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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Just got an awesome flashback! on: 26 April 2022, 04:52:06
That must be it, and yes, it goes waaay back. I feel glad that I can still revisit this place every now and then, it's like travelling back in time.
2  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Just got an awesome flashback! on: 21 April 2022, 04:17:45
Yes, it's super odd, because I do remember the music playing and all, and the logo changed to yellow or red, but I just don't remember what the event was about. I think there was going to be a new feature in the board, and Abe held a countdown until the big reveal. Or there was going to be a new version of it-- something along that. But overall it's a really fun thing that I remember, the forum was very vibrant and those were really nice times.
3  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 20 April 2022, 05:00:13
Started playing Horizon Zero Dawn for the past week. Been enjoying it. I tried playing it a couple years ago and couldn't get into it but I probably just wasn't feeling up to playing an open world game at the time.

Haven't gotten the new Kirby but it does look like a lot of fun.

Oh, I've wanted to play Horizon Zero for a while, I think I'll give it a try soon.

Hehehe there were a lot of memes of Kirby swallowing that car whole. It was terrifying.
4  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Just got an awesome flashback! on: 20 April 2022, 04:57:22
Hi everyone! I just recalled something that happened quite some time ago here in the MMM:

Back in the days of AIM and noisy modems, there was this countdown going on at the title of the site. I clearly remember that I was checking the forums, and when I refreshed the page, the title changed into a big announcement with yellow letters, and "The Final Countdown" started playing. That was pretty awesome!! I always have that very cool memory from here as a kid. I think that I asked Abe or Xero about it, and one of them told me that I'd found early on about something in the site, and I felt really happy about that back then! Does anybody have any recollection of this?
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 10 April 2022, 22:39:17
I've been playing Breath of the Wild on Master Mode for a while now, I'm completing the Champions' Ballad. I want to do the Master Sword tests, but it's pretty tough, even through the first level!
6  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 8 April 2022, 05:31:19
Wow, Snare! How cool that you remember that! I think it was called "The Netters" or something like that, hehehehe... Those were pretty fun times. I remember doing sprites, and a Megaman with fish-flaps LOL.

What are you saying, Rez? This is my real face! Proof:
7  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 6 April 2022, 07:52:11
Mikero! It's great to see you too! And thanks! ^_^

The stuff from the video is in-engine gameplay, you can already do that. Still, there's a long way to have it properly finished.

Back when the quarantine started, a cousin asked me to make a virtual gallery for her pupils' paintings, so that she could adapt her children's art school to something online. That project felt pretty free in terms of design, and I really enjoyed it. So then I really got the itch to make the step from 3D rendering and tours to making actual videogames. Eventually, I picked up a free course on basic programming.

It's been a process that I've enjoyed a lot, and I really want to see this in its finished form.

And really, thanks guys! I appreciate all your nice comments on my stuff, but mostly it's pretty cool to see lots of faces again!
8  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 5 April 2022, 23:31:17
It's a really nice model. I want to get into creative side of game making but I feel like I've missed my boat.

Thanks, Snare! You can always try new things, as long as they're fun to do and bring something positive to your life, I feel it's ok!
9  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 4 April 2022, 05:04:26
Thanks, Rez!

Could you guys see the video? I copy pasted just the link, but I'm not sure if it comes up like those dubious ones that suddenly appear.

10  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 3 April 2022, 03:59:51
I like your Pearl and the symbology behind the three colors chosen as the splash against the white bg!

Thanks, Snare! Yes, I liked how mysterious her character was along the series, and her having them in her color palette always led to a lot of speculation hehehe
11  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 1 April 2022, 21:31:29
Thanks a lot, guys! I'm so glad that you liked it! Sorry for the late response-- work got in the way.

I’m working on this one that has Volnutt and Roll. I’ll make sure to post it soon when it’s finished.

Last summer I also started poking into code and started making a small videogame. I’ve got the basics at least functional enough, and now I’m starting to design my first level and enemies.

Hope you guys like it!
12  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 29 March 2022, 17:55:05
Thanks, guys!! Yes, I try to go for lots of color and texture, I got those brushes some time ago and they're real fun to use!

Let me show you some more:

The last one here is an OC I'm using for my game, I'll upload stuff from that too later!
13  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Pokito's (aka FalconTrace) Art on: 29 March 2022, 06:23:27
Hello everyone!

