The MBoard

MegaMan Matrix => MMM General Forum => Topic started by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 03:22:26

Title: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 03:22:26
Yeah, I have a question about the ranking. You know, like this:

Noob: ?-? Posts
Metall: ?-? Posts
Sniper Joe: 100-? Posts

If you have the answer, please post it in the above form, because it's easier to understand.

I'm asking this because I'm all about ranking and authority. Even though I won't have as much power as Abe and TheRedPriest, having as many posts as the bigwigs like Chaos, Xero, Mikero, John, and many others will help boost my self-confidence. And that's much needed on a forum where the majority of users are sexist males.

EDIT: ASR is a bigwig, as well as anyone else who's been with MMM since before the down time.

EDIT: Fine, you guys aren't sexist. Goodness. So easily offended.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 03:26:09
We don't care about post count.

But it's:

Noob = 0-49
Metall = 50-99
Sniper Joe = 100-499
Robot Master = 500-999
Super Robot = 1000+

There's also Matrix Marine and the one and only Creator of MMM. They're of course untouchable.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 4 June 2008, 03:28:05
I took offense to not being listed as a bigwig and being called a sexist male.

I bet Chaos doesn't even OWN a big wig! And John wears his on his chin!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 03:32:15
Funny, I don't even bother looking at post count any more, it's not accurate, as Snare and Jake who have been her forever don't have nearly as many posts as me, as this board has been reincarnated quite a few times with the post counts reset to zero.
I'm still relatively new here, as is Wind.
Combined from all boards, I bet Mikero has over 20,000 posts.

Don't worry about post count. Behave in a knowledgeable way and you'll be respected easier.

Noob = 0-49
Metall= 50- 99
Sniper Joe= 100- 499?
Robot Master= 500?-999
Super Robot= 1000 onward.

I think.

Posted on: June 03, 2008, 10:29:34 PM

I think she called us ALL sexist males.

That is incorrect. It's really just a meme to; say there are no girls on the internet/ make fun of them for saying so. Nothing is serious about it.

Again, post intelligently and in moderation, never feel that you HAVE to post, just say what needs to be said if you have something to say.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 03:32:30
I bet Chaos doesn't even OWN a big wig! And John wears his on his chin!

Mine's on my chest. ;__;

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 03:33:00

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 03:33:59
Okay, thanks everyone. And so I wouldn't have to give you any cheese with that wine (Get it?! Wine? WHINE? Never mind . . . ), ASR, I've put your name under the category of 'bigwig' as well. Even though you don't have a bigwig as much as Chaos.

Now, please stop trying to post because I'm locking this.


Go ahead, continue with your chest hair ramblings.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 4 June 2008, 03:59:48
...You're starting to get really annoying.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2008, 04:00:42
You're always annoying, BUT WE LOVE YOU.


Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: NovaMan XP on 4 June 2008, 04:01:10

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2008, 04:02:19

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:05:30
So, CV, I bet MY chestwig beats YOUR chestwig!

Sano, I know what ya mean about Otaku getting a little annoying, but remember when I first showed up and you were like 'JC IS THE CANCER THAT KILLS THE MMM!!!!!'

I had to learn before I got good at teh intarnetz.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 04:11:46
My hair is shaped like a phoenix. You can't beat that.

But there's no contest.

And Otaku, you'll get better. WE BELIEVE IN YOU.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 04:16:41
Yay, I'm annoying. And yay, someone actually shows a sign of friendly affection, online, on a forum full of men!

Makes me feel uncomfortable.

But Wind's okay.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:18:18
I really wanna post a picture of my chest hair right now.

Posted on: June 03, 2008, 11:17:46 PM

Wind is probably the friendliest here.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Fatso on 4 June 2008, 04:18:33
I really don't wanna look at a picture of your chest hair right now.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:19:24
Nobody does.
I'll PM it to anyone who's interested though.
Which is no-one.
Even if I shop it to JUST the chest hair.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2008, 04:19:39
I'm probably the coolest too.


Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 4 June 2008, 04:20:17
I had a big post about funny stuff like how we usually treat low-post-countees with more respect than we treat Xero and Rez with, and other stuff about how post-counts don't matter, but then Otaku locked the thread so I gave up and closed the window.

And now it's unlocked again.

And now I don't feel like re-typing everything.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 04:23:28
XD Sorry ASR.

