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Non-MegaMan => Any Other Business? => Topic started by: Rama Olendris on 29 September 2008, 20:21:55

Title: Majors
Post by: Rama Olendris on 29 September 2008, 20:21:55
Post here what your current major is and what you plan on doing for your career. If you don't have a major- what do you want to do 'when you grow up'? If this doesn't apply to you, what are you doing now?

Right now I'm a Japanese major with Philosophy minor.

I want to be a tattoo artist, but I don't think I can mange that successfully in my city.

I also want to teach Japanese in America. I have many options, including nursing.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Johncarllos on 29 September 2008, 20:36:09
I'm in secondary education life sciences.
AKA High School Bio teacher.

I'm gunna be a teacher.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Edgecrusher on 29 September 2008, 20:59:12
Come the end of next semester, I'll hold a degree in law enforcement, and will continue on with the chemistry major that I've been working on simultaneously.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 29 September 2008, 21:25:50
I- I don't know what I'm majoring here.

I mean, I'm doing a video game design course, so I guess I'm majoring in Video Games?

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Rama Olendris on 29 September 2008, 21:44:09
I- I don't know what I'm majoring here.

I mean, I'm doing a video game design course, so I guess I'm majoring in Video Games?

I guess that's what it is.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: preventerWIND on 29 September 2008, 21:51:00
I'm in Gr.12(11) right now, so I won't be attending college for a couple years. But right now I'm getting into graphic arts because it would be the most efficient option. My father works for a big graphics company, so I can easily get hook ups. And art programs are something I really enjoy working with.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Rama Olendris on 29 September 2008, 22:01:42
I'm in Gr.12(11) right now, so I won't be attending college for a couple years. But right now I'm getting into graphic arts because it would be the most efficient option. My father works for a big graphics company, so I can easily get hook ups. And art programs are something I really enjoy working with.

That's sort of what I have going on for me and my Japanese. My Dad teaches English in Kurayoshi, and after I graduate he can grandfather me into his college and help me with a teaching degree while still being legal.

Pretty cool though. I think it would be awesome to be in graphic art, I have fantasies about doing that but I admit- I'm lazy with my art.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Chron on 30 September 2008, 00:00:11
I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

I can't seem to find a job anywhere for some reason.
I'm not sure if it's because nobody advertises the lower positions I am apparently only suitable for or what.

And the only thing harder than finding a job is finding the goddamn companies to actually go #####ing apply. This is a goddamn military town, too, with plenty of industry besides.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 30 September 2008, 00:32:20
I- I don't know what I'm majoring here.

I mean, I'm doing a video game design course, so I guess I'm majoring in Video Games?

You don't have a "major" in college.

That said, I'm (kind of) in college. The same college as Vinch. I study animation.
In Canada college and university aren't the same thing, really. So you don't have a major to speak of in college because you're just part of a program. I hear that in the US they are basically the same.

Actually Vinch, I know a few people in your program. Although they're a year or two ahead of you. One of the guys is who's birthday I was at on Saturday.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Snare on 30 September 2008, 00:49:15
I have free tuition at a college nearby...I have a lot of options. SHOULD I BE A RADIOLOGIC TECHNICIAN? HMM?...

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 30 September 2008, 01:01:11
Is that a real thing?

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Snare on 30 September 2008, 01:04:27
Yes..The alternate name for it is


Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Chron on 30 September 2008, 01:38:01
That said, I'm (kind of) in college. The same college as Vinch. I study animation.
In Canada college and university aren't the same thing, really. So you don't have a major to speak of in college because you're just part of a program. I hear that in the US they are basically the same.

The terms college and university are usually interchangeable in the US.
Although "Community College" tends to be lower-tier, they still have some undergraduate programs. Most people just go for the Associates Degrees most of them have.

I have one.

#####ing useless.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Snare on 30 September 2008, 02:02:43
I find the US has way too many words for things.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Chron on 30 September 2008, 03:25:12
That's because we have all of the useless English majors with nothing better to do but attempt to inject words back into common usage.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Fatso on 30 September 2008, 06:41:54
CompSci major, thinking of a minor in music as well.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Panda on 30 September 2008, 08:53:29
Majoring in Philosophy and Physics, thinking of minoring in maths or law.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 30 September 2008, 09:16:21
Actually Vinch, I know a few people in your program. Although they're a year or two ahead of you. One of the guys is who's birthday I was at on Saturday.

