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Author Topic: Proof of Megaman 9?  (Read 86775 times)
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2297

« Reply #100 on: 14 July 2008, 21:46:14 »

Posts: 64

« Reply #101 on: 16 July 2008, 21:33:19 »

Is this the topic for all the MM9 stuff? I have the first ever drawn Splash Woman hentai. Don't worry though, I used the smudge tool in The GIMP to censor the weiner. I also smudged a fish because he was naked & that was inappropriate.

Posts: 44

« Reply #102 on: 16 July 2008, 22:43:03 »

You didn't hear that anywhere.

It was my friend Rico. a graphics artist with friends who work in the videogame biz. i wouldnt say he is correct, but i would like to see this game finish the classic series, and explain the connection compltly to the X series. so we will see if my buddie is right or not

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, but art is knowing what mistakes to keep.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #103 on: 16 July 2008, 23:14:29 »

He's not.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #104 on: 17 July 2008, 00:11:13 »

They said, at the same time the game was first announced in Nintendo Power, that it will not bridge the gap between Classic and X.

So, Abe was simply sarcastically assuring you that you were wrong, not asking for some "my friend's friend's dad's dog's friend's employee at Capcom" story.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #105 on: 17 July 2008, 00:14:04 »

Why the ##### does MegaMan 9 have to bridge the two series together and end the series? Why not just have a plain good ol' story in MM9 with NO X series connection ##### and then maybe later have a MegaMan 10 in the future.

##### the timeline.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #106 on: 17 July 2008, 00:15:11 »

No, see, the best part of the Classic series was corny stories that didn't take away from the gameplay in any way.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 238

« Reply #107 on: 17 July 2008, 01:08:48 »

People think that MM9 is meant to bridge the gap, because they're blatantly stupid, and likely Americans. When the logic is that "X MEANS 10 IN ROMAN NUMERALS, RAWR!", as to HOW this idiotic notion came to exist, without people realizing that there's NO XI, just X, and THEN X2 and further down the line...


No REAL offense to the Americana posters here, but I don't really see the Japanese or Euroland gamers tossing that one out for years on end, with THAT logic.

Shape the world you live in, instead of letting others define it for you. Stop being reactive and become proactive, and leave a legacy worth remembering, since only you personally decide the limits of your greatness.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #108 on: 17 July 2008, 01:11:13 »

But Canada's cool, right?

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #109 on: 17 July 2008, 02:08:07 »

SB, I have no idea what you mean by American posters being the only people to act like that. How can you possibly assume it's a national thing?

It's clearly something that should be attributed to stupidity, not nationality.

Why are you generalizing against America? Believe me, I'm not protecting America, it's just stupid what you're saying.

How do you know it's ONLY Americans who want the gap bridged? And moreso, how can you not at least understand why some stupid fans might want that?

We aren't the only people in the world, and our views on MegaMan and how it should be are different than others. I don't agree with a lot of people on here, but I at least accept the different opinions. There are people out there who actually DO want MM9 to connect to MMX, and there's a possibility that they're even more hardcore fans that any of us.
The difference is that they're stupid, yes, but once again, I'm just bashing others for having a different opinion.

Even though MM9 bridging to MMX is stupid anyway you look at it.

But that's just my hypocrisy showing.

I don't understand why you felt the need to make yourself look like a fool.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #110 on: 17 July 2008, 03:22:42 »

People think that MM9 is meant to bridge the gap, because they're blatantly stupid, and likely Americans. When the logic is that "X MEANS 10 IN ROMAN NUMERALS, RAWR!", as to HOW this idiotic notion came to exist, without people realizing that there's NO XI, just X, and THEN X2 and further down the line...


No REAL offense to the Americana posters here, but I don't really see the Japanese or Euroland gamers tossing that one out for years on end, with THAT logic.

I have met a fairly large number of idiots from Canada and Europe, some of whom think that way.

There are idiots everywhere; there are just more idiots in the US.
Who shout out their nationality after being idiots.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #111 on: 17 July 2008, 03:26:56 »

##### YEAH USA

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #112 on: 17 July 2008, 03:29:13 »

It's not five! It's 22! You put the twos together!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #113 on: 17 July 2008, 03:31:14 »

##### YEAH USA

Sniper Joe
Posts: 238

« Reply #114 on: 18 July 2008, 05:22:44 »

Easy, my logic is flawed less, and Chron basically hit the hammer on the nail as to why I can make such a bold statement.

