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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1695055 times)
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #250 on: 22 January 2008, 17:06:45 »

Me and you both, Jakey.

Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #251 on: 22 January 2008, 18:52:56 »

Bad days are the best to share.

Posts: 92

« Reply #252 on: 23 January 2008, 02:05:24 »

Bad as usual.

My sister's getting married soon and is having a bridal shower. My other sister's making the invitations to said party. The sister who's getting married wanted to print them and so had me fill in the date and print them. After asking her exactly where she wanted the date put I did so and printed them. Said sister then yelled at me for putting it in the wrong place. Even though I put it exactly where she told me to.

Oh well, the cards were from the 99 cent store anyway.

Now if only my family  would listen to me when I tell them I don't want to be involved in this wedding, I don't care about it whatsoever.

: TheRedPriest
: Ben
What's supposed to be awful about Rockman ZERO? I'd rather call Original Rockman awful.
You may leave this web site now.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #253 on: 23 January 2008, 22:22:07 »

Lesee here, I got out of that #####ty sports class. Hoo-Rah!

The bad news... I get four new classes. I've got Precalculus, Web Design 2 (Happy for that one), English 4, and Speech.

Speech should be a little fun. I'm gonna hate my new Math class the most though.

Now if you excuse me, I gotta do math homework. *insert more complaining here*

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #254 on: 23 January 2008, 22:29:13 »

Sports are funnnnn. :(

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #255 on: 23 January 2008, 22:32:10 »

I don't. It was boring. I usually just walked the track and played DS. I hate almost every PE class.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #256 on: 23 January 2008, 22:34:11 »

I don't like playing for teams or whatnot anymore, but I'm always down to play b-ball or toss around a football and whatnot.

Keeps me active.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #257 on: 23 January 2008, 22:37:40 »

I'd rather run personally, that's why I stayed on the track. Plus I found the whole class a waste of time, and I tend to recycle that time using video games.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #258 on: 23 January 2008, 22:39:35 »

[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #259 on: 23 January 2008, 22:41:37 »


CV: Wow. I'm a big guy, and I rarely exercise nor have I taken any other gym classes before grade 12 (except grade 9 because that's mandatory). But... this gym class was the most fun class I've had beside art. I loved the teacher, and I loved the exercise we did. Even that 12 minute run we had to do three times (its where we have to run our fastest for 12 minutes straight) was a fun thing. And my class mates (who were mostly big and strong guys) accepted me pretty well into the group and we had fun times together in the class. I regret not taking any of the other gym classes and this gym class has motivated me to join Soccor this year.

Anyway, Semester 2 is just around the corner for me...

This year, during Semester 1, I had Art Grade 12 College, a spare (no class during this time), Gym Grade 12 Mixed, and Native English Studies Grade 11 College.

I had fun in Art the most. Gym was pretty awesome, and NES was OK. It wasn't a hard course, but I still need to do the examination for that class come next Wednesday (Art and Gym don't have exams).

Semester 2, though... this will be the hardest and worst semester yet when it comes to classes. Math Grade 12 College, Auto-Machine Grade 11 Mixed, Physics Grade 12 College, and English Grade 12 College.

I still have no idea about the Auto-Machine class, but all I know is, that class doesn't have an exam. Math and Physics are going to be ugh. As easy as math is for me, it's too repetitive for my tastes. English will hopefully not be hard... depends on what teacher we'll get (still have no idea, nobody does). Still, though, that's THREE examinations in one semester. The last time I had three exams was in grade 9. This is going to be really tough, especially considering I'm going for high 80s in these classes.

BTW, I Americanized my class names to make it sound easier to understand. Art Grade 12 College is supposed to be AVI4C. Uhh, I don't think Auto-Machine is what it's supposed to be, but I had no idea what else to call it.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #260 on: 24 January 2008, 00:31:50 »

I may seem odd, but I love Precalculus and Physics.
Good teacher, fun learning.

ALSO, I have been a student instructor for a gym-type class for 3 years now, in which the students climb trees and crap. It's all about teamwork and trust, and it's a blast.
I love belaying some sqeemish girl at the top of the 45 foot high rope bridge and TRYing to get her to fall off it (as being let down on a rope is safer than climbing back down the tree).

Even better is when we get a fearless climber who likes to break records pretty much running up the tree and sprinting across the ropes. One guy climbed up 45 feet and sprinted 35 across in 28 seconds flat.
We had an indoor cargo net and the same kid climbed up it (35 feet) in 9.2 seconds.

