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The MBoard  |  MegaMan Series  |  Legends Series  |  : Legends Never Die.
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Author Topic: Legends Never Die.  (Read 3181 times)
Morgan Guyer
Sniper Joe
Posts: 330

« on: 18 July 2011, 19:39:24 »

"An air of uncertainty has nestled within our midst. A looming, ominous fear of the unknown has set our community ablaze, incited by a series of events surrounding the future of Mega Man Legends 3. There's no denying it: things have quieted down on the Legends 3 front. While we're confident in its progress, there is certainly some concern about what's going on with the game, and it's left us on the edge of our seats. If you feel the same, then we've got a mission to carry out.

Welcome aboard, friends, to the Legends Never Die campaign, a massive, joint operation between myself, Legends-Station, and The Mega Man Network. Our goal is simple, albeit powerful. Together, as a community, we will keep Capcom aware of how much we want MML3 and ensure it remains in the spotlight. Let it be made clear, we are not afraid about the game being cancelled, no; we are simply closing off any route that might lead to that outcome. As Devroom members, our responsibilities go far beyond thinking of ideas and responding to the Devteam. We are marketing, we are PR, we are consumers, and most of all, we are fans.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to snail-mail Capcom. Using pre-designed postcard templates, we are tasking you to mail Capcom your demands to see Mega Man Legends 3 completed. The postcards are your vehicle to Capcom's offices. They will get to the hands of many higher-ups, so you've got to make your message clear and powerful. Personalize it. Pour your heart and soul into it. You've waited a little over a decade for this thing thing; show Capcom just how much you want Legends 3 to happen!"

I know I'm going to be sending at least 4 of these this week. I expect the lot of you to send at least one.

Legends 3 is the only thing keeping me interested in buying a 3DS.
« Last Edit: 18 July 2011, 20:47:14 by Morgan Guyer » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1 on: 18 July 2011, 22:44:47 »

"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die."

That is all.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #2 on: 19 July 2011, 03:38:42 »

I guess they don't intend to mercy kill MegaMan after all.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Morgan Guyer
Sniper Joe
Posts: 330

« Reply #3 on: 19 July 2011, 04:08:45 »
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #4 on: 19 July 2011, 07:45:45 »

"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die."

That is all.

You're killin' me.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #5 on: 19 July 2011, 11:28:42 »

I feel like posting a big rant but I don't even care at this point. ##### Capcom, ##### Mega Man, and ##### this.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #6 on: 21 July 2011, 23:47:52 »

"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die."

That is all.

You're killin' me.



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