The MBoard

Non-MegaMan => Non-MegaMan Games => Topic started by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 July 2008, 20:46:59

Title: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 July 2008, 20:46:59
So, who else is excited?

Superior online interaction.
DS character transferring.
New stuff.
Mii mask things.
Wii controls.
Wii Speak.

Come on, we need to discuss this stuff, man.
Animal Crossing is serious business.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Abominator on 18 July 2008, 21:43:28
It needs millions of minigames and passtimes to make it worthwhile.

Like, there a screenshot of a guy at a pool table... that should be playable.

Otherwise it's the same old crap.

And I have no desire to "speak" to anyone online.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 July 2008, 21:49:28
I thought you liked Animal Crossing the way it was.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Abominator on 18 July 2008, 21:53:06
I own Animal Crossing the way it was.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 July 2008, 21:59:08
Well, I'm sure it'll have new stuff.
They'll probably bring back the NES games or something.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 18 July 2008, 22:09:50
But it already HAD NES games and something.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 18 July 2008, 22:16:44
Besides, the virtual console will probably stop them from doing that again...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 July 2008, 22:18:37
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
It'd still be nice if they put some old games in.

Oh yeah, I hope they bring back real Holidays.

Also, what about the sky?
When I first realized you couldn't see the sky in the first Animal Crossing it made me sad.
Then when it showed the sky in Wild World it made me glad.
If they take the sky away again I'll be mad.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 18 July 2008, 23:17:06
The sky is back, do not fret.
Clouds and constellations too, I'll bet!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 19 July 2008, 05:51:38
I will want it. I will not purchase it. Because I will tire of it all too quickly and never play it again.

Because it uses a #####ing internal clock and the game plays itself when I'm not around or able to! FGSFDS! I have WAY too many other things to do, I don't want my game to be #####ed up because I have responsibilities and ambitions like a proper #####ing adult. Now I can't go on a goddamn vacation because my game wants to act like I have 50 virtual pets? Go. Eat. A. Dick.

And online speaking is a waste brain cells. If I wanted to be called the N-word I would have stayed in the 80's.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Johncarllos on 19 July 2008, 14:39:52

I won't get it, animal crossing kills my life.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 19 July 2008, 14:51:34

And I have no desire to "speak" to anyone online.

I bet its 'cause you got a funny Scottish accent!

And I'll buy it, I also just got the DS one. I haven't been out from under my rock in a while.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 19 July 2008, 15:34:25
What's funny about that, I actually had a dream where I met Abe. Although I saw his face, he never said a word.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 19 July 2008, 19:54:07
That's because he's either mute or the sound of his voice would explode your insides and he needs a Metatron.



Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: XJ on 19 July 2008, 20:22:57
He said "I didn't know that ninjas speak Randomese" in Randomese.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 19 July 2008, 21:46:11
I'm playing the DS game right now. After I saw some videos of CF I needed some AC fix so I pulled out my DS and got rid of all of the weeds in my town (haven't played for five months... thats what all of the animals here said).

Anyone feeling like coming to my town? My gate's open.

Posted on: 19 July 2008, 16:42:35

o yea i also has a new fc 'cuz i gots a new ds


Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 21 July 2008, 08:11:25
If I wanted to be called the N-word I would have stayed in the 80's.

'Kay, I think you don't have to worry 'bout that on a Wii game dude.
To play with someone there's all that friend code crap and stuff.
I don't think you'd add anyone that'd say something that terrible to you onto your friendlist.
I mean, I think as a whole the Nintendo online speaking community is going to be a little nicer than the XBox Live speaking community.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 21 July 2008, 14:14:50
And online speaking is a waste brain cells. If I wanted to be called the N-word I would have stayed in the 80's.

The only N word you have to worry about us calling you is "nice guy!"


Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 21 July 2008, 23:57:41
.......... :-D

If I wanted to be called the N-word I would have stayed in the 80's.