And I didn't mean to necro-post on Morg's Birthday topic, I just do that 'cause I'm a NooB and I'm bored.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:26:23
Bored noobs go on Mchat.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 04:28:31
Yes, but MChat doesn't have a post count, and the computer I'm currently on lags too much to support MChat.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2008, 04:30:51
Yes, but MChat doesn't have a post count


Who cares if it doesn't have a post count. The whole idea of a forum isn't to increase your post count.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 04:36:24
I know, but I just like high numbers.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 04:37:42
You know how much it would suck if that was the case? Every post would be like:

"Ha I'm winning!"
"Another post."
"Cheese nuts"
"where is porn?  :'("
"this post was pasted via "CTRL + C" and "CTRL + V"


Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:40:12

A mod would ban that anyways.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 04:41:07
Yeah, I realized that too one day when I was Copy and Pasting and was all like "lol, cloned".

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: NovaMan XP on 4 June 2008, 04:42:05
CTRL +XP just opens up the print screen... lousy piece of ##### computer.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:43:07
Chaos= CopyPasta.

Remember when nobody could tell you two apart?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 04:44:01
You know how much it would suck if that was the case? Every post would be like:

"Ha I'm winning!"
"Another post."
"Cheese nuts"
"where is porn?  :'("
"this post was pasted via "CTRL + C" and "CTRL + V"


Well I'm trying to post like you guys, yet still get the count!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 04:45:40
Try not to quote EVERY post. Unless you're directly speaking to that person, it's not necessary.

In a way, ASR was trying to tell you that.

Remember when nobody could tell you two apart?

EDIT: Yeah. Some of it was intentional, but still fun.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:47:10
It'll just happen.
I have no idea how many posts I currently have.
*scrolls up*
1739 after this one.

I could have sworn I had more. Oh well. Also, go into our page summaries and check our posts per day. Some post counts just happen slowly over time.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 04:50:18
Thanks for the advice. What're you gonna tell me to do next, jump off a bridge that's two feet above the ground and has one hundred naked chicks waiting underneath?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 04:51:41
Whatever floats your boat.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 04:53:33
That makes next to no sense.
Why would I ever tell anyone to do that?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 04:54:09
I expected one of you to say something related to 'deja vu' because I copied that concept from someone at the topic about RPing. The one by the literal NooB Quint.

Well I can't stick around because I have to go to sleep; parents are getting pissed I'm talking to you people; good luck and good night.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 4 June 2008, 05:46:44
Combined from all boards, I bet Mikero has over 20,000 posts.

Probably. I knocked somewhere over 10,000 on the last board alone and had far too many on the board incarnations before that. I talk too much.

And don't worry about me, Otak (I'm calling you Otak now 'cause it's better, and sometimes I might call you Thumb-Tack 'cause I like to give people pet names). I'm really not as mean as I come off. Well... Maybe worry a little. Heh.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Winged Warrior on 4 June 2008, 06:09:33
Posts:  (2.699 per day)

I remember when I wanted to be at 'less than one Post per day.'

Ive been here longer than some, my original Matrix friends have long since migrated to other areas.

keep fretting about your post count, you'll be just like another member.

Chill. base your worth on how people respond to you.

Obviously, We big, bad, nerdy, effeminates males will pick on you as long as you seem like a noob.

A bit of advice? Get a messenger and get to know some of us meanies. Ask your questions of the 'bigwigs' face to face, PM, what have you. The mods don't bite... Nibbles does, but not the mods. So if you have a question, don't be afraid to ask.

Newbies are intelligent, curious people who do not know how to get around exactly, and ask help appropriate.

NOOBS are only describable as "how I mine for fish?"

Now to go laugh with my huge manly muscles! HA HA HA!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 4 June 2008, 06:19:58
You're the most or possibly only (I haven't decided) effeminate male here, you bullah!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Winged Warrior on 4 June 2008, 06:22:29
Well I do watch my figure.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 4 June 2008, 06:23:44
I think that was the best possible answer you could have given.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Xero on 4 June 2008, 11:41:12
I don't post much anymore.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 13:31:00
You just did you bafoon.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2008, 13:37:10
Maybe he'll stop posting now.

Xello, come back, we miss you ;.;

And following Mike and ASR, I have the biggest post count on the board, I'm putting you other veterans to shame! Hah

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 June 2008, 13:39:05
I know. What a pity. Even though we've been saying no one cares, it's quite a shame. Mm Hm.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 June 2008, 13:41:05
I care :- [

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 14:10:32
Funny, I never even noticed that Chaos had so many posts, just 30 something behind Wind.

