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MegaMan Matrix => MMM General Forum => Topic started by: Slugkid on 21 September 2008, 23:30:01

Title: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Slugkid on 21 September 2008, 23:30:01
When did it?
Also, I know that whatever was posted in there used to appear on the main page, but, when is MMM going to be back to it's full effect? Abe?

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Abominator on 21 September 2008, 23:33:08
About 10 minutes ago.


Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Slugkid on 21 September 2008, 23:37:39
Oh. Awesome.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: NovaMan XP on 21 September 2008, 23:40:34
Hah! Now Abe has a Snare avatar in his random avatar thingy! xD

And hooray for news! Just in time for MM9.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 21 September 2008, 23:52:08
Heh, it happens to be on my screen right now too.

Edit: It doesn't look so random, actually.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: ASR on 21 September 2008, 23:53:53
Ha, yeah, he doesn't have it on random right now.

And yeah, if MMM is really going back up tomorrow, I genuinely applaud the timing, Abe!

MM9 and MMM on the same day!

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: NovaMan XP on 22 September 2008, 00:00:17
Yeah I just realized it isn't random... poo.

Should we expect the look of the old MMM, Abe? OR IS IT BRAND NEEEEEWWWW?

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Abominator on 22 September 2008, 00:02:55


Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 22 September 2008, 00:04:45
oh snap

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Johncarllos on 22 September 2008, 01:57:16

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 September 2008, 02:01:04

I'd like to see that new style installed on MMM, but at the same time it would mess with the classic checkered stuff.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Abominator on 22 September 2008, 21:07:48
Yeah, I like that logo too, and I'll end up using it for something.

Anyway, no rebirth today... It's gonna have to wait til the weekend.

The radio is all-8-bit to celebrate Classic MM's return, for now.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: ChaosVortex on 22 September 2008, 23:44:27
Yeah, I like that logo too, and I'll end up using it for something.

Anyway, no rebirth today... It's gonna have to wait til the weekend.

The radio is all-8-bit to celebrate Classic MM's return, for now.

Oh this is one sweet day.

Posted on: 22 September 2008, 23:39:41

MM9 music on teh radio, yesh.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Slugkid on 22 September 2008, 23:48:07
I take the sound off when MM9 music appears on the radio. I like to listen to the music the first time while I play...And since I won't be playing anytime soon... o_O

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 September 2008, 02:07:37
Yeah, I like that logo too, and I'll end up using it for something.

Anyway, no rebirth today... It's gonna have to wait til the weekend.

The radio is all-8-bit to celebrate Classic MM's return, for now.

I think I speak for everyone when I say..


Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: ChaosVortex on 23 September 2008, 19:02:16
Wait. Mega Man Network doesn't have MM9 music up for download. Abe's got it on the radio though.


Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 September 2008, 19:47:03
They do.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: NovaMan XP on 23 September 2008, 20:43:51
Wait. Mega Man Network doesn't have MM9 music up for download. Abe's got it on the radio though.




They've actually had it for at least a week now I think.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Fatso on 23 September 2008, 20:53:29
I tried looking closer and look what it got me. (

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: NovaMan XP on 23 September 2008, 20:54:32
omg hax

If I could I'd upload all the songs for you all to download...

Actually I might do that, but it'd require me to use Rapid#####.


Syl EDIT: At the request of Capcom of Japan, the OST is removed from this website until further notice. Thanks for your cooperation.

You know what that means! BUY IT!

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 23 September 2008, 22:03:21
Why does anyone to any other MM site, anyway?

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Snare on 23 September 2008, 22:04:08
To get to the other side

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 23 September 2008, 22:10:51

Dadada ditty da daaah!

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: TheRedPriest on 23 September 2008, 22:28:22
Why does anyone to any other MM site, anyway?

To ghet the latest info on and chat about teh awesoxme MEGAMANZERO/ZX/STARFORCE series! lolololol!

...and that's why (among other reasons) I steer clear of other MM sites.  Mind you apart from Mega Man Network, there really AREN'T any other Mega Man sites to speak of.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 September 2008, 22:42:47
Except RPM, we do talk about them. Mind you not positively. LOLOL

Anyway, is it really true Abe? This weekend MMM goes back up? For cereal?

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 23 September 2008, 22:43:14
RPM is a Mega Man site?

