Nothing of mine is world-famous, but my upper torso became an internet psudo-phenomenon a while back. I refuse to divulge details.
: dzx9 5 December 2007, 18:22:48*cough*acid*cough*shrooms*cough*We should throw parties together!
If I put up drunk posts I would get banned. I'm not saying anything is unfair- I'm saying that they would be incomprehensible crap, like my world famous text messages.Yes, WORLD.
: BenWhat's supposed to be awful about Rockman ZERO? I'd rather call Original Rockman awful.You may leave this web site now.
What's supposed to be awful about Rockman ZERO? I'd rather call Original Rockman awful.
It has taught me how stupid, or perhaps just how illiterate or unwilling to read some New Yorkers people are.