Great class.
Especially when you tie your harness on backwards and superman off the element and are let to freefall for a good 15 feet before slowed, then stopped with your feet 5 feet off the ground and ya get pushed around and #####.

The sucky part is that for 3 weeks in the winter, we do CPR as well, which is boring.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #261 on: 25 January 2008, 14:54:59 »


So.. I was up for about 20 hours, looking for a way to play or obtain Digimon World, without a paypal account and almost no way of using one, I can't seem to get my hands on another copy. I wasted about 20 CD's *no joke* trying to get the game through.. less than legal ways. Still no progress, and after discovering the copy I received from V didn't work, you can imagine how cheesed off I was. But I kept going.. I've been looking for this game for so long, I found some, but they could hardly be called working copies. I am just.. so tired.. so very, very tired...

WIND... is... sad... ;.;

::goes to bed and sobs::

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #262 on: 25 January 2008, 16:16:31 »

I saw it last night in some girl's basement. We were all riding in one car and ended up at one of our friend's girlfriend's house. She has a MASSIVE St. Bernard, by the way. Anyway, I have a friend who's into Digimon so I was making fun of him and pointed it out to him.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #263 on: 25 January 2008, 16:38:38 »

ASR, if you can get me that, I'll make it worth your while..

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #264 on: 25 January 2008, 20:34:27 »


Why don't you just spend 5 bucks to resurface the disc?
There's planty of places around HERE that do it.

Posted on: January 25, 2008, 03:20:23 PM

Oh, and our cat that was sick was finally put down today.
I feel sad.

Posted on: January 25, 2008, 03:21:01 PM

I know you're about to post WIND.
Do it.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #265 on: 25 January 2008, 20:35:49 »

Bah.. I found out my friend may have a copy, she still has to check which one it is, since theres like 20 different ones for PS1.. I'm not awaiting her reply.

And JC, that sucks.. Feel better soon.



Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #266 on: 25 January 2008, 20:38:29 »

70 seconds later he makes his post.

Thanks guy. I hope you finds yo digimonz.

Posted on: January 25, 2008, 03:37:21 PM

The power of the "Who's online?" function.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #267 on: 25 January 2008, 20:40:23 »

Yeah, I had to pause in mid-post because my bro was yelling out numbers to me to input into a calculator. Seriously, he just turned 20 and he doesn't know how to use the calculator function on his computer? Damn, his future is looking dim.

Edit: It's Digimon world 2 that she has. #####. I guess it's time to resurface the #####er.
« Last Edit: 25 January 2008, 20:55:32 by preventerWIND » Logged

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #268 on: 25 January 2008, 21:17:05 »

Hey, man... sorry about the defective disc... if you haven't yet, don't bother sending the money.

Unless resurfacing works...

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #269 on: 26 January 2008, 22:31:27 »

Haha! No problem, whatever the outcome, you're getting the 99 cents.

And I just realized something, maybe we should have ordered it from Amazon? They had some there that were cheaper, and actually had info on the working condition...

Posted on: 25 January 2008, 21:19:50

Resurfacing didn't work.

Robot Master
Posts: 641

« Reply #270 on: 26 January 2008, 22:49:30 »

I hear that if you spray a damaged disk with hairspray, and then leave it to dry in its case, it should work again. Well, that's what I was told to do to damaged DVD's anway...

MMM's pet Tachikoma.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #271 on: 26 January 2008, 23:03:15 »

Toothpaste reportedly does something like that somehow.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #272 on: 27 January 2008, 00:22:32 »

Whatever, after all this and the CD still has no progress... Anybody know how to restore the damaged files? I popped it in the computer to try and make a backup, but one or two of the files are crapped.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #273 on: 27 January 2008, 00:38:44 »