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Chron on 23 September 2008, 22:45:21
By loose definition, yes.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 September 2008, 22:47:58
Oh, sorry.

It's a ROCKMAN site. pffft!

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 23 September 2008, 23:19:01

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: NovaMan XP on 23 September 2008, 23:20:12
stfu gaiz bein a weeboo is kol

leik protman blues

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Someguy on 23 September 2008, 23:21:18
blouse is kawai desu ~^_~^! 8)

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 23 September 2008, 23:30:54
I hate the use of the term "weeaboo" as a description of fauxriental kids.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 September 2008, 23:35:45
They're not just complete Japanophiles, Mike. They're also stark raving mad anime #####s.

Fauxrientals. HEH. Great word, Mike.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Snare on 23 September 2008, 23:37:04
Abe made the word Fauxriental, which I use to describe them.

Weeaboo stems from The Perry Fellowshop (I think)...And it didn't even have that meaning.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: ASR on 23 September 2008, 23:53:30
Yeah, I really didn't even get that particular strip.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: ChaosVortex on 24 September 2008, 01:37:23
Wait. Mega Man Network doesn't have MM9 music up for download. Abe's got it on the radio though.




They've actually had it for at least a week now I think.

Well, like Fatso linked to, it's not there now. It's the same as how it looked earlier today.

If Abe's bringing up the site this weekend though, I'm looking forward to the music.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 24 September 2008, 01:46:22
Abe made the word Fauxriental, which I use to describe them.

Weeaboo stems from The Perry Fellowshop (I think)...And it didn't even have that meaning.

Perry Bible Fellowship.

And yeah, it was just a made up word that geeks adopted to mean raving anime lunatics that Mikero hates.

The strip really has nothing to do with that word, which is why it's just a random word. It has to do with people in an office playing immature university-type paddle games, hitting someone whenever they say a certain word. There's no importance in the strip as to what 'weeaboo' could mean. Pretend it's some product aimed at children or something. Much like Americanized anime, actually.

And yeah, Abe's word.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Chron on 24 September 2008, 02:10:08
I'm personally more sad that the word "Skub" isn't as well used.
It's a word with some real zip and zing.

... anyway, I think we've discovered why the news thread division has disappeared by now.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 24 September 2008, 02:14:24
The Skub comic is possibly the best dialogue-less social commentary in three panels that will ever exist.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Lunchebox on 24 September 2008, 06:28:30
Abe made the word Fauxriental, which I use to describe them.

Weeaboo stems from The Perry Fellowshop (I think)...And it didn't even have that meaning.

Perry bible Fellowship, it was a popular strip. The term Weeaboo became synonymous with Fauxrientals/Japanophiles/Wapanese because of the website 4chan.

WAAAAY back int he day, the term Wapanese had been filtered to Weeaboo, to curb people who didn't like anime from saying it so damn much.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Snare on 25 September 2008, 00:51:09
Actually, a group of kids were saying skub at my school.

I was not pleased. THEY WERE RUINING IT.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Abominator on 25 September 2008, 16:58:19
I'm proud to say I've never heard of Weeaboo or Wapanese before this thread!

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 26 September 2008, 00:32:07
Nuff of that nonsense! So, whats to be expected when the site goes back up?

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 26 September 2008, 03:25:44

So anyway back to PBF comics, that stuff is good stuff yeah.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 26 September 2008, 04:07:20
That was the weakest off-topic topic revival I've ever seen.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 27 September 2008, 08:32:41
YOU are.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Panda on 27 September 2008, 10:10:05
Oh! It's burns like that which are causing global warming.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 September 2008, 17:04:15
I aint revivin' Jack #####. Or anything else for that matter.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Mikero on 27 September 2008, 21:54:35
I like Jack ##### more than Jack #####. Really, the whole ##### family are jerks.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: Abominator on 30 September 2008, 16:51:11
Anyway, no rebirth today... It's gonna have to wait til the weekend.

Right, the weekend has passed, and it is coming, I'm just really down just now and need to get back in the mood to finish it off.

Havin CSS troubles... still need to fix the spellcheck stuff... ugh.

Title: Re: When did the news thread division dissapear?
Post by: TheRedPriest on 30 September 2008, 20:58:19
If playing MM9 didn't lift your spirits, you're legally dead.