream where I was examining a 10 dollar bill to see if it was fake. The bill was yellow, and tens are actually supposed to be purple, but I didn't realize that in the dream. Another thing about our bills is that if you look at it through a light source you can see a face on it that isn't visible on either side otherwise. Well, I did this to the yellow ten in my dream, and I saw an old guy with a huge beard sitting on the hood of an old truck in a position that suggested he was in control of a horse, but there were no reins nor any horse in the picture.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 29 April 2008, 22:11:13
We wish....

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 30 April 2008, 04:29:31
Canadian money is worth more than American money right now...

Yeah, too bad it's not real money. You know what I'm talking about, when you accidentally get a canadian nickel in your change and no one can take it. WTF is up with that. Why make money that no one can use?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 30 April 2008, 04:37:33
Ugh... Last night I had some dream about some girl trying on clothes and then turning into a tentacle monster... Then something about me riding a sled.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 30 April 2008, 04:58:34
Yeah, too bad it's not real money. You know what I'm talking about, when you accidentally get a canadian nickel in your change and no one can take it. WTF is up with that. Why make money that no one can use?

Huh. We accept American cash at our shop as if it's just like Canadian money.

Also, I remember why I gave you the twenty. You were a sad panda and I wanted to make you happy.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 30 April 2008, 05:35:01
Canadian money is worth more than American money right now...

Yeah, too bad it's not real money. You know what I'm talking about, when you accidentally get a canadian nickel in your change and no one can take it. WTF is up with that. Why make money that no one can use?

That happens with any money that isn't USD in your country, not just ours.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 30 April 2008, 11:44:39
But mostly yours.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 30 April 2008, 14:01:00
Not all the time. Some places don't care (with cheap change at least).

Including me. When I'm working a register and I get foreign money like a nickel or something, I just replace the foreign nickel with a US one. Collecting.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 30 April 2008, 14:15:20
Yeah but why even make money that no one can use?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 30 April 2008, 14:20:05
Why make money no one can use?

Why make counterfeit money?

Why steal?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 30 April 2008, 14:46:15
Yeah. Damn Canadians.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 30 April 2008, 23:24:56
Nah I've seen Mexican cash get "wtf'd" in the US too.

I found a 2 Kune coin in my wallet on monday and have no idea where I got it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 30 April 2008, 23:32:49
Here in America I have 5 single-dollar gold coins that I can't quite bring myself to spend. Even then, if I did spend them, I assume I'd only be pissing off a cashier.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 30 April 2008, 23:34:28
Single dollars in bills are stupid.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 30 April 2008, 23:42:40
I don't have a problem with them at all, it's just that gold dollar coins are so rarely used that I never like parting with them in some goofy way.

Not because I want them to not spend, but because "maybe I'll get some awkward usage out of these later, like if I owe someone money, they'll let me give them less if I pay them in gold dollar coins."


I'm so weird.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 1 May 2008, 00:04:33
Half dollar coins rock.
Next to other for size comparison.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 1 May 2008, 00:48:15
I don't have a problem with them at all, it's just that gold dollar coins are so rarely used that I never like parting with them in some goofy way.

Not because I want them to not spend, but because "maybe I'll get some awkward usage out of these later, like if I owe someone money, they'll let me give them less if I pay them in gold dollar coins."


I'm so weird.

1$ bills are just a waste of ink and paper when a coin does the job a billion times better.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 1 May 2008, 01:09:27

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: NovaMan XP on 1 May 2008, 01:31:34

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 May 2008, 01:41:16
1$ bills are just a waste of ink and paper when a coin does the job a billion times better.

Bills are obviously more portable. It's easier carrying 100 $1 bills in your pocket than it is carrying 100 $1 coins. If portability wasn't a concern, I'm pretty sure the majority would use dollar coins to this day.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 1 May 2008, 01:49:24
I hope you mean portability in terms of weight, because coins are obviously smaller.

Though I do agree, I'd rather carry around light bills in a wallet.

A couple months ago I paid for a $10 DVD in ALL quarters. Funny story I thought I'd add. The cashier was ready to kill me. It was actually a hit mission to annoy the cashier for a friend, though I didn't know the guy personally.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 May 2008, 01:54:20
Weight/mass obviously. Bills can be more compact, while coins are cluttered in your pocket.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 1 May 2008, 02:02:32
I prefer bills.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 1 May 2008, 17:08:07
They don't look that big next to your WART.


Fix that.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 2 May 2008, 04:57:55
1$ bills are just a waste of ink and paper when a coin does the job a billion times better.

Bills are obviously more portable. It's easier carrying 100 $1 bills in your pocket than it is carrying 100 $1 coins. If portability wasn't a concern, I'm pretty sure the majority would use dollar coins to this day.

Have you ever used money? How often are you carrying around 100 units of one dollar? Exchange some for bigger bills, because only a jackass runs around with that.

The 1$ coin is simpler for things like machines that require small change; I.E. Parking machines, gum/candy/drink machines, and the like. Don't you all go act like I'm being a moron, I have a reason for saying it. And only chuds carry their money loose in their pockets without a wallet like a decent human being.

