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Author Topic: What game are you playing?  (Read 1362040 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2500 on: 4 October 2009, 08:09:27 »

I have a problem!

Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #2501 on: 5 October 2009, 19:16:39 »

.......The hell -.-", anyways, I find it more... "fun" than H3.

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Posts: 73

« Reply #2502 on: 6 October 2009, 12:40:43 »

.......The hell -.-", anyways, I find it more... "fun" than H3.

Not that this has anything to do with your post, but I see that you have FNR3. We should play some matches some time. The guy I used to play with doesn't play his Xbox anymore, and I don't have 4 yet.
Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #2503 on: 6 October 2009, 23:36:11 »

I used to play the game rather a lot since my friend always talked smack that he better...but I somehow beat his ass in the end.

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Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #2504 on: 7 October 2009, 07:43:03 »

Mass Effect was too short for me(there were like only 6 missions you really needed to do sans the side quests, though I did all of the side quests too). I did like ALL of my remaining side quests right before the last mission, lol. The story was amazing at the end though. Now I'm just going to create a few more characters so I'll have more story options when I play ME2.

I'm still not done with it though, my first character was a paragon male, going to make a renegade female (Moxi). Going to try the infiltrator class. [spoiler]A part of me wished I let the council die, though that'll be for my renegade character[/spoiler]

also my character is the greatest
Posts: 73

« Reply #2505 on: 7 October 2009, 09:12:57 »

Mass Effect was too short for me(there were like only 6 missions you really needed to do sans the side quests, though I did all of the side quests too). I did like ALL of my remaining side quests right before the last mission, lol. The story was amazing at the end though. Now I'm just going to create a few more characters so I'll have more story options when I play ME2.

I'm still not done with it though, my first character was a paragon male, going to make a renegade female (Moxi). Going to try the infiltrator class. [spoiler]A part of me wished I let the council die, though that'll be for my renegade character[/spoiler]

also my character is the greatest

You seen the teasers for ME2? What do you think of them replacing Wrex, and throwing in Subject nooneunderstandsme?
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #2506 on: 7 October 2009, 15:19:34 »

I didn't get any of that from the teasers at all.

also my character is the greatest

##### me that interface is nicer than the XBox 360 one. But either way, my Shepard can kick your Shepard's bum!

Anyway, is this you by the end of the first playthrough? Why did you bother with Intimidate points at all when you're going Paragon, and furthermore how are you not full Paragon too? I don't know, it's just weird to me or something. I wish I could screencap my stats but t-rex arms (XBox 360) so the best I can do is take a photo of the TV (I might, but probably not.)

Also you can buy much better armor by now.

Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #2507 on: 7 October 2009, 17:53:03 »

I heard somewhere that you get a completely new party in ME2 but supposedly the old Normandy crew should appear in ME2 as well so it should be good.

This was my first play through, I thought that by the end you'd end up with all skills maxed BUT NOW I KNOW. I did end up maxing out Paragon at the end but this is my replay so my karma got reset.

The best armor I could find in shops was Predator IX H, it's mostly for looks but it has a lot of shield health.
« Last Edit: 7 October 2009, 17:59:35 by MOX » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #2508 on: 9 October 2009, 04:54:56 »

I heard somewhere that you get a completely new party in ME2 but supposedly the old Normandy crew should appear in ME2 as well so it should be good.

That would be nice since I liked the idea of my decisions MATTERING.
Is "mattering" a word?

Anyway my mistake with the armor, I was thinking of the Spectre Master Gear, which is only weapons. Great thing about that is that if you get the set of the best ones in your first playthrough, you can buy another set or two on your second playthrough and have everyone PACKING.

I haven't touched my second playthrough since I first started it, but maybe during the winter holidays.

So I'd say armor is a more personal thing, since they've got different attributes. I put what I think is the best human armor in the game on Kaidan, because he needs it more than me.

I've recently restarted the first Boktai game for something to just ##### around with during little breaks. I should really just get Scribblenauts already.

Posted on:  7 October 2009, 15:00:37

John if you buy this set up we're no longer friends and I want all my PEZ guys back.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #2509 on: 9 October 2009, 15:15:58 »

Oh god I've seen that I have NO REASON TO EVER GET SOME STUPID ##### LIKE THAT.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #2510 on: 9 October 2009, 15:25:32 »

That's just #####ing stupid, although fog machines are wicked..

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #2511 on: 10 October 2009, 03:04:56 »

Video was funny though.

Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #2512 on: 10 October 2009, 13:52:53 »

I'm still plugging away at Bionicle Heroes; I've been the game and I have 84% completion. I have to get enough money to purchase one extra room, and I have to find the rest of the gold and silver canisters. It really shouldn't be too hard; all I have to do is go through the rest of the levels now that I have all of the necessary masks.

Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2513 on: 12 October 2009, 07:14:08 »

I'm currently playing Demon's Souls.

This game is #####ing awesome.

You will die.

A lot.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #2514 on: 12 October 2009, 07:38:54 »

###### I've been wanting to play that game but didn't realize it was out. Is it really has difficult as everyone says?
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2515 on: 12 October 2009, 08:20:44 »

I was originally expecting to constantly get killed by even the weakest enemies, given what I had heard everyone saying.

Normal enemies aren't that much of a threat once you get the hang of things. Don't let that lull you into a false sense of security though, because stronger enemies or ambushing hoards will be just around the corner to cut that smug look of your face.

Really though, if you've got half decent reflexes and take it slow, this is completely manageable.

Of course, I'm not that far, so maybe I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #2516 on: 12 October 2009, 16:29:15 »

Every time someone mentions Demon's Souls I have that horrible memory of watching the trailer and listening to that terrible, most unimaginative "scary" music I've ever heard.

It was so bad that it was the highlight of the whole trailer and turned me off completely from the game. Not that I would've bought it, it didn't "lose a sale" from me or anything.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2517 on: 12 October 2009, 16:48:15 »

I don't think that music was supposed to be as scary as it was dark and grandiose.

It's dark, but it certainly isn't scary, and I don't really think it's trying to be.

That said, it can be pretty tense. There's a lot riding on the line when you die.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #2518 on: 12 October 2009, 16:53:44 »

Maybe I'm thinking in terms of the wrong audience.

The game LOOKS cool, though. I'm getting a Team Ico kind of vibe.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2519 on: 12 October 2009, 18:17:31 »

It's been a long time since I've played a dungeon crawler that I've enjoyed.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #2520 on: 13 October 2009, 16:29:47 »

Hey Sano, how is Brutal Legend?

I heard it's only 12 hours long so I'm going to rent it this next weekend.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2521 on: 13 October 2009, 17:29:41 »

You should buy it. Most games lack this kind of craftsmanship simply because no one buys them (for exactly that reason).

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #2522 on: 13 October 2009, 17:39:13 »

Yeah, i have like a total of 40 bucks besides.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2523 on: 13 October 2009, 17:54:43 »

Get a job, hippie!

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #2524 on: 16 October 2009, 23:51:19 »

Just got Advance Wars: Days of ruin...

Got into the advance wars flow of playing.

[spoiler]Marathon throgh missions until you get to that one damn mission you can't beat, leave it for a few days, then try again until you actually beat it... [/spoiler]

Also got Gunvalky
Posts: 73

« Reply #2525 on: 17 October 2009, 00:20:16 »

Just got Advance Wars: Days of ruin...

Got into the advance wars flow of playing.

[spoiler]Marathon throgh missions until you get to that one damn mission you can't beat, leave it for a few days, then try again until you actually beat it... [/spoiler]

Also got Gunvalky

I always plow through the AW games, until the final battles. Then I see the battlefield and just say "##### this", and let it sit for months. Sturm's CO power in the first one didn't help matters.
Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #2526 on: 17 October 2009, 00:29:38 »

AW:DOR was a lot of fun but its too hard (not good at RTS games). I'm still stuck in the middle of the game.
Posts: 73

« Reply #2527 on: 17 October 2009, 00:31:59 »

Days of Ruin is definitely the hardest of the series to me. In fact... I don't think I've finished it yet. What battle are you on? I'm firing up my copy right now to see where I am.