'Kay, I think you don't have to worry 'bout that on a Wii game dude.
To play with someone there's all that friend code crap and stuff.
I don't think you'd add anyone that'd say something that terrible to you onto your friendlist.
I mean, I think as a whole the Nintendo online speaking community is going to be a little nicer than the XBox Live speaking community.

I said that about all online play. Even with text talking. And the console doesn't change the fact that people think being on the internet is an excuse for turning into an Australopithecus. The friend stuff will take that out the equation, sure, but when you do stuff where just anyone can join that's where it happens.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 19 October 2008, 18:36:13
Hey everybody!
November 16th is only 27 days away!

Box art!


Also, if you look closely you can see Jingle and Franklin.
That means they're bringing back real holidays! Hooray!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 19 October 2008, 23:54:26
I'll probably get it..
As long as it isn't a carbon copy of Wild World.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 20 October 2008, 00:00:06

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 20 October 2008, 00:58:21
Do NOT make me want this, you #####ers. Seriously. I have two Animal Crossing games that I don't play and that's enough.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 October 2008, 11:46:34

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 20 October 2008, 13:44:50
Do NOT make me want this, you #####ers. Seriously. I have two Animal Crossing games that I don't play and that's enough.

But even so, I enjoy them for a short while before I forget about it and allow my town to be consumed by Audrey II.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Abominator on 20 October 2008, 22:37:59
I know I'll end up getting this and love it for 2 weeks.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 20 October 2008, 22:39:02
Mario and Luigi go fishing! (

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 20 October 2008, 22:53:13
Hahaha, at first I thought it was an impersonator, and then I realized it was just the lousy voice quality throwing me off.

That's pretty cool, although I can work both voices (and Wario) to some extent.
He's not my favorite VA, but he has style.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 20 October 2008, 23:04:02
See, Charles Martinet plays.
Shouldn't we all play too?

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 21 October 2008, 00:23:59
Hahaha, at first I thought it was an impersonator, and then I realized it was just the lousy voice quality throwing me off.

Yeah and also the fact that hearing Mario speak in sentences other than "Here we go!" and etc. is awkward.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 21 October 2008, 01:49:46
Voice actors do this sort of thing all the time, too.
The guy who played Wily in the Mega Man cartoon actually started yelling in Wily's voice when the police carried him away from a bar fight.

or something

Scott McNeil is just a cool guy anyway.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Fatso on 21 October 2008, 02:23:51
I can totally imagine that, too.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 21 October 2008, 02:44:08
I don't know who Scott McNeil is so I can't, but I'm having a good time imagining a drunk Wily being stuffed in the back of a police car.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 21 October 2008, 03:08:49
Kill yourself. He VA'd Proto Man, and Duo Maxwell, and a couple of other awesome 90's TV shows as well.

My favorite VA for Wily would have to be the OVA version, the animated series was good, but I liked the OVA better.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 21 October 2008, 03:52:22

You're on my list.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 21 October 2008, 04:13:11
Aw, that's great luck, CV!

Now you're sure to get presents on Decemberween.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 21 October 2008, 13:25:08
You're on my list.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 21 October 2008, 23:00:14
You're too close, mahn!

Aw, that's great luck, CV!

Now you're sure to get presents on Decemberween.

Presents like a dick in a box (his), and tied with a bow of intestines (his).

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 21 October 2008, 23:41:12
Mike and Chaos are boyfriend and boyfriend!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 21 October 2008, 23:43:19
In your dreams! In his dreams!

And yes I mean the wet kind.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 23 October 2008, 20:08:42
In my dream everyone is boyfriends. <3

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 24 October 2008, 04:16:15
Nazi Tea Party!?

Also, everybody can go into one building at the same time now. Yay!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 24 October 2008, 04:33:11
There's something magical about every post Snare makes.

It... like... it can't NOT be happy.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 24 October 2008, 04:35:40
He's right.. Snare's like a ray of sunshine here, you can't be unhappy if you read his posts..