Wind, you have so many posts because you don't go anywhere else on the internet.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Abominator on 4 June 2008, 14:33:41
I'm surprised by how few posts I have and how I'm not even in the top 10 most time online.

Anyway, does anyone have anything relevant to the topic left to discuss?

I'll be re-hobbling the noobs soon, making it impossible for them to start topics and read the non-MM sections.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 4 June 2008, 23:49:13

Because Winged Warriror advised me to get to now you 'meanies' better, please don't be annoyed if I randomly PM anyone of you 'bigwigs'.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 June 2008, 23:53:05
Get AIM or something.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:00:55
I don't think my father would appreciate my chatting with older men.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 00:02:52
Chat with Wind, he's but a wee child.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:05:31
Really? I thought he'd be older, 'cause sometimes he sounds like it.

Or are you just being sarcastic?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 00:07:42
He's, 16?

Hey Wind, if you read this, how old are you?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:11:12
Oh. Well I guess that'll be okay.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 00:13:06
Just turned 17. And this isn't the only place I go to, I'm everywhere at once. Tabs are my bestest friend.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 00:17:46
I use 2-3 at once.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:19:02
Same here.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:20:09
Don't bother chatting on AIM if you aren't comfortable with it.

When I first joined I stayed away from the current "Show Yourselves" thread-at-the-time because I wasn't comfortable with showing what I looked like.

After a while I felt an actual connection and bond with most of the members here.

It's a different bond than I have with my in-life friends, but it's still a bond, and I consider most of the members here to be my friends in a strange application of the word.

MMM is the only place I feel comfortable talking about videogames and random subjects with an old geezer like Rez or an anime-obsessed weeaboo like Winduh... both people I would normally not associate myself with under different circumstances.

So don't rush yourself. Just give it time and be yourself and you'll fit in just fine, figure out who you like and who you don't, who you should listen to and who you should ignore, etc. etc.

It's a fun trip, and we've all been through it.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 00:20:20
I USE OVER 9000!!!!1  >:(

Hey, I'm not obsessed with anime ;>.>

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2008, 00:24:26
Your dad shouldn't worry about talking on this forum. We're not asking for your specific location, nor are we sex offenders.

My dad's the same way. I told NovaMan I was going on a cruise on MChat a year back, and my dad got all paranoid. "HOW OLD IS THIS KID? DO YOU KNOW HIM? YOU DON'T? HE'S GONNA ROB US."

I facepalmed. Yes dad, NovaMan's gonna walk all the way to the east side of Florida to rob his friend. He knows EXACTLY where I live and everything.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:29:05
Yeah, like I said, when I first started my parents didn't really understand what a message board was or anything, and when I explained it to them they got all confused and worried.

And there's no way I can explain WHY I trust you guys. For all I know, just one of you could be a rapist or something like that. I tried to be careful for a while about my private info but once Facebook and Myspace became popular (I only use Facebook now, for the record) I sort of gave up once... I forgot which one of you added me first.

I think the point where I gave up ENTIRELY is when Jake and I called each other and, via phone, every girl I knew developed a crush on his voice and later his picture.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:31:43
I can tell you guys aren't sex offenders, because if you were you wouldn't even be here. Most sex offenders usually don't dig Megaman and anime.

I think.

People I Like:
1. Wind
2. JC
3. Chaos
4. ASR

People I . . . Despise:

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 00:34:39
I can tell you guys aren't sex offenders, because if you were you wouldn't even be here. Most sex offenders usually don't dig Megaman and anime.

How would you know EH!?

People I . . . Despise:

Probably not the best thing to say on a forum unless it's a joke. It's the internet, don't make a big fuss about people you "hate".

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2008, 00:35:53
That's a dumb thing to say if you're serious.

If you're not then lawl i hat him too hahaha stfu.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:37:58
I dig MegaMan... but not anime... so there's a 50% chance I'm a sex offender! #####, man! Be careful!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:37:58
Sano's mean. To me at least. Not like I'm new to mean people.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:38:36
I make it a life-philosophy not to HATE anybody.

