Super Robot
Posts: 11986
« Reply #3500 on: 31 December 2008, 06:07:13 » |
Yeah. OK. The inherent difference here is that I'm not mad at my drawings, I'm just not feeling it. Like, that drive. That thing you tap into. Creation energy? That sounds very gay. But it's got something to do with passion or similar. I need a paradigm shift. ... Cosmic. It's a bit more complex than that.
So are "cartoons" (graphic art). Hah actually, that's why I said "or something".
Super Robot
Posts: 6811
« Reply #3506 on: 31 December 2008, 06:19:42 » |
I can see my stuff getting better, there's just not the same umph pow high school passion.
This is isn't really related but the thought just hit me that the art I used to do in high school was very much like teen sex. Loud, fast, bad, and a lot.
Both of you guysssssssssss.
Here, take some of my happy.
heh. That make me chuckle. Which pisses me off because I was depressed a few minutes ago. yeah. #####. Posted on: December 31, 2008, 01:18:20 AM
When I was younger, everyone thought I was such an amazing artist, like all the parents and teachers were always so impressed.
And it's because I drew a lot as a kid.
But now that's I'm 18 and I don't draw as much or as seriously as I'd like, my drawings are actually very terrible in comparison to everything other artists and cartoonists my age are doing.
Though I know I'm perfectly CAPABLE of bringing myself to their level.
It's just that the only real way to get better at drawing is by drawing a lot, and I know that. It's only since I started drawing less and taking it less seriously when I really needed to start taking it MORE seriously that I fell behind.
Holy ##### you defined my art. Except mine started breaking off in Middle school.
I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911
« Reply #3542 on: 2 January 2009, 20:18:15 » |
So, all the elevators in this Aruba resort have a call button for assistance.
But the instructions written near them are worded very awkwardly.
They say:
And I'm not dyslexic, but EVERY time I see those words, I instantly read:
And it happens EVERY time that I look at them, even if I nano-second later I know that's not what it says. The first time, I read it out loud and my brother laughed at me for reading it incorrectly, making it very apparent that I had. I probably would never have noticed if he hadn't pointed it out.
The point is...
...since it keeps happening, I've seemingly tricked myself into thinking it's something significant in my mind. Like, this specific placement of these specific words have something very specific and important to do with the way my mind works.
I know they don't.
Or, rather, I don't seriously think they do.
But this ominous nagging feeling that keeps persisting.