I've completely forgotten about my broken iPod!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 24 October 2008, 04:40:44
I've completely forgotten about my broken life!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 24 October 2008, 21:25:04
I've completely forgotten...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 25 October 2008, 00:07:45
I've completely... wha...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: saldite on 25 October 2008, 00:54:21
Who am I?

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 25 October 2008, 01:25:59
We're all boyfriends.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 25 October 2008, 01:28:13
In Snare's dreams.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 2 November 2008, 19:51:10
Do ya think Jingle'll get corrective laser eye surgery done?
'Cause his right eye's always been totally fubar'd.

Posted on: 26 October 2008, 17:39:08

Yay! The sky is back!
And bubbles. (

Posted on: 29 October 2008, 02:38:06

*Triple post*

So, is anyone else actually going to buy it?
'Cause it's 14 days 'till its NA release... And Wii Speak's too.
Does anyone care? Or am I going to be playing all alone?

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 November 2008, 19:56:36
All alone.
I'll be playing World Tour.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: saldite on 2 November 2008, 20:01:43
I would probably end up getting it if I had a Wii,
but since I don't, I guess you're stuck playing with yourself.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 2 November 2008, 23:09:30
I barely have time to play games that don't require me to play daily.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 3 November 2008, 01:07:22
So, is anyone else actually going to buy it?
'Cause it's 14 days 'till its NA release... And Wii Speak's too.
Does anyone care? Or am I going to be playing all alone?

I'll probably get it...

Probably won't buy it though. Just borrow or something. Or rent, I dunno.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 9 November 2008, 02:01:33
I'll get it, but you'll have to wait for Christmas Sanz. My wallet cries like a baby when I remove the money bottle from it's mouth.

Posted on:  3 November 2008, 02:47:32

This is probably good news for Sano.

I just remembered I have $50 stashed in my account. It was a graduation gift.

I'll try using it to buy ACCF, rather than wait for Christmas.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 16 November 2008, 19:14:39
Dude! Less than a week left!
I'm so excited!
Which is really sad because it's just Animal Crossing...
I should probably get a 360 or something, good Wii games are a rare and elusive breed.
So, it's kind of pathetic that all I have to look forward to are City Folk and MadWorld.
Anyway! Yay Animal Crossing!

Posted on: 10 November 2008, 03:26:39

I need someone to play with...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 16 November 2008, 19:21:38
I'm not buying it this time.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Ikeoko on 18 November 2008, 01:28:46
Okay Chaos and I went to go see how much it is, and its $75, so we're putting it on our Christmas lists and lettin the parents pay for it. :/

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 18 November 2008, 02:06:37's $75? Why so much?

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Johncarllos on 18 November 2008, 02:28:28
Wii Speak.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 18 November 2008, 02:41:26
Your mom speaks.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 18 November 2008, 02:57:21
You guys make Christmas lists?


Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 18 November 2008, 03:10:28

And I wouldn't even if I celebrated Christmas!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 November 2008, 03:15:52
The fact that you're Jewish and that you don't get Christmas seems to make me laugh for some reason..

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 18 November 2008, 03:20:05
The best part of being Jewish is getting to complain about not celebrating Christmas.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 18 November 2008, 03:45:54
Right, as if you Jewsians weren't going to complain either way!


Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 18 November 2008, 03:49:58
hey man why are you throwing away that penny that is a perfectly good penny look sir if you dont want it please give it to me i will take good care of it

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 19 November 2008, 00:28:43
I bought it for me and my brother, cause he never got to experience Wild World.

I...I like it.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 19 November 2008, 00:38:15
Snare don't make me want this funcking game you princk!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 19 November 2008, 02:10:22
How dare you accuse me, you conck suncker.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 20 November 2008, 00:09:41
I got it.

Man, I really love Wild Wor-- er, I mean, CITY FOLK! Yeah.

It looks nice.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 20 November 2008, 01:22:58
Today I got a balloon that looks like a bunny!
Snare! What's your Friend Code!?

