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The MBoard  |  Non-MegaMan  |  Any Other Business?  |  : What's your fear?
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Author Topic: What's your fear?  (Read 13394 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #50 on: 25 June 2008, 20:16:12 »

There was this tiny hole in my basement covered by insulin and when we removed it we litterally found hundreds of lady bugs.

Covered by insulin?

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #51 on: 25 June 2008, 20:19:01 »

I would've covered it with testosterone.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #52 on: 25 June 2008, 21:03:59 »

Yeah but you're a roid freak!

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #53 on: 26 June 2008, 01:18:22 »

There was this tiny hole in my basement covered by insulin and when we removed it we litterally found hundreds of lady bugs.

Covered by insulin?

Insulin's that diabetes stuff, isn't it? >_>

Insulation... it was covered by insulation.

Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #54 on: 26 June 2008, 03:45:19 »

I wouldn't care about house centipedes if they stayed in the dark and behind the cupboard! It's when they come scuttling across the floor or decide to come into the bathroom for a drink of water WHILE I'M SITTING ON THE TOILET that I find I have some objection.


Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #55 on: 26 June 2008, 19:42:11 »

Centipedes have too many legs to be allowed to live. That and they're poisonous. I hate poison. Mostly in games, but it's crossed into real life. I hate poison.

House centipedes are new to me, though. Never heard of it.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #56 on: 26 June 2008, 20:44:24 »

Me neither until now, and I am now paranoid of them. THANKS.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #57 on: 27 June 2008, 00:39:01 »

I've seen them a few times in my house.

Cute litte buggers...

Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #58 on: 21 July 2008, 16:56:57 »

When you hit puberty, most of that goes away.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #59 on: 21 July 2008, 17:12:21 »

I have an extremely powerful fear of bees and wasps AND LONG HORN BEETLES! :[

When I was younger, I saw a group of puffer mushrooms and I thought they were cool cause when you step on them they release spores and stuff, but I didn't know those mushrooms were growing near a stump that had become the home to a hive of very angry wasps. You was stung like crazy.

I had to go to the hospital afterwards, because my air passages were closing up. YES, THEY MAKE ME DIE, I THINK MY FEAR IS VALID!

Also, the city I live in has the largest number of wasps I've ever seen. And it's bad enough I associate every flying insect as "WASP!!!" so you'll see me flinching a lot outside. That being said, there are some bugs I really like, moths and cicadas in particular. Anyway, my whole fear caused me to do so much research on insects OKAY THE END.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #60 on: 21 July 2008, 17:14:22 »


Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #61 on: 21 July 2008, 17:38:23 »

!! I love Lego Robot Comics! 8D

What scares me almost just as much as bees and wasps is...DEAD/SMUSHED INSECTS GACK
Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #62 on: 21 July 2008, 18:23:56 »

Most of my fears revolve around death.

I'm not afraid of death itself, but its timing, and whether or not I've died useless.

I still have a lingering paranoia about planes crashing into my residence while I'm home.

I have a sort of fear/love for the dark and the night. I can deal with the night pretty well, but if there's artificial darkness, I sometimes just can't handle it.

That's nice, dear.
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