EDIT: Damn, I was on battle 21/26. I guess it's time to finish this ##### up. I love how simple these maps look in the pre-deploy screen. Then you get to them and begin to notice all the little details and potential ambush points, and suddenly you're so much less confident.
« Last Edit: 17 October 2009, 00:37:31 by Rahvin » Logged
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #2528 on: 17 October 2009, 00:47:07 »

Also got Gunvalky


I'm so not used to Opera.

I got Gunvalkyrie which itself is also kinda fun. It's an old Xbox title that didn't get much love apperently. I'm playing that on/off but mostly playing with my unints in AW:DoR

Edit: Mission 14!

I havn't even gotten to the COpowers stuff :(

I find myself more playing skirmishes with Op and bringing back my old skills before going and dealing with it.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #2529 on: 17 October 2009, 01:29:40 »

I finished Pokémon Yellow yesterday, and now I'm replaying Pokémon Silver. :O

Yes, I am very bored right now.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #2530 on: 17 October 2009, 01:58:19 »

I played entirely through Red before buying D/P.

However your boredom astounds me.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #2531 on: 17 October 2009, 06:52:33 »

I always want to play a Pokemon game but I really only love the first two gens and never got any of the others so I never do. That's why the remakes are up my alley, 'cause as much as I recognize why they make more pokemon everytime, all the new ones are inevitably uninspired.

Just got Advance Wars: Days of ruin...

Got into the advance wars flow of playing.

[spoiler]Marathon throgh missions until you get to that one damn mission you can't beat, leave it for a few days, then try again until you actually beat it... [/spoiler]

Also got Gunvalky

I always plow through the AW games, until the final battles. Then I see the battlefield and just say "##### this", and let it sit for months. Sturm's CO power in the first one didn't help matters.

I'm not sure if I ever beat Sturm in the first one. I think I just got fed up and started the next game.

Hm. I think I might play some now, I'm in the mood for tactical after tonight.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #2532 on: 17 October 2009, 08:41:44 »

AW:DOR was a lot of fun but its too hard (not good at RTS games). I'm still stuck in the middle of the game.

Since when was Advance Wars a Real Time Strategy game?

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #2533 on: 17 October 2009, 10:06:28 »

Well it's a Real Time-Consuming Strategy game anyway. And in the good way.
Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #2534 on: 17 October 2009, 17:36:16 »

I beat Gun the other day. If you want ALL of the achievements, you have to play the game four times. ##### that noise, especially with the final boss.

I'm either going to focus on Assassin's Creed or Brutal Legend.

Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2535 on: 17 October 2009, 23:44:44 »

So, all this talk about Brutal Legend somehow got me itching to play Psychonauts again, which I never beat the first time around.

Last time I played, I got distracted around the Milkman Conspiracy part with the whole crazy suburban neighborhood world. I was gonna' just pick back up and play again from there, but I decided instead to start over because I didn't remember a lot of the game. I'm glad I did.

I just got back to the Milkman Conspiracy part, haha. Great game.

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2536 on: 18 October 2009, 17:19:23 »

I got distracted around the Milkman Conspiracy part with the whole crazy suburban neighborhood world.

Really? That was my favorite part of that game.

That and black velvet spain.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2537 on: 18 October 2009, 18:01:17 »

No, I loved that part, too. One of my favorite worlds, very trippy. I think other stuff just came up and I forgot about the game for a while.

Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #2538 on: 18 October 2009, 20:37:09 »

I'm playing Assassin's Creed now. The graphics are beautiful and the plot is oddly intriguing.

The game is a nice change of pace for me; I'm no longer the one-man army that I'm so used to being, and I have to constantly be stealthy and watch my ass. Coincidentally, those same reasons as to why it's a nice change of pace are also the reasons why I'm hating this game.

Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #2539 on: 18 October 2009, 21:07:11 »

I got tired of that game really quick.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2540 on: 18 October 2009, 21:34:02 »

Almost done with Psychonauts. This has really gotten me in the mood to get Brutal Legend, which I haven't been too interested in until I remembered how great Tim Schafer was.

It also got me in the mood to watch some Invader Zim.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #2541 on: 18 October 2009, 22:31:29 »

You might THINK Assassin's Creed is a slight challenge but the challenge stays the same through the entire game.

