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Author Topic: Megaman Legacy Collection announced  (Read 9323 times)
Sniper Joe
Posts: 238

« on: 9 June 2015, 20:38:06 »

Long story short, original NES set will be sold on all major platforms this summer, including PC, and have new stuff in it. Things that seem to be like NES Remix challenges as well as art galleries and other things. At the very least, this is gonna be a good bargain by merit of the original 6 classic games, and I do believe this is the first time people can "legally" play the original classics on their PC.

The big thing to note is that this is a CoA project, which is important due to them constantly mentioning in past interviews that CoJ kept blocking them from doing stuff in the past with the series, even as simple as allowing X8 and other PC released games to be put on Steam in the past. This is a good indication, since it means we're not repeating the Sega of Japan vs Sega of America mentality that ultimately put Sega out of business, only Capcom edition, so this is a good step for the future.

Another major note is that the article notes that this is being done in a new engine that is intended to act as a "future proof" design, basically remaining faithful to the original games, while also being able to be ported to just about anything. As I rambled at a wild eagle earlier, this potentially means that at the end of the day, CoA now has a fancy Megaman editor style program with which they can churn a functional MM11 out that functions just like the original games, compared to before, where MM9&10 were created by scratch and likely discarded like most source codes after the project is completed.

Baby steps, but this is a step in the right direction finally. We've gone like... 5 years now without any real Megaman games?

Shape the world you live in, instead of letting others define it for you. Stop being reactive and become proactive, and leave a legacy worth remembering, since only you personally decide the limits of your greatness.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1 on: 10 June 2015, 03:04:17 »

Normally I'd be pissed, but I feel like this is literally the best CoA they could give us with the bull##### CoJ keeps pulling.

While I honestly would've liked a physical release of this, at the very least I hope this gives CoA more pull to do more with Mega Man than just re-releasing games.

Also, it seems like it'll be a better deal in terms of extras compared to the Anniversary Collection's gutted Complete Works ports.

Shame we couldn't get MM7 and 8 with this, or at least 9 and 10 since they were 8-Bit too... Maybe there'll be a second collection at some point with 7-10 and the two Arcade games someday because why not?
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #2 on: 10 June 2015, 21:02:47 »

Why anyone is excited for this is beyond me.  It's more lazy as ##### no new game rerelease rehash that is the only thing game wise Mega Man has gotten in living memory.  The "remix" mode garbage amounts to about as much effort as breathing.  Plus digital only, so right there it's absolutely worthless.  AND it isn't even all the classic games.

Nothing to see here, and frankly, no reason to think this has any bearing on anything new or good coming out for Mega Man in the foreseeable future.

ONE MORE THING!  People who support this kind of ##### is why we keep getting this kind of ##### and ONLY this kind of ##### from Capcom.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 238

« Reply #3 on: 13 June 2015, 00:36:38 »

I know this is gonna be a controversial statement to make in the lion's den, but honestly, you old guard are not the target audience of Mega Man titles any longer. Similar to Sonic, the "veteran" fans are now a periphery audience, which is a nice addition to sales, but not the audience that is being targeted for marketing and PR purposes.

There is a certain degree of risk / reward going on with the franchise overall, since despite the name brand holding recognition, we're not dealing with something like Sonic or Mario, who instantly generate sales. The extra exposure due to the Archie comics, as well as amiibo functionality and Smash 4 representation are doing wonders to get the character back into the public eye to a new generation of gamers, but at the same time, the franchise has tanked in sales over the years. MM10 didn't sell enough to warrant another cheap sequel, ZXA barely broke 230k units sold globally, and Star Force went the way of Sonic Boom and was not the juggernaut that was expected in merchandise nor game sales. Hell, we didn't even get Xover here due to people being so entitled to salt the earth due to it being a mobile game, so instead we got nothing as a result, since CoA made it clear it wasn't even worth the effort to bring over to the west.

Pretty much the short and skinny is that the old fans stopped supporting Mega Man, causing the nearly 5 year hiatus we've been experiencing. The new strategy is to reach out now to a new audience, see how receptive they are with the brand, and move forward from there. Old fans buy the stuff? Great! If not, no real issue as they're not the ones being targeted, and Capcom already made their buck off you with either the VC or a past release.

If it sells, then we'll see new stuff, but not like people are used to. Mega Man gameplay doesn't lend itself to a full title release any longer, but rather small scale gaming that is best served through the digital medium to reduce development and publishing costs. As time goes on, there may be something more original and deserving of a traditional release, but as things stand, only Classic and arguably X seem to hold any real selling power, and their style of games are more in the $20-$30 price range due to length and production costs. Nobody wants to drop $50+  these days to run around for 2-5 hours, when we have a slew of indie titles and even companies like Sega pricing named products of similar scope appropriately.

Just food for thought, since I came here with this news to celebrate the end of the dry spell with people that I figured would appreciate the news.

Shape the world you live in, instead of letting others define it for you. Stop being reactive and become proactive, and leave a legacy worth remembering, since only you personally decide the limits of your greatness.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #4 on: 14 June 2015, 12:56:20 »

We already got MM1-7 and X-X3 on Virtual Console. I have no issue with paying for the convenience of all these games in one place, and in fact I haven't even played all of them yet, but with the Legacy Collection it's coming off as just begging at this point.

Notice that all of the games you mentioned, barring MM10, are not quality titles. X Over was by far the most egregrious bastardization. They need to make their titles marketable, sure, but they also need to be made with passion. Either there is no one left at the company with that passion, or the people at the executive level are killing that passion by stressing the wrong priorities.

They also continually fail to market their best games. Two of their greatest attempts at new-age MegaMan (MMPU and MHX) were on the PSP. How was THAT a marketable move? How could they have sold well when placed exclusively on the worst-selling gaming platform? Similarly, MM9 and MM10 were relegated to WiiWare. There's no opportunity for a child to see a cover on a shelf and wonder what it would be like, and of course they wouldn't buy it off the shop channel because the graphics wouldn't impress them at face value. I can tell you I was routinely disappointed by the Game Boy games I bought, upon actually starting to play them—that doesn't mean I didn't eventually grow to love many of them. One of the most stellar examples of this is when I bought Donkey Kong for the Game Boy expecting something alike to Donkey Kong Country. I got a very different game where you play as Mario, and loved it. Sometimes you have to trick people into buying things that are awesome, but they still have to BE awesome in order to inspire brand loyalty.

While it's unfortunate that MM10 didn't sell well, the thing about target audiences that I feel I will never understand is that I was a very young kid when I played MegaMan X (it came out when I was 5). If you told me it was targeted for older, more skilled players I wouldn't have cared. I enjoyed it because it was an amazing, high quality game, and even though I got game over after game over I was really absorbed in it and invested in success. I don't personally expect to always be considered relevant and pandered to, because I think that's pretty selfish. I just expect companies to respect their target audience the way I was respected when I was the target audience. I expect adults AND children to be treated with the knowledge that they will sometimes encounter difficulty and fail, and must learn this is as much a part of life as it is a part of video games, and I expect adults AND children to be treated with the knowledge that they can ultimately discern a good game from a bad one, whether it has impressive graphics or not.

Perhaps my assessment is idealistic and nostalgic; I dunno. Perhaps my experiences as a child are completely irrelevant to kids today. Still, I don't think for a second that children can't see the appeal of a vibrant blue robot with a badass arm cannon. It's just that by constantly treating the franchise as not being worth the risks of investment, they constantly brew that same attitude into old and new fans alike. It's self-fulfilling at this point.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #5 on: 16 June 2015, 16:01:07 »

It's not an issue of it being able to be done in retail, it's an issue of they just don't want to.  It doesn't have to be $60 retail.  A normal Classic/X style game for it's length is a $20/30 game, sure.  You can still sell that at retail.  It's more about the push to make EVERYTHING digital only and/or subscription based.

