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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1694969 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1800 on: 21 July 2008, 20:24:42 »

Back from my grad trip. We had tons of fun.

Highlights were tubing off the back of a 37 foot yacht, the most epic game of Jenga EVER, and scaling an enormous cliff while the fat kid waits at the bottom.

Posted on: 21 July 2008, 20:20:24

Also, things with me, my "ex" (we're not even calling it that), and one of my friends were really #####ed up right before the trip so even though that same friend was with me, it helped me to take my mind off everything and let things cool down.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1801 on: 22 July 2008, 00:25:45 »

Is it sad that I spent all day in front of the computer, writing up a walkthrough that's 15,000 words long for GameFAQs, and it's not even close to be done?

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1802 on: 22 July 2008, 00:38:20 »

So very sad.

Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #1803 on: 22 July 2008, 00:52:25 »

It depends. On what game?
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1804 on: 22 July 2008, 01:03:49 »

It doesn't depend on what game, seeing as it's for GameFAQs anyway.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1805 on: 22 July 2008, 01:05:56 »

Maybe it does. What if it was Tetris? Even then.. 15,000 words....yeeesh

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1806 on: 22 July 2008, 01:10:58 »

GameFAQs anyway.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1807 on: 22 July 2008, 05:52:32 »

Man. What a day.

Aside from school, I went to work and heard that two people are quitting and someone was fired. Two girls decided to deliberately screw over the manager last night and clock-in late. She suspended them and told them to go home. They started to verbally fight over it so another manager took them back, telling them to calm down and stop disturbing customers. At that time, there was a yell, and the manager rushed back to the front and looked into drive-through. A guy I work with ran over and nailed the girl running the drive-through register in the nose. Even after that, the two girls still argued over their suspension. Sounded like one hell of a Sunday night.

I was talking to NovaMan on AIM a couple of hours back. He told me to get the first three Phoenix Wright games before I get Apollo and I said "I can't find the 2nd game anywhere, or Mega Man Legends 2". I mentioned that my brother might be getting it for my birthday through eBay, but I honestly wouldn't know.

A few minutes later, I pick up the phone and it's my brother saying "I GOT IT!"

He won a $34 bid, and is winning another one. Unless someone outbids him on the second one, I might be getting two copies of Legends 2.

I can't wait to play it.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1808 on: 22 July 2008, 05:58:50 »

Haha, I was talking with him in AIM when it happened.

[21:47] ChaosvortexDS: Hold on
[21:47] ChaosvortexDS: Phone
[21:47] NovaManXP: k
[21:48] ChaosvortexDS: !!!!
[21:48] ChaosvortexDS: ITS MY BRO
[21:48] ChaosvortexDS: HE JUST SAID
[21:48] ChaosvortexDS: "I GOT IT!"
[21:48] NovaManXP: Seriously?
[21:48] ChaosvortexDS: YES
[21:48] ChaosvortexDS: HE GOT MML3
[21:48] NovaManXP: Sweet.
[21:48] NovaManXP: ...
[21:48] ChaosvortexDS: MML2
[21:48] NovaManXP: WUT
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1809 on: 22 July 2008, 05:59:47 »


Oh yeah, and the whole co-worker punch incident was all over some dumb cheeseburger without onions or tomatoes. All she asked was to check if the order was correct.

The guy was a jackass anyway.


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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1810 on: 22 July 2008, 06:11:41 »

I find it weird that I played MegaMan Legends 2 before most people on this site.

Waaaaay before.

Oh, and that game is Dragon Quest IV for the DS. A 30 hour RPG.

Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #1811 on: 22 July 2008, 15:21:38 »

I woke up decent. Then I came across two delightful articles (one titled Why Women Aren't Funny, the other There's Never Been A Great Woman Artist), and now I'm gnashing my teeth in a berserker rage.


Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #1812 on: 22 July 2008, 15:27:11 »

Nag nag nag nag! >:[
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1813 on: 22 July 2008, 15:41:30 »

I woke up decent. Then I came across two delightful articles (one titled Why Women Aren't Funny, the other There's Never Been A Great Woman Artist), and now I'm gnashing my teeth in a berserker rage.


I want to read these.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1814 on: 22 July 2008, 15:44:54 »

I bet theres a "women belong in the kitchen" line somewhere in one of those.

Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #1815 on: 22 July 2008, 15:49:23 »

Here's the comedy one and here's the artist one.

WIND is pretty much spot-on.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1816 on: 22 July 2008, 15:53:28 »

Both of these writers have never been laid in their life. Except by maybe their hand.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1817 on: 22 July 2008, 16:39:28 »

The first one has, more than likely. Not an important thing considering what's required to do it.

The second article didn't seem so bad at first, but then it dumps a couple of extremely sexist comments and tries to smooth it over in the last paragraph or so. I'm curious to know what art is being looked over to buy a goddamn picture of a Campbell soup can.
Aesthetic finery my ass.

The first one is consistently sexist; not hard to see why it would havefend.
There ARE some valid points made here and there, but there are a lot of counterpoints that are either glazed over with false respect or left out entirely.
I have noticed that some women won't laugh at the things men do (not surprising), but I've never met one who hasn't cracked a joke that made me laugh.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1818 on: 22 July 2008, 23:07:38 »

The guy was a jackass anyway.

WELL NO #####! He #####ing hit a woman. I'd kick his ass myself but it seems I'm gonna have to be charging you with that responsibility.

Is it still Wendy's you work at? Yeah, of course it is. I'd know that old fashioned drama anywhere.


Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1819 on: 23 July 2008, 04:20:43 »

Well, I didn't think he'd be low enough to do a dumb act like that, but he did have a history of a bad attitude. He also was self-centered, putting me and others below him, trying to make him look better.

He'd clock into work nearly two hours late and would have the nerve to say I'm lazy and I don't do anything.

I laughed when he said, "I hate all ya asses."

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1820 on: 23 July 2008, 16:30:17 »

Ye gods, the internet is boring at eight thirty in the morning.

Even more so at seven thirty. >_>

I don't want to work today. Fatigue is starting to catch up to me after almost a week of little-to-no sleep per night.

This paycheque will not cover my rent. Ray's first cheque will not be in time for rent.

God damn.

*twitch twitch*


Oh, hey. The birds outside finally woke up.


That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1821 on: 23 July 2008, 16:44:10 »

I hate the spelling "cheque". I know it's supposedly more proper since it's derived from French, but it's still a bastardization of the actual word (which is Arabic).

That and it's not phonetically sensible, and if there's one thing I'd LOVE to do to the English language, it's make it phonetically spelled 100% of the time.
I suppose its a forlorn hope, since nobody else cares about simplicity.

Today is a day that is no different from any other day for me.
I have a boring life, at least until I get a job. I did send out my resume to Bethesda Softworks, though. More than likely I won't hear back from them.
Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1822 on: 23 July 2008, 17:49:55 »

>_> I had to practice to learn how to spell it like that years ago, and it kind of stuck.

That, and it reminds me of my uncle, who at one point spelled his name Marque.

I'm also fond of ridiculous spellings.

Ugh. That nap did nothing. =_=

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1823 on: 23 July 2008, 23:30:06 »

I like a little complexity in the language. But there are words that the spelling of which just weird me out. As I've said before, "phoenix" is a big one.

Anyway I didn't get paid today because the payroll department is full people that do anything BUT the shred of a job they have. I might have to wait until tomorrow or next week or next PAYDAY. Argh.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1824 on: 24 July 2008, 00:56:32 »

Today, I helped my uncle and my cousins move stuff out of their soaked, half-burned ruined house.

Nobody was hurt, and only the rooftop crashed down, but the most annoying thing is, they didn't even start the fire.

The house is connected right beside another house, like, wall connected. The guy in the other house turned on the oven to cook something, and went in the shower while it cooked.

Somehow, he didn't think that food bursts into flames when it absorbs enough heat.

So... that guy's house is completely scorched, and my cousins and my uncle had to suffer from someone else's stupidity.

A lot of their things are soaked, my male cousin's room is ruined, the whole upstairs is pretty ruined too, and it looks like its going to collapse downstairs. It's pretty horrible.

My uncle and cousins are forced to live with my grandma right now... the house may have to be completely taken down, too, and the insurance is only going to handle half of the repairs.

Argh, sorry for ranting on. I'm a little pissed off myself right now because of the whole thing... imagine what they're feeling.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #1825 on: 24 July 2008, 01:09:05 »

I'm working matinence at dairy queen, and when I'm done with that, I do cooking.

The head cook is very, very, very prideful of his speed. The counter people are very pushy.

I am in training... In fact I finished my third day today. Also, apperntly I'm privileged enough to only get HALF the time to train, whereas most get 2wks, I only get one.

It's very... Tough, But the person who referenced me in gets to work with me tomorrow, so I can actually get the type of training I need rather than the type where the trainer tells me to speed up where I'm trying to learn what's on the god damned burgers.

My day was tough.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1826 on: 24 July 2008, 01:12:35 »

I've been there, it'll pick up in no time.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #1827 on: 24 July 2008, 01:14:23 »

I have flash cards for the sandwiches and how they are made... so one foot after another I guess.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #1828 on: 24 July 2008, 01:24:20 »

Unless you use both your hands AND your feet. Then it starts to get complicated when you have more than two each.

