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Author Topic: Mikero's Artflows  (Read 262954 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #150 on: 1 April 2008, 05:48:11 »

Her name isn't actually Rockstar or anything. I haven't figured it out, I've been thinking Roxanne or Roxy but I don't know if I want to go that much on the nose or off it at all, plus I like boys names on girls, like Joey, Bobbie, etc. some times. Her racing team is Rockstar Bikes, thus rockstar.png.

High horizon line to get the top view, low for the bottom, MOX. Have to do it for vehicle designs.

Posted on: 27 March 2008, 06:42:27

I need to tweak this a bit and it's a lot cleaner in real life than it scanned so I'll be fixing that but here's the rotation as it is right now. You get the idea at least. I'll post the good version when it's done.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #151 on: 1 April 2008, 12:58:46 »

Lookin' good as always. Too bad for the smeering though.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #152 on: 2 April 2008, 00:12:52 »

Lots of erasing around the tush.
Had to look just right.

And it does.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #153 on: 2 April 2008, 02:47:48 »

Very stylized and defined, I love the cycle and the pilot.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #154 on: 2 April 2008, 05:21:10 »

Lots of erasing around the tush.
Had to look just right.

And it does.

It was more for getting it to rotate correctly, but yea that too, hah.

OKokokokokokokOK. The pan. You're missing about an inch, half-inch from the bottom but scanning that would have been hellular even though it'd help it look better. It's really annoying to scan such a thing as you have to do it in parts and the pan paper moves around and all this crap and then you have to match it up in Photoshop and get rid of seams and crap, I think I did an OK job of that considering how crap it scanned.

If that doesn't work go here.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #155 on: 2 April 2008, 11:51:54 »

Copyright Insomniac Limited? Hehe. Just noticed that.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #156 on: 5 April 2008, 05:17:39 »

I only kind of liked calling it Insomniac so I changed it to Wrong Side Of The Tracks Studios, which I kind of like more.

... Nyuh.

Anyway here's 'smore and I'm uploading my Red Ninja part 3 leica reel at the moment.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #157 on: 5 April 2008, 11:43:15 »

Very nice stuffs, very nice. I really like the design.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #158 on: 5 April 2008, 15:24:57 »

Holy #####. That Skeleton and Muscular structure must have taken forEVER.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #159 on: 5 April 2008, 16:57:11 »

Lookin' good. Lookin' good.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Sniper Joe
Posts: 208

« Reply #160 on: 5 April 2008, 17:55:17 »

Mike has to be one of the most talented people on this forum.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #161 on: 5 April 2008, 18:05:03 »

I reckon he'll be famous one day.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #162 on: 6 April 2008, 02:24:25 »

Mike? Talented? Pfff!

More like... untalented! Ha! Take that!

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #163 on: 6 April 2008, 06:36:03 »

Ayesar = Jealous.

But why the muscles and skeletons?

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #164 on: 6 April 2008, 07:19:50 »

Wow. Jeez. Thanks guys!

The muscles took less time than the skeleton, which was just pain wall to wall. Muscles are pretty easy really, you look at anatomy books and sketch it in. A skeleton is the same but since this was a rotation we had four skeletons to do and you had to make sure they properly rotated (I'm not entirely sure mine do).

Basically the only reason we ever do them is just knowledge. Essentially you need to know how something works and why before you can animate it so you'd need to know how arm muscles are, and the bones and about a trillion other anatomy stuffs we learn.

Oh yeah;

Red Ninja Part 3 YouTube Edition! (AKA version with extremely gay me bookend)

I put some of the thumbs I did for the flying motorcycle on my blogspot. They're the only ones I had scanned though show the rest would be good.

Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #165 on: 6 April 2008, 08:16:44 »

Your stuff really does show that you've learned a lot from your classes, the skeleton and anatomy is crazy.

What's the name of the song at the end of the video?
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #166 on: 17 April 2008, 02:59:25 »

The song was featured in the "Shining" episode of The Boondocks when Riley gets his chain from Thugnificient. It's by Metaphor The Great and it took me a while to get it. You have to get it off his MySpace page (I hate MySpace SO much), it's just called "Boondocks Riley" and it's a minute or less long, but I dig it.

Anyway tomorrow or Wednesday I'mma put up some backdated life drawing I've been hoarding. I have LOADS more to put up but not all at once.