It's been quite a while since I've wanted to post this here--

I've taken on a hobby for animation and illustration in the last several years, and from half a year ago I started getting into gamedev on my free time too, I have an IP that I want to turn into a videogame.

I don't usually share much of this stuff, but I guess you guys would like it!

Here are some of the things I've done:

Hope you like my stuff!

PS: I hope I'm posting this correctly, I don't recall well if I'm doing it ok, I'd like to post more stuff, but I'm not sure if it's alright to post again to upload more pictures, or to write on the same post.

14  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 29 March 2022, 05:48:51
Hey there, Speed! Glad to hear that things are going better for you! Hope you feel much better soon!
15  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Elden Ring, and Bandai-Namco sponsored videos featuring one of our own. on: 4 March 2022, 02:08:01
Hi, y'all! I think PM's are not working.
16  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: It's time for some blue on: 6 November 2021, 18:38:50
Hi, everyone! It's nice to read you guys again! I haven't been around for a while, but seeing the forum back made me feel happy hehehe
17  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: A nice cover for ProtoMan's Theme on: 28 May 2016, 04:19:49
Wow! That's nice! He's really talented!
18  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / A nice cover for ProtoMan's Theme on: 26 May 2016, 02:53:24
Hi guys! What's up? I'm listening some music right now and found a cover for Protoman's theme and thought it was quite nice, I hope you guys like it :)
19  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 22 February 2016, 02:18:22
Right now I'm reeeeally hooked up with Steven Universe. It's awesome, I love the illustration and all about it; the storyline is kinda similar to Megaman Legends, but with lesbian aliens and tons of feels. I don't miss an episode.

As soon as I saw the show I remembered that old PSX game Legend of Mana, where there was a "Jumi" race where people were gemstones. People nowadays won't notice it, but they took a lot of references from that game.
20  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Legends 3 Megaman Volnutt Designs on: 19 February 2015, 06:31:34
Aww, sorry TheRedPriest... Hehe, I was just trying to be popular...  :(

Cheer up, man, not everything's bad. :) Even stuff like this can be a source of inspiration.

I didn't know about Legends 3 until I came back, but in these weeks that raised my interest into learning very basic things about rigging and using Unity, as I initially wanted to see if I could make a very small game based on the series, because I'm already familiar with the 3D-modeling part.

While putting ideas to practice, I'm now finding out that I would actually like to give it a shot and make something original, although I would like it to keep a noticeable influence from the Legends series.

I'd really like to share it with you guys when I get a little more content done.
21  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Legends 3 Megaman Volnutt Designs on: 18 February 2015, 15:57:46
I just came to drop this by...  :D
22  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Megaman Legends 3 "The Prologue" (Demake Version) on: 9 February 2015, 15:54:09
Hello everyone, I ran accross this fan-made sequel. It's been made in 2d in the style of classic Megaman games, I believe some of you will like it. I played it for a while, it's a bit short but it's kinda cool.

It's a free game, the link is in the video's description. I think the password is "dash3".

Enjoy! :)
23  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 24 January 2015, 02:14:15
24  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: MML3 Should've been a sandbox game. on: 24 January 2015, 02:13:40
Hahaha, maybe until there's a "Mighty Legends" or something...
25  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: MML3 Should've been a sandbox game. on: 23 January 2015, 19:17:08
Perhaps for Mighty No. 9 instead?
26  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 23 January 2015, 18:49:17
A pizzeria?
27  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / MML3 Should've been a sandbox game. on: 22 January 2015, 03:06:16
I know it's all over now, but I just came with an epiphany:

Just imagine it. Whatever way Volnutt comes back to Earth, etc.

You're a digger, and there's plenty of ruins in the world to explore, with lots of treasures, technology, refractors, and countless enemies and adventures. You could have whatever amount of missions or things to do, you make more powerful guns, a much cooler Flutter. We never got to 100% explore what it was to be a "Digger" in the game.

Right now I think it's quite a feasible thing, with all this random generated maps and stuff, and the masses right now kinda like that type of games.

Yes. I like Minecraft.  :P
28  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Pokito saying hi! on: 21 January 2015, 22:57:49
Thank you guys! :)
29  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 21 January 2015, 22:50:58
Alright, alright. The naked guy was DZX9. And I learned that stuff because he once made a post about Exitmundi, a site that talked about black holes, end of world theories that were kinda cool.

