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Author Topic: Upcomming Gammes Toppic  (Read 435575 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1150 on: 12 June 2009, 01:08:47 »

How is that at all off topic?

Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #1151 on: 12 June 2009, 01:18:28 »

Talking about Pokemon and all that nice stuff.

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Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1152 on: 12 June 2009, 02:05:30 »

Guys I know this is waaaaaay off topic but I found a quarter on the ground and it was in like perfect condition no scratches or nothin' it was just super shiny so yeeeeah. Coolness.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1153 on: 12 June 2009, 02:27:55 »

I once found two bucks in my pants.

For real.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1154 on: 12 June 2009, 02:48:35 »

A few days ago I found 80. Then I remembered my birthday was last week.

Same here. But then I borrowed it from a friend in high school and then the guy got expelled. We grew apart, and I still have the game. So I won.

That's great.

I did something similar, although with a game not nearly as good apparently.

I borrowed Onimusha 3 from a friend in 8th grade, and then we graduated and went to different schools and never saw each other again until two weeks ago.

He probably doesn't even remember, but he probably doesn't care either since he didn't even like the game.

Talking about Pokemon and all that nice stuff.

There IS an upcoming Pokémon game, y'know? The remakes of Gold & Silver?
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1155 on: 12 June 2009, 03:07:01 »

I once found two bucks in my pants.

For real.

I found a twenty in my jeans once and I have no idea why I was so excited and happy because obviously it's twenty dollars that I LOST and then FOUND.

AStRivia: I used that event as the basis for a joke in my stand-up routine! The more you know!

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1156 on: 13 June 2009, 04:28:45 »

Wow that joke must have sucked.


Talking about Pokemon and all that nice stuff.

But the TOPIC is literally called "Upcoming Games Topic"...

Same here. But then I borrowed it from a friend in high school and then the guy got expelled. We grew apart, and I still have the game. So I won.

That's great.

I did something similar, although with a game not nearly as good apparently.

I borrowed Onimusha 3 from a friend in 8th grade, and then we graduated and went to different schools and never saw each other again until two weeks ago.

He probably doesn't even remember, but he probably doesn't care either since he didn't even like the game.

It happened to me with most of my SNES games, the ones I LIKED like Mario Kart (I miss you MK!) and #####, so I didn't feel really bad about keeping the one game.

Posted on: 12 June 2009, 01:50:49

The Last Guardian looks pretty bitchin', but it's the type of game I prefer to watch so hopefully someone I know gets a PS3 for it.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1157 on: 15 June 2009, 04:01:59 »

Anyone got the new PSP Go yet?



Credit to Annie for linking me.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1158 on: 15 June 2009, 04:11:30 »

Since I thought the first one was ripoff anyway, this doesn't sway me. Also I have a question about this lack of UMD drive; How do you play games you already bought for your original PSP?

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #1159 on: 15 June 2009, 04:26:17 »

You needed an article to tell you it sucks?
I thought you were smarter than that.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1160 on: 15 June 2009, 04:37:34 »

Only thing I thought was a rip was the price, and the whole UMD thing would work out somehow I guess, but no Sano. Don't even try to start.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1161 on: 15 June 2009, 05:38:00 »

Every PSP is a rip off.

I only have first one only because of custom firmware Mega Man Powered Up. And I don't even play MMPU anymore.

When I saw the PSP Go, I laughed a LOT.

The DSi was just released, at $170... and it has everything you liked about the other DS's.. except now it has downloadable DSiWare games, an SD Slot, and a useless camera among other things... now the PSP Go is what, $250? And are the new features? Nothing? Oh, no UMD drive? How is that GOOD?

I think Sony made this so idiots will go "omg new psp!11!" and buy it without knowing it's just the latest PSP but smaller and with something MISSING.

And 16GB of memory isn't going to help if they'll let you download the games you've bought, since a PSP game is usually 1-2GBs each.

It's more pointless than installing 360 games into your 360. Unless you have the Elite Hard drive.

You know, I thought Nintendo used to whore out its handhelds with multiple versions, but Sony has proven me wrong. In less than 2 years they released 3 new PSPs. Each more pointless than the last.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1162 on: 15 June 2009, 05:57:48 »

It's to boost sales to make up for  the PS3 failure, the PSP failure, RIIIIIDGE RACER every freaking thing they've screwed up on.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1163 on: 15 June 2009, 06:16:03 »

I have one thing to say, and then some other stuff following it:


I am amazed by this game in the same way I'd be amazed if a transparent edible ghost riding a baby unicorn trotted into my room right now from out of the TARDIS.

It's for the DS and, basically, you write words... and whatever you write appears on the screen to help your character solve a problem.

It sounds simple and unassuming...

...but read this preview.

...And this one.

It's just...

I cannot wait to try this.

DS, you have won again.

EDIT: Videos!