Posted on:  8 April 2008, 00:50:42

I hit a hick-up when making my life drawing stuff internet-viewable (they are currently sized and rotated to be printed properly, not web size) and I can't take care of that since I'm in finals until a week from now exactly.

So in mean time here's my design final. They decided to give us a break and instead of designing the cockpit of the ships we did before, we had to do caricatures. The self-caricature was just for the first week and doesn't need to be handed in, it was kind of a warm-up, but the main project is the celebrity caricature. If I succeeded in this project, you should be able to guess the celebrity.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #167 on: 17 April 2008, 03:20:16 »

That guy that plays the dad from American Pie, Eugene Levy.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #168 on: 17 April 2008, 03:30:47 »

You got, buddychapolpalmate! Also known as Bobby Bitman, Jim's Dad, and-of course-the father of Dan Levy of "MTV Canada" and "The Hills Aftershow" fame.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #169 on: 17 April 2008, 03:33:33 »

I love it, I knew who it was right away. Great job, man. I like yours, too. It's creepy that I've seen enough pictures of you to be able to honestly say that it looks like you, and yet I've never met you.

Internet rocks.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #170 on: 17 April 2008, 03:35:53 »

I used that "Strike A Pose" photo that my friend Brian's girlfriend, Heather, took of me for one of her photography assignments (low lighting) so even the post is the same, actually. According to an expert on my smile, it is "uncanny" in this. :-)

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #171 on: 17 April 2008, 03:38:55 »

Both are great pictures.
Eugene Levy is fairly talented. As in, freaking awesome.

Hell, he had an appearance in "The Return of Spinal Tap," the concert film of Spinal Tap at Royal Albert Hall. He was in short between songs.

Posted on: April 16, 2008, 10:38:04 PM

Send that caricature to him.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #172 on: 17 April 2008, 03:43:12 »

Eh. I thought about it.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #173 on: 17 April 2008, 03:44:26 »

I would've drawn Simon Pegg. Maybe I will, later.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #174 on: 17 April 2008, 03:55:54 »

That drawing of Mike makes me smile.
It needs some lame, overused motivational line under it, like "Hang in there!" or "You can do it!"
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #175 on: 17 April 2008, 04:00:24 »

That IS the kind of stuff I say to people, though I don't believe in it for myself.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #176 on: 17 April 2008, 04:04:06 »

...You should add some subtle shading to it.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #177 on: 2 June 2008, 04:03:34 »

I was going to, I still might, but not until NEXT week.


I would've drawn Simon Pegg. Maybe I will, later.
Eh. I thought about it.

But I figured I'd have it look just like he does in the Shaun Of The Dead comic. And I'd have to draw him Shaun style 'cause he had the faux hawk and stuff. Plus that was the first thing I saw him in.

I originally started this Levy by drawing him back in his SCTV days with Bobby Bittman references.

Posted on: 16 April 2008, 23:08:16

Hm hm hm hm computer animation final. Youtube is being lame at putting it up and screws up so I just put it on my own server for now.

Tough love.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #178 on: 2 June 2008, 04:12:19 »

Damn firefox won't save the target as, had to use IE.

I could convert that into something else Youtube would like better if ya want...

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #179 on: 2 June 2008, 04:14:05 »

I tried to convert and it didn't work. But you didn't have to save it, as you could just open it in a new tab.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #180 on: 2 June 2008, 04:17:09 »


Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #181 on: 2 June 2008, 04:20:17 »

That was pretty damn good.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #182 on: 2 June 2008, 04:21:36 »

No matter how I view it, the audio isn't in sync, I downloaded that raw file and converted it to every type of file I could think of, none of them worked.

Though it worked best when converted into WMV.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #183 on: 2 June 2008, 04:27:52 »

Yeah I used a program that let me try to covert it to every which thing, and exactly what youtube asks for (I think that was MPEG-4 and MP3 audio) but I only get WORSE results. I just tried to upload it directly to BlogSpot but same deal.

The audio goes so out of sync in a flash player like those that it plays a part of the audio track I DIDN'T EVEN EXPORT (a part further down the timeline, where you hear "OK tough love it is, tough love, get up idiot!").

I've been struggling with this since April and this seems to be the only thing that's worked out.

And thanks guys. I liked it more in April though :-/

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #184 on: 2 June 2008, 04:39:01 »

Audio was perfect for me.

