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1  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Re: Manuals for MMBN #4-6 on: 9 April 2009, 01:58:03
Just curious about them, nice bit of trivia to have I guess
2  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Re: Manuals for MMBN #4-6 on: 9 April 2009, 00:04:08
Well, thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll just not get them, thanks
3  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Re: Manuals for MMBN #4-6 on: 8 April 2009, 20:40:10
What I meant by manuals, is the little booklet that comes with each game. Like this, but for game 4-6:

Mega Man Battle Network Game Manual

In 20xx...
... the rapid advance of Internet technology has created the "network age."
Everyone now carries a portable exploration device called "PET." This personal
terminal is an advanced personal digital assistant. Using it, you can make
phone calls, send and receive emails, keep a calendar, store data, shop online
and check news from around the world. PET is so convenient and helpful that it
has become essential for everyday life!

Every PET uses a personality simulation program called Net Navi(gator). By
customizing your PET's Navi program, you can give your Net Navi a unique
personality - and even talk to it! But as the network world expands, network
crime is raging. Hacking and computer virus epidemics have become major issues.
At the top of the criminal list is a mysterious organization called "WWW"
(World Three), a group of incorrigible computer hooligans.

To protect their PETs, people have begun installing Battle Chips - special
chips encoded with battle programs. When you insert a Battle Chip, you can arm
your PET to fight off viruses and hackers. This is called "virus busting" and
has become so important that it is now taught in schools.
Lan is a fifth grade student. His Net Navi (and best friend) is Mega Man.EXE.
Lan and Mega Man.EXE are both extremely skilled computer operators.

In the world of virus busting, Lan and Mega Man.EXE are about to meet their

Press START in the Title Screen and the following options will appear. Use the
Control Pad to select, and press START or the A Button to confirm.
New Game - Start a new game
Continue - Resume a previously saved game. This option appears after you have
saved a game. (See page 17 for details on saving.)
SOFTWARE RESET - At any time during gameplay you can return to the Title Screen
by pressing the START, SELECT, and A and B button simultaneously.

FIELD SCREEN - The Field Screen is the main gameplay screen in both the Real
World (where you control Lan) and the Cyber World (where you control Mega

Talk to Mega Man.EXE in the Real World / Talk to Lan in the Cyber World
Jack-in in the Real World / Jack-out in the Cyber World
Move character or cursor
Display Sub Screen (see pages 12 - 17) Read emails and chip data
Confirm a selection / Talk/Check
Cancel a selection / Dash (with Control Pad)

Display Battle Setup Screen (when Battle Gauge is full)
Move Mega Man.EXE
Not Used
Use Battle Chip

Not used
Display Battle Chip description
Move cursor
Put cursor on OK
Not used
Confirm a selection
Cancel a selection

In your quest to hunt down computer criminals, you will move between the "Real
World" and the "Cyber World." In the Real World, you control Lan using the
following controls:

Talk/Check - Press the A Button when standing in front of a person in town to
talk to him/her. A text conversation will begin. Continue pressing the A Button
to read it all the way through.
You can also see notes about an object by standing in front of it and pressing
the A Button. If there is nothing to talk about or learn, nothing appears.
(Note: Sometimes during a conversation you must make a choice about what you'll
talk about.)
Dash - Hold down the B Button and press the Control Pad in the direction you
want to dash.
Talk to Mega Man.EXE - Press the L Button and talk to Mega Man.EXE in the PET.
When you don't know what to do next, check in with Mega Man.EXE. He may give
you a clue.

Press START in the Field Screen to display the Sub Screen. This shows all the
Battle Chips you have available. You can organize your Battle Chips by moving
the ones you want to use from the Sack into the Folder.
Toggle between the Sack and the Folder by pressing the Control Pad Left/Right.
First choose a chip, then choose a chip to exchange with it. (Press the Control
Pad Up/Down to see a description of each chip.) Press the A Button after each
chip selection to make the trade.

When you're in battle, you will open the Battle Setup Screen and select Battle
Chips from the Folder. The more you use the Folder, the better you'll get at
arranging your chips strategically for success in battle.

1. You must always have 30 Battle Chips in the Folder
2. You can have up to 10 chips of the same kind.
3. You can have up to 5 Navi Chips (for calling Net Navi).

The Sub Screen also shows a list of helpful options. Highlight an option and
press the A Button to select it.

SORT - Press START to display a menu for sorting your chips. Press the Control
Pad Up/Down to select a method, and press the A Button to sort.
PAGES - Press the L or R Button to turn the pages of the Folder.

This is a list of Battle Chip data. Look through it (by pressing the L or R
Button) to see all the chips you acquire. Names will appear in place of "?"
when you get new chips. To the left is a description of what each chip does.
The more stars next to a chip name, the rarer it is. How many chips can you

Check on Mega Man.EXE's status. The level indicates his strength. As you
enhance Mega Man.EXE with power-up programs, the level will increase. You can
use three types of power-up programs:
HP (Hit Points) - Automatically adds 20 to Mega Man.EXE's maximum HP.
ARMOR - Doubles Mega Man.EXE's Heat Armor, Aqua Armor or Wood Armor defense.
(You can change armor in the Sub Screen.)
BUSTER UP - Enhances the Mega Buster by increasing Attack (shot power), Rapid
(shot speed) or Charge (charge shot).

Check on Lan's emails, identified by sender names and subjects. Emails marked
NEW haven't been read yet. Use the Control Pad to select an email and press the
A Button to read it. Turn pages by pressing the A Button. You can read through
all the emails one after another.

Check out the items you have. Select an item with the Control Pad to see its

Using the optional Game Link® Cable, you can exchange Battle Chips or have a
Net Battle with your friend. You can also save a network game. (See pages 30-32
for details.)

Save your current game at this screen showing information about it. After
saving, you can resume the game at a later time. To do that, select CONTINUE in
the Title Screen (see page 6) the next time you start play.

Return to the Sub Screen.

You enter the Cyber World by jacking into the PC in Lan's room. In the Cyber
World, you control Mega Man.EXE. In this world you must defeat viruses, find
and battle bosses and solve problems. Read on to find out how...

When you "jack-in," you connect your PET to an electric device and send Mega
Man.EXE into the Cyber World. To jack-in, stand in front of an electric device
and press the R Button.
When a problem occurs in the Real World, it's probably caused by a computer
virus. Jack-in and send Mega Man.EXE to defeat the virus. Explore the Real
World to find various places besides Lan's room where you can jack-in. You may
also get a special chip when you jack-in.
Hint: Helping others in the Cyber World will help you find other jack-in places.

RUN - Hold down the B Button and press the Control Pad to move fast.
TALK/CHECK - Press the A Button to talk to a program or check an object in
front of Mega Man.EXE. Make sure to check Mystery Data, which you'll sometimes
find laying on the ground. You'll get a bonus reward!
TALK TO LAN - Press the L Button to talk to Lan in the Real World. When you're
at a loss about what to do next, he may give you a hint.
JACK-OUT - Press the R Button to recall Mega Man.EXE from the Cyber World. Once
you jack-out, you will control Lan in the Real World again.
Stay alert: Sometimes you cannot jack-out.

The Cyber World is huge and very complicated. Here you'll find Net Traders who
will sell you chips, power-up programs and personal home pages. You cannot
enter all the areas at first, but as you proceed with the adventure more areas
will open up.

A number of devices are connected to the Cyber World. If you get their network
address, you can go through the Cyber World to one of these devices.

Some areas on the Cyber World are dead ends where you may get stuck. Find a
Link to proceed. (see the next section).

Net Battle
People in town may challenge you to a Net Battle. If you win, the loser may
give you a Link. When you get a Link, go on the Cyber World and try it.