Actually it's never challenging. I'm not an exceptional gamer and it's not challenging.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #2542 on: 19 October 2009, 05:32:54 »

After completing my 3 in Mass Effect I decided to snag KOTOR for 10 dollars on Steam. I can't say I enjoy it but only because the whole day was filled with frustration getting it to work on Windows 7 RC 64 bit (it barely worked on XP 64 bit also). I had to go replacing dlls and other stuff that made no sense to me but at least I got the game working. (though the wide screen hack doesn't work for me but that doesn't matter to me anymore). I really want to get rid of XP but I really hope the retail verison of Windows 7 doesn't have any of these problems for running older programs.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #2543 on: 19 October 2009, 06:53:22 »

It also got me in the mood to watch some Invader Zim.

I knew I recognized Raz's voice, but it wasn't until the "Hand over the girl, Fish!" that it clicked with me.

As for Brutal Legend, it has all the wonderful Schafer atmosphere you'd expect, though the RTS elements are a bit awkward.

Of course, I might just feel that way because I suck at RTS stuff.

I played it on the hardest difficulty setting though, so I largely did it to myself.
You can change the difficulty at any time, which is nice. The game wants very badly to be played.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #2544 on: 19 October 2009, 21:41:48 »

AW:DOR was a lot of fun but its too hard (not good at RTS games). I'm still stuck in the middle of the game.

Since when was Advance Wars a Real Time Strategy game?

I was gonna say... But I couldn't figure out a way to say it without being a dick about it, so thanks for finding a way Majikn!

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2545 on: 20 October 2009, 04:49:19 »

Beat Psychonauts. Looooooooooved it.

It became sort of an event in the apartment whenever I was playing Psychonauts, because everyone thought the game was hilarious and apparently very fun to watch. It turned into a sort of nightly thing. Tonight was the big finale as I finally beat the game.

It's good that they can watch someone play a game - I can't do that. I have to be PLAYING, and if someone else is, I'll either A) get bored and walk out of the room, B) get an itch to actually play it myself but I can't so I walk out of the room, or C) walk out of the room because I want to play the game myself later and don't want it spoiled for me.


Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #2546 on: 20 October 2009, 06:34:36 »

I get an itch watching my dad play Mass Effect because he's incredibly slow doing all the assignments and he doesn't seem to understand checking the map regularly for exclamation marks will help him out. Not that it makes me angry, it's just... wow.

And he insisted on finding this fan guy who he blew off but he only skimmed through certain areas before moving on and I'm trying to make suggestions to him without doing it constantly and sounding like a douchebag.

So basically that was an incredibly boring hour and a half or so. I could've gone and done something else, but I didn't. I'm not going to explain myself there so don't ask.

We had a conversation;
"I don't want to help him, he's cheating!"
"You don't have to, dad."
"But then it remains on the list!"

I was gonna say... But I couldn't figure out a way to say it without being a dick about it, so thanks for finding a way Majikn!


The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #2547 on: 20 October 2009, 07:16:45 »

No, you found a way of not making it sound dickly.

I had that kind of Mass Effect thing with my girlfriend before she was my girlfriend. I shouldn't have told her that Noveria would take like four hours because that soured her on playing and by now she's probably forgot about it.

Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #2548 on: 22 October 2009, 03:14:06 »

Been playing KOTOR and I've been really into the game so far. I can say that if you like Mass Effect you would find KOTOR very fun and vice versa. Though I wish I played this game years ago on my old PC (it probably couldn't run it but still) since I get crashes every 15 minutes and sometimes I get a crash the moment I quicksave and that save becomes corrupted. I had the same issues on both XP and Windows 7.

Supposedly it has to do with my video card drivers, but there's no old driver for Windows 7 so supposedly I would have to go to XP and download the 5 year old driver just to play the game. This is the kind of stuff I hate most with getting new technology.  >:(
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #2549 on: 22 October 2009, 04:59:18 »

Is it the first one or the second one?

I have the second one, and it always crashes every 20 minutes whenever it's loading a new area, and it happens on EVERY copy. The #####ing developers rushed the game, and they never fixed it, despite all the patches for the game. I got pretty far in the game, but after a while, I just got tired of the random crashes.

I borrowed the first one for the Xbox, but I haven't been playing it. I should do, after I play Bioshock...
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