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Non-MegaMan => Any Other Business? => Topic started by: Chron on 4 November 2008, 13:33:11

Title: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Chron on 4 November 2008, 13:33:11
I mean, you can't even marry cartoon characters there. (

What an awful country, you guys.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 November 2008, 13:43:43

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Ikeoko on 4 November 2008, 13:46:14
I knew this day would come...

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: ASR on 4 November 2008, 13:54:41

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 4 November 2008, 15:07:22
I signed that petition a week ago.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: ASR on 4 November 2008, 15:08:06
Of course.

But guys, if they pass this law, then what happens when a man wants to marry a cartoon man?

Then we have homosexual fictional marriage! That's two taboos!

We cannot have this!

Vote no on Proposal J!

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Majikn on 4 November 2008, 18:13:16
That is pathetic. Not the love for comics, I "whatever" at that. But not only do they want blank substitutes where communication and mutual love is impossible, but now they want them to not have any physical depth.

I wonder how far this is going to go before they realize that merely asking a girl out and not being rejected is probably ten times more satisfying than anything you can do with a blow-up doll, much less a cartoon character on paper.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Yubi Shines on 4 November 2008, 20:52:00
gtfo otakukin

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: NovaMan XP on 4 November 2008, 21:57:52
I'm sorry, but I laughed at that. Very much. I mean... seriously?

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Rama Olendris on 4 November 2008, 22:01:45
... ... ... ...


Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 5 November 2008, 02:05:01
This is officially the stupidest thing all day. And there was election crap on all day!

But not only do they want blank substitutes where communication and mutual love is impossible

That's a pretty strong generalization, man. Not every Japanese man wants a geisha. Not even most, I'll bet.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Majikn on 5 November 2008, 07:32:50
Oh, crap.

To clarify what I mean (as opposed to what I said), I'm not talking about Japanese people at all. But I see where that came from.

My statement is only directed at the people signing the petition. At least, those signing it who seriously agree with it.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 5 November 2008, 23:07:51

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 6 November 2008, 03:46:04
WHICH one?

And what about characters that married to other characters, and what if they end up getting married later in storylines? Are people going to get mad and sue claiming that the character is married to them already?

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: ChaosVortex on 6 November 2008, 03:51:45
What if the character is 11? Should the guy be arrested?

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 6 November 2008, 03:52:50

If someone ended up marrying one of my characters, I'd write him or her into substance abuse, have them get paralyzed-but not so paralyzed they can't beat the piss of out their spouse every night-and have all their hair fall out and then get a very expensive disease and make them completely unable to be with anymore. Then in the resulting divorce, my character would win alimony in the hearing. The hearing that I write in the comic about this character.

And then I'd watch the real life money roll in on the fake life character's divorce.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Chron on 6 November 2008, 04:24:34
You have all of these great ideas.

You should write a book.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 6 November 2008, 04:27:48
:D But then someone would try to marry the leading lady.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Chron on 6 November 2008, 04:28:59
Oh, Japan Internet.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Snare on 8 November 2008, 22:58:13
What? I like japan cause of the McDonalds commericals (

I think I know who I'll marry.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: NovaMan XP on 8 November 2008, 23:13:44
Why did I KNOW that video was what you were going to link?

That video is beyond awesome. <_<

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: preventerWIND on 8 November 2008, 23:15:08
Oh wow, thats.. probably the most ridiculous thing I've read, and probably in the top 10 list of crazy ##### in Japan.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: von Teelio on 9 November 2008, 03:11:19
I would marry Catwoman if I could...

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 9 November 2008, 04:46:15
I'd marry the Michelle Pfeiffer one.
Which means I'd need a time machine.
And Michelle Pfeiffer.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Lunchebox on 14 November 2008, 09:20:47
I'd marry the Michelle Pfeiffer one.
Which means I'd need a time machine.
And Michelle Pfeiffer.

Also, a great pick up line.

I don't think I would marry any fictional character.

I'd definitely have a torrid affair with Tinkerbell, though.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Xero on 14 November 2008, 11:26:49

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Johncarllos on 14 November 2008, 15:02:27
I'd definitely have a torrid affair with Tinkerbell, though.


Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 15 November 2008, 01:22:12
Peter Pan, evidently.

I'd marry the Michelle Pfeiffer one.
Which means I'd need a time machine.
And Michelle Pfeiffer.

Also, a great pick up line.

How could a girl resist "I have a time machine, Michelle Pfeiffer." ?

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Lunchebox on 16 November 2008, 06:39:46
Peter Pan, evidently.

I'd marry the Michelle Pfeiffer one.
Which means I'd need a time machine.
And Michelle Pfeiffer.

Also, a great pick up line.

How could a girl resist "I have a time machine, Michelle Pfeiffer." ?

You have to prove it within a few seconds or else it's "SECURITY!".

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 16 November 2008, 07:02:04
I have a time machine. We can just leave and go to some other time and place. (It's also a space machine. A time and space machine. Whatever.)

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: ASR on 16 November 2008, 15:55:38
Yeah? Well I have a TARDIS!

That thing picks up chicks better than any other vehicle. Proven fact.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Speed Racer on 16 November 2008, 17:16:37
Yeah? Well I have a TARDIS!

That thing picks up chicks better than any other vehicle. Proven fact.

Actually, I think it picks up girls AND guys better than any other vehicle. I don't ever recall someone saying "no" to taking a ride in it.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: Mikero on 16 November 2008, 17:37:30
Yeah? Well I have a TARDIS!

I knew you were going to say that.

Title: Re: Japan is a pretty sad place.
Post by: ASR on 16 November 2008, 18:21:06
I knew you knew I was going to say that.

Because. You know. Time travel. We both can do it. So we both know what's going to happen next.