Today I played NMH all day. It isn't as fun now that I've beaten it, but Mild is a bit more difficult, so I guess it's okay. I mean, I had to fight Shinobu three times just to beat her. I mean I only died once three times on Sweet, so bleh. I shudder to think of how difficult Bad Girl, Jeane, and Henry are going to be, they're the three that killed me on Sweet. Then the rest of the day I tried to find something better to do. I played a little Guitar Hero 2, but I quickly grew bored of it because after not playing it in like two weeks I forgot where the buttons were and stuff so I was doing pretty badly. Then I tried to find something else to do again, then I saw Lyndon. So yeah, I sat with him for awhile, outside even, he usually goes crazy when anyone goes into his backyard, yeah, it's really weird, when he's inside he's always good and stuff, but outside he'll usually start jumping and biting. So then I went inside and decided to go on Wikipedia and quest for useless knowledge, so I started by learning more about Goichi Suda, then I suddenly saw under trivia that he had once said that one day he'd like to make a character more cute and loveable than Mario. That was quite a revelation to me, I never would have believed that Suda 51, the guy who makes the bloody, awesome games which usually involve assassins and/or luchadors would strive for such a goal. Then suddenly I remembered that I think luchador are awesome, so then I decided to equip myself with knowledge on luchadors. Then I said "Man, lucha libre sure is awesome." Then my Mom brought me a box of Girl Scout cookies, 'cause she ate the box that I bought from some random girl at my school who I took driving school with last year. Then I said "But Mom, why would you eat a box?" and we lawl'd. So then I ate some Girl Scout cookies, they were pretty good, and I even actually read the side of the box, it just pointed out that the Girl Scout program actually does help girls become good people, ya know, teaching life skills and stuff. Then I... typed this. M'yeah, I have no life.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #274 on: 27 January 2008, 00:53:08 »

Sano!? What about MY problems!? What about MY needs!? I still don't have my Digimon! D:

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #275 on: 27 January 2008, 01:34:41 »

Sorry, I have to deal with my own fears first. Seriously, Bad Girl is one scary bitch. I mean, she lives in a secret basement under a baseball stadium. She decorated the hallway leading the her room with blood, she wrote 'Want some Sugar?' on the floor in blood. Her room is an old batting cage full of dead corpses and pink furniture, she even has a little pink fridge, and everything in it's beer, she has a drinking problem, she also doesn't properly dispose of the cans or the dead bodies, she just leaves 'em on the floor. Also the way she dresses, so creepy, she wears a goth lolita/magical girl type outfit, and it's pink, also the skirts too short and you can see her nasty panties. Also, remember how I mentioned her room is a batting cage? She replaced the place where the balls were launched with a conveyor belt linked to a room where she keeps a bunch of abducted men in bondage suits, they come down the little conveyor belt and then she bashes their head in, those men also don't have a problem with helping her out if it's there only alternative to death, but she'll bash them across the room anyway. Worst of all, her weapon of choice is a baseball bat, not too creepy huh? Wrong! She'll freaking go crazy with it. Like she'll lay on the ground looking all in pain and stuff, if you run over and try and deal a finishing blow she'll spring up and knock you down, then she'll go to town all over you with that bat until your head is just a bleeding mass of pulp. I mean, even if you stab her through and leave the damn sword in she'll jump on you and just try with all her being to bash your skull in with that bat, so damn creepy.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #276 on: 27 January 2008, 01:37:05 »

Dude, it's annoying when people beat games in the same day, and in like a couple hours no less. I mean, for gods sake! SAVOR THE GAME!

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #277 on: 27 January 2008, 01:43:25 »

It took me 3 days, in those 3 days I played for 15 hours and 39 minutes. I'm not done with it, I still have to buy and find everything there is, I also have to finish Mild, then begin Bitter, and somewhere in there I'll collect everything. While at the same time trying to understand if there's a difference with the clear game when you choose the ending and when you choose the real ending. I mean I like the real ending better, fighting another boss is much better than a parody of Star Wars credits.
Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #278 on: 27 January 2008, 22:30:27 »

All I did today was catch up with the forum since I was back yesterday from my vacations at Cordoba. In a nutshell, it's a province in Argentina with mountains and all. I'll post some pics later , like the lizard we saw. How oh so cute.
It's fun how I was gone for 9 day and I'm still at top of the most time online stats. Yarr Harr.
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #279 on: 27 January 2008, 22:41:28 »

Is Cordoba even a real place?
Sniper Joe
Posts: 258

« Reply #280 on: 27 January 2008, 22:56:05 »

I thought you meant Córdoba in Spain. Great place.

Make mistakes. It's fun.
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #281 on: 27 January 2008, 22:59:14 »

Wait Argentina? Isn't that in Mexico?
Sorry, but I have limited knowledge of the surrounding world, since I kind of rarely leave the house and when I do I don't really go very far. Such is life when you live on the edge of a town, right next to the busiest intersections in the entire state.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #282 on: 27 January 2008, 23:00:10 »

Wait Argentina? Isn't that in Mexico?

I'm officially done with you forever.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #283 on: 27 January 2008, 23:05:59 »

Hey, I know there's an Argentina in the U.S., but I'm pretty sure there's also a place called Argentina in Mexico, or somewhere in South America.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #284 on: 27 January 2008, 23:12:18 »

Sano, lrn2worldmap.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #285 on: 27 January 2008, 23:15:36 »

Or play "Mario is Missing".