I'll probably see them during that... uhh, meeting thing that's going on for us video game developers.

I forget the details, we're missing a class because of it.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Ikeoko on 30 September 2008, 14:15:51
When I was younger I used to want to be an Astronaut (yeah I know I spelled that wrong...) but then I realized I didn't wanna blow up. And I really don't know what I want to do.

I'm gonna apply for a job at Chick-Fil-A though.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: ASR on 30 September 2008, 14:23:54
Outside the door in my dorm room, it says:

"Name: Alec Robbins
Major: Awesome.
Minor: More Awesome.
Hobbies: Being Awesome."

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Edgecrusher on 30 September 2008, 15:13:15
I have a friend that uses awesome as a synonym for drunk.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 30 September 2008, 23:04:20
Actually Vinch, I know a few people in your program. Although they're a year or two ahead of you. One of the guys is who's birthday I was at on Saturday.

I'll probably see them during that... uhh, meeting thing that's going on for us video game developers.

I forget the details, we're missing a class because of it.

You won't know what they look like anyway.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 30 September 2008, 23:10:12
I know.

I'll still see them regardless but I won't know who they are.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Speed Racer on 1 October 2008, 14:50:48
Come the end of next semester, I'll hold a degree in law enforcement, and will continue on with the chemistry major that I've been working on simultaneously.

So then you can make a meth lab and then bust yourself for it...

I was (I graduated) an accounting major.

##### that noise. We'll see where I end up.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: ChaosVortex on 1 October 2008, 16:48:25
Yeah, I'm going to be a teacher as well.

History to be exact. That should get me started, methinks.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: preventerWIND on 1 October 2008, 20:08:20
My history teacher is pretty awesome, he totally sounds and looks like Polly Shore w/the locks. He's one of the down to earth type of teachers, which I'm hoping you'll be, Nate!

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 1 October 2008, 23:15:00
No one named Nate is ever "down to earth". Look at Cable!

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Orange Devil on 4 October 2008, 16:45:43
Art Education K-12. I'm going to be an elementary school art teacher.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 October 2008, 00:52:14
I hear their pay sucks.

I'm going for High School. I'm told it's not as bad, but they still suck. College is where it's at.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Edgecrusher on 5 October 2008, 05:46:32
Teaching pays dick in general.

Unless you teach for a private school.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Orange Devil on 5 October 2008, 06:01:35
Good thing I don't care about money or material posessions. I could live in the woods for all I care, as long as I'm doing what I love.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 October 2008, 16:24:27
If we wanted money, we wouldn't be teachers.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Edgecrusher on 5 October 2008, 16:54:33
Which is tragic. Teachers should be paid significantly more than they are, given how crucial their role is.

Particularly teachers who deal with high school students. Anyone who would willingly choose to deal with such self-important bull##### drama must have the patience of a saint.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Chron on 5 October 2008, 16:56:55
Tell that to some large-business CEOs.
I'm sure they'll agree that public education is where the money should be.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Orange Devil on 5 October 2008, 18:36:10
That's why I'm not teaching high school. I'm teaching elementary school. Simplicity.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Edgecrusher on 5 October 2008, 19:41:23
Tell that to some large-business CEOs.
I'm sure they'll agree that public education is where the money should be.

Hooray for capitalist self-interest!

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Fatso on 5 October 2008, 21:18:03
I'm really not qualified to comment, because teachers over here are better-paid than any other public servant-type-people, thanks to the ten-odd years we had the NDP in power.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 6 October 2008, 00:38:20

Oh Jack Layton, will you ever get PM?

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Fatso on 6 October 2008, 06:58:49
Probably not.

And considering the state of BC's economy by the time we finally ejected the NDP, I think it's probably for the best.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 6 October 2008, 07:11:15

Oh Jack Layton, will you ever get PM?

Ah, so you're voting for NDP?

If I could figure out how to vote, I would vote for NDP too.

I wouldn't mind Liberals so much, though, because they're not Conservatives.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Chron on 6 October 2008, 13:33:47
You know, I wish we had as many warring political parties in the US as you guys did in Canada.

I mean we have just the Republicrats, and then there's a bunch of little guys no one votes for.
It's sad.