Shops have items for sale, but you'll need Zenny to buy them. You gain Zenny by
winning battles and sometimes by checking Mystery Data.
Talk to a Net Trader in the Cyber World to display the Shop Screen. Put the
cursor on an item and press the R Button to see its description. If you want to
buy it, and you have enough Zenny, press the A Button. Net Traders have only
limited items and certain items may be sold out.
Hint: Look for shops in the Real World too.

When Mega Man.EXE encounters a virus in the Cyber World, battle begins. You
must defeat all the viruses in order to win the battle. You must also be
victorious in all battles to win the game!

To get ready for battle, first choose your Battle Chips in the Battle Setup
Screen. Five randomly-selected Battle Chips in your folder are displayed in the
Chip Select List. Select a chip with the Control Pad, and press the R Button to
look at a description of it. Press the A Button to choose the chip to send Mega

Information on a Battle Chip
-Battle Chip Name
-Chip Code
-Attribute (Fire, Water, Electricity, Wood or No Attribute)
-Attack Power (offensive chips only)

Usually, you can choose only 1 chip from the Chip Select List to use in the
next battle. But an exception to the rule allows you to choose more than one
chip: When 2 or more chips have the same name or chip code, you can choose some
or all of them to send Mega Man.EXE for use in battle.

If you put the cursor on ADD and press the A Button, Lan will send over
additional Battle Chips. When you do this, you must fight the turn without
Battle Chips, but you will get 5 more chips in the next Battle Setup Screen, so
you can choose from 10 chips at that time. If you choose ADD once again, you
can choose from 15 chips in your next turn. (You can choose ADD up to twice in
a row.) If you choose a Battle Chip, you can choose from only 5 chips on your
next turn.

After choosing a Battle Chip, move the cursor to OK (use the Control Pad or
press the START button) and press the A Button. The Action Screen will appear.

After you choose a Battle Chip, the Battle Screen will appear. This is where
you actually control Mega Man.EXE and fight the virus. Use the Battle Chip you
have chosen to defeat the virus and win the battle!

Mega Man.EXE can move up/right/down/left into any square in the red area.
Viruses can move in the blue area. Normally Mega Man.EXE cannot get into the
opponent's area, but you can get him into if you use certain special chip
attacks to expand his area.

Mega Man.EXE's Hit Points
Battle Gauge
Enemy Virus' Hit Points
Next Chip and Attack Power

Mega Buster
Press the B Button to fire the Mega Buster. This weapon has unlimited bullets.
The closer you are to an enemy, the more rapidly you fire!

Using a Battle Chip
Press the A Button to use the Battle Chip you've chosen. The chip is displayed
on Mega Man.EXE's head, and its effect is displayed in the bottom left corner
of the screen.

Battle Gauge
A Battle Gauge appears in the upper center of the screen. This gauge builds up
automatically. When it is full, you can display the Battle Setup Screen by
pressing the L or R Button. After using all your Battle Chips, go to the Battle
Setup Screen to choose more chips for your next attack.

When you drain the virus's hit points down to 0, Mega Man.EXE wins the battle.
The Result Screen will appear, showing the Battle Time, Busting Level and data
you acquired by winning the battle.

Busting Level is an evaluation of your virus busting performance. The higher
the level, the better data you can acquire. Usually you get Zenny, but
sometimes you will receive data that the enemy was using.
To increase your Busting Level, defeat the enemies fast. There may be other
secrets to increasing your Busting Level. Can you discover them?

You need: 2 Game Boy Advance® systems, 2 MEGA MAN BATTLE NETWORK Game Paks, 1
Game Link® Cable
1. Make sure the power of both Game Boy Advance® systems is OFF. Insert a MEGA
   MAN BATTLE NETWORK Game Pak into each Game Boy Advance® system.
2. Connect the Game Link® Cable to the external extension connector on both
   Game Boy Advance® systems. Important: The unit connected to the smaller plug
   is 1P.
3. Turn on the units.

