Unfortunately, I'm starting to understand why people like the idea of achievements and gamerscores. Don't get me wrong; I don't like that idea. But holy ##### is it ever encouraging when you get an achievement by accident. It's got a sick pull or something that makes you happy about it when it's so unimportant.
Also, I was referring to SA:DX, as I never played the Dreamcast iteration.
I've decided to play through Earthbound again.
Then I'll try my hand on Emerald and Ruby WEAPONS but I doubt I can even manage to scratch them. x_x
My opinion on it all?FF1-FF6: EPIC!FF7-FF?: EPIC FAIL!
I would give it another shot but I'm worried even having FF7 anywhere near my house will alert rabid fans to come press up on my windows like civil zombies. And there's enough people already here doing that just 'cause I'm home, I don't need any more.
That's easily one of the most retarded reasons to dislike something that I can think of.
I can't help but wonder what qualifiers lead you to group them in such a fashion.
No one's claiming it was the best game ever. But other than that, I enjoyed the rant.When it comes to FFVII being racist I really hope you don't bring up what I think you're going to bring up. Just because Barret is black doesn't mean he's a portrayal of all black people.
"Fail" is so overused lately.
: Mikero 18 December 2008, 04:13:15I would give it another shot but I'm worried even having FF7 anywhere near my house will alert rabid fans to come press up on my windows like civil zombies. And there's enough people already here doing that just 'cause I'm home, I don't need any more....: Edgecrusher 18 December 2008, 03:02:51That's easily one of the most retarded reasons to dislike something that I can think of.
He was TOTALLY joking there. Had to have been. That wouldn't happen. Right? ... Right?
: Johncarllos 18 December 2008, 13:22:43"Fail" is so overused lately."Epic" isn't?
GETTING TO THE POINT; I hate Cloud, Squall (but not in Kingdom Hearts as "Leon", where I find him awesome. It helps that he's voiced by David Boreanaz, even if there's little voice-acting in the game anyway), and Tidus (I hate him the most). They've turned me off all the new FF games. And of the ones I've played, the only one I really liked was the one with Cecil (I still get confused as to which number it is).
: Mikero 19 December 2008, 02:59:22: Johncarllos 18 December 2008, 13:22:43"Fail" is so overused lately."Epic" isn't?Fail is overused more."Epic Fail" has REALLY started getting on my nerves.