A couple months ago I paid for a $10 DVD in ALL quarters. Funny story I thought I'd add. The cashier was ready to kill me. It was actually a hit mission to annoy the cashier for a friend, though I didn't know the guy personally.

Of course she was ready to kill you, that's a dick move. I have a friend who tips with nickels, dimes, and pennies. You can't #####ing bring him anywhere.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Winged Warrior on 2 May 2008, 05:54:01
Where I am, It's common place for that trick...

However, Our store is usually in moderate or higher need of pennies, dimes, or quarters... So all is good while those in line behind them want to murder the person who just paid in change.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 May 2008, 14:22:47
Have you ever used money? How often are you carrying around 100 units of one dollar? Exchange some for bigger bills, because only a jackass runs around with that.

The 1$ coin is simpler for things like machines that require small change; I.E. Parking machines, gum/candy/drink machines, and the like. Don't you all go act like I'm being a moron, I have a reason for saying it. And only chuds carry their money loose in their pockets without a wallet like a decent human being.

It was just an example, obviously. What kind of an even bigger jackass walks around with 100 $1 coins?

Besides, there are always the trouble with not having change on you and just having bills, but some machines DO accept bills.

This is common knowledge anyway.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 May 2008, 22:29:17
I do not like carrying coins.
Just a preference, they annoy me in my pocket.
I'll stick with bills.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 3 May 2008, 05:34:24
Besides, there are always the trouble with not having change on you and just having bills, but some machines DO accept bills.

I know but it totally sucks ass trying to get a machine to accept a crappy bill.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 May 2008, 15:00:22
Then punch the asshole that gave you that wrinkled bill.

They go in... eventually.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Fatso on 4 May 2008, 04:46:45
How the hell do you fit the guy who gave you the wrinkled bill into the slot?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 May 2008, 04:53:21
It's called obedience.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 4 May 2008, 21:21:27
He means patience.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 4 May 2008, 23:50:38
Half dollar coins rock.
Next to other for size comparison.

Jesus, your hands are huge.

That half-dollar coin is about the same as a quarter to my hands.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 May 2008, 01:32:33
Why thank you?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: MOX on 7 May 2008, 18:06:05
Last night I couldn't find my poker set. Then when I slept I dreamt that I found it in a shoebox. When I woke up this morning I went to check the shoebox cause I was curious and it was there.


Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 7 May 2008, 20:02:21
Last night I couldn't find my poker set. Then when I slept I dreamt that I found it in a shoebox. When I woke up this morning I went to check the shoebox cause I was curious and it was there.


No ####ing way.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 7 May 2008, 21:00:37
Actually I think that's really cool.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 7 May 2008, 21:06:34
I keep having dreams that I'm running away from something and relying on friends to help me steal #####.

It's weird.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: MOX on 7 May 2008, 23:02:23
No ####ing way.

ya wai

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Xzeemo on 8 May 2008, 00:05:57
I know it's kind of late, but here where I live, I don't think any vending machines, bus meters etc. Even take $1 coins. Otherwise I really wouldn't care about using them. America just needs to make the dollar coin smaller so it can fit in the machines I guess. We really don't think these things through x.x

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 May 2008, 00:58:24
No place in Maine takes $1 coins.
I'm pretty sure.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Orange Devil on 8 May 2008, 13:48:18
I know machines GIVE them. And yes, all places take them, even in Maine.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 May 2008, 14:08:09
All places yes, but not machines.
I have yet to see a machine that allows $1 coins.
And I live in the Capitol.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Xzeemo on 8 May 2008, 15:44:18
Yea, all businesses take them of course, but I don't think I've ever seen a machine that can. The coin won't fit in our parking meters, bus meters, pop machines etc. That's probably why most people don't use them commonly. That and the fact that they make tons of noise in your pocket if you have like, 5.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 9 May 2008, 22:32:10
We've got pepsi and coke and snack machines everywhere that take and give them.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Xzeemo on 9 May 2008, 23:21:17
You guys are smart then, our machines often think that they're quarters :(

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: megajosh2 on 11 May 2008, 16:28:47
I had a few wierd dreams before...

There was once this dream I had that these 2 girls were trying to cut my dick with a green acid-trip-ish buzzsaw.  I had another dream where I was going down an escalator on one of those conveyor belts in airports where they sort luggage and there was just aaaaaaall these miles of floating conveyor belt going in all kinds of directions but it wasn't like insane how-is-that-possible directions.  Then I had strange dreams with reccuring themes a lot, but I usually forget those...


Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Xzeemo on 11 May 2008, 17:52:36
You should know by now, our threads never stay on topic :P

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: megajosh2 on 11 May 2008, 21:18:28
Yeah, everyone here sure does get away with a lot.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 11 May 2008, 21:26:58
It's not getting away with anything, it's the natural flow of conversation.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: megajosh2 on 11 May 2008, 21:36:21
I wasn't reffering to that this time =\.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 11 May 2008, 23:53:16
I think he's implying that all the mods should be given whips, spears, cat-o-nine tails, and other weaponry so they can get on every member's case 24/7 for every single little thing like a "common" forum would do. Or maybe like how a parent treats a 3-year old.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 21 July 2008, 22:42:12
You do not have to put a space after a hyphen.