I also knew sometime that Abominator had a Resident Evil 3 site, which I loved, and it had pictures of Beta Items and stuff, even Tofu... (I still get funky with that game) His name in the site was Ah King.

I also made sprites of everyone, I made one for Abe, which looked like a black and green alien, one for you, TheRedPriest, where you had a rod with a purple gem on the end, another for LilCasket, TronFantasy, Orclev, Metty, and I did a picture of the board like if it was some kind of city.

It's me!! Hahahah  :D
30  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Pokito saying hi! on: 21 January 2015, 22:14:14
Oh yeah, they're weird... I've seen that somewhere a while ago...

How's stuff in MMM going?
31  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 21 January 2015, 22:12:10
Well, I could try telling stuff that only I knew.

Let's see...

->I remember Xero getting banned a long time ago, and then getting unbanned again, because he posted something that was against the rules...

->I also remember one particular guy as well, he was kinda dark and rebellious, who used to post half naked pictures of himself, and kinda obscure stuff seldomly. I felt like he hated me or something back then. Yet, thanks to him, I learnt about quantum physics, string theory, spaghettification and lots of cool stuff when I was just 13.

->Back then I used to hang out in AIM with that guy "Lance". God, he was such a strange kid. I wonder what's happened to him. He was kind of a bad influence to me back then, like... stalker-weird stuff.

->I once made a drawing of an aquatic Megaman armor and everyone said, "LOL, Fish-Flaps."

->There was this girl called Yizzen Olonrae as well.

->I remember And the Buffy Swearword. And Margaret Thatcher in the body of a kitten.

->Britney Spears hadn't shaved her head bald yet. She was still sane.

Would that suffice as a proof?

*Edit: I removed the semi naked photos guy's name, hehehe but I now know who he was.
32  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Pokito saying hi! on: 21 January 2015, 07:10:44

Well, I'm not much of a ghost, some kind of zombie, perhaps... but I'm quite lively as I can tell, hehehe...

How's everything going? I haven't been here since I guess 2005.

Hahaha... could someone tell me how and why did I die???


BTW I didn't put any links on my post, it could be spyware or sumthin'.

33  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 20 January 2015, 05:29:58
I don't know if this is taboo or anything.

But I heard he died a while back. Something about a car crash? I don't know I barely remember.

And may lord have mercy on your soul if that was just a joke! D8<

LOL! I'm not dead!
34  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Pokito saying hi! on: 20 January 2015, 04:32:19
Hi everyone!

It's so crazy to enter here again; I suddenly get this nostalgic and awesome feeling when reading everyone's names for the first time in more than 10 years. So many things have passed, the world's gone crazy in a decade...

I feel like if I was back in time, I suddenly start taking value in things I had back then, specially the friendship with many people from this community. :)

I was around 12 or 13, I was a HUGE Megaman Legends fan, and it was when I started drawing anime and stuff. I had my first long-distance relationship in here (TronFantasy), I made friends with this girl called LilCasket, with Orclev, HyperEpsilon, Morgan Guyer, SpeedRacer, Voulnet, MH_Alia, and many others, I think I even got in trouble with some people in here at that time hehehe, but I hope it was nothing too bad, and if that's the case, I'm terribly sorry for anything that could've happened, from the bottom of my heart! I was kinda young back then and didn't get a lot of stuff, so...

I remember developing a lot my writing skills in English here because I always felt oriented to express myself with proper grammar and to speak to older people. I also made my first steps in digital design, because I learned how to do Megaman Sprites in here with Paint, and then animate them in GIFs. (GIFs are so mainstream right now!)

Today I'm 25, I just finished my career in architecture, and still live in Tampico, Mexico. Things have changed a lot in my country in these years... a LOT. I started a Sunday bicycle group with some friends in my city and achieved a bit of change in my community. Right now I'm working in a furniture design business, and planning to make my own.

I would really like to be able to catch up with everyone, I still remember you all:

Abe, TheRedPriest, Edgecrusher, Xero, Morgan Guyer, Orclev, TronFantasy, SpeedRacer, LizSama, Voulnet, HyperEpsilon, LilCasket, MH_Alia, everyone!

PS: Hahah, and no... I did not die in a car crash!  ;D
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