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 20 November 2008, 03:00:06
How am I supposed to know? Who do you take me for?!

I don't have Wii Speak though, GIVE ME MUSH FURNITURE.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 20 November 2008, 04:18:28
Nah, I sell it whenever I find it.
Mush furniture bores me.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 20 November 2008, 04:57:16
So uhm...

How custom does this game get compared to Wild World...

(What am I doing to myself?)

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 November 2008, 05:57:07
How do you get City Folk and not get Wii Speak? It's bundled with the game...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 20 November 2008, 12:40:06
How do you not shut up when you're so stupid?

My EBgames did not have the Wii speak bundle. I had no interest in it either way and I wasn't about to leave downtown without a game. LISTEN PEOPLE, IT'S FAAAAAARRR.

Okay, um, Mikero, this game is essentially WW with a bit of new stuff added (a little in every category.)...Customization...Erm, well, you can now design a front, back, and both sleeves of a shirt now, so you could essentially make a little Mikero outfit.

I'd play with you.... :-[

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 November 2008, 13:24:01
Sorry, my Gamestop said the game was unplayable without Wiispeak...

Somethin' doesn't make sense here...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Snare on 20 November 2008, 19:54:27
They're stupid.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 20 November 2008, 21:04:08
It's playable without it.

You can buy either one seperately. I bought only City Folk, I didn't have enough money to get the bundled thingy.

I'll get it later though. I'll try to find my friend code...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 20 November 2008, 21:15:22
Is Wii Speak just online talking, because I really don't care about that. Especially with AC. "Let's go grab fruit!" bor. ing. conversation.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 20 November 2008, 21:54:19
Yeah, it's just basically online talking.

Posted on: November 20, 2008, 04:42:13 PM

4683 - 1991 - 2849


Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 November 2008, 22:03:39
Well, I'll be getting Wii Speak.


Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 21 November 2008, 04:09:20
Yeah, it's just basically online talking.

Posted on: November 20, 2008, 04:42:13 PM

4683 - 1991 - 2849


Yay! I'll add you now!
We can play tomorrow!

You actually bought it?

I feel weird, I've already played with a bunch of dudes and the only person who I've played with who actually had Wii Speak was this one French girl I know.
I'm sad that I'm the only person who splurged for Wii Speak.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 21 November 2008, 04:38:20
I just need it to talk to the internet that's not through my computer, because my step-dad is a nazi when it comes to AIM talk and Skype.

Yes. I realize that talking on the Wii is essentially the same thing as AIM, but he refuses to acknowledge that.

I'll get it for Christmas Sano, so chill.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 21 November 2008, 04:43:43
I'm chill.
Don't worry 'bout it, I'm cool.
I've got orange shoes, an orange balloon, and an orange pinwheel so I'm good.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 21 November 2008, 05:09:26
French from where? It's important.

If it's from France or Haiti then send her to my house. If not, then nevermind.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 22 November 2008, 00:55:58
Okay, I REALLY need to get Wii Speak now. Its such a pain in the ass stopping every 10 seconds to type in something.

Oh and lolpicture.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 22 November 2008, 00:59:47
I see they haven't done much in terms of graphics.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 22 November 2008, 01:01:20
I think it looks better in game, the picture has like... all the anti-aliasing stuff turned off or whatever. But I dunno.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 November 2008, 01:16:17
Love the shades, Sano!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 22 November 2008, 01:28:28
Yeah, I traded a dude 3 cherries for 'em.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 November 2008, 01:34:59
Hah. Chump.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 22 November 2008, 01:42:39
I know.
I yelled some random Kamina quote and ran out of his town before he could change his mind.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: saldite on 22 November 2008, 01:52:58
And how exactly does one change their mind, Sano?

