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The MBoard  |  MegaMan Series  |  X Series  |  : Mega Man X9 question.
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Question: If Mega Man X9 goes for Wiiware/PSN/XBLA, would you want it 16-bit SNES graphics?
Yes   -10 (40%)
No   -15 (60%)
Total Voters: 24

Author Topic: Mega Man X9 question.  (Read 56060 times)
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #100 on: 12 December 2008, 21:06:32 »

Compare X1 to X8 in terms of stage design and gameplay and there is no contest.  X1 was 12 levels of fast paced action platforming.  X8 is a lumbering, decrepid garbage bag of gimmicky stage design that ranges from not quite as bad as Metal Hammerhead to almost resembling something in a real platform game.

And that's a major part of the problem.  All this "sneak stage", "bike stage", "giant robot chases you stage" ##### doesn't add variety at all (and not because they're just poorly designed or implemented) they only serve to detract from the fast paced, tight controling platform gameplay that built the series.

And that's WITHOUT all the other bull##### that's encrusted the series as well.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #101 on: 13 December 2008, 09:41:15 »

I just realized I have an issue with the question of this thread, and I've been unaware of it for three pages;

"If Mega Man X9 goes for Wiiware/PSN/XBLA, would you want it 16-bit SNES graphics?"

I'm going to have to say "No.", and say for other reasons than just my first ones (but the point stands). It's not that I don't like the graphics. It's just that since MM9 was so great, it seems like people now think a MegaMan game has to have and older school of graphics to be that good.

That is stupid.

MM9 is a great game because it PLAYS like a great game. It could have almost looked like anything, and played great. It's look just added a feeling, and was one part of the whole machine that came out as a superb piece.

So for an X9, they shouldn't just make it 16-bit because "oh look how good MM9 is in 8-bit return to form", they should give the look that's APPROPRIATE for the game.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #102 on: 13 December 2008, 14:13:04 »

I was thinking that the other day, like "A Mega Man X9 would be great if they brought it back as a 16-bit game!" and now it's more of a, "Eh, I dunnoooooo..."

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Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #103 on: 13 December 2008, 19:01:02 »

I think it would be better if only because they're not focusing so much on the graphics as they are the gameplay. Same issue as MM9 in that respect.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
maniac man
Posts: 21

« Reply #104 on: 4 February 2009, 02:06:10 »

I would say Hell No!!I'd rather wait for half a year and play it.Than play it sooner at a crapier graphics.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #105 on: 4 February 2009, 02:06:54 »

Stop posting, seriously.

Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #106 on: 4 February 2009, 02:32:40 »

I would say Hell No!!I'd rather wait for half a year and play it.Than play it sooner at a crapier graphics.
The question's meaning is "Would you like Capcom to go back to origins with MMX9, sort of like they did with MM9?"
And the graphics usually don't affect the gameplay much, you can enjoy a good NES game as much as a good Wii game.

I don't know why I even bother.
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