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Author Topic: MMMQuest 199X - a CYOA "RPG"  (Read 13373 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« on: 2 December 2017, 07:16:58 »

That's right. I'm just that bored with my life these days and I just can't stop thinking of you guys. Surely something like this would have done much better during the Mboard's golden age but maybe, just maybe if people just drop in now and then we can get this thing going. Maybe have a few laughs while we're at it, find some treasure, rescue upwards of one princess and perhaps more.

I have a loose idea when it comes to plot. Really freaking loose but as long as I have bits and pieces thought up, the rest should just flow. Plus all y'all will be pitching in suggestions on where to go or what to touch with your gross unwashed hands. I may be the DM so to speak but I don't wanna be a railroader you know? No one's hopping on THAT train while Snarey is on DM duty (BM doody). Yes I'm planning on having combat and I have the dice situation covered. There's going to be stats and junk maybe. Probably maps maybe and inventories perhaps.

I still don't have a computer so I'm drawing things with whatever I have on hand. Crayons, chalk, paint, scrap paper, good paper, expensive rare imported thousand times folded japanese paper, q-tips, feathers, rocks, walls whatever I find. Bugs.


We should get started.


Although before we can get SUPER started we should probably pick a guy.

[spoiler= Our lovely cast OOC DUH]

:"Pick me because I'm a NINJA which means I can sneak around easily and breathe water like all NINJAs"

Mikero the Ninja is a good choice. His higher SKILL in areas like speed and dexterity helps him dodge attacks and spank back with critical hits. He can also learn a variety of water and frost skills and has access to some shadowy artes. Mikero also has a higher charisma stat.

:"Pick me because I'm a MAGE and not actually a priest like my name says. Although I still dress in priestly regalia. You are not allowed to question me and all dissenters will be sent to the tent for a mauling"

Oh Rez! Rez is a magic user, naturally. He has more of a focus on destructive spells, so uh, don't expect too much of that whole white magic stuff. He also has a summon ability in Nibbles. His higher SENSE, like his magic and knowledge stats will certainly come in handy but keep in mind those lower BODY stats.

:"Pick me cause I'm a LUMBERJACK. My superior strength and vitality stats will let me hack through my problems easily. Also I'm a biologist too."

Or will we pick John? Less skill and magic oriented and more of a raw damage kind of guy. Although he has lower SENSE stats in his magic and charisma, his knowledge is quite high, earning him those delicious knowledge check rolls with ease. His bio knowledge might earn him additional damage points against BEAST and PLANT creatures.

Alright, so pick a guy and let's get this show on the road.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1 on: 2 December 2017, 16:29:06 »

I say we pick Mikero, skill stats are more fun than 'blow up door' or 'cut down door'.

Also ninja.

Also I look amazing.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #2 on: 3 December 2017, 01:53:21 »

My HP is low because I'm old...  Pick me because I'm easy mode!

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #3 on: 4 December 2017, 01:10:50 »

Did a coin flip instead of waiting for results. That's how we do things these days.

Mikero finds himself in what appears to be Mega Man Matrix's central hub room but instead of the pleasant whirring of computers and tippity-tapping of operators clacking away at the various keyboards and dials he is met with a dead silence broken only by the sounds of his own joints cracking as he gathers himself and stands up.

This place has seen better days, that's for sure.

"This place has seen better days."

"Just confirming aloud that I do not know how or why I'm here. Cool?

The main monitor in the room is quite obviously non-functioning. There's a faint clicking noise from the general area every once in awhile.

The two large computers flanking the room are similarly unresponsive. Not that you'd be able to do much with them. While you've been a high ranking and highly respected member of the Matrix for ages, there has never been a need to become involved with the 'pooters.

The console is still powered as the small dated monitor on it appears to be on screensaver mode. Was this always there??

Both metal shutter doors to the east and west are locked. The western door has a strange blue mush seeping from the base. The mush glows and has been providing at least 90% of the luminosity experienced.

Thecoffee in the corner is NOT fresh. It appears some ass replaced all the cream in those little cream packets with tiny cylinders of cheese.

Was THIS always here??

WHAT WILL MIKE DO FOLKS? Look for things to pocket? Eat the mush and the little cheeses?

