I just realized I have an issue with the question of this thread, and I've been unaware of it for three pages;
"If Mega Man X9 goes for Wiiware/PSN/XBLA, would you want it 16-bit SNES graphics?"
I'm going to have to say "No.", and say for other reasons than just
my first ones (but the point stands). It's not that I don't like the graphics. It's just that since MM9 was so great, it seems like people now think a MegaMan game has to have and older school of graphics to be that good.
That is stupid.
MM9 is a great game because it PLAYS like a great game. It could have almost looked like anything, and played great. It's look just added a feeling, and was one part of the whole machine that came out as a superb piece.
So for an X9, they shouldn't just make it 16-bit because "oh look how good MM9 is in 8-bit return to form", they should give the look that's APPROPRIATE for the game.