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 22 November 2008, 01:55:20
I don't think there are any mines.
Unless you mean the ones Resetti is always talking about.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: saldite on 22 November 2008, 01:59:06
What's this about mines?
I was talking about minds.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 22 November 2008, 02:00:33
I think you're all insane.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 22 November 2008, 02:02:23
I just fought in the most epic battle in all of Animal Crossing history.
There was this thing hanging from three balloons.
I shot it down and it was a Gold Slingshot.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 22 November 2008, 02:03:36
I only had a Gold Slingshot and Gold shovel in Wild World...

The Gold Axe seemed way too tedious to get, and the rest as well.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 22 November 2008, 02:15:05
I just fought in the most epic battle in all of Animal Crossing history.
There was this thing hanging from three balloons.
I shot it down and it was a Gold Slingshot.

For a second I thought they actually added some sort of battle system.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 November 2008, 02:33:14
If they did I'd kick Resetti's ass all over the place.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 22 November 2008, 04:40:00
If they did Resetti would kick everyone else's ass all over the place.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 22 November 2008, 15:45:01
I see they haven't done much in terms of graphics.

They have done quite a bit to the graphics.
It's not a few big changes, but it's quite a few little changes.
There are improved lighting effects, some items have an active shine, there are items with clean transparent qualities, and everything just has a little more texture.
A bunch of little things you don't really notice.
Animal Crossing isn't supposed to look realistic, so I think the graphics are fine.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 22 November 2008, 18:00:39
No, I agree that it's not supposed to look realistic. It's just funny that it STILL looks the same as its N64 graphics.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 22 November 2008, 20:58:07
You definitely mean Gamecube.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 22 November 2008, 21:12:03

Because I'm sure the N64 version didn't look THAT good.

(yes, there was an N64 version in Japanland only, in case anyone didn't know)

I will admit, it's pretty much the same as the GC graphics, but with a few nice things here and there.

I think Nintendo's getting REALLY lazy with graphics lately...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 22 November 2008, 21:16:59
Have Nintendo games ever been about graphics?

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 22 November 2008, 21:17:59
No, but it's really sad when the graphics make it look like it could've been released for the Gamecube.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 22 November 2008, 21:21:37
Have Nintendo games ever been about graphics?

The N64 had something to do with graphics. You know, being that graphics were their entire marketing campaign.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 22 November 2008, 21:52:10
No, Mike, I meant the N64 version. Which looked EXACTLY the same as the Gamecube version.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 22 November 2008, 22:38:45
I didn't know there was an N64 version in japan, however it does not look exactly like the GC version. It is really close though, but I can tell right away from screens. I guess they mostly only ever made lighting effects nicer.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 22 November 2008, 22:58:54
I couldn't tell the first time someone showed me the screenshots. I insisted it was still the Gamecube version and it was a hoax and that there was never an N64 one.

I was such a stubborn lad!

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 January 2009, 01:45:00
"Don't call me Kamina, call me bro!"

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 6 January 2009, 21:57:05
Lame glasses.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 6 January 2009, 22:02:14
You know, pressing 1 on your Wii Remote takes a screenshot, and then you can save it to your SD card and upload a better picture...

But you might not have an SD card, so nevermind.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 6 January 2009, 22:43:27
Lame glasses.

"Squirtle squirt!"

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 6 January 2009, 22:51:03
But you see, those aren't triangular. They're rounded at the bottom.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 7 January 2009, 01:20:42
You know, pressing 1 on your Wii Remote takes a screenshot, and then you can save it to your SD card and upload a better picture...

But you might not have an SD card, so nevermind.

That's what I told WIND. I didn't have an SD card and I was just going to send it to him on the Wii Message Board, but he said he didn't have a Wii right now, thus the camera phone shot.

Lame glasses.

so is ur face

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 7 January 2009, 02:31:12
Now you know that's not true.

Lame glasses.

"Squirtle squirt!"
But you see, those aren't triangular. They're rounded at the bottom.

And like I've said, only he's allowed to wear 'em.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 7 January 2009, 02:54:51
He makes it look awesome.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 February 2009, 01:24:06



Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 2 February 2009, 01:25:50
My brother caught that fish the first day he was playing.

