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The MBoard  |  Non-MegaMan  |  Non-MegaMan Games  |  : Club Nintendo
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Author Topic: Club Nintendo  (Read 1508 times)
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« on: 18 December 2008, 22:09:41 »

So yeah, like a few days ago Club Nintendo became available in North America.
So, now all of us North Americans can register our products and take surveys to earn points to buy silly stuff.

One problem.
I can't log in.
Has anyone else registered and attempted to log in?
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1 on: 19 December 2008, 03:16:18 »

Uhmm 'kay, the last time I used my Wii was to look at the messages you sent me so forgive my ignorance but what is this? It sounds kind of like Inside XBox or whatever that stuff is (one of a few menus I'd like to take off my 360 dashboard).

Why is every console in this gen trying to copy what the others did but do it slightly different? I mean, I get it. It's capitalism. I'm there. But jeez, Playstation Home is an attempt to one up XBox 360's avatars which are just an attempt to one up the popularity of Miis.

Except, no one in their right mind (OK maybe a large portion of the gaming "community" aren't in their right minds but...) would just buy a 360 or PS3 because now they have some kind of custom game identity thing. 'Look around and I think I'm the guy here who's into the customization-type aspects in games more than the other members, and I still don't get how something like that would actually increase sales. But maybe they're just honestly trying to give their public something they like, without ulterior motives. Of I'm completely off with this point, whatever.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2 on: 19 December 2008, 06:48:29 »

Club Nintendo has existed since the NES days, although it was known as Club Mario before.

It only now has came to North America, but Europe had it for years (with Japan having it the longest, obviously).

In Club Nintendo, you can get get coins for the games you buy and by doing surveys. You trade the coins for shop goodies, like it costs 800 coins to "buy" the Game&Watch Comilation for the DS (which is not sold in stores).

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #3 on: 20 December 2008, 04:22:28 »

That sounds like something they would do for the new DSi...
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