Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #310 on: 4 March 2010, 03:18:40 » |
I think Rez is trying to say that YOU are mindless, Chaos.
Exactly. That's why I keep asking how it was mindless when I explain why I find it terrible. It's not mindless in that sense, there's a given reason. Your complaints are hollow, as the weapon blah blah blah. You blah blah not happy it's not a pew pew shooty weapon blah blah blah blah analysis blah blah completely flawed blah blah blah blah blah credibility blah blah blah eats energy way too fast blah blah blah. Long story short, the weapon works just fine, isn't bad, you can't seem to use it properly so you hate it. Looks pretty unjustified to me.
That's you. I'm trying to relate to balanced weaponry. MM9's weapons were balanced. MM10's are not. I'm not upset that it's not spammable, that's retarded. Even if it didn't suck so much energy, you can shoot at least (to my knowledge) two at a time. That's fairly decent unlike Solar Blaze. Solar Blaze however is much easier to work with. I know how to use the weapon, there's practically a tutorial in the game explaining how. It's still disappointing. At the very least, I can understand Alec's point that Chill Spike is worse (because it's also just as terrible). I just have a preference to it rather than T. Wool. And yeah, Chaos, I've been doing the Time Attacks. I hate how you can only upload your data/video for ONE stage. That sucks.
Yeah, I had a pretty humorous run on Strike Man's stage. But then I did another with a better time and it overwrote it. Even though it's a better time, I'm disappointed with it. The one previously was more lighthearted and fun to watch.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2298

« Reply #319 on: 5 March 2010, 13:18:55 » |
I'm up to the Wily stages in Hard Mode. I'm somewhat dissapointed at the Weapons Archive Boss in Hard. It pretty much has the same attacks and no change in patterns.
You know what would have been an epic idea? If in hard mode Weapons Archive gets a massive upgrade and in each room you fight 4 of them. Not only that but each thing can use attacks from every boss from each game. Also in the middle would be a special eye that can change the layout of the room (For specific bosses)
Room 1:
1: Bomb Man, Guts Man, Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, Time Man, Oil Man 2: Air Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Quick Man, Metal Man, Bubble Man*, Heat Man, Wood Man 3: Top Man, Shadow Man, Spark Man, Magnet Man, Hard Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man, Needle Man V: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Room 2:
4: Toad Man, Bright Man, Pharoah Man, Ring Man, Dust Man, Skull Man, Dive Man*, Drill Man* 5: Star Man*, Gravity Man*, Gyro Man, Stone Man, Crystal Man, Napalm Man, Charge Man, Wave Man 6: Knight Man, Centaur Man, Wind Man, Flame Man, Blizzard Man, Plant Man, Tomahawk Man, Yamato Man MM&B: Pirate Man, Cold Man, Burner Man*, Magic Man, Dynamo Man, Ground Man*
Room 3: 7: Cloud Man*, Junk Man*, Freeze Man*, Burst Man*, Slash Man, Turbo Man, Shade Man, Spring Man 8: Grenade Man, Frost Man, Tengu Man*, Clown Man, Sword Man, Aqua Man, Search Man, Astro Man 9: Splash Woman*, Concrete Man, Galaxy Man, Jewel Man, Plug Man, Tornado Man*, Magma Man, Hornet Man Extra: Enker, Quint, Punk, Ballade, Terra, Sunstar, Bass, King
* Utilizes the holographic changer.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #342 on: 6 March 2010, 20:13:17 » |