It was also funny because he was all like, "Hey Mike, remember when I caught that Coelacanth after trying for so long on the Gamecube version?"

The next fish he caught was it. We were all like O_O and stuff.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 February 2009, 03:21:19
I caught it by freak accident in Wild World. I thought it was just some ugly fish.

And then Nova came to visit and was widely impressed.

Posted on:  2 February 2009, 01:29:34

Be careful who you're friends with. They might just steal your stuff. (

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 2 February 2009, 03:51:11
Wow, and that guy is calling the people who play the game nerds with no life? What BS...

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: preventerWIND on 2 February 2009, 10:16:27
That's hilarious.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 16 February 2009, 15:21:20
I just finished putting fruit trees all over my town and letting them grow to a certain amount. Basically, I've organized my town to where I can pick all my fruit at one time and roll in a lot of dough.

I'm re-opening my town today. It'll be a tiny little ACCF party.

Gates will open at 2 PM EST, since I'm in Florida, and will close at 7 PM EST.

Only rules:

1) Do not bring any shovels.
2) Do not bring any axes.
3) Do not bring a timer.
4) Do not purchase any shovels, axes, or timers at Nookingtons you twat.
5) If you could please, try to avoid walking on grass and trampling flowers.

Other than that, go nuts. I mean it. You can take anything you see (except my furniture). Purchase anything from Nooks. If you want anything ordered, I'll order and send it to you for the price Nook asks, and send it to your house (if it's in my catalog). Any furniture I already bought will be outside Nook's shop for the taking. I'll have a timer to have a small fishing/bug catching tournament if there are enough people in town. The winner will get free furniture from my house (upper floor), possibly money too.

Sano, Nova, Snare, and Ikeoko are invited, since the rest of you lot don't have the game, so beat it.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 16 February 2009, 18:24:56
I have the game, I just think it's a complete waste of time.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 16 February 2009, 18:28:36
Every game is a complete waste of time.

But let's not go down that road, I know what you mean.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 16 February 2009, 18:29:25
Some of them are only marginal wastes of time.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 16 February 2009, 18:57:24
Gates are now open.

If you have trouble getting in, I'm on AIM/MSN.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 17 February 2009, 00:29:32
I don't understand why people aren't allowed to bring timers.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 17 February 2009, 00:38:11
Ha. I was wondering that but I really didn't care enough to ask.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 17 February 2009, 00:42:10
I don't really care either but it seems odd and I have nothing else to say about this game.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ASR on 17 February 2009, 01:13:38
In fact I don't even know what use a timer would have in the game.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: NovaMan XP on 17 February 2009, 01:20:21

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Chron on 17 February 2009, 01:26:41
I thought it was for stopping time so you could dodge Medusa heads easier...

... I'm sorely disappointed.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 17 February 2009, 01:51:30
If you have a timer, you can start and stop the time, no matter who started it originally.

Not to mention the use of strapping it to a bomb.

I mainly didn't want anyone digging up pitfall seeds though.

But anyway, even though me and Annie are the only one's playing the game, I wanted to use this day to let anyone else raid my town before I sold the fruit, furniture, etc.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 17 February 2009, 05:20:16
Well, I would have come but YOU DIDN'T INVITE ME. >:(

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 18 February 2009, 02:18:27
I didn't know you had a friend code.

Posted on: 18 February 2009, 02:16:21

Found it.

Got me some Animal Crossing Wii.

FC: 2063-3629-9183
Name: Vinchenz
Town: Mahogany

I'll add you tommorow.

You could've came had you IM'd me though.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 18 February 2009, 03:48:58
I was joking about being pissed off, but even if I wanted to come I couldn't have. On vacation, yo.

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: ChaosVortex on 18 February 2009, 03:55:25
no u werent u were serius besides my town is windhill it has windmills u'd just eet them

Title: Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Post by: Mikero on 18 February 2009, 19:24:55
It should have watermills instead. Watermills give Costa diarrhea.

Haha "diarrhea".