I dislike some characteristics of people but I don't HATE anybody.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:40:34
Okay, fine. I dislike the distinct characteristic of Sano's that he's mean and sometimes insolent toward newbies like me.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2008, 00:41:08

Also, Sano picked on me when I was new. It's his thing, so hating him (hell, anybody really like ASR said) isn't bright. If you want a better relationship with someone, hating them is a leap backwards.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:42:19
Okay, fine. I dislike the distinct characteristic of Sano's that he's mean and sometimes insolent toward newbies like me.

I didn't say you could use my life-philosophy. It's mine.

...I don't normally point this out, but it seems like it'd be appropriate for me to tell you that I'm joking. In the future, I will not point out joke-posts for you, though.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 00:42:34
I love just about everybody here.
I've talked with Sano on Skype enough to to realize that he is at his most jackassness here.
He's really a decent guy.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:43:42
Your mom's really a decent guy.

Which makes your dad a really indecent woman.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 00:44:56
Sano's decent. Just a dink.

Also, I hate you all.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:46:10
You said you 'lubbed' me several posts ago.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 00:47:02
Your mom's really a decent guy.

Which makes your dad a really indecent woman.

My dad is bigger and hairier than me, with a beard over 9000 times better.

No comment on my mom.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:47:12
No, he means "hate" like "love." Sort of like how "bad" means "good" sometimes.

Winduh is a trendsetter.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 00:48:40
Aw, that's SICK.
Dude, that's dirty.
Gross man!

All in a positive way.

I hate you ASR <3.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2008, 00:50:03
C'mon. I even got that.

And I'm the one that didn't know what "dope" meant.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Yubi Shines on 5 June 2008, 00:52:04
Sometimes I wonder how good or bad listing stuff like "forumers I haet" is. On the bad side, OH GOD CRAPSTORM HITS FAN. On the good side, at least everything's set plainly and nicely.

also, I haet u al

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 00:52:30
Speaking of trendy sayings. What the hell does Dip mean? Like for #####s sake, I KNOW it means leave or something. But for gods sake, DIP!? That sounds more retarded than any other saying, I can stand people saying "BALLIN'" but this is just getting too stupid..

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 00:53:43
I can stand Ballin' if they bring their hand up to eye in a fist shape and rub it.

BAWLIN'! :'(

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:54:05
Funny how one thing branches into another. And another, and another, and another . . .

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:54:10
I say "ballin'."

But not because I think it's cool, but because it's funny whenever a white kid says it, whether or not it's at my expense.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 00:54:57
When I say it the hand motion simply must follow.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2008, 00:55:42
But not because I think it's cool, but because it's funny whenever a white kid says it, whether or not it's at my expense.

That's why I yell out "WEST SIIIIIIDE"!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 00:56:21
No, that's just stupid. Not funny.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 00:58:57
I've resorted to saying them in the whitest way possible. Often times I have a preppy accent and say "Balling!" with a thumbs up or something. It tends to be pretty keen at my school :- )

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 01:00:38
The thing at my school is POW CHIKA WONW WONW. Or however you spell it.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 01:01:47
It's not meant to be spelled, nothing that received fame from Family Guy should be used outside of the actual cartoon. DEATH TO FAMILY GUY!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 01:05:17
FAMILY GUY RULES!! You'd have to be out of your mind to think it has to die.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 01:16:04
ASR knows more about TV than you do, and once you figure out the formula, it stops being funny, just repetitive and uninspired.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 June 2008, 01:18:00
No, that's just stupid. Not funny.

Oh I misread, I thought you said "not because it's funny" etc.

Because it's intentionally stupid.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 01:29:13
I think Family Guy is funny, no matter what. I can't get enough of Stewy and his British insolence.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 01:52:12
Often times I have a preppy accent and say "Balling!" with a thumbs up or something.

Exactly. That's the way to go.

It's not meant to be spelled, nothing that received fame from Family Guy should be used outside of the actual cartoon. DEATH TO FAMILY GUY!

Family Guy didn't make "bom chikka wow wow" famous. And yes, death to it.

Well, not really death to it. I can live with Family Guy, but the fact remains that it's just a bunch of stupid gags over and over again and is entirely hit-and-miss. It doesn't make it a bad show, but I certainly don't respect it. You can clearly tell that the writers could be doing SO much better.
I know Mike likes Family Guy. I admit to laughing at it quite a bit. It's popular for a reason.

