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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1694839 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1100 on: 21 May 2008, 03:02:43 »

I made a typo. The shcool song is "Don't Stop Believing," I just wrote the wrong song. I fixed it now.

So, that should answer your question.

OK Good.

Also 'cause I kinda like the song "Don't Stop Me Now".

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1101 on: 21 May 2008, 03:04:46 »

And yeah... it's a... nice school.

Holy #####ing son of a #####ing #####. That's a HUGE High School.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1102 on: 21 May 2008, 03:10:37 »

Mine's big too....

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1103 on: 21 May 2008, 03:16:26 »

Mine looks bigger on the outside than it really is. It's actually only one floor, there are SOME classrooms on the second story, but no more than 10.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1104 on: 21 May 2008, 03:22:18 »

but no more than 10.

See, now, our High School has 10 classrooms.

The entire High School.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1105 on: 21 May 2008, 03:23:32 »

Who's going to school tommorow?


Last day of school, was my day. Playing Mario Kart Wii nao.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1106 on: 21 May 2008, 03:26:42 »

Well, I'll be enjoying the start of my summer vacation while you stress out on the last few weeks of your summer vacation.

Plus, my summer vacation will include more summer.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1107 on: 21 May 2008, 03:27:02 »

but no more than 10.

See, now, our High School has 10 classrooms.

The entire High School.

...oh. Well, we've got more than 40, I'm sure.
Most high schools I've visited in the area are as big, or bigger, too. Never seen one much smaller.

Two more days of school for me. Can't wait. Then prom, and graduation, etc.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1108 on: 21 May 2008, 03:30:15 »

We have nearly 1000 students in our school right now, not including the 500 in the vocational building attached to the south.
Total of about 30 on the second floor, and maybe 35 on the first, not including the band, and chorus rooms and gym.
We have a food court, not a cafeteria.
Almost 2 years old it is.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1109 on: 21 May 2008, 03:31:12 »

Never seen one much smaller.

Welcome to our town's High School. Number of students? Around 100.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1110 on: 21 May 2008, 03:34:47 »

Well, for the record, I went to a private military school in Indiana for Freshman and Sophomore year with only 90 kids.

And I wasn't saying that I didn't BELIEVE there were smaller public high schools, it's just that every one I've seen has been huge.

There actually were a handful of small ones I saw while on sports teams at military school, though.

I wasn't counting private ones.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1111 on: 21 May 2008, 03:37:24 »

Maine's Islesboro high school is on the island of Islesboro.
Enrollment of about 60 kids.
Class D in sports.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1112 on: 21 May 2008, 03:51:06 »

Who's going to school tommorow?


Last day of school, was my day. Playing Mario Kart Wii nao.

Who's going to school tomorrow?

I'M NOT EITHER. ...actually I'm not sure why we don't have school. Maybe because of Senior Graduation? Don't care though.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1113 on: 21 May 2008, 03:55:16 »

I have to go 'till Friday.
Finals next week unless seniors have above an 85 for the quarter in the class.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1114 on: 21 May 2008, 03:58:14 »

And I wasn't saying that I didn't BELIEVE there were smaller public high schools, it's just that every one I've seen has been huge.

I know, I was just saying how small public High Schools can be.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #1115 on: 21 May 2008, 04:20:39 »

Y'all suck. BC stays in school until June 13.
Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1116 on: 21 May 2008, 07:22:19 »

My day was okay, thanks for asking.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #1117 on: 21 May 2008, 17:52:40 »


I added that to my iPod just yesterday.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1118 on: 21 May 2008, 22:49:07 »

A singer in a smoking room,
the smell of wine and cheap perfume.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1119 on: 22 May 2008, 00:07:26 »

Some punk took the word "DON'T" off the stop sign because he's pissed and claims he thought of the idea first.
It's even dumber because he's another senior, and as a senior prank, it's supposed to represent everyone. I've never met the kid in my life, this is the first I've heard of him. He added me on Facebook and cussed me out and all that jazz, I just find it hilarious that there are people like him.
His name's Dion. Tomorrow I'm changing it to "DION STOP BELIEVING."

Before and after:

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1120 on: 22 May 2008, 00:13:33 »

Or you can change it to:

being a douche
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1121 on: 22 May 2008, 00:17:48 »

Haha, nice. I don't really care at all, he's the one who ruined it. It's no longer my responsibility.

Everyone was talking about it today, everyone already saw it, so whatever. I'm the only who's taken action so far. The only other prank I know of is more of a big thing everyone's doing: bringing in home-made brownies and selling them all day tomorrow... to make fun of that Cedar Point hash-brownies incident I told you guys about.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1122 on: 22 May 2008, 01:20:53 »

Ha! What're they gonna do when they see you selling them? Confiscate them and bring them to the teachers lounge for "testing" or something?