Hearing about people's dreams is the most boring thing in a conversation. It beats hearing about their kids or being talked at about a subject you hate or care nothing about.

People should only share their dreams if the other person/people in the conversation was/were in the dream, or if it's ##### yourself funny.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 21 July 2008, 23:31:41
I dreamt I was an extremely fat African blob-lady trying to plug up erupting water geysers with my giant breasts.

It was #####ed up.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 22 July 2008, 00:01:02
I dreamed that Ray, I and a friend of ours had to learn new tricks for grilling burgers. The more tricks we learned, the more bosses we defeated.

We were saving the world for something, but we were also in a Metroid-style series of tunnels and tubes. 

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 22 July 2008, 00:10:22
Play too much Cookin' Mama, I take it?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 23 July 2008, 15:57:56
No, actually.

We all work fast food, and I've been playing a lot of Metroid: Zero Mission lately.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 23 July 2008, 16:05:17

I never really remember much about my dreams.
Although I faintly remember something from waking up this morning about piloting a blue helicopter with a face on it, dropping socks on a watermelon field, but...
... not sure why. Usually there's a reason for the madness, but I always forget it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Yubi Shines on 23 July 2008, 17:29:54
I dreamed I went to a The Protomen concert.

I'm not a geek.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 July 2008, 17:36:59
They did it to me once, now they turn to you, do you understand now? Do you see that truth is they don't wanna change this they don't wanna hero, they just want a martyr! Just a statue to raise!~

I'm not a geek either

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 23 July 2008, 23:33:07
blue helicopter with a face on it

Family Guy.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 24 July 2008, 00:11:28
... but I never watch it.

It was more "Thomas the Tank Engine", I think.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 24 July 2008, 00:15:41
WAY better. I love that. I had all the videos memorized as a kid.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Winged Warrior on 24 July 2008, 01:12:14
We all work fast food

I had a dream that our food was connected to the zombie virus. Weather it was the cure or the desease, We will never know...

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Fatso on 24 July 2008, 02:36:25
I think it would have to be the cure. A&W Canada has a lock on the cause :D

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Snare on 24 July 2008, 02:46:26
WAY better. I love that. I had all the videos memorized as a kid.

"Good show Mikero! You're going to get a new coat of paint" said Sir Topham Hat

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 24 July 2008, 03:28:11
Hahaha, Snare you rock.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: XJ on 24 July 2008, 03:36:07
His face is shiny. 

Mikero keeps his face squeaky clean.


Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 24 July 2008, 04:05:30

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 15 March 2009, 02:34:13
Fine, I know it's a necropost, but I didn't want to create a new topic if this one wasn't locked.

Last night, I had an odd dream whilst falling asleep.

I was falling at first.

I Jumped from the top of a waterfall, facing the falls, head to the ground.

I was fully sensual, except that I couldn't hear. I could feel and taste the spray from the waterfall and the wind rushing past. I could see everything in full colour. I could smell the mossy rocks.

There was no feeling of impending impact, only that of total weightlessness.

I fell until I reached the top of the mists at the base of the falls, then I dove under the water.

As soon as I was completely submerged, I opened my eyes, and saw that I was not in the water, but high above a fast-moving river with rocks jutting out in almost a defined pattern.

At that point, I realized that I could hear. The river's current was moving at the same pace as my pulse, and I was being swept along its path by the wind, and stopped at a large, deep pool.

At that point, everything stopped.

No sight.

No sound.

No taste.

No smell.

No touch.

Only thought, and the realization that I was fully asleep.

And after that, nothing.

I woke up almost twelve hours later, but in between, there was nothing.

It was ... interesting.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 15 March 2009, 02:56:06
Very vivid description.
I can imagine just about everything.

Last dream I remember, I was sleeping over at my girlfriend's.

In the dream I was upstairs in my girlfriend's room, playing keyboard and singing a Black Sabbath song. Loudly.

Next instant I downstairs getting yelled at by her mom (something that has never happened) about the loud music. That was it.

APPARENTLY in my sleep I had sat up and was playing 'air keyboard' while mumbling something, according to Danielle, she had grabbed my shoulder and asked if I was awake, and okay.
To which I fell backwards and slept.

When she said I had sat up in my sleep I knew exactly why. It was funny. and embarrassing.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 15 March 2009, 03:39:37
A few weeks back, my sleep kept spawning a lot of MGS-related dreams.

I mean, A LOT.

Haven't played any of the games in months, and I don't think I was even thinking about MGS in any way. They were fun dreams though.

One I remember, was like a fusion of MGS and MegaMan, where you grabbed an ability after each boss you beat, and then continued to infiltrate the base.

The other was "Metal Gear Solid Golf"

That's right. You played as Snake, and was on a golf-course similar to turf in Snake Eater. You'd swing and hit the ball, and then it would land. After that, from the point where you hit the ball, you would have to sneak your way across the golf course, avoiding terrorist sight, and find the ball before you could advance to your next swing.

