Title: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Morgan Guyer on 3 November 2008, 21:01:15 God damn it, I WANT THIS GAME.
(http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j142/loudtree/joecool.jpg) http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/117/117795/ Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: TheRedPriest on 3 November 2008, 22:19:41 The better a game is, the less likely we will get it. If not for the company Capcom teamed up with I'd say we would have had a good shot at getting it.
Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 4 November 2008, 04:21:25 At least Capcom of America is trying to get the licensing issues worked out.
But they probably won't get too far... Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Mikero on 5 November 2008, 02:42:37 OK well... Nothing I've heard of this has actually made me want it. I'm very indifferent on it. Maybe I'm out of the loop as to what to big deal is beyond what characters are in it.
Maybe "blah versus kplah" fighting games have lost their touch on me. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 November 2008, 11:27:27 I was only interesting in Capcom vs games for one thing.
"It better have Mega Man in it." That's why I hated the first Marvel vs Capcom, and loved the second. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: NovaMan XP on 5 November 2008, 21:01:52 ... didn't MvC1 have Mega Man in it?
Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Chron on 5 November 2008, 21:06:19 And Roll, and they both had awesome theme songs, and there was a Wily Factory stage and EVERYTHING.
MvC was freaking AMAZING. Much better than the abomination that was MvC2. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: NovaMan XP on 5 November 2008, 21:15:02 Yeah, I remember MvC having alot more Mega Man stuff in it. Except MvC2 had Tron and a ServBot if I remember right...
Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Abominator on 5 November 2008, 21:25:43 MvC2 was good except for the mad control scheme and the 2x boss.
Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Chron on 5 November 2008, 21:27:53 Uh, and the MUSIC.
The music in MvC2 is freaking abysmal. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 November 2008, 03:58:25 ... didn't MvC1 have Mega Man in it? It did? I swear it didn't. I never saw him anywhere on it. It was years ago though. I've only seen one machine of the game ever. Everywhere else, MvC2. EDIT: Huh. I guess he was in it. News to me. I never saw him. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Mikero on 6 November 2008, 04:00:53 I liked Marvel vs. Capcom and Capcom vs. SNK 2.
After that I'm pretty blasé about the this versus this games. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 November 2008, 04:03:27 I'm pretty ignorant about them, and never took the time to actually be good at playing them either.
But it has Mega Man* in it, then it's good in my book. *Any Mega Man except Star Force. Geo Stelar isn't Mega Man. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Mikero on 6 November 2008, 04:06:03 As was said earlier, you could play as Roll as well. It was a MM alternate or something, I've since forgotten how to do it but you could do it in the arcade and everything.
There was a similar trick to get War Machine from Iron Man (awesome). Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 November 2008, 04:09:11 I'm just saying, I swear I never saw him anywhere on the Select screen. It was pretty small according to my memory anyway, and I was disappointed.
MvC2 had a much larger one, and I saw Tron Bonne, Servbot, and Mega Man. I was pretty pleased. And I learned how to get Roll on the MvC2 menu too, so that made me even more happier. I sucked at the game. I was that kid that would just select Mega Man characters and spam buttons, honestly. But I haven't played the game in years. Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Mikero on 6 November 2008, 04:26:14 I could easily have been thinking of MvC2. But I don't think so.
Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 November 2008, 04:28:16 All I'm saying, after all these years, I honestly never saw him in the game. NO ONE ever picked him or anything.
Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Chron on 6 November 2008, 04:31:00 That's pretty sad; he's one of the best fighters in the game. Sick, sick combos.
Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Mikero on 6 November 2008, 04:39:26 Yeah he's pretty Bangkok Dangerous.
HA! I've been wanting to use that in a sentence! (It looks horrible.) Title: Re: Viewtiful Joe in TvC. Post by: Chron on 6 November 2008, 04:52:04 Great, thanks.
Now I have to say it. BANGKOK DANGEROUS |