However, it suddenly starts and suddenly ends, which makes me think that I didn't see the whole thing.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #185 on: 2 June 2008, 04:43:30 »

Oh, I hear that extra audio bit in about half of the formats.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #186 on: 2 June 2008, 04:45:17 »

It starts with "No no no!" and ends with the crying.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #187 on: 2 June 2008, 04:47:58 »

I couldn't hear what Frankie was saying, but all I heard was...

"NO! NO! NO!"

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #188 on: 2 June 2008, 04:48:51 »

That's how it SHOULD be.

Yeah, tough love it is, tough love it is, wake up idiot!
Right in the file you gave me, and it does it in VLC.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #189 on: 2 June 2008, 04:49:56 »

Yeah. Just for clarification it literally goes;

'No no no!'
"Don't get rough on him now..."
'No he needs to know!'
'He's always cryin'!'

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #190 on: 2 June 2008, 09:25:41 »

I liked it. I have no idea what the context is supposed to be and pretty much anything else, but that's unimportant because it's a job well done and it's smooth.

I like smooth.

Good job, bro.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #191 on: 2 June 2008, 16:46:51 »

I don't hear the "Don't get" in the "Don't get rough on him now...", but when I turn up the volume everything else is clear.

HA! YES. I just now noticed the last picture in the back. Nice. Nice.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #192 on: 7 June 2008, 10:00:43 »


I don't hear the "Don't get" in the "Don't get rough on him now...",

It overlaps with the "No No No" stuff a bit, and is lower in volume.

Posted on:  2 June 2008, 16:31:16

So a while back I was having a crap art day and couldn't get any of my ideas down so I decided to just draw an existing character. I started going with War Machine but realized that if I was going to draw Rhodey I'd better just wait and do my existing War Machine image idea, so I just went with a favourite and doodled Luke.

After a bit of it I was on a roll so I didn't get up or do anything else until I finished the sketch. For whatever reason, I just love the style this came out in, so I had to add a splash of colour.

Luke Cage © Marvel Comics blah blah blah.
« Last Edit: 7 June 2008, 10:09:14 by Mikero » Logged

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #193 on: 7 June 2008, 12:32:15 »

Quality jaw!

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #194 on: 7 June 2008, 15:02:35 »

I love it, it looks very stylized and fantastic.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #195 on: 7 June 2008, 20:40:05 »

Thanks guys! I really like the face most.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #196 on: 8 June 2008, 01:27:19 »

I like the overall image, but my eyes are glued to the absurdly huge forearms.

Not knowing anything about the character, I can get a lot from this image though. I like the expression the most, in that it is cool, but not snotty, and sort of curious.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #197 on: 8 June 2008, 08:56:55 »

Heh, he's definitely not snotty. Huge forearms 'cause one of his powers is super strength plus it looks hilar.

Basic rundown of Luke Cage (sometimes known as Power Man in the past);

He was one of the first Black superhero to star in his own book in the history of the comics industry, making his debut in the 1970's. His history (at the time of his original run) is as follows. He grew up in the streets of Harlem, NYC with his best friend Willis Stryker. Eventually, Stryker ended up framing the man called "Lucas" (at the time) for a crime he didn't commit; Stryker planted heroin in Lucas' apartment, since Stryker thought that Reva (Stryker's ex-girlfriend) had left him for Lucas.

Lucas is sent to prison where he his in a rage. When transferred to Seagate Prison (near Georgia) he is the target of abuse by Rackham, the head guard, who beats him without reason. Dr. Noah Burstein eventually comes to Seagate and offers Lucas a chance at parole, if he participates in a genetic experiment. When Burstein is out of the room, Rackham enters and tries to kill Lucas by messing with the experiment. The resulting over-acceleration in the treatment gives Lucas superhuman strength and "steel-hard" skin that resists bullets. Lucas breaks out of Seagate and return to New York, donning the name "Luke Cage" and a costume (pictured), eventually becoming a Hero For Hire and later just a superhero. He's been one of the Fantastic Four, an Avenger, a Defender, and more since his debut.

Nowadays: He is the current leader of the New Avengers. His powers are still superhuman strenth but his skin is now considered indestructible instead of just "steel-hard" (I don't know why it changed, but it's better). He no longer uses any costume, just street clothes like a real person (which is badass). He is currently married to Jessica Jones (an ex-hero) and they have a daughter who's name has yet to be mentioned. He, his wife, and his baby may or may not be Skrulls (like almost everyone else in Marvel right now).


Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #198 on: 8 June 2008, 17:45:30 »

He is the MAN.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #199 on: 8 June 2008, 18:57:48 »

I liked that bio.

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