Also, gaming isn't about gaming anymore.  It's now focused on total mass market appeal, which means you have to make the most bland and shallow ##### to get such a wide market.  Games, the things we all like, don't sell to that target.  And frankly, why would a company make product for us compared to the GIANT market that the nongamer everyperson is?  THAT is where gaming is focused on now.  That is the market it's going for.  Add into that those types are all for massive DLC and microtransactions and you have traditional gaming being pretty much dead.

It's not really a Mega Man problem as a game problem.  You're right when you say we're not the target market for Mega Man.  They're trying to introduce him to this new market in the same cancerous style everything else is done in.

There are some things they COULD do to appease gamers, such as retail releases, but they just don't care or want to.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2298

« Reply #6 on: 27 June 2017, 10:37:21 »

Am I going to get mauled by Nibbles and Tomato stick'd for picking this up on the PS4? 
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #7 on: 27 June 2017, 14:13:05 »

No, there's no Switch version and who would buy it on Xbox OneX?  I have it on 3DS and PS4.  And I'll be getting 2 so I can own a physical copy of 9 and 10, even if ideally we'd get them separate.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #8 on: 7 August 2017, 22:33:59 »

Mega Man 7's ending isn't missing this time at least.

Although the Famicoms in Junk Man's stage are now gone.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #9 on: 8 August 2017, 14:19:34 »


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #10 on: 9 August 2017, 00:12:50 »

Yeah, Junk Man's stage doesn't have the giant Famicoms in the stage or the background anymore. The Gameboys found with Rush Search are gone as well.

Aside from that, so far MM7 seems to be running well. Haven't had any bugs or random issues.

...there's also art in MM8's gallery that doesn't belong to MM8 and looks recent.

Posted on: August 08, 2017, 06:09:47 PM

Bass' line in Shade Man's stage is also censored again like in MMAC.

...but all the typos and grammar errors are in tact so... Yeah.
« Last Edit: 10 August 2017, 10:59:18 by NovaMan XP » Logged
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #11 on: 9 August 2017, 14:13:32 »


I see you are a man of culture as well, with no side bar art.  Very nice.

Overall it's a HUGE improvement over Anniversary collection (which isn't hard since it was a pile of #####).  I played it about 3 hours last night.  The in game options screens are replaced by the overall game collection's interface, which means technically there are some screens in 8, 9 and 10 you will never see.  It's not perfect, but it's pretty close.

The fact it starts you at the title screens and not the boot screen is pretty annoying though, especially for MM8 when you have to sit through 5 minutes of title screen/demo to get to the opening.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #12 on: 10 August 2017, 01:38:58 »

Yeah, it's a bit annoying how every intro is skipped over when you start.

Also Mega Man 8 removes the red plus graphic from Rush's support because lolredcross.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #13 on: 10 August 2017, 08:48:49 »

Holy #####, Nova, I read what you said earlier and thought to myself "Now why would anyone ever censor a bassline?" until I saw the picture.

It's been so darn long. Of course, I should have picked up on how it was typed out anyway.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #14 on: 10 August 2017, 14:25:44 »

Such is the danger of re releases.  I've still got 2 copies of MM7, so it's not a big deal for me, but it's kind of disappointing when they go in and make those kind of changes, even if they have to if they want to re release them (noting that sometimes they don't HAVE to make changes they just do because I don't know why).

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #15 on: 10 August 2017, 17:28:25 »

Yeah, not sure why they didn't just recolor it to be green or make it a heart or something. Just removing the symbol entirely looks odd and bland.

 Another thing that I noticed in MM8 is that they used the wrong music when you get to Wily at the end of the game. Instead of Wily's Theme, you hear the Wily Stage Map music play instead.

Hopefully that gets fixed. Apparently they had the wrong music for Dr. Light's Lab as well but fixed it before release.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #16 on: 10 August 2017, 18:23:29 »

It's a far cry from the errors in MMAC, but it's sad to see ANY creep in.  Still if you don't have originals, it's pretty good.

