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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1727230 times)
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #3000 on: 10 November 2008, 13:52:23 »

I'm probably going to learn about Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games today!

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3001 on: 10 November 2008, 18:27:10 »


Big thanks to John for helping me get this uploaded to Youtube 30 minutes before it was due in class.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3002 on: 10 November 2008, 19:07:55 »

I lol'd

"I have a fever, and the only cure is ##### me!"

That was awesome Alec, favoritin' that #####.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #3003 on: 10 November 2008, 19:35:08 »


Big thanks to John for helping me get this uploaded to Youtube 30 minutes before it was due in class.

No problem, I got to watch it first :)

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3004 on: 10 November 2008, 20:33:03 »

Just got back from class.

They #####in' LOVED it. Teacher did, too.

"I'm going to get fired," she says. That's how much she loved it.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #3005 on: 10 November 2008, 21:22:47 »

"We're sorry, this video is no longer available"


Wait, what the #####, it worked now when I clicked normal quality. ...okay...
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #3006 on: 10 November 2008, 21:47:41 »

Same thing happened to me Nova.

Good to hear it Alec!

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3007 on: 10 November 2008, 21:55:07 »

That even happened to me once! Scared me, too! After all the trouble I went through to get it uploaded.

But then it worked again so all is well.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3008 on: 11 November 2008, 02:04:50 »

I was supposed to party harder than I did this weekend, but I did end up going to one of the things that were supposed to go down, also got some stuff done.

Today at work I ended up playing Cave Story from the time my boss left to the time I had to leave. It was mostly an accident because a coworker was interested in it when he saw it and was watching me play it, so I couldn't really just go back to work. Was weird. But tomorrow is a government day off, so that'll be nice. Gonna play Spidey and MegaMan all #####in' day. Except I have dentistry early, BLEHZ.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3009 on: 11 November 2008, 03:24:01 »

They tried to fix the fluoride taste by making it bubble gum flavored where I go.. but that only makes it taste more awful..

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3010 on: 11 November 2008, 03:28:04 »

Since I'm a grown man they don't put flavour crap on my teeth or anything and I don't need it...

It's just a checkup/cleaning thing anyway.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3011 on: 11 November 2008, 03:32:06 »

They give it to everyone, and it really sucks too, I can't eat for an hour after gargling that ##### up, and I just feel like sinking my teeth into a burger or something after getting a cleaning. Just to get that ##### feeling off my teeth..

Making poop taste bubble gum flavored doesn't make it any less poop..

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3012 on: 11 November 2008, 03:37:29 »

My teeth always feel and taste really great, and then they decide to do the buffing or whatever which makes them not feel or taste so great.

I definitely don't want to eat anything ever again after it, though, because they look so fiiiiiiiiine.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #3013 on: 11 November 2008, 03:41:47 »

Dentist appointments are nothing on me. Sometimes it stings a bit, but whatever. Pain is life. And as soon as it's over I'm always feeling fine.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3014 on: 11 November 2008, 03:47:18 »

It doesn't even hurt, its a bit of a scratch here on the gums or whatever, big whoop. Only thing that ticks me off is the screeching sound and the taste of bubble gum bull##### in my mouth.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #3015 on: 11 November 2008, 04:39:45 »

I'm watching this report on Daily Planet that is talking about T Cells and how it can cure HIV and Cancer.

WE'RE #####ED

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #3016 on: 11 November 2008, 05:09:57 »

OH #####.

Anyways, at my dentist's place, they scrape the teeth, check for damage to them, then slap on the fluoride.

We have 4 options, strawberry (ew), Bubble gum (gag), Mint (acceptable), and grape (tastes like grape soda, so duh).
My teeth are always awesome anyways though, but I forgot to buy whitening toothpaste here at college, so they have yellowed a tad while still being really healthy.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3017 on: 11 November 2008, 05:36:20 »

My teeth have always been pearly, so I see no reason why my parents tell me to go to the dentist..

"It's free, so get to it!"

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3018 on: 11 November 2008, 06:01:57 »

It's not about they look, smartsoid. The parts of the teeth you can't see have the most problems, obviously, everyone should go to the dentist no matter how white their teeth are unless they have dentures.

And teeth, at they're whitest, are a light light blue. And there's no way you can achieve that if you've ever had anything in your mouth ever. So there!

Dentist appointments are nothing on me. Sometimes it stings a bit, but whatever. Pain is life. And as soon as it's over I'm always feeling fine.

I think it's like for everyone, bud. Or at least everyone without a bad tooth and gum disease.

Anyhoo, I didn't want it to sound like I didn't want to go to the dentist. I don't give a crap about that, I want my teeth to stay as great as they are. I just don't want to have to do it early in the morning.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3019 on: 11 November 2008, 15:38:31 »

Oh boy.

I saw a flyer for an Open Mic Night on campus.

And I feel like I have enough stand-up material to go on stage for about 3-5 minutes.

I've also heard that my school's Campus Acitivity Board hosts something called Last Bronco Standing, which is like our own version of Last Comic Standing. And I really want to do that. Which means I should probably have at least a LITTLE bit of practice first.

So, I might give it a try. It's in two nights.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #3020 on: 11 November 2008, 16:12:56 »

We have an open mic night once or twice a month.

They tend to be pretty weak.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3021 on: 11 November 2008, 17:08:15 »

That's 'cuz I'm not there.

von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #3022 on: 11 November 2008, 17:13:46 »

Then it would be super weak.

Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #3023 on: 11 November 2008, 21:18:23 »

I'm watching this report on Daily Planet that is talking about T Cells and how it can cure HIV and Cancer.