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #286 on: 27 January 2008, 23:16:08 »

No way, I hated that game.
Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #287 on: 27 January 2008, 23:17:37 »

Also, Argentina is like the southest country. Geezors.
Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #288 on: 28 January 2008, 00:34:30 »

So far my day has started out pretty well. Rumor has it that a new Wing Commander game is in preproduction, possibly to be done by Bioware now that EA has them in their clutches. If this rumor is true, then I will be The Happiest Boy in All the Land. If not, then it's business as usual.

I'm now sitting here at work at the library. After work, I have to go home and do laundry because I seem to have run out of undershirts today.

Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #289 on: 28 January 2008, 00:59:54 »

I woke up around 6pm, I have no idea how I could have slept that long. I ordered a new PSone of the internet, and watched 2010: The year we make contact, a movie I've wanted to watch for a long time. Now that I've watched that it's got me in one of my moods to learn more about the 2012 prophecy.

Now I'm just sitting back and listening to some NIN.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #290 on: 28 January 2008, 01:09:15 »

2012 =/= prophecy. The Mayan calender is circular and 2012 is the next time it'll loop. The calendar has already looped several times, once in 200ish AD and again before that in 1600ish BC.

Anyway, today for me was BOREINF. I actually worked on MMMRPG a little bit, but man I'm tired of doing nothing. Played some Shin Megami Tensei though.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #291 on: 28 January 2008, 01:15:27 »

Hey, I know there's an Argentina in the U.S., but I'm pretty sure there's also a place called Argentina in Mexico, or somewhere in South America.

Oh my goodness.

today for me was BOREINF

In the future, that should be on purpose!

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #292 on: 28 January 2008, 01:23:15 »

2012 =/= prophecy. The Mayan calender is circular and 2012 is the next time it'll loop. The calendar has already looped several times, once in 200ish AD and again before that in 1600ish BC.

It's not just that I'm thinking about, it's other things, pole reversing and world events. That kind of stuff just peaks my interest.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #293 on: 28 January 2008, 01:33:05 »

today for me was BOREINF

In the future, that should be on purpose!

Believe it or not, that was intentional.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #294 on: 28 January 2008, 17:47:14 »

My day was OK, but tomorrow and Wednesday I'll be at a boring conference where the only fun will be LUNCH.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #295 on: 28 January 2008, 17:59:28 »

I have nothing to do today because theres no exams today. Or tomorrow. Wednesday, though. And then I have the entire week off.

Well, I do go to work in four hours... but that's about it.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #296 on: 29 January 2008, 00:04:57 »

Today I started second semester, thoroughly enjoyed my laid-back schedule, went to drumline practice, and then sat around in the drum room with the guys for about an hour discussing horrific and horribly painful ways to mutilate a #####.

Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #297 on: 29 January 2008, 08:26:30 »

I just got done talking with my boss from one of the jobs that I usually work when I'm home from college. Four Seasons (it's a produce factory in PA) had some layoffs last year, and it hit the shift that I work(ed) on really hard. Anyway, my boss had a meeting today with the higher-ups, and they informed her today that in a few weeks, third shift will be no more. Everyone will get moved to various jobs in the company on first and second shift.

I'm glad that everyone still has jobs in the company, but this feels wrong. My former boss will now be working first shift sanitation, making $9/hr. She deserves better than this, she really does.

For me, making money during the summer and winter months never really mattered, because no matter how little I made (summers I would make just over $5000, winter, close to $1000), my college loans would make up the rest. But these people actually depend on these jobs. Some of them have worked at the company for years, and now this is how they end up.

This is just #####ed up.

Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #298 on: 30 January 2008, 02:29:24 »

# of annoyingly sticky "A" keys that prompted me to remove some keyboard keys for inspection: 1
# of keys removed: 8
# of keys placed correctly back into position: 6
# of broken "A" keys that no longer fit into place: 1
# of broken "Caps Lock" keys that no longer fit into place: 1
# of recorded accidentally-typed letters during operation, actual number thanks to Microsoft Word's WordCount: 633
# of accidentally-opened "Help" or other windows during operation via F1 or other buttons: 9

Does the "A" key still stick, regardless of whether or not it is now just an exposed tiny nub that can be pushed in if my pinky manages to land on it?

Yes. It still sticks. The "Caps Lock" key works fine, by the way, regardless of also being an exposed nub button.

I hate my luck.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #299 on: 30 January 2008, 03:37:49 »

Today I found out my Semester Report had arrived at my house, and it was good. I was happy.
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