But I don't think it's good TV.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 01:58:04
It's not good TV that should be worshipped, but I watch just for laughs.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Fatso on 5 June 2008, 01:59:50
I prefer watching Just for Laughs over watching just for laughs.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 02:05:13
I watch television religiously.
And when I'm not watching television, there's a good chance I'm watching a TV-show on DVD.
Or a movie. I'm just as big on movies.

So, essentially, I might as well worship TV in general.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 02:10:35
Meh, I'm not so big on TV. The only thing I watch is morning news so I have something to talk about at school and so I know how to dress based on the weather. On Saturday I watch cartoons on several channels, and occasionally on weekdays I watch comedies like Chuck, Simpsons, and FAMILY GUY.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 02:16:02
Watch comedies like South Park, Seinfeld, and Scrubs.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 02:18:53
Yeah, I watch some South Park too, it's just too late into the night for me. And I sometimes watch Seinfeld with my mom. It's okay. And Scrubs I don't get. I only have HDTV Channels, nothing fancy.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 02:22:52
The list goes on.

You've got engrossing prime-time dramas like Lost and Heroes.
HBO is a whole world of its own with Curb Your Enthusiasm, Entourage, and Flight of the Conchords.
And then you've got those brilliant UK shows like the original The Office, Peep Show, and Spaced. Let's not forget Doctor Who.
Next you can consider a barrage of canceled classics like Invader Zim, Clone High, Freaks & Geeks, Arrested Development, and more.

But then again, you probably don't have as much free time as me nor take it nearly as seriously.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 02:26:45
The free time nor the interest. Plus my eyes are sensitive. I get dizzy when I play really graphic-heavy games and when I watch TV for more than forty-five minutes. It's painful. I mean not being able to play n' watch.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 02:27:03
Flight of the Conchords.
Doctor Who.
Invader Zim, Arrested Development.

What about the Angry Beavers?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 02:41:47
Nothing amazing. Even if I were to include it, I'd have listed Rocko's Modern Life before it.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Winged Warrior on 5 June 2008, 03:38:47
It seems you are communing with us already...

Now, accept me as manager, and I'll shoot you to the top of the MMM awards list in no time *coughjanuarycough*

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 03:41:19
Abe keeps making empty promises about the awards.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:00:22
I use 2-3 at once.

I have like 10 open and use half of them at once plus programs...

... I have a lot to do.

It's not meant to be spelled, nothing that received fame from Family Guy should be used outside of the actual cartoon. DEATH TO FAMILY GUY!

That was around years before Family Guy ever was. And yes, I guess I do like it ASR. But I don't watch it weekly or anything, just if there's nothing else on. I too know a LOT about TV, and I don't think the show is great or anything, but the random funny parts are still funny regardless of if they're random or fomulaic or both or neither. South Park is kind of the same way, a lot of shows are. But let's not make yet another Family Guy discussion. I don't think it's that good either.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:04:17
I wasn't saying you LOVED it.

When you put it like you just did, it makes it seem like we like it equally. So maybe we do.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:12:55
I wouldn't be surprised, we like a lot of the same TV.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:19:45
Yes, yes.

You got me into Peep Show, and I wouldn't have bothered if I didn't know you had good taste.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:28:41
What awards? What're you guys talking about?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:30:07
The MMM awards, the site in general is behind since it was down all last summer, and the board, MRadio, and Mchat are the only things back up as of right now. The rest of the site in it's full glory is great!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:31:09
What kind of awards are there?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Yubi Shines on 5 June 2008, 04:37:08
You get a million dollars in the mail. And a lollipop.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:38:17
What else? A lifetime supply of Dubble Bubble?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:43:44
Nope. That zoo gum.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:44:35
Actually, forget gum. What I want is a lifetime supply of peanut buttery Reeses.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ASR on 5 June 2008, 04:44:53
No Reese's for you.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:46:22
Aw come on. Isn't there an award for being the NooBiest NooB on MMM? I should get at least one cup for that.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:53:35
This is such an award, sort of, but you wouldn't win as you are turning into a fine member.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 5 June 2008, 04:54:21
Well thank you! First good compliment I've gotten since Sano called me Miss PMS.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 June 2008, 04:55:58
That's making it sound like Mike was insulting you....

And what about the compliments in the art topic?

Anyways, since you actually started posting this board got much more active, just because you post ALL the time, it's crazy.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: White Shadow on 5 June 2008, 16:53:46
Post counts are overrated. So are sex-offenders.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Jakey on 5 June 2008, 19:27:45
Well thank you! First good compliment I've gotten since Sano called me Miss PMS.