I woke up, and realized, that would be one FUN game.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 15 March 2009, 03:59:22
Not really.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 15 March 2009, 04:05:44
It seemed fun to ME.

Not as a sports game though, it seemed to play more like a regular old MGS game in the dream.

And it doesn't have to be the main game. In MGS2, you could skateboard.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 15 March 2009, 04:06:12
I think my dream actually had some sort of implication or meaning to it.

I've had directly prophetic dreams before, and though I don't think I'm actually going to be experiencing anything like what I dreamed about any time in the foreseeable future, usually, the dreams I remember most vividly have heralded something in my life.

Or maybe it's just like my superpower dream where I could shoot lasers out of my eyes and kill giant evil robots.


Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 15 March 2009, 05:10:54
Sometimes I have dreams of stuff that happens months or years later, exactly like on the dream. I realize it's what I dreamt, but I still think the same I heard me thinking on the dream. I can't seem to be able to change it...
What's cool about that is that I end up dreaming me watching TV, thinking "Oh, this is my dream"

Also, last year I dreamt about a dog chasing me. Not running, more like, just following me. Then it started barking, and I scared it away, but it came back, so I tried scaring it away and failed. Then the dog was about to bite me. So I kicked it, instinctively. But I never knew if I had hit the dog, because I woke up inmediately after due to kicking the wall...
My toe hurted for like a week.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 15 March 2009, 06:27:13
Sometimes I have dreams of stuff that happens months or years later, exactly like on the dream. I realize it's what I dreamt, but I still think the same I heard me thinking on the dream. I can't seem to be able to change it...
What's cool about that is that I end up dreaming me watching TV, thinking "Oh, this is my dream"

It's called precognitive dreaming and it's more common than you think.
I have such dreams all the time.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 15 March 2009, 06:30:37
I never said it wasn't common, I have them since I am three. Well, maybe since before, but, you know, one day you wake up when you are three or two and forget most of what happened previously? For some sort of reason I forgot who my mom was, but I didn't forget what Pokémon was.
...Wow, that doesn't really speak well for kid-me.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 15 March 2009, 06:34:04
I'm sorry, where is it that I said YOU said they weren't common? All I said was they're more common than you think, which is directed at everyone not just you and simply means "you'd be surprised at how common it actually is". Jeez, lighten up toots, it's a party.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 15 March 2009, 06:35:48
Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 15 March 2009, 06:37:36

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 15 March 2009, 12:17:17
Sometimes I have dreams of stuff that happens months or years later, exactly like on the dream. I realize it's what I dreamt, but I still think the same I heard me thinking on the dream. I can't seem to be able to change it...
What's cool about that is that I end up dreaming me watching TV, thinking "Oh, this is my dream"

It's called precognitive dreaming and it's more common than you think.
I have such dreams all the time.

It's called deja vu, damn it, and it's not really based on dreams.
Mystical mumbo jumbo doesn't exist.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 15 March 2009, 21:24:14
No, deja vu is an inexplicable feeling of repeating the same thing.

If you know that you dreamed about doing it, that's not inexplicable.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 15 March 2009, 22:33:00
No, you're all wrong.

It's a glitch in the matrix.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 15 March 2009, 22:51:05
No, deja vu is an inexplicable feeling of repeating the same thing.

If you know that you dreamed about doing it, that's not inexplicable.

Yes, but it's highly unlikely that you could ever possibly dream about something and wind up doing it later.
In fact, it's nigh impossible considering the random nature of dreams.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 15 March 2009, 23:06:34
Sometimes I have dreams of stuff that happens months or years later, exactly like on the dream. [...]
[...]I have them since I am three[...]

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Snare on 15 March 2009, 23:14:28
Ever have those things that are sort of like a head rush but everything seems really real?

I hate that.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 16 March 2009, 00:16:53
You mean when all of the color an love drain out of the world?
Yeah, that's called MGS4.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 16 March 2009, 00:33:09
Sometimes I have dreams of stuff that happens months or years later, exactly like on the dream. I realize it's what I dreamt, but I still think the same I heard me thinking on the dream. I can't seem to be able to change it...
What's cool about that is that I end up dreaming me watching TV, thinking "Oh, this is my dream"

It's called precognitive dreaming and it's more common than you think.
I have such dreams all the time.

It's called deja vu, damn it, and it's not really based on dreams.
Mystical mumbo jumbo doesn't exist.

It's not déja vu and it's not mystical mumbo jumbo. It's been studied for years, there's apparently clinical evidence (and anecdotal, obviously). It's fine to be skeptic about it, but it actually is nothing like déja vu. I realize how absurd a concept it is and I wouldn't believe it if it didn't happen to me a LOT.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 16 March 2009, 01:03:03
I never had precognitive dreaming or if I did I never remember it.

I do, however, think of something and then something happens a few hours later that relates to that thought. Like, today, I thought about buying one of those instant rice things. A few hours later, my roommate comes back from his house and says that he's brought Chinese if I want any. And the other day, I suddenly started thinking about this friend back from home and then a few hours later, I go on Facebook and it turns out she added me as a friend.