... this topic has gone way off the deep end.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 6 October 2008, 23:13:31
We have Conservatives, Liberals, and the rest can be considered medium to little guys really. The Green Party never gets majority seats, I think. They probably get a some ridings in each province but... Like... They don't even have commercials really. NDP (New Democrats) is kind of the little engine that could have Canadian parties, as it's always in the shadow of the Libs and Cons. Anything else is literally called "the rest" by basically everyone.


Oh Jack Layton, will you ever get PM?

Ah, so you're voting for NDP?

If I could figure out how to vote, I would vote for NDP too.

I wouldn't mind Liberals so much, though, because they're not Conservatives.

Because I work in government, I'm not allowed to publicly/officially support any party without jumping through hoops to notify or get clearance from the government or some crap. They sent a big e-mail about it. It also means I probably can't give my opinion on any of the parties until after the election.

Anyway I'm gonna vote tonight (early). And yeah, probably.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Chron on 7 October 2008, 02:19:00
We have Conservatives, Liberals, and the rest can be considered medium to little guys really. The Green Party never gets majority seats, I think. They probably get a some ridings in each province but... Like... They don't even have commercials really. NDP (New Democrats) is kind of the little engine that could have Canadian parties, as it's always in the shadow of the Libs and Cons. Anything else is literally called "the rest" by basically everyone.

I stand corrected, then.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 7 October 2008, 03:41:41
On the ballot, there was a guy for "Marxist-Lenninist" or something. I wasn't surprised but I'd forgotten about them since I saw them on the ballot last election. There's also independent stuff among other parties I've already forgotten about.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Orange Devil on 7 October 2008, 16:07:10
I like turtles.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Fatso on 7 October 2008, 18:19:10
The Communist Party had a booth set up near the Applied Sciences building yesterday. I was at once amazed and amused.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 7 October 2008, 23:00:27
I voted for the Squirtle Squad.

But clearly only Conservatives or Liberals ever win so I guess my dream is over!

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Fatso on 7 October 2008, 23:46:22
I voted for the Squirtle Squad.

But clearly only Conservatives or Liberals ever win so I guess my dream is over!

They would do a better job of running the country than the communists would.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 8 October 2008, 00:50:16
They would do a better job than any government ever, so your point is very understated.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Rama Olendris on 9 October 2008, 23:16:12
If we wanted money, we wouldn't be teachers.

I just want a job where I'll be happy and getting enough funds to not worry about how I'm going to eat the next day. I don't need to make any $60k a year, a nice $30k is sufficient for me to pay bills and save for the future. I live pretty cheap. 

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 10 October 2008, 00:06:34
So you're all teenagers still right? That's cute. That's cute that you have dreams.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: ASR on 10 October 2008, 00:41:48
I like how just this year I realized that stand-up comedy was a viable hobby slash side career not to be confused with the career I choose in order to please the parents who are paying for college.

I still haven't manned up enough to go to any open mic nights, though, despite having found out about a few.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 10 October 2008, 03:43:58
Do you even write material? Don't go up without any material.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: ASR on 10 October 2008, 06:05:34
I do. I keep a notebook that I jot down things I think are funny in. I keep it on me at almost all times, at least in my backpack during the day.

And then later, I go through and form it into this imaginary routine and I have it all worked out in my head, but I: A) don't think I have enough to consistently flow and segway and really be confident with, B) feel like once I'm up there, I'll start forgetting things and just draw blanks, and C) am completely intimidated with going on stage and performing any of it.

But yeah, I know the process and I've got a whole bunch of stuff ready (both written and in my head), and I'm at least sure it's FUNNY. It's just a matter of, well, doing it.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Mikero on 11 October 2008, 03:35:27
Nice. I should do that for rhymes.

Also, I wish I'd written down my Aristocrat's joke. It was like 25-45 minutes long.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: ASR on 11 October 2008, 03:38:07
There was a massive rain the other week during marching band practice, and it soaked my backpack and everything in it.

Including my joke book.

So, I had to rewrite EVERYTHING into another notepad thing because the other one was ruined, for the most part.

It was annoying.

It also gave me the chance to really decide what was good and what wasn't, and I dropped a lot of stuff.

Title: Re: Majors
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 11 October 2008, 03:38:51
Keep it in a zip-lock bag next time.

I'm being serious.