Do you like to be called Miss PMS or something?

Oh yeah, if only Snare were here more often.  He's my bestest buddy.  Everyone loves Snare.

And I'm nice too, goshdarnit!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 June 2008, 19:46:24
I have to admit, Miss PMS really rolls off the tongue..

But yes, you're turning into a fine member, you're the resident anime nerd. I guess thats why Sano was being so hard on you, you're taking his position.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 00:21:20
Yeah, I kinda noticed. Him having a username like that is like screaming to the world,"I'm a Japan/Anime junkie!!"

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 6 June 2008, 03:56:36
Sano called me Miss PMS.

...Boohoo!  :'(

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 04:05:26
If I call a Whaambulance, I'm putting you both in.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 04:06:37
Did somebody call?
Ignore the 'H'.Not you Rez.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 04:10:59
Actually the H helps look more "Waa" instead of "Wham".

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 04:28:29
I hate it when people act all jerky just because I have more artistic talent then them. They just can't accept reality.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 04:29:29
... What?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 04:31:46
Is she talking about Sano?
Even thinking that is a very nooby thought.
It's not that.
If that's what you think it is.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 04:35:40
Yeah, thats damned random. 'Sides, Sano's crappy talent is actually pretty cool. Toaster face guy and what have you.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 04:43:19
Of course I was talking to Sano. He's the one who came here and started boo hooing. Plus your art isn't as . . . untalented as his, both you and Mikero.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 6 June 2008, 04:45:26
I seriously just laughed out loud for the first time today.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 04:48:23
*lifts hand in air and rubs index finger against thumb*

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 04:55:15
From there down anyways...

And Wind's prime example above that.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 04:55:55
*Looks at Chaos in a puzzled manner*

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 04:57:06
Nooooo, he's laughing at you for this--
I hate it when people act all jerky just because I have more artistic talent then them. They just can't accept reality.

A very 13 year old quote.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 04:58:36
All I'm reading is complaints about Sano really, so I just busted out the ol' minature violen.

Title: The 'The Otaku hates Sano' topic!
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 6 June 2008, 04:59:18
It just came to my attention that there's been a lot of Sano related bitchin' goin' on 'round here lately.
I demand spankings!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:01:07
Okay, here's one for the Miss PMS. *Spanks you*

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 6 June 2008, 05:01:41
...You should be ashamed of yourself.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:02:24
Careful, Sano's in heat. And you may not wanna act cocky about your art. Sano does that, but he knows his is trashy, which makes it A-Okay d(-.-)b

Of course I was talking to Sano. He's the one who came here and started boo hooing. Plus your art isn't as . . . untalented as his, both you and Mikero.

At first that sounded insulting towards me and Mikero.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 6 June 2008, 05:03:27
Does it matter? At all?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:05:05
Meh, well was it really neccessary to call me Miss PMS after you felt offended when I called you a sexist, and I necro-posted, and whatever else so easily offended you?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:05:31
Does it matter? At all?
I say that I add to the comic jam soon.
Maybe some to the story Jam.
Busy weekend though, graduations and the State track meet such.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:06:00
Sano drew me as a girl. Don't worry Sano's always like that, you just don't have to take it to heart, like that kid with the testicles in his mouth.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:07:04
That's gross and uncalled for Wind.
No joke.
You're better than that.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:08:29
Besides, I was trying to act friendly to you, Sano, after the way you'd been treating me, and then you start calling me Miss PMS and all that other crap.

Eeewww, testes in his mouth. Does that mean he ejaculates through his mouth . . ?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:09:20

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:10:25
He didn't actually have anything in his mouth, asses. Just some kid going on a rant on youtube after some commenters said "you sound like you have testis in your mouth"

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:11:12
You think I know that?
You think ANYBODY knows that?
All you're talking about is some kid with them in his mouth!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 05:11:40
Meh, well was it really neccessary to call me Miss PMS after you felt offended when I called you a sexist, and I necro-posted, and whatever else so easily offended you?

You see... now I'm slightly aggrivated. I'll say why:

I don't like reading dumb complaints on a forum. How about we all shut up and stop being offended? It's the #####ing internet. You shouldn't be giving a damn. If you're getting offended at what Sano says then you've lost the game.