For every one or two Canadian or European, or heck, even Brazil fan that shouts that, there's a farm and a half worth of sheep that go bleat bleat to outnumber them, and then rave on about their Adult Swim and other things that's popular culture nowadays. Or else they're like the nerdy white guy speaking in Ebonics about his "DAWG MEGA MAN, YO!" on Youtube, since it's really a fact that the Americans are the most vocal of the fans on average.

Don't see the JP Rockman fans screaming that stuff, now do we? Then again, they got those fancy source books and severe beatings with strict discipline to know that their opinions are worthless unless it benefits their society with monies, so yeah... >>

Shape the world you live in, instead of letting others define it for you. Stop being reactive and become proactive, and leave a legacy worth remembering, since only you personally decide the limits of your greatness.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #115 on: 18 July 2008, 06:39:17 »

To be honest, I think the notion of the X connecting MM9 got it's birth in North America, somewhere. It doesn't really make sense that it would come out of Japan, at least. I doubt they'd bother with the roman numeral bull idea, I really really do.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 235

« Reply #116 on: 18 July 2008, 06:44:26 »

Because a jump from a 9 to a X makes sense.


Really, Americans are the greatest fans of anything. Their logic is profound... I wish I was American... oh wait.

I AM DJSonic!
Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #117 on: 18 July 2008, 06:49:20 »

(Hey, you're American too, buddy!)
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #118 on: 18 July 2008, 06:51:26 »

Well the connection to the X series is really close, we know that. Zero being built at the end of the Power Battles or Fighters or whatever was the second one. The names always screwed me up.

So no wonder fans expect MM9 to connect, I believe it's close, really close, like they have to have some mentioning of the X series in 9 at least.

Like Light telling MegaMan "LOL I MAEK NEW MEGAMANS LOLOLOL!11!!!"

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #119 on: 18 July 2008, 06:57:17 »

Power Fighters. And that could have happened or not happened at any time in the series. It's all 21XX. You could actually make MM1-8 shuffled around a timeline if you were stupid.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #120 on: 18 July 2008, 13:59:47 »

Very stupid.

Power Fighters looks to be around the post MM7 or 6 timeline, given the robots existant in it.
And the second one is during or after 8, since Duo's in it for no good reason.

I WOULD like to see what they might do with a bridged connection between the two. It's not going to ruin the originals or X for me; they're still fun, and that's what games are about.

I'd just like to know how they can connect two things that were meant to be completely unrelated in the first place.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #121 on: 18 July 2008, 16:22:02 »

We KNOW what happens, we don't need a bridge game.  Light builds X.  Light seals X.  Cain digs up X.  Cain destroys the world.

People don't want a game to connect the series, they just want to know why none of the classic robots are in X.  You don't need a game for that.  And frankly, we don't need to know any of it to make the X series plot (before the intirape) make sense.

Let the hackjob fanfic idiots circle jerk to thier "ZERO KILLS EVERYONE!!!" #####.  I'll be enjoying Classic Mega Man and replaying X1-X4.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #122 on: 18 July 2008, 20:22:43 »

I'd still like to know how they'd do it.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #123 on: 18 July 2008, 22:09:48 »

Cyber Elfs fly out of Zero's ass and eat Mega Man, Roll, Protoman and Otto.  Then Cyber Elf Rock seals Zero in cyberspace, which catches Wily in the process, turning him into a computer program that will take over reploids later.


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #124 on: 18 July 2008, 22:42:38 »

Posts: 44

« Reply #125 on: 19 July 2008, 04:48:17 »

apparently they want to spoof the old covers......

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, but art is knowing what mistakes to keep.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #126 on: 19 July 2008, 04:49:35 »

We know. They're making T-Shirts.

I want one.

[ N ][ M ][ C ]
[ S ][ - ][ E ]
[ J ][ V ][ W ]

Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #127 on: 19 July 2008, 05:05:46 »

Liek ho my gawd thatz teh awesum

But seriously, if you don't want one of those shirts, you don't deserve to live.  Go see Rez at the mauling hut for more details.

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #128 on: 19 July 2008, 06:35:00 »

Duo's in it for no good reason.

Except for being awesome.

they just want to know why none of the classic robots are in X.  You don't need a game for that. 

Well... Apparently Auto made it...

Liek ho my gawd thatz teh awesum

But seriously, if you don't want one of those shirts, you don't deserve to live.  Go see Rez at the mauling hut for more details.