WE'RE #####ED

Hey, I wonder if it can bring back the dead too?
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3024 on: 11 November 2008, 21:41:26 »

I'm watching this report on Daily Planet that is talking about T Cells and how it can cure HIV and Cancer.

WE'RE #####ED

Yeah, but do they know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3025 on: 11 November 2008, 22:10:01 »

Yes. But do they see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3026 on: 11 November 2008, 22:30:26 »

Because it's one of the few cereals that don't taste like crap when they sit in the milk for a while. Duh.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3027 on: 11 November 2008, 22:44:35 »

No silly, it's because there's cinnamon swirls in every bite!

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3028 on: 11 November 2008, 22:45:38 »


Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3029 on: 11 November 2008, 22:46:53 »

Uhm... Er...

Cinnamon Toast Crunch! The taste you can SEE!

von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #3030 on: 11 November 2008, 22:47:29 »

Why do they call them Apple Jacks when they don't taste like apple?

Mmm... Apple Jacks...

Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3031 on: 11 November 2008, 22:48:40 »

Haven't you seen the commercial with the rotten apple and the Jamaican cinnamon stick?

von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #3032 on: 11 November 2008, 23:00:54 »


You're no longer allowed to speak.

Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3033 on: 11 November 2008, 23:03:03 »

Thank goodness I can still type then!

von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #3034 on: 11 November 2008, 23:07:22 »


Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3035 on: 11 November 2008, 23:08:31 »



Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3036 on: 11 November 2008, 23:17:22 »

I MY #####

Cruncheroo's, anybody remember that? Anybody? Maaaaan, they were awesome!

von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #3037 on: 11 November 2008, 23:20:23 »

Just got a phone call that ruined my day.

I used to play in a band with a few old-time friends of mine. After last year, we haven't kept in touch because he ended up moving away. We were great friends, and he was like a brother to me. One of the greatest amateur guitar players I've ever met. From what I heard, he was submitted to the hospital about a month ago for a sickness he had for a few awkward months. He was diagnosed with leukemia, and ended up passing away on Friday morning. I feel so dead right about now.

Anyway, I was told from his mother (the one that called me) that his viewing followed by his funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. I will be attending...

He was such a great guy for a friendship that lasted for 8-9 years.

Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3038 on: 11 November 2008, 23:22:20 »

Wow, sorry for your loss TLO.. all the best to you man..

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3039 on: 11 November 2008, 23:51:00 »

Yeah, buddy. That's gotta' be a tough blow. We've gotcho' back.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3040 on: 12 November 2008, 02:31:33 »

That's awful, man. I don't know what else to say really.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #3041 on: 12 November 2008, 03:10:45 »

By the second sentence... I knew where it was going. I was saying, "Oh no..."

I'm sorry TLO.

[ N ][ M ][ C ]
[ S ][ - ][ E ]
[ J ][ V ][ W ]

Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #3042 on: 12 November 2008, 18:50:43 »

Saw The Shining last night. Surprisingly, it's the first time I've ever seen it. Wonderful movie, reminded me how great an actor Nicholson is, now I need to go find myself a copy of the novel.

In a totally unrelated coincidence (because I was watching the movie I had to put off my contribution to my November novel until around 11, then I did three hours of work on it), I only got four hours of sleep last night and now my body is doing weird ##### against my will, like trying to fall asleep.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #3043 on: 12 November 2008, 19:02:45 »

My girlfriend is also doing that NaNoWriMo thinger.

How many words in are you?

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3044 on: 12 November 2008, 19:03:58 »

Last night I found out that the Open Mic Night lineup was already filled so I won't be trying my hand at stand-up this Thursday.

Oh well. But damn.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #3045 on: 12 November 2008, 21:32:08 »

Almost halfway. My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks so I promised myself I would hit 50,000 by then (regardless of whether I've actually finished the story or not) and have been pacing myself accordingly.

It's going surprisingly smoothly, which is why I've been able to keep up on the internet as well as in school while still balancing this humongous project in between the two.
von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #3046 on: 12 November 2008, 22:13:51 »

Just returned home from the funeral. Depressing day-- Well, that's the jist of any interment.

There were a good 50+ people there, including family members. When the pastor gave the floor to anybody that wanted to speak, I went up (fourth person to go up) and said what I had to say between cracks in my voice and constant emotions. His mother went up and tried to give a few words, but ending up falling into cardiac arrest and collapsed. The ambulance had to come and take her.

After the Lord's Prayer, people signed a balloon and let it go into the air. I had to write something, since I never had the time to say it to him:

It's been a good while since we last hung out.
We still need to finish writing those songs we were working on!
I'll be looking forward to seeing you in Heaven.
Take care. We love you.
Your bro,

... I hate not having a partner in crime.

Nicholas "Rednick" B. Conklin
April 26, 1986 - November 7, 2008


Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3047 on: 12 November 2008, 22:37:28 »

Yesterday. The dentist. Forgot about newer frigid dental assistan, who is not new really. But don't go to dentist for check-up more than 3 times a year.

She decided to use a machine, previously unseen or heard of before, when cleaning teeth. She wanted to make me bleed, where a check up shouldn't be so painful. Certain now that she reveled in it. Immediately postulated that she might, in fact, be the devil. Reconsidered that later. Devil shows more emotion.

However, afterwards was different. Changed. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night.

... Really though it was fine, but that woman is some kind of sadist (with newer magazines) or something, as that was really not necessary. Perhaps she was trying to speed it up, since I felt the whole appointment went remarkably fast.

Point is, my teeth are completely great.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #3048 on: 12 November 2008, 23:08:46 »

Quiet, Rorschakero.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #3049 on: 13 November 2008, 03:10:19 »

No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise.

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