It's probably all coincidental but it happens a lot.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 16 March 2009, 02:41:50
That first one sounds like BARELY even a coincidence. The second one sounds like a coincidence.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 16 March 2009, 03:07:45
Yeah, those are just coincidences you notice.

Do you have any idea how many thoughts run through your head a day? Haha, some of them are bound to relate to things that happen later.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 16 March 2009, 03:16:36
Probably, that's why I don't think much of them.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 16 March 2009, 04:22:29
If I were to just assume without doing any sort of study on the matter I'd think that you're just dreaming about a realistically possible hypothetical situation. When it happens, it's because the chances of that thing you dreamed about happening were pretty high. I suppose it depends on how well you know whoever or whatever's involved in the situation. If someone's predictable, it'd be easier to dream about something they'd probably do and then notice them do it later.

I'd think it's neat if the brain can, in dreams, pick up signals and details from real life and sometimes put together something conclusive about the near future.

I can also imagine that the "Oh, this is my dream" thing happened probably only BECAUSE you dreamed it. You remembered it and then you said the exact same thing from memory.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 16 March 2009, 12:27:38
There would have to be mysterious signals in the first place, and there's no evidence for it.
There never will be, I think.

Now, there is a school of thought that says that events in your life may pick up certain trends that can culminate in specific ends; sort of like the weather, but on a grand emotional/situational social scale.

But it's not precognition. No such thing.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 16 March 2009, 14:46:09
Unfortunately, evidence is shoddy as far as support of prophetic dreams goes, as one cannot show one's dream to another.

I've had dreams about small, but unlikely, situations that ended up happening to the letter of the dream weeks later; a specific example involves putting on overalls in a tent. (I never said I predicted anything important.)

My point is, until we can share our dreams in all of their phantom sensory glory, we can't prove yea or nay on this outside of experiences.

As you said, dreaming about something not as specific but still fairly close to what does happen in life is usually the person figuring out earlier on what is likely to happen if they / someone close to them keeps going down the path they are, or their subconscious telling the conscious that it noticed something wrong, and hence those dreams are more vivid.

I'm just specifying my version of the theory. I have no idea how much of that is in the generalized school of thought.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 16 March 2009, 15:23:14
Well, dreams are really just a regurgitation of things (settings, people, things, ideas) that your conscious mind picked up during waking periods. The idea is that while you're in deep sleep, your mind is more or less dormant, and focused on repairing the body. However, in REM sleep, your mind is being repaired, and in the process neurons start firing around lazily and with little regard to any memory that might be stored in connections between them.

There's a significant chance of recent things popping up, but this is a very random process, as I mentioned before. Old, old stuff, real or imagined, is likely to pop up.

There's not really a communication link between the conscious mind and subconscious during dreams so much as the entire brain is just functioning on clean cycle, so some things are bound to be jumbled around here.

What I'm saying is that it's all past knowledge, but configured in random ways; and random things sometimes look like predictions if something similar happens afterward.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 16 March 2009, 15:55:29
It's not "similar" when the situation down to the senses are exact.

For most dreams, though, I do agree. I'm just saying there are exceptions.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 16 March 2009, 18:26:27
There would have to be mysterious signals in the first place, and there's no evidence for it.
There never will be, I think.

Now, there is a school of thought that says that events in your life may pick up certain trends that can culminate in specific ends; sort of like the weather, but on a grand emotional/situational social scale.

But it's not precognition. No such thing.

That's basically what I said. I don't mean "signals" as in something otherworldly or supernatural. I mean things that happen in your life that signal your brain.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 16 March 2009, 20:05:31
Oh, OK, I thought you were sourcing them externally or something like psychic waves or something.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 17 March 2009, 00:04:56
Well I'm sure it's not "psychic waves" or "cosmic rays" or "primordial juices" or anything like that.

If I were to just assume without doing any sort of study on the matter I'd think that you're just dreaming about a realistically possible hypothetical situation. When it happens, it's because the chances of that thing you dreamed about happening were pretty high.

Nah, because that would feel exactly like déja vu and I assure you it's a very different experience.

I mean, with déja vu I'm thinking "Wait didn't this happen already?" or "This is really familiar."

With this, you KNOW you dreamt it. You remember dreaming it. And what happens next is... Well it's kind of like a word being on the tip of your tongue. Someone will say something, you'll say something and then think like "And then you say..." but it's just kind of shadowy (as remembering dreams often is) so you can't change anything. Also, it's not the same as you just dreaming something that's likely to happen, because whole sentences, body movements, mannerisms, outfits, and even your own thoughts are exactly the same. Even things that surprise you.

It's very weird and it sounds like hooey to describe it and I can't really explain it any better than that (which was poor) but I've experienced what I've experienced.

I'm just saying, there's a lot of ##### our brains do when we're AWAKE that we can't yet figure out. I consider "Science" and "Magic" to be just words, two sides of the same coin--divided by understanding. Not that I believe in "psychics" or anything, but I always take science as far as I can, and then leap instead of sticking to edge as though "Everything is this way because we can't prove it's another way".