Okay, seriously, as I watch these, my mouth is dropping wide open in awe, as if this someone is serving me the secrets to the universe and the promise of immortality and a lifetime supply of mint-chocolate-chip ice cream.
« Last Edit: 15 June 2009, 06:34:42 by ASR » Logged

Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #1164 on: 15 June 2009, 06:26:08 »

It's full of stuff, and they are going to keep adding stuff until it's release, it seems. There's even meme's there.
Does anyone have a link to the current dictionary, if any?
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #1165 on: 15 June 2009, 06:45:55 »

I loved the end of the first video.

Well, you've given the game my interest.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1166 on: 15 June 2009, 08:04:55 »

Rick Roll and Long Cat have been confirmed to be objects you can create.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #1167 on: 15 June 2009, 08:53:36 »

I... just... I... wow.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1168 on: 15 June 2009, 12:31:17 »

Looks like one insane concept, but I'm assuming the game is shorter than what I'd be satisfied with. Only 100 puzzles.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1169 on: 15 June 2009, 16:58:00 »

220 levels, plus hard mode, plus a level editor that you can go online with to share with others. ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1170 on: 15 June 2009, 17:12:29 »

I didn't see any of that in the videos. I skipped the articles, and one of the videos said, "100 puzzles".

Nevermind then.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #1171 on: 15 June 2009, 19:56:27 »

Every PSP is a rip off.

Quoted for truth.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1172 on: 16 June 2009, 00:21:53 »

The DSi was just released, at $170... and it has everything you liked about the other DS's..

I liked having a GBA slot.

It's more pointless than installing 360 games into your 360. Unless you have the Elite Hard drive.

Uhh no that's not pointless.
1) If I hadn't installed Fable 2 to my hard drive, it would crash a random intervals making the game unplayable. Installing it fixed that COMPLETELY.
2) Mass Effect is a big game, and sometimes textures and stuff take a bit to load around you, installing the game to my hard drive didn't fix that completely but it made EVERYTHING a lot faster.

I agree with the rest.


Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1173 on: 16 June 2009, 03:34:03 »

Installing to hard drive also prevents RROD from overheat caused by constant use of the disc drive.

AND the games load a lot faster.
And I have an elite so :-P

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1174 on: 16 June 2009, 05:13:40 »

The DSi was just released, at $170... and it has everything you liked about the other DS's..

I liked having a GBA slot.

... I could've sworn I put something about that in my post, but I seem to have forgotten. Oh well.

It's more pointless than installing 360 games into your 360. Unless you have the Elite Hard drive.
Uhh no that's not pointless.
1) If I hadn't installed Fable 2 to my hard drive, it would crash a random intervals making the game unplayable. Installing it fixed that COMPLETELY.
2) Mass Effect is a big game, and sometimes textures and stuff take a bit to load around you, installing the game to my hard drive didn't fix that completely but it made EVERYTHING a lot faster.

Didn't know about that. But like I said, unless you got a big Hard Drive, you won't have enough space for anything eventually. If you add in those giant expansion add-ons, etc. that 6.7GBs of space (or more possibly) seems a bit excessive.... but of course, if the game stops freezing and works A LOT better, then it's the perfect thing to do.

But now I think about it, I should install some of those games that seem to have disc problems...

Installing to hard drive also prevents RROD from overheat caused by constant use of the disc drive.

AND the games load a lot faster.
And I have an elite so :-P

... really? I hate my stupid 10GB (or is it 20GB?) Hard Drive. I can only install 2 games on it, and with the other downloads I have, it goes down to 1... And I don't want to spend over $100 (I think it was that much last time I checked) for a 120GB Hard Drive...
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #1175 on: 16 June 2009, 05:19:58 »

$100 for only 120GB of storage is a travesty, console or not.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1176 on: 16 June 2009, 05:43:56 »

I got a 1TB external hard drive for $100, so yes, that's a MASSIVE ripoff.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1177 on: 16 June 2009, 16:01:15 »

It's a COMPLETE ripoff, though you can get a hard drive of that type off the internet for about 40 bucks and crack open a shell for the 360 HDD, throw it in, and buy the connector, connect it to your computer, and format for 360 use and it'll work great.

A had a friend that did that and resold them for $90 a piece.

the 120 ones are 160 bucks though.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #1178 on: 16 June 2009, 17:26:40 »

You should not have to jump through that many hoops to upgrade a hard drive, nor should you have to pay as much as they want.

ESPECIALLY when hard drive space is becoming more important due to downloading games via online services or copying disc data for faster loading times.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #1179 on: 22 June 2009, 18:37:49 »

And one day we won't even need discs to play games....

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Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1180 on: 22 June 2009, 18:40:49 »


I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1181 on: 22 June 2009, 19:25:26 »

People always tell me not to collect DVD's because in a few years, there'll just be a brand new format and my stuff'll be outdated.

I'm adamant that Blu-Ray is the final outing on physical video products and in 5-10 years it'll all be entirely digital. Music already has pretty much gone that way, and video isn't far behind at all.

I can definitely see games going in the same direction - in fact, I expect it.

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #1182 on: 22 June 2009, