But. Honestly? If it were just an X series reboot, that would do well I'm sure. It would probably please those nostalgia seekers I've mentioned. unfortunately it would probably fall through the cracks as just another retro DLC title, and that would suck to see.
Also, the designs are fine, sure, but from that same nostalgic stand-point. Today, though, the X series takes itself too seriously for them not to be ironic. If they were to release a new title, a truly new title under the X banner and have any real hope of it catching on, they wouldn't really work. For example, the Classic series is almost comical in some of the boss and stage designs, not to mention the fact that there's a pink robotic dog. Artwork from that series is so cutesy it's almost chibi. As the X series was Capcom's attempt at a more intense experience, it wouldn't work in this day and age unless, as I've said, it was a retro DLC type thing.
Posted on: 1 September 2011, 08:14:15
The series was released in a day and age where storylines in action games were essentially unheard of. 2D shooters didn't need them, and people weren't used to them. Hell, developers weren't even used to much more story than "these robots are bad, blow them up".
The subject of THIS thread however is what might happen to the X series in the present. Meaning that if it were to be a serious attempt at revival, it would have to be revamped in some way shape or form to appeal to a new generation of gamer. Also, being a fan of the characters and base plot regardless of it's eventual spin out of control, I would really enjoy a fresh take.
I've seen 2D games with story that work, too. Ever play shadow complex? Or any Metroid titles? They've all got a fair bit of story, and it doesn't weigh them down.
Majikn, I'll see what I can do about those concepts. They're mostly hand drawn and my scanner is garbage, but I'l give it a shot. I might even start my own artwork thread in the creation station.