With 2 Game Boy Advance® systems connected by a Game Link® Cable, 2 plays can
play MEGA MAN BATTLE NETWORK simultaneously. Press SELECT at the Title Screen,
choose NETWORK, and select YES simultaneously on both Game Boy Advance® systems.
The Game Link® Cable may malfunction if:
-It is not for the Game Boy Advance® system.
-It is not connected correctly or has become disconnected.
-It is connected to the Communication Cable.
-More than 2 Game Boy Advance® systems are connected.

You can exchange one Battle Chip in your Sack with your friend. After both
players choose their chips, choose YES to make the trade. When one player wants
to give a Battle Chip to the other (rather than trade), the receiever should
choose NOTHING.

Net Battle (Test)
Battle against your friend. Both players choose NET BATTLE (TEST) to start.
You'll be able to pick up objects in the battlefield - use them strategically.

Net Battle (Real)
The basic rules are the same as for Test, but the winner can take a Battle Chip
from the loser after the match. The higher your Busting Level is, the more
likely you are to get a rare Battle Chip. You can only choose this mode when
both players have at least 1 Battle Chip in their Sack.

GET PET! - The game starts as Lan wakes up in his room. Don't forget to get his
PET laying in a corner of the room
WHEN YOU GET A BATTLE CHIP - You cannot use it in battle until you put it in
the Folder. Press START to display the Sub Screen, then choose FOLDER.
WATCH THE DEMO - Be sure to watch the instruction demo for selecting Battle
Chips for battle. The process seems a bit complex, but if you go through the
demo once or twice you'll see how easy it really is.
TALK TO MEGA MAN.EXE - If you're stumped, press the L Button and talk to Mega
Man.EXE. Listen to what he says - he may give you a hint.
REST - After completing an even, take the time to rest in your bed. Maybe
something new will happen by the next morning.
USE ONLINE SHOPPING - Enemies too strong? Maybe it's time to power-up Mega
Man.EXE. Buy power-up programs from Net Traders when they appear and you can
enhance Mega Man.EXE.

GAME GOAL - The most important thing is to collect as many Battle Chips as
possible and use them well.
ATTACK POWER - Attack Power is the amount of damage inflicted by a hit. Usually,
the higher the Attack Power; the better for you - but that's not always the
case. Attack range, number of hits and attributes are also important factors.
Make sure you always have Battle Chips suited to your strategy in the Folder.
ATTRIBUTES - Five kinds of Attributes are available: Fire, Wave, Electricity,
Wood and No Attribute. Fire defeats Wood. Wood defeats Electricity. Electricity
defeats Water. Water defeats Fire. If you attack with an attribute that has the
advantage, the damage you do is doubled. Each Battle Chip description shows its
attribute, but you have no information on enemies' attributes. Try to guess an
enemy's attribute by its look. Hint: When Mega Man.EXE equips certain armor, he
will gain an attribute
CHIP CODE - The Chip Code is shown by an alphabet letter. In the Battle Setup
Screen, you can choose more than one Battle Chip having the same Chip Code.
FOLDER TIPS - Try not to just put Battle Chips with high attack power into the
Folder. If the Chip Codes are all different, you can choose very few Battle
Chips at once. For a more strategic selection, consider the balance of attack
power and Chip Codes when organizing your Battle Chips.
PROGRAM ADVANCE - It's been said that Battle Chips sometimes transform into new
ones with mysterious powers. This happens when they are chosen under special
circumstances. This unexplained advantage is called Program Advance. See if you
can solve its riddle. Hint: Listen to people in town.
CHIP TRADER - Machines called Chip Traders appear in certain places. Turn in
some Battle Chips to a Chip Trader and receive a new chip in return. Be ready
for a surprise - you never know what kind you'll get.
4  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Manuals for MMBN #4-6 on: 7 April 2009, 19:44:08
I'm trying o get the manuals for Mega Man Battle Network 4-6, asI've lost my original. Seeing as I'm a cheapskat, could someone maybe type them up in text format? Or even scan them? That would be great

Thanks! :)
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