Maybe the NEXT collection collection for PS5 will have all the games error free.  Maybe.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #17 on: 11 August 2017, 23:21:16 »

And maybe next time we'll actually get the full Complete Works versions of 1-6 instead of gutted, low quality versions or just the NES games.

If this same team makes another collection, I'd love to see an X Collection that isn't #####.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2298

« Reply #18 on: 12 August 2017, 01:14:50 »

I would personally love to see a Mega Man X Collection with X1-X6 & X8.

X7 can kindly ##### off.  Better yet, replace it with Command Mission
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #19 on: 12 August 2017, 13:26:15 »

I'd be fine with X1-6, maybe Command Mission as an extra.

Another neat thing in MMLC2 is that in the Challenge Mode for MM9 and 10 you can fight the Special Stage Bosses as the extra characters. Proto Man can fight Fake Man, and both Proto Man and Bass can fight Enker, Punk and Ballade now too.

They're still unable to play their stages though.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #20 on: 13 August 2017, 22:11:34 »

I would personally love to see a Mega Man X Collection with X1-X6 & X8.

X7 can kindly ##### off.  Better yet, replace it with Command Mission

At this point I don't think this will ever happen. I have a feeling we'll see 1-4, and then 5, 6, and 8 in the second. I don't think they'll put any effort towards Command Mission.

It's nice that they can at least patch stuff they got wrong which they couldn't do with previous collections.

I would have gotten LC2 on Switch, if it was there. It's too bad we never got Mega Man & Bass.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #21 on: 14 August 2017, 03:44:36 »

Portable Mega Man 9 and 10 would be pretty sweet. I think they're probably releasing a Switch version later, just like the 3DS version of the last one.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #22 on: 15 August 2017, 14:29:40 »

Come on Xero, X8 is a #####ty game in it's own right, only X7 makes it look less ##### by comparison.  But a collection would still have them.  Or should.  Command Mission would be a good add though.

I would really like a retail Switch release for both.  Or just 1 that has all the content from both on it.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #23 on: 16 August 2017, 08:44:59 »

It's based on my suspicions of laziness that I don't think we'll see X7 if nothing else. Laziness in the case of X7 might actually be practical. I can easily imagine them saying to each other, "No one even likes this game, right? Why go to all the extra effort to make this portable to new systems?"

Whereas with Command Mission and all of its assets I imagine it's even more effort, so... I really do have doubts.

One would think porting software wouldn't require much effort, but I'm sure there are reasons why it does, given that I'm not a programmer or whatever. But even if it isn't, if they're going to start us off with 6 similar games in one collection, and then 2 similar games and 2 somewhat different games in the second, all 2D, I can see an X collection being divided interestingly. Honestly they might only do 3 and 3, and not even bother with any of the 3D ones if they don't think it's worth it. Again, they didn't even seem to think adding MM&B was worth it.

I wish they would, but I don't see it happening. I'd also be into seeing MegaMan Soccer and Rockman Strategy and some of the more obscure stuff like that.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #24 on: 17 August 2017, 22:34:49 »

If Mega Man Battle Network 4 can be re-released on Virtual Console, I'm sure X7 will be put in a Collection someday.

I know Virtual Console isn't the same thing but Capcom was okay with re-releasing BN4 AND patching it so the bugs from playing on non-GBA hardware were fixed. And they also patched in code to give you all the unobtainable chips from the other version.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #25 on: 21 August 2017, 23:27:40 »

It's not the quality of the games themselves that gives me doubts. BN4 had a hell of a lot of re-used assets and was basically just "another sequel" whereas X7 was vastly different to its predecessors.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #26 on: 22 August 2017, 09:40:51 »

That's true. Though BN4 did "update" the overworld graphics entirely, though it was for lazier, smaller graphics. And it probably did run on the same engine.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #27 on: 6 September 2017, 14:43:43 »

Maybe the NEXT collection collection for PS5 will have all the games error free.  Maybe.