Edit- remember to actually color in Mikes face cause holy hell talk about white washing.
« Last Edit: 4 December 2017, 07:39:30 by Snare » Logged
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #4 on: 4 December 2017, 02:43:38 »

take coffee pot

I suspect it will come in handy in the final boss fight.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #5 on: 4 December 2017, 16:43:19 »

Eat the mush in a hopeless attempt to gain its power.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #6 on: 5 December 2017, 02:10:43 »

Investigate the clicky

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #7 on: 5 December 2017, 17:48:10 »

I can't believe you've done this.

I love it. Everything about this is fantastic. Are you using cut outs of characters and like "sets"? Like the greatest puppet show ever? This is fantastical.

I say we pick Mikero, skill stats are more fun than 'blow up door' or 'cut down door'.

Also ninja.

Also I look amazing.

You just picked hard mode because I am a man of colour (except in this first chapter evidently).

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #8 on: 7 December 2017, 15:26:58 »

Plus I'm staff (and have a staff), so really, what challenge would there have been?  There are all of like, 4 rooms I can't get into.

Posted on:  5 December 2017, 17:38:39


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #9 on: 7 December 2017, 21:07:58 »

I haven't forgotten at all! I have mostly everything ready for the update but formatting is cumbersome with a tablet and I wanted to get some battle assets done.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #10 on: 7 December 2017, 21:19:20 »


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #11 on: 7 December 2017, 23:32:49 »

Keep your manteau on Rez! It'sa comin'!

Mikero remembered an essential survival technique that was passed on to him from his days as a Junior Ninja Scout (like the boy scouts but better because girls are and were always allowed in):

"When you're in a spooky place
don't haphazardly start to pace
No no no! Stay put instead!
And wait for signs
from your head!"

and lo;

The Coffee Pot.

Suddenly Mike is fixed on the coffee pot in the corner of the room. It... It must be important. Maybe you were here on a coffee run and bumped your head and passed out... and wrecked everything... somehow?

The coffee is rancorous. There is obvious mold. You still pocket two cups of the stuff.

You got Weak Brew x2! Adds +1 to your initiative rolls for the remainder of the battle upon use!

: "Is... this some sort of kombucha coffee type thing?"
:"I blame Opal for this."

The Blue Mush. Power.

Another memory came flowing back to Mike. This time of his nana.

:  Nana <3
"Drinking straaaaange mush you find lying around is good for you and can give you powers!"

Mike loves his gramgrams <3 <3

Mike would normally earn 2 Happy Fuzzy points at this moment but we don't commodify or quantify joy 'round these parts. Nope, that's something you get to keep in your heart to help you press on through life.

The Clicking Screen

Upon peaking closer at the broken monito-


Oh dear. It appears a particularly large bug looking thing (probably a type of bug) has taken residence inside the broken screen. Nature always finds a way.

Okay so we'll do battle in a bit, I guess! We'll go over how that goes in a bit. And by that I mean I'll make stuff up as I go because why not?

But look, I mean it about the dice!

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #12 on: 7 December 2017, 23:57:13 »

As a ninja he should roll natural 20s every time... 

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #13 on: 8 December 2017, 01:02:20 »

Tut tut

He will not have access to ninja dice and he will have appropriate modifiers just as you would and just like the rest of us. So go ahead and bop me with your stick. I'm applying -19 to all of your physical throws.

Neener neener
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #14 on: 8 December 2017, 03:27:10 »

I wanted to bring back old times by making a picture of myself, uninvited, participating.

but I can't be arsed.  So this post will just have to suffice.

Anyway, Snare, you can't fool me.  That's not a bug, it's a feature.  It is clear that Mike and the feature must team up to solve the mystery of the haunted MMM.  Perhaps the feature has some useful information about what happened.  PERHAPS Mike must overcome his fear of features and learn to love the feature, to grow with the feature, and accept this feature presentation.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #15 on: 8 December 2017, 05:36:50 »

So, roll the dice.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #16 on: 8 December 2017, 06:51:03 »

So with the negative penalty your sum is 9980

  >:(>:(! Stop god moding the game!!

Posted on:  8 December 2017, 00:48:52

Anyway, Snare, you can't fool me.  That's not a bug, it's a feature.  It is clear that Mike and the feature must team up to solve the mystery of the haunted MMM.  Perhaps the feature has some useful information about what happened.  PERHAPS Mike must overcome his fear of features and learn to love the feature, to grow with the feature, and accept this feature presentation.

The only features here are these creepy creatures. Features: Creatures!

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #17 on: 8 December 2017, 13:15:05 »

I miss you Granero!

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #18 on: 8 December 2017, 19:10:19 »

I have no idea what's happening at this point.  How are we doing combat?  Do we even need to give a command?

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #19 on: 8 December 2017, 19:17:48 »

Ninja kick the damn insect! Do somethin'!

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #20 on: 8 December 2017, 20:52:31 »

Oh. Well. I have to make stuff for the combat systen first. This is a slow paced adventure. Like every three or four days. How it's going to go down is there will be options like Basic Attack (there will be different weapons with different properties), Skills (spells, techs, etc. Mike starts with a water based tech but after leveling up, can either power up that current spell or learn more and branch out), you can use items/defend/flee.

I just don't have the assets fully formed, I'm keeping numbers on the easier to deal with side of things (like Paper Mario?). Right now I'm drawing ugly fruit instead of this. I made a pear if you'd like to see it. Mike will kick the insect soon OR maybe become host to a brood of insectlings.
« Last Edit: 8 December 2017, 22:27:40 by Snare » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #21 on: 8 December 2017, 20:59:06 »

This pear needs an orthodontist.

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #22 on: 8 December 2017, 22:38:36 »

Oh geez the four front teeth are based off mine really. I've gone through braces twice but I clench my jaw like crazy (i'm proud to announce i broke my upper metal retainer) and my bite reverted a bit. I never want cosmetic orthodontic work ever ever again. Don't let my gorgeous exterior deceive; I have pug genes.

Oh so this is relevant here's what Snare looks like these days since he's a poppy now.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #23 on: 9 December 2017, 04:04:24 »

I second ninja kicking the damn insect.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #24 on: 10 December 2017, 20:15:39 »

Son, that's something out of Resident Evil there.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #25 on: 11 December 2017, 21:03:12 »

... among the crosses row by row...

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #26 on: 14 December 2017, 20:33:41 »

grab your partner and dosey doe.

So yes I'm working on this and have drawings done etc. I'm just getting hung up on details like where to put icons and other formatting type dealies.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #27 on: 14 December 2017, 21:14:45 »

It's all good. This is fun and I don't mind waiting.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #28 on: 15 December 2017, 18:11:01 »

No worries on the wait as long as it's coming.

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #29 on: 17 December 2017, 22:13:05 »

Alright if I don't stop sweating the small details I'll never get anything done and if I don't get anything done then I'll get super guilty like. Just consider combat in beta mode. Maybe I should make updates smaller? Idunnoidunnoidunno

Upon entering combat with the nasty bug, Mike instinctively reached for his d20 and rolled a 13 on his initiative roll. Mike being a ninja has the perk of gaining +2 on his initiation rolls at the start of each battle earning him a total of 15.

The bug guy's, like all monsters, is fixed. Bug guy's initiative is 6.

:  everyone
kick the bug

HP: 15
MP: 5
Bug Guy
HP: 6

[Attack] [Skills] [Items] [Defend]

Mike delivers a solid ninja kick. 2 DMG

oh no! The bug is retaliating! It spits out a gross glob of brown goo that's like the stuff grasshoppers puke on your hands when you pick them up! It's gross yes but only does 1 dmg.

HP: 14
MP: 5

Bug Guy
HP: 4

: "Why does it feel like I suddenly have access to what feels like latent super powers?"

[Attack] [Skills] [Items] [Defend]

: "Must be that skills tab"

Mikero's Skills
[spoiler] Aqua Shuriken lv1: Roll a d4 to determine how many shurikens are thrown. Deals 1 pt of WATER dmg per shuriken[/spoiler]

: "Water is pointy? Makes sense."


Out of nowhere Mikero summons four spinning blades made of solidified water (notice: NO, NOT ICE) and sent them hurtling towards the arthropod,
slicing it up and sending bug mash everywhere.


Just kidding. But he did get halfway there to leveling up at least.

The small computer on the console is still on.

Does bug goo even have any uses?

there i did it
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #30 on: 18 December 2017, 02:02:02 »

Investigate the computer.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #31 on: 18 December 2017, 02:05:01 »

Why the hell would Mike do that? you're just trying so hard to be random. Reported.

The correct answer was to eat all the shards of glass and then.... fart?

« Last Edit: 18 December 2017, 04:49:46 by Snare » Logged
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #32 on: 18 December 2017, 11:24:56 »

I... I didn't want to seem like I was derailing the plot! *runs away sobbing*

...shove bug goo into coffee pot.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #33 on: 18 December 2017, 15:28:50 »

I always thought that was a grasshopper's pee.

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #34 on: 18 December 2017, 16:07:32 »

I like the idea of combat, but I feel it will interfere with the flow, unless it's fairly uncommon.  Maybe getting things moving now will help give a better feel for how the story will go.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #35 on: 18 December 2017, 22:08:23 »

I think that's a very good idea. Might make combat a special occasional thing. That would simplify things tenfold and I can stop fretting about trying to track stats if there's less emphasis on combat. Leveling up can probably just happen at certain milestones.

Decided. Someone get me a gavel so I can clack it against the sound block so as to officialize this jank.

And yeah grasshoppers use defensive regurgitation - absolutely useless on mammalian predators but they try so hard anyway.
« Last Edit: 18 December 2017, 22:15:04 by Snare » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #36 on: 21 December 2017, 14:34:21 »

And yeah grasshoppers use defensive regurgitation - absolutely useless on mammalian predators but they try so hard anyway.

So in 3rd grade the other kids were wrong about insectoid biology? Goddamn this silly earth.

Anyway uhhh...

Now that the bug has been thoroughly romped, shall we log in to the computer and find out what's been going on?

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #37 on: 21 December 2017, 16:04:59 »

Good luck logging on WITHOUT STAFF CODES.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
White Shadow
Matrix Marine
Posts: 412

« Reply #38 on: 21 December 2017, 17:23:52 »

~susr spinthatwheel, if I recall correctly.

Abe, if you ever reboot MChat remember to change it.

White Shadow
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #39 on: 21 December 2017, 19:47:11 »

Now that I know it, the Mikero in the game knows it.

I just hope that if you die in the game you don't die for real.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #40 on: 21 December 2017, 21:40:00 »

Mikero the Ninja is a good choice. His higher SKILL in areas like speed and dexterity helps him dodge attacks and spank back with critical hits. He can also learn a variety of water and frost skills and has access to some shadowy artes. Mikero also has a higher charisma stat.

Mikero should CHARM his way into the computer.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #41 on: 22 December 2017, 01:21:41 »

:  common sense
check the computer

You never really had to worry about these computer dealies much in the past but you figure you may as well check it out since it's clearly still turned on when everything else is clearly off.


a crude facsimile of a face appears on the front face of this computermajig. For some reason the monitor and keyboard are that old electronics beige that you could never tell if they were always that way or if everyone who has ever touched them smoked through a pack of cigarettes a day. And seriously a track ball?

Your wonderment is broken but immediately succeeded with yet further wonderment as a tiny tinny voice squeaks out from a speaker somewhere "hello guest46391 please log in"

whats our boy to do??

Chat up the computer? (Ask... It things? Like what?)
Log in?
Get mad?
« Last Edit: 22 December 2017, 07:37:02 by Snare » Logged
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #42 on: 22 December 2017, 02:48:23 »

Get mad.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #43 on: 22 December 2017, 03:04:12 »

"guest46391 please log in order to register complaints. Violence is not the answer here"
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #44 on: 22 December 2017, 17:58:28 »

Log in but stay mad

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #45 on: 22 December 2017, 19:51:50 »


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #46 on: 22 December 2017, 21:23:53 »

I suppose it would make sense to log in but you wonder if this is perhaps a trap. After all, you never remembered much in the way of talking computers in the past. Logging in used to be a rather silent task.

Thank goodness this keyboard is QWERTY and not that silly Dvorak setup.

(a/n: always protect your passwords and pin codes and always look both ways before crossing the road and NEVER give your trust out to jazz musicians)

: "Welcome Mikero! You have 0 unread messages and currently 0 friends."

: "Could've sworn that last number was bigger, pal."

: "My databanks reassert that your current friend count is at a grand total of 0. If you would like more friends perhaps you should explore! Let me unlock the door for you!"

Should we head out?
Ask questions?

Ooooh I don't know!!

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #47 on: 22 December 2017, 22:24:53 »

Ask the computer to become our friend.
White Shadow
Matrix Marine
Posts: 412

« Reply #48 on: 23 December 2017, 09:47:20 »

Check the date of last activity / recent posts. Look for flapping Battons.

White Shadow
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #49 on: 23 December 2017, 16:28:12 »

As per the introductory post we know that Rez and myself are involved in this adventure somewhere. Perhaps check our usernames in the database by flirting with the computer.

Also, Snare, this is super wonderful <3

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
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