That kind of logic is really annoying to me, like "There's no life on other planets because we haven't found any" or "There's nothing smaller than the atom". Remember how they believed that until they finally split the bitch and found a whole murder of subatomic crows rocking in there?

Kind of like recording music with preconceived notions of how to do versus giving someone who has no idea about the technology the ability to do it. The results can be extreme interesting and it just seems like a really stunted way of thinking to say "No. Absolutely not." where I can't see a reason "why not".

Disclaimer: Not that you guys are acting like that, I'm just saying.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Chron on 17 March 2009, 00:17:22
"Why not" is what gets people in so much trouble logically.

What you've described, short of the fact you say you know you dreamed it, is the exact feeling I have during deja vu. Exact.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 17 March 2009, 00:39:12
With this, you KNOW you dreamt it. You remember dreaming it. And what happens next is... Well it's kind of like a word being on the tip of your tongue. Someone will say something, you'll say something and then think like "And then you say..." but it's just kind of shadowy (as remembering dreams often is) so you can't change anything. Also, it's not the same as you just dreaming something that's likely to happen, because whole sentences, body movements, mannerisms, outfits, and even your own thoughts are exactly the same. Even things that surprise you.[...]
This is what I tried to explain at the first post of the page, but much better explained.
When I wake up from the dream, I say "I'll try to change what I dream" But, I just can't. It's really weird. I can't NOT think what I heard me thinking on the dream, nor can I not say what I said on my dream, even if it was stupid. I remember dreaming me thinking "Oh my dream!" and then doing weird faces to amuse myself, then doing the exact same thing some months later.. If I hadn't dreamt it, I wouldn't have done it. So it's just weird.

EDIT: I got 500 posts. Huh.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 17 March 2009, 00:53:21
"Why not" is what gets people in so much trouble logically.

I know but that's not a reason for limiting anything, as long as you're smart about it.

What you've described, short of the fact you say you know you dreamed it, is the exact feeling I have during deja vu. Exact.

Like I said, I can't describe it fully. It's really not like déja vu. And you end up with the memory of you dreaming it and the memory of it happening, but whatever I can't explain.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 17 March 2009, 06:33:17
Yeah, I agree with what you said, Mike. But I don't see why my theory would create a different feeling. To me we're both talking about dreaming something and then seeing it happen.

It may seem weird that you'd get dreams in THAT much detail out of a load of random processed facts by the brain, but the whole thing is weird, really. I don't see how the idea that the brain can predict the future in sleep is made any less plausible by my potential explanation of it, you know? It seems like the most logical thing to me, even if it's a HUGE leap from what I'd think my level of brainpower actually is.

That being said I don't have dreams like this anyway, not that I disbelieve.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 17 March 2009, 21:27:42
I've had those dreams too (If I'm reading correctly what you're talking about), but sometimes they didn't come when I was sleeping. Sometimes, I used to doze off into space and I'd have a short random "vision", and I couldn't manipulate it in any way, it just seemed to happen.

After the vision was over, I couldn't remember what I watched even if I tried, and it just sunk into the back of my head in memory.

Later in the future, possibly years, I'd find myself in the same room, same conversation, same actions, as the one in the vision, and only AFTER do we say and do EXACTLY what happened in it, do I say to myself "Wait, this is familiar..." and it hits me.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 17 March 2009, 21:42:27
Yeah, I agree with what you said, Mike. But I don't see why my theory would create a different feeling. To me we're both talking about dreaming something and then seeing it happen.

It may seem weird that you'd get dreams in THAT much detail out of a load of random processed facts by the brain, but the whole thing is weird, really. I don't see how the idea that the brain can predict the future in sleep is made any less plausible by my potential explanation of it, you know? It seems like the most logical thing to me, even if it's a HUGE leap from what I'd think my level of brainpower actually is.

That being said I don't have dreams like this anyway, not that I disbelieve.

Fair enough.

The annoying part is, at least for me, it's usually an event that is completely uninteresting. So it's very "what was the point of dreaming that before it happened?"

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 17 March 2009, 22:33:17
Replace usually with always and then it's the same for me.
And it never happened sooner than 6 months after the dream, too.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 June 2009, 03:51:19
This guy (;u=62) just told me an interesting dream you should all check out.

(The following conversation has been modified, but the main points have been essentially kept in tact)

I dreamed I was MegaMan last night. It was the coolest thing. Ever.

It was weird, I was driving around and then...


The ground explodes and I get sent flying back. I'm laying there, most of my chest's skin has been burned off, and my left arm is four feet away from me. I was going to just be paralyzed but I overheard the police telling the doctors what happened. Supposedly a scientist/terrorist had launched his first attack on the city and had taken control of most of the military's weapons. So, they walked in and told me that I was going to be in intensive care for the next 18 months, and that after that I'd be confined to a wheel chair for the rest of my life. I told them, "I heard what you were saying. I was trained in the martial arts and know special weapons and tactics. There has to be something I can do to help."
The doctor said there was nothing, but then of course General Big Badass walks in and informs him that there's a deux ex machina in the army that will allow them to turn me into a super soldier.