And I'll still be here holding out for a Switch version

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #28 on: 6 September 2017, 22:07:28 »

Haven't you heard Mikero?  You're suppose to SWITCH to the PS5!  Ah ha ha ha ha!  Or whatever.  I'm hoping we get some good Switch definitive versions of stuff next year.  I already prerecord the Axiom Verge collector's edition for Switch (has the game ost with it!).  I just love being able to dock it or take it with me.  I'll probably always go Switch over PS4 if given the choice.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #29 on: 7 September 2017, 17:08:15 »

Holy #####, Nova, I read what you said earlier and thought to myself "Now why would anyone ever censor a bassline?" until I saw the picture.

I thought the same thing! I was like "why or how does one censor a bass line? Maybe it's tri-tonal in nature and is thus considered satanic?"

I'll confess I have not played X7. I've seen footage. I respect my babies too much. I've aired my grievances over 3D-style-2D sidescrollers (Little Big Planet exempt; uses the dimensions of breadth wisely and purposefully).

You can't fix that short of a complete rehaul. That's why they pretend it doesn't exist back in Capcomland. When pressed, the employees' expression flattens and they bellow "Megaman X WHAT?!" before their countenance softens and they politely follow with "sorry, we didn't quite hear you!"

Further questioning is always met with silence.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #30 on: 7 September 2017, 18:55:10 »

Really, folks who do 2D games in 3D should be beat with with a sack of skunks.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2298

« Reply #31 on: 31 October 2017, 01:26:50 »

Come on Xero, X8 is a #####ty game in it's own right, only X7 makes it look less ##### by comparison.  But a collection would still have them.  Or should.  Command Mission would be a good add though.

I would really like a retail Switch release for both.  Or just 1 that has all the content from both on it.

X8 isn't really that bad.  It's better than X5 through X7.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #32 on: 31 October 2017, 13:26:13 »

You REALLY need to get your glorious golden ass on the forums more often my friend...

X5 and X6, all problems included, are infinitely better than X8.  In terms of stage design, music, AND gameplay.  X8 really is a bad game that was made to look a lot better than it was by coming after the worst Mega Man game ever made.

Well, maybe not worst.  I mean, Mega Man and Mega Man PC are pretty awful.  Plus you have BN 4 and 5, All of MMZ and all of SF.  But it's the worst X game for sure, by a mile.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2298

« Reply #33 on: 1 November 2017, 01:07:23 »

X5 had Alia interrupting you every 5 seconds.  That in of itself was annoying.  Not to mention the cannon/shuttle system which could or could not succeed.

X6 was slightly better but then you remember Blaze Heatnix's stage exists.  Do you enjoy fighting the same miniboss over and over? 
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #34 on: 1 November 2017, 18:22:12 »

Both are better than the entirety of X8's ##### level design (which is a #####ing gimmick for EVERY level plus has TWO speeder style levels), inclusion of Axl, awful soundtrack (X5 and X6 at least had decent to good music), and the anytime character swap just made a mess of everything and was headed down ZX level of stop and switch just to get past something.

No, X5 and X6 are FAR from good games, but X8 makes both look like X3.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #35 on: 2 November 2017, 13:24:41 »

I used to hate X2 and X3 years ago, but I've grown to like them recently. I really #####ing hate X8 now though. It's so bland, and as Rez said, the levels are #####ing terrible.  It only seems good because it came after X7, and almost anything can look good after X7.

It's like Sonic Unleashed. It's a ##### game but people like it because it was better than Sonic '06, which isn't really an accomplishment...
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #36 on: 2 November 2017, 17:51:05 »

X5 is serviceable. It has flaws but it's not over the edge like everything after it.

It's not hard, it can be annoying and cheap, but it's still fine. I would actually say it's a decent starting point if someone wants to play a Megaman game (not that I'd recommend it) but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for the actually good games, since all the armors and stuff make X5 child's play.

It's like Sonic Unleashed. It's a ##### game but people like it because it was better than Sonic '06, which isn't really an accomplishment...

Perfect comparison.

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