I did nothing today AGAIN.  But this Saturday I get to sing 50's doo-wop a cappella for an art festival in town.  Yep, that's my job for anyone who doesn't know.  I sing a cappella music for a local group.  My job kicks ass. How's yours?

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1829 on: 24 July 2008, 01:25:24 »

Dairy Queen is meant for ICE CREAM ONLY.


Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #1830 on: 24 July 2008, 01:33:29 »

"Hi, I'd like a cheesebur-"


Now THAT would be funny to see.

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1831 on: 24 July 2008, 01:46:46 »

I thought Dairy Queen was just an ice cream shop until when I was seven, I saw a Dairy Queen commercial.


"... Hot eats!?"

I still think it's wrong to order a burger or hot dog there.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1832 on: 24 July 2008, 01:49:41 »

It is.

How's yours?

They both kick ass, thanks.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #1833 on: 24 July 2008, 01:50:44 »

The word noticed first being "both."

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1834 on: 24 July 2008, 01:58:29 »

Like, I go to Dairy Queen at LEAST once a week, usually more. It's one of my favorite things in the world.

That new Thin Mint Blizzard? With the Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies? Oh gawd. The most delicious ice cream I've ever had.

My point is that Dairy Queen has been in integral part of my happiness for my entire life, and never once have I ordered actual FOOD there (ice cream is MORE than food, for the record, it's above food).

It just seems... wrong.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #1835 on: 24 July 2008, 02:06:37 »

I LOVE those thin mint cookies. THOSE were the integral part of my happiness during my childhood.  Good God, I would sit down and eat an entire box while I watched TV whenever my mom got them.  They are simply the tip of cookie perfection.

All the other Girl Scout cookies my mom bought were usually left alone in the cupboard.

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1836 on: 24 July 2008, 02:21:10 »

Thin Mints were indeed cookie perfection. I also sort of liked those peanut butter ones but I'd never really get them because I preferred Thin Mints. Not that the peanut butter ones were bad, just that Thin Mints trumped them and every other cookie in every way.

Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1837 on: 24 July 2008, 03:43:59 »

I sold them during my childhood.


It was easier in my earlier childhood. My teen years didn't sell cookies as well as my elementary years.

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1838 on: 24 July 2008, 03:55:35 »

Frankly, I wouldn't buy anything from a teenager except their youth and apparently infinite confidence.

The word noticed first being "both."

Yes. I have two. And both are wicked in different ways.

As for DQ, I like Dilly Bars. I'm not saying I don't like anything else, I just never get anything else because they're SO good.

I would sit down and eat an entire box while I watched TV whenever my mom got them.


Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1839 on: 24 July 2008, 03:57:55 »

As sacrilegious and conflict-of-interest-y as it seems for me to say this, DQ's food is better than McD's.

It's just not a chicken strips meal without gravy and buttered toast. D:

That's nice, dear.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #1840 on: 24 July 2008, 04:00:43 »


I'm better than my sister who, when she was younger, grabbed the bag of sugar and a spoon, sat down and watched Sesame Street.

She then grew up to marry at 19 and divorce at 20 after she cheated on her husband and now lives in Texas with nothing but a couple pots and pans and I think a bed.

Now what's the moral to this story, kids?

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1841 on: 24 July 2008, 04:01:49 »

Don't get married at 19 unless you're emotionally mature and ready.

(also, I'm assuming that there were no religious or other viable reasons for so young a marriage.)

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1842 on: 24 July 2008, 04:02:30 »

XJ ruined a cute image with a crap image.


Also, there are very FEW people who are 19 are mature or ready enough to get married at 19, emotionally and in other ways.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1843 on: 24 July 2008, 04:02:58 »

Now what's the moral to this story, kids?

Always use Splenda?

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1844 on: 24 July 2008, 04:04:16 »

I used to eat live bugs on the playground.

Mostly ants.

I'd swallow them whole. >_>

Then, there was that fireant...

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1845 on: 24 July 2008, 04:05:02 »

If she had used Splenda, everything would be different!

Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1846 on: 24 July 2008, 04:06:00 »

Sweetener has been scientifically proven to cause the same behavioral effects as sugar.

Plus, Splenda is made from sugar.

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1847 on: 24 July 2008, 04:07:41 »

Trust me on this one! Splenda would've changed everything!

Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #1848 on: 24 July 2008, 04:08:40 »


Speaking of Sesame Street, I was told that I could never understand the show when I was little. My mom would say, "Look, it's Big Bird!"

I would promptly say, "Yeah, Mommy, it IS a big bird!"

I was a genius in my youth.

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1849 on: 24 July 2008, 04:10:24 »

I love how much that sounds like you were patronizing your mother.

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