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1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Mega Man Graffiti on: 28 November 2010, 03:35:39
Most definitely NOT shopped. I saw this with my own eyes and took the pictures.

I'm glad you guys like it though.

Too bad I never met the artists.. would have been cool to interview them.
2  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Mega Man Paper Mech on: 27 November 2010, 00:08:45
Hey there, I found this many moons ago on the tubes and thought you guys might get a kick out of it. You print it out, cut and fold, and you have a little paper Mega Man!

I have a lot more in the directory this is in. You can check them out here:

3  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Mega Man Graffiti on: 27 November 2010, 00:02:19
Hi everyone. Back in 2007, I took a trip to Singapore and went to the skate park there (yes, there is only one).

Graffiti is strictly outlawed in Singapore, but the skate park is the sole place on the island the government condones, or least turns a blind eye to, graffiti.
As such, there was some really cool murals I took some pictures of.
I stitched together a panorama today and thought you guys might appreciate it.
I haven't posted this anywhere else yet.
You'll have to excuse the odd stitching on the right. I didn't have a tripod.

If you want the 5 MB, high-resolution image, it's available here:

In any case, enjoy!

4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 23 August 2008, 02:39:43
Let's underail this train wreck.

So Cody.  Anyword yet if you won?

No word yet. I'll keep you all informed if/when I win.

Posted on: 19 August 2008, 18:52:04

I sent an email to regarding the contest and I got a reply.

"Hey Cody,

We are still reviewing the entries. A few members are on vacation so we should have a winner announced by early next week.

Thanks for your patience,

So there we have it. Only a few more days...
5  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 20 August 2008, 06:56:22
Don't get any greasy fingerprints on it either. That's a $19,000 peacoat you're handling there. It's sewn with the fibers of your very being.
6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 20 August 2008, 02:48:25
I was steered over here and thought I'd introduce myself.

This is Cody, from I re-registered here since the old forums were taken down.

Um... hi?
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 20 August 2008, 00:28:03
Mayhaps I'll join it. How many posts does it take for this noob title to go away?
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 19 August 2008, 23:16:53
I just noticed the Abominator thing in your avatar.

Well, since I immediately noticed where it was from (Zelda 2), I thought I'd add it. Maybe I can be part of the exclusive club now.
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 19 August 2008, 22:58:32
You forgot Codeman.
10  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Let's play Final Fantasy VI (GBA Version)! *Not Dial-Up Friendly* on: 19 August 2008, 22:38:45
I shalt become Cyan. Mine name of Cody is only two letters off anyway!

How for art thou getting all the Rename Cards? Art thou doing something at the Coliseum?
11  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 19 August 2008, 22:17:30
That's the best part of bread.

There are some that would disagree. (I'm not one of them)
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 19 August 2008, 22:05:30
I demand a million dollars!

Oh, is that all? How about 10 million? Of course, it's in Zimbabwean dollars which means you might be able to buy a crust of bread with it.

13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 19 August 2008, 21:28:52
Howdy MMM'ers! This is Cody, the guy trying to win the sketch. So far, no one has contacted me about who is the winner, nor has the page been updated.

I don't feel we blatantly subverted the democratic process, however. It would seem the most popular candidate was chosen, IMHO. What we have done hasn't ruined my chances for the sketch (probably). However, I feel I still have the best chance as my post was well-thought out and not as losery and whiney as 90% of the other ones.

I do appreciate the help here. And to answer preventerWIND, what's in it for you guys? Well, if I win, I was planning on scanning it, cleaning off the blue lines, and adding some color, then posting it as a high quality image for everyone else to enjoy. I just thought it would be cool to have something the creator of Mega Man actually made.

In any case, thank you to all you helped. I can only hope it actually made a difference!
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