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1123 on: 22 May 2008, 02:08:07 »

The catch is, they really can't do anything at all but it's still going to piss off the staff a LOT.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1124 on: 22 May 2008, 02:21:55 »

It's also good that you're seniors, they can't suspend you or anything.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1125 on: 22 May 2008, 02:35:03 »

Be careful if you have any. Some jackass may actually sell hash brownies instead of regular ones.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1126 on: 22 May 2008, 03:03:47 »

How will they find out who it is though? ;P

They'd probably eat so many brownies from different people they wouldn't notice who it was.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1127 on: 22 May 2008, 03:41:39 »

Everyone I know of that is participating won't pull a jackass move like that. However, there's still that chance, and they'd just be getting themselves into serious legal trouble if that's the case. There won't be any mercy if it happens again.

It's also good that you're seniors, they can't suspend you or anything.

Yes, but they can prevent us from walking across the stage and recieving our diploma.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1128 on: 22 May 2008, 03:53:16 »

Yes, but they can prevent us from walking across the stage and recieving our diploma.

Then run.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1129 on: 22 May 2008, 03:54:56 »

That only solves half of the problem.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1130 on: 22 May 2008, 04:23:38 »

Be careful if you have any. Some jackass may actually sell hash brownies instead of regular ones.

Some jackass named Dion.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1131 on: 23 May 2008, 01:24:32 »


This is wonderful. I had the greatest last day ever.
I didn't bring anything to school except my scooter, and I literally rode it around for the entire day. You have no idea how fun it is to speed through crowded hallways weaving in and out while everyone is just like "Holy #####, he's riding a scooter."
I mastered the scoot-and-high-five, and it was pretty much just 100% awesome all day.
My teachers were all cool with it and laughed.

At the end of the day, all the seniors left 15 minutes early and we all went to the smaller parking lot where the "DON'T STOP BELIEVING" stop sign is, and we all stood around it and cheered and honked horns and threw papers and everything.
Some other kids fixed the stop sign and put "DON'T" back on. One of the school security guards walked up and asked what we were doing with the sign. He saw it and laughed and said go ahead and finish it. More awesome.
It was crazy. Crazy awesome.

I'm done.

I'm so lost now.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #1132 on: 23 May 2008, 01:30:22 »

Wander the country aimlessly for a few weeks, you'll find yourself.
That's what I plan on doing after I graduate.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #1133 on: 23 May 2008, 02:00:50 »


This is wonderful.

Go out, Get a job, Be miserable again.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1134 on: 23 May 2008, 02:55:48 »

My freshman year, they just pegged everyone with Water Baloons.

Some had ketchup in them.
Others had mustard.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1135 on: 23 May 2008, 03:02:36 »

Tomorrow's my last day of school for... Junior year. Damn. Oh well. I can't wait to be free finally.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1136 on: 23 May 2008, 03:16:55 »

Last regular day for me tomorrow, finals next week, (I might have 1) and marching practice all the week after.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1137 on: 23 May 2008, 03:55:21 »


You guys suck.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1138 on: 23 May 2008, 04:17:01 »

I've been free of school already. Life is boring so far. Just Mario Kart, graduation stuff, college forms, and work.

Thinking about going job hunting.

Today was mediocre.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #1139 on: 24 May 2008, 02:02:59 »

I can't wait to be free finally.

It's a lie. A LIE!

Just wait and see, you'll be working at wal-mart or something and be all like... "I miss high school"
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1140 on: 24 May 2008, 02:15:35 »

My day were spectacular.
Track meet this afternoon, new personal season records in all my events.
139'7" in Javelin (my favorite)
121'3" in Discus (not as good as last year, but not bad).
41'7.5" in Shot Put (Not as good as indoor and did way better in practice this week).

Not a bad day.
There were 10 varsity teams there.
Long meet. Over 500 athletes.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1141 on: 24 May 2008, 02:16:54 »

I can't wait to be free finally.

It's a lie. A LIE!

Just wait and see, you'll be working at wal-mart or something and be all like... "I miss high school"

I'm not done with High School yet though. So wait for about a year to say that so I can remember.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1142 on: 24 May 2008, 04:14:17 »

Tomorrow I'm going to Cedar Point all day.

Will be fun.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1143 on: 24 May 2008, 04:29:28 »

Tommorow, I'm GRADUATING.

And partying at Daytona Lagoon.

Today: Sucked. Parents bitched for the hell of it while my friend was over. Nothing new.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1144 on: 24 May 2008, 04:40:18 »

Wander the country aimlessly for a few weeks, you'll find yourself.
That's what I plan on doing after I graduate.