I wouldn't assume Rez agrees with you. I'm not even that pert and I swing my brass balls like thunderbolts all across this webland. I do not want a shirt of that, and I am quite sure my life has or will have worth.

Posts: 64

« Reply #129 on: 19 July 2008, 09:54:12 »

All this connection conversation makes me hope that X gets a tiny cameo like Zero at some point, just to shut up those morons that think Mega Man & X are the same person.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #130 on: 19 July 2008, 23:25:16 »

Go see Rez at the mauling hut for more details.

Tent.  The only thing you can get at a hut is pizza.  In fact, I'll give you a special tour of the Mauling TENT to make sure you remember next time.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #131 on: 19 July 2008, 23:26:54 »

They need to sell those shirts for the lulz.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #132 on: 19 July 2008, 23:27:09 »

All this connection conversation makes me hope that X gets a tiny cameo like Zero at some point, just to shut up those morons that think Mega Man & X are the same person.

Nah, they'll all just think that Light moved MegaMan's brain into X's.

Just like all of those idiots who believe Bass is Zero in the same manner.

Also, those people are idiots.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #133 on: 19 July 2008, 23:57:22 »

I think it's possible Light used something similar to the Justice energy or whatever that is inside MM, whether or not it was directly FROM MM. But I doubt it.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #134 on: 20 July 2008, 02:11:38 »

Go see Rez at the mauling hut for more details.

Tent.  The only thing you can get at a hut is pizza.  In fact, I'll give you a special tour of the Mauling TENT to make sure you remember next time.

I figured you would expand beyond tent.  I mean, not every International House of Pancakes is a house.  Geez, then it'd be monotonous.

And no one likes to get their IHOP pancakes when they all look the same.

Ramen Noodles!
Posts: 64

« Reply #135 on: 20 July 2008, 05:49:42 »

All this connection conversation makes me hope that X gets a tiny cameo like Zero at some point, just to shut up those morons that think Mega Man & X are the same person.

Nah, they'll all just think that Light moved MegaMan's brain into X's.

Just like all of those idiots who believe Bass is Zero in the same manner.

Also, those people are idiots.
I think the moral of this story is that, while fun by itself, all the X series really is is a lackluster reimagining of a classic series. The reference to X in classic is forgettable & was a mistake. They're separate.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #136 on: 20 July 2008, 18:07:37 »

Lackluster, eh?

Go see Rez at the mauling hut for more details.

Tent.  The only thing you can get at a hut is pizza.  In fact, I'll give you a special tour of the Mauling TENT to make sure you remember next time.

I figured you would expand beyond tent.  I mean, not every International House of Pancakes is a house.  Geez, then it'd be monotonous.

And no one likes to get their IHOP pancakes when they all look the same.

Mauling is not a commodity.
There's room enough for everyone in the tent.
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #137 on: 20 July 2008, 18:09:44 »

More like a circus pavilion than anything, really.
Posts: 64

« Reply #138 on: 20 July 2008, 21:09:19 »

Lackluster, eh?
In comparison to the classic series, yes.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #139 on: 21 July 2008, 06:09:36 »

Well, that's the stupidest thing I've heard all July, and something called "Fish TV" is on.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #140 on: 21 July 2008, 13:55:36 »

Hey, I'm watching that too! Did you see the one where they caught the fish?

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #141 on: 21 July 2008, 23:40:18 »

I did not say that I watch it, and I do not even remember what it was supposed to be about, but clearly it was stupid.

I drunk posted that, I think.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #142 on: 21 July 2008, 23:50:40 »

XJ was clearly joking.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #143 on: 22 July 2008, 00:07:42 »

Not clearly.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #144 on: 22 July 2008, 00:46:43 »

"Did you see the one where they caught the fish?" is like those jokes where someone goes "Did you see the episode of Mythbusters where they busted a myth?"

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #145 on: 22 July 2008, 01:00:10 »

That's easy to say when you know whether or not the show is about catching fish.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #146 on: 22 July 2008, 01:20:48 »

Is it about catching fish?

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #147 on: 22 July 2008, 01:21:31 »

I have no idea.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #148 on: 22 July 2008, 01:22:42 »

Well it was easy to say and I didn't know if it was about catching fish. I don't think XJ does either.

So ha!

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #149 on: 22 July 2008, 01:26:40 »

Fish TV is obviously TV for fish.

Now thats obvious.


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