If you wanna keep continuing this pointless babble then you're never gonna win. NEVER. That's the rule to the net, and a rule to reality. If this makes me sound like a jackass, I don't care 'cause it's the truth. Just stop complaining about what's WRONG and think about what's RIGHT.

If you wanna keep the drama up, by all means, go ahead. I'll just sit back and watch whatever Rez, Xello, Kian, or Abe feels like they should do about it *HINT HINT*.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:11:46
I wonder how that commenter knew how testes in a mouth sounded.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:12:40
I wonder why you wanna know why, you creepy little girl.

You think I know that?
You think ANYBODY knows that?
All you're talking about is some kid with them in his mouth!


Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:14:36
Meh, well was it really neccessary to call me Miss PMS after you felt offended when I called you a sexist, and I necro-posted, and whatever else so easily offended you?

You see... now I'm slightly aggrivated. I'll say why:

I don't like reading dumb complaints on a forum. How about we all shut up and stop being offended? It's the #####ing internet. You shouldn't be giving a damn. If you're getting offended at what Sano says then you've lost the game.

If you wanna keep continuing this pointless babble then you're never gonna win. NEVER. That's the rule to the net, and a rule to reality. If this makes me sound like a jackass, I don't care 'cause it's the truth. Just stop complaining about what's WRONG and think about what's RIGHT.

If you wanna keep the drama up, by all means, go ahead. I'll just sit back and watch whatever Rez, Xello, Kian, or Abe feels like they should do about it *HINT HINT*.

Dude, I'm not even squabbling with Sano anymore. Now I'm talking about testes in a mouth with Wind and JC.

I don't wanna know for any particular reason, it's just curiousity.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:15:07
I wonder why you wanna know why, you creepy little girl.

You think I know that?
You think ANYBODY knows that?
All you're talking about is some kid with them in his mouth!

whoa some guy ranted on youtube.
Maybe I'll throw you like Corey "Mr. Safety" threw his first camera.

People need to KNOW what's going on.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Someguy on 6 June 2008, 05:15:45
Now I'm talking about testes in a mouth with Wind and JC.

...Now that is creepy

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:17:02
We're done with that, we are now going to talk about how satire needs the audience to actually know the subject matter beforehand so they can get the joke.

Posted on: June 06, 2008, 12:16:11 AM

Oooooooh post deleter.

Posted on: June 06, 2008, 12:16:31 AM

Someguy pwned you with that quote.
It's immortalized.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:17:06
*Changes subject* Oohh, cool, Django the Solar Boy! He's awesome. Master Otenko's cool too.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:18:17
You can't hide from the post deletion lameness.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 June 2008, 05:19:03
So, in the latest episode of Bleach they finally touched on the absurd speed that Ichigo has as a Substitute Shinigami, which has been almost forgotten about since his Battle with Byakuya when he first got his BanKai.

Even though the episode is filler.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:19:21
I don't get it. Which post got deleted??

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:19:45
JC don't be a weaboo, we have too many here.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 June 2008, 05:20:07
All of a sudden, Chaos slammed the palm of his hand on his face; slipping downwards and pulling down his eye sockets.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:20:46
Like Mike that one time.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:20:54
Anyways, I was serious about the Django thing. I have Boktai 2, and it's awesome.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 6 June 2008, 05:23:41
'Kay, this was fun and all, but it seriously needs to stop.
Instead of spamming up the board why don't you guys just take all this somewhere else?
At least MChat or something?

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 June 2008, 05:24:50
Yeah. Otaku, fully redeem yourself by locking this topic and sending it into oblivion! DO IT NOW!

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:25:35
Yes, sirs. *Locks topic*

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Someguy on 6 June 2008, 05:25:49

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: Mikero on 6 June 2008, 05:27:15
Careful, Sano's in heat. And you may not wanna act cocky about your art. Sano does that, but he knows his is trashy, which makes it A-Okay d(-.-)b

Of course I was talking to Sano. He's the one who came here and started boo hooing. Plus your art isn't as . . . untalented as his, both you and Mikero.

At first that sounded insulting towards me and Mikero.

For the record I knew she wasn't talking about either of us, but I still wasn't impressed by the comment on behalf/in defence of Sanzibar.

Title: Re: Question Concerning Ranking Based On Posts
Post by: The Otaku on 6 June 2008, 05:27:16
Hey, I get the lasy reply!