So they injected me with this stuff that raised my body to it's peak (except my right arm). My biceps grew like there was no tommorow. They then took me to the army base and began replacing my skin with metal plating. It was incredibly detailed, the suit anyways. They attached metal to the burnt areas of my chest, replaced my spine with a spring-based titanium one, replaced my arm with a prosthetic, and gave me special weighted legs that connected into the faux-spine to help them work.

Oh yeah, then they gave me the really cool helmet. For no real reason. At this point, I'm kind of like... Robocop.

So they sent me out to test me out on a captured EOD (Engine of Destruction) who you might know better as..


During the battle, they found that I was impervious to all forms of blades, thanks to the metal plating, but that the metal plating would eventually chip away, because it was simply attached to my tissue. They also found that, even though my right arm was at superhuman levels, my left, being a prosthetic, could hardly perform efficiently. So, when I returned, they reinforced the armor with Iron-Man esque blue armor and then installed a blaster into my left arm. It was pretty darn heavy, but my left arm, being a prosthetic, weighed about half of what a regular arm should, so the blaster actually helped my balance

Then they removed my left eye and replaced it with a cybernetic autotargeting one. Kind of similar to the one that Matrix had in Reboot. After that, I was sent out on my first field mission where I encountered...


He had the shades, shield, the whole dealio, except he was almost totally covered in armor (His scarf covered his mouth). He comes up to me and tells me that I should abandon the army because Wily had been hired by them to create the supersoldier serum and suit but that they tried to kill him when he completed his work, to keep him from telling anyone else about it. He said that he (ProtoMan) was the first approved prototype, that his original name was Thomas Light. He was a captain in the Air Force who volunteered for it, but then Wily snuck out after his assassination attempt. Afterwards, Wily replaced his tracking device (the government one) with one of Wily's breeds, so that only Wily could keep track of him, and make sure that he never died out (unlike me, ProtoMan NEEDED the suit to surive, as the original procedure was akin to Darth Vader's suit). ProtoMan told me that he didn't agree with Wily's methods, but wouldn't get in his way as he owed his life to him, but he warned me not to stay on the side of the government, as they would just end up trying to rub me out after the crisis was over.

The dream pretty much ended right there. He and I spent the next ten minutes destroying tanks and such.

Oh yeah, Did I mention...


You remember Zero's saber from the Zero series? How it was...semi-transparent? That's how mine was. A big blade that came out ontop of the buster, so I was capable of dueling AND firing.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Blitzkrieg on 3 June 2009, 03:53:48


That is all.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 3 June 2009, 04:16:53

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 June 2009, 04:24:46

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 3 June 2009, 04:25:19
Dreams are stupid!

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Blitzkrieg on 3 June 2009, 04:47:43
ASR, are you trying to conserve energy?
with envy.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 June 2009, 05:36:44
So jealous.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 3 June 2009, 06:00:27
That's a decent dream.

It sounds like what Hollywood would do to Megaman, DragonBall style.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 3 June 2009, 15:37:17
All of my dreams seem to end in sex.

And many of them involve explosions and swordfights.


Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 3 June 2009, 23:42:05
Lucky Alec.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 4 June 2009, 00:15:38
The best thing about my dreams (aside from all the sex and explosions and swordfights) is how amazingly ADD they are.

When I can remember them, I realize that it's just a string of ideas that are constantly leaving behind whatever was happening before them.

I specifically remember one where I was in the middle of some fight to the death between two colored teams, and then I make friends with someone on the other team and then suddenly I disregard the entire scenario and it's just me hanging out with that dude, and then we get trapped in an elevator, and then there's some naked girl in the elevator and I disregard the elevator and suddenly we're just blowing ##### up.

And then I'll forget to have sex with her because maybe something else happens like an earthquake or circus!

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 4 June 2009, 00:21:15
I wish I had dreams like those, and remembered them.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2009, 00:28:26
My dreams are similar, but a little less fast paced.
Also, replace explosions with lasers.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 4 June 2009, 00:34:21
My dreams are pretty much the same deal.

I once had a dream that started at work and then somehow ended up about a blue alien woman who separated into like five blue alien women, that looked the same but had different names, to have sex. I didn't have sex with her or anything, it was just about that she did that. Like the diva from The Fifth Element mixed DC Comics' Triplicate Girl or something.

Explosions, lasers, I have these. But often times instead there's some kind of falling or huge jump type thing. I once was jumping off a big ship or building on like, the snowboard thing people do in the air, and went all the way down until I grinded on some in air rail that ended at some tower which I flung off into the huge basin of water underneath it. It was impressive. There I met some brunette in the water who I was apparently going out with or something close to that but then we forgot to have sex because we had to go jump off a cliff after an explosion to go fight evil or something.

I honestly had much better dreams when I was in high school. They were better formed and were actual stories and avoided being stupid. That means I was either more or less sane back then.



Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 4 June 2009, 01:14:08
You don't dream in colour, Mike?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 4 June 2009, 01:16:33
That's not what I meant.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2009, 01:21:02

V, you're a dink.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 4 June 2009, 02:00:25
Sorry, coloured.

And yeah, I don't generally remember my dreams, but this morning I did remember a bunch of vague happenings like the elevator and the team-death-fight that was instantly forgotten once I met that one dude. And I personally think sharing dreams or searching for symbolism in them is retarded, so I never share them.

But on this occasion, you got a free and rare taste of Alec's dreamscape!

I just enjoy waking up with a very vivid memory of a dream (this happens most when I get less than 5 hours of sleep and am brutally awakened by an alarm clock), and the scene is so clear and pristine, but I have all these other vague memories of earlier parts of the dream... that don't connect or make sense at ALL. It's really fun to try to piece everything together when I can remember a lot of chunks.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 4 June 2009, 02:06:39
Sorry, it's just I've heard of people who don't dream in colour.

I didn't really read ASR's post that closely so I didn't know which part of it Mike was quoting.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2009, 02:07:55



Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ASR on 4 June 2009, 02:21:00
Oh, wow, I wish I could go back in time and tell Young-Alec-Who-Cared-About-Post-Counts what a landmark I just reached.

Except he probably wouldn't get the relevance of 9,000.

Because Young-Alec-Who-Cared-About-Post-Counts is 12.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 4 June 2009, 02:37:58
Yeah I don't talk about dreams either really except today. It's not at all fun to hear about other people's dreams unless you're actually in them. But then it's kind of weird. But otherwise it's as boring as hearing about people's kids.

Sorry, coloured.

Again, not the point!

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Slugkid on 4 June 2009, 02:47:38
Oh, wow, I wish I could go back in time and tell Young-Alec-Who-Cared-About-Post-Counts what a landmark I just reached.

Except he probably wouldn't get the relevance of 9,000.

Because Young-Alec-Who-Cared-About-Post-Counts is 12.
Delete 5 posts, make a post with, uh, something on it.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Majikn on 4 June 2009, 06:22:35
I had a dream about being attacked by ghosts in a house I was staying in. My mom kicked out the exorcists early in the morning because she was like "WTF ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING HERE" because we didn't know, and then ghosts. Or some bunch of weird thing. I woke up in the middle of the night to a really wrinkly dog thing. And that was weird. So I got up and my mom was being chased by some demon woman. And the next time I got attacked it was when this door randomly flung open and it was some twitchy image of my brother from his younger years wearing pajamas and crawling at me. His head was twitching and his eyes were moving all over the place. And I grabbed a mop handle and kept smacking him with it. And it took forever. He kept getting closer.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Fatso on 4 June 2009, 10:00:58
Lots of my most vivid dreams either become stories or are incorporated into them, because apparently I have a bit of a plot-oriented subconscious and I'm not one to pass up free ideas.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2009, 14:36:08
I had a very scary dream last night.
I was walking around this old dilapidated town with some of my friends and as I was crossing a small stone bridge I noticed something large and invisible next to me.

Well it was a giant minotaur.

It became visible and I ran like crazy and could never get that far away from it even though it was stuck in the river now.
It ate like 5 of my friends and a random lunch lady.
Then it got go-go gadget arms and kept getting closer to me.

The fear of being eaten alive in a dream woke me up.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2009, 19:14:12
Why are you quoting him? You're silly!

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2009, 19:19:55
... Who are you talking to?

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2009, 19:41:24
ur dumb

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2009, 02:07:05
Uh, all you have to do to a Minotaur is rub his belly, then he'll flop over and purr. It works EVERY time. I learned that on Crete when I was nine. Young ninja are sent into the labyrinth there, and yada yada yada. I later tested this theory on Baal and similar creatures like the horned god of Tuzla. I have tried on many occasions to schedule some kind of appointment with Hapi-ankh to try this very thing, but he usually figures out in time that I don't actually want to watch Meteor Man with him.

I've heard from colleagues that this also works on creatures that are like fully the opposite. As in bull bod, human head A friend of mine tried it on Shedu during a trek through ancient Mesopotamia. He didn't really mean to BE in ancient Meso at all but he got stuck in a Fry Hole, and those always mess crap up space-timewise. But let's not get into all that. All you need to know is he made it back eventually and what he discovered back then is what gave the colour TV. You're welcome.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: ChaosVortex on 15 June 2009, 17:07:29


I didn't even need to say thank you. He knew I'd say it...

Posted on:  6 June 2009, 06:21:38

I just had a somewhat enjoyable dream. I dreamed I was on a Roller Coaster ride in this new theme park with my idiot friend Devon. He was doing dumb stunts the whole ride and I could see security guards watching us so I was telling him to stop before he gets either of us kicked out. At the end of the ride, it began to slow down and he jumped out, ran down the track and leaped out doing some really weird belly flop onto some bushes, where three guards tackled him. They dragged him out of the park.

Sad thing is, he'd probably do that in real life.

Title: Re: Dreams
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 June 2009, 00:42:13