Stealth, if you somehow come back here, is your E02 Engine currently behind-scenes only or am I just using it wrong? It`s got so many details on the website that it seems weird that it`s not being distributed.I think you're using it wrong :P
The download packages on the E02 page (same as the ones on the SAGE page) have everything you need. The Wii and PSP ones don't include editing documentation, though, because the built-in editors were removed from those versions to save space, and because they'd be alot less useful there anyway. A lot of text editing is involved, too, and that's pretty much where you'll start with a new game. "Getting Started.html" in the docs folder, also linked on the E02 and SAGE pages, gives an overview of what's involved and has reference links to more details about any one thing
You won't see anything editable right now because the two existing games are using the protected pack format. I'm in the process of getting an open example together now (the first one will be Sonic related), so if you're interested in that, you should see it show up on the game downloads list sometime in the near future (which should probably be accompanied by a mainpage update on my site). When that happens, open up the folder you unpacked E02 into and have a look around the new game folder that's created after the download. You'll be able to see the file structure and view/modify anything, including commented scripts ("*.def" is plain text). Should be a little simpler than starting completely from scratch
I`ve played both Megaman: Triple Threat and the Sonic fangame and both of them are VERY accurate compared to the original games. Good job.Thanks