Good luck with the whole "finding yourself after high school" garbage.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1145 on: 24 May 2008, 04:46:15 »

I found myself once. It was more a matter of realizing I had nothing to lose and then deciding to live life as it happens and to not think too much.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1146 on: 24 May 2008, 04:47:09 »

Please. Few people have the grapes to figure out their lives completely before they're thirty.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #1147 on: 24 May 2008, 07:08:09 »

Man, today was great.
Around 5PM I went over to Cabby's house. We hung out for a little bit. Then we called up Irradiated and went over to his house. So once Irradiated finally ran out of things to stall our departure with we started walking around. So yeah, we walked over to a Sonic, we decided we didn't want any Sonic so we left. We walked over to a random comic book store. We looked at stuff. We left. We walked past a dead baby bird. Then we went into a pawn shop. We looked at stuff. We left. We went to Pokey Joe's. We got like a pound of sausage and some pudding, they even threw in a free loaf of bread. So we sat down and started eating, Irradiated didn't eat anything 'cause for some reason he's become a vagatarian. Anyway, his sister was randomly outside. So he went outside... Then he faded out of sight. I suddenly felt abandoned, so me and Cabby just sat around eating, and I commented on how soft ball is sexist, women should have to play baseball just like everyone else, jeeze. So, Irradiated actually came back, then we all piled into the back of his mom's car and rode around to everybodies house getting money, pants, and my fancy suit jacket that I like to wear sometimes for no apparent reason. So anyway, we went to a place called Main Event, it's some place that has like an arcade, a bowling alley, a rock wall, pool tables, and alcoholic beverages and stuff. In the beginning Irradiated was a tad too self-concious and was sluggish to go in, he was afraid that Main Event was completely motivated towards children. So, we had to wait to see a few people older than us walk in without any children. So we finally went in, and then I remembered why Arcades are dying. Paying money to play games is no fun. Yeah, so we stayed for a few hours playing mainly DDR and a few other random games. So yeah, I called my mom to get a ride and then we waited outside. Yeah, we waited. There we were minding our own business, then this dirty, busted truck pulls up. Some white supremacist looking guys wearing wife beater muscle shirts and douchey looking cowboy hats got out. There were four of them, all looking like they were anywhere from 24 or so to 30. They were all bigger than us and whatever, but it seems they all lacked any balls whatsoever. Anyway, when they walked by one of them said "Now you fags don't be too gay tonight." I was surprised to say the least. We were complete strangers who'd done nothing to him and he would just randomly say that? He'd insulted me and my friends, that's unfor-#####ing-givable. So after they had walked a few feet away I yelled to them that they were fags. Yeah... I normally wouldn't call 'em just fags or something, if I had time I probably come up with something better. Anyway, after having such a good time with my friends I wasn't going to let this sin go unpunished. So, I went up to their truck and spat loogies onto all of the door handles. Then I found Cabby had a sharpie marker with him, so I borrowed it from him and drew dicks all over the windows and side mirrors. I was quite content, but we thought it best that we relocate just encase any of those douche bags came back. While we were walking away I called my mom a few times telling her that she needed to hurry and come pick us up. I was really nervous, because she kept saying she couldn't find the place. So yeah, I was just a tad nervous, then I saw a drink cup sitting on a parking bumper. It had its lid on and everything, it looked perfectly fine. So, I picked it up and ran all the way back to the truck. I was in luck, stupid people often leave their windows rolled down. So taking advantage of the situation I dumped whatever liquid it was into the inside of the truck. Then I ran back to where Cabby and Irradiated were. My mom finally found the place and picked us up. It was around 10PM, so we went to Irradiated's house and played Rock Band for awhile. Then we watched some TV and some Youtube Poop. Then Irradiated let like all of his dogs into the house... They were like 6 huskies, all from the same litter, they all looked slightly different, but the amazing thing was the difference in their personalities. I mean, the only one I can really remember was Jack, he was silly, he'd get frightened easily and run away if you tried and get close to pet him. Then later he came up to try and sniff me or lick me or something, then I tried to pet him and he ran away. There was another dog, he was the only gray one, all the others were black, he liked to jump on people and stuff, he also randomly started howling, it was funny. Then there was one girl, she jumped up on the couch and laid down on me, then all the others randomly jumped on me, there really is such a thing as a dog pile I guess. So yeah, eventually it was like 12PM and Irradiated's mom and sister came home, so I guessed it was the proper time to leave. Also my mom was waiting outside, so yeah, we drove Cabby home... Then I got home and typed up all of this.
The moral of the story is; friends are awesome.
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #1148 on: 24 May 2008, 11:25:05 »

Yesterday I fell down the stairs, then had to go to some gig that I couldn't be bothered with, which I was supposed to be going to with a few friends, but somehow I ended up going with a girl that I adore who couldn't care less if I was hit by an asteroid.


I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1149 on: 24 May 2008, 12:49:08 »

Falling down stairs kind of sucks...

I did it the other day playing 4Square on a porch.

Sano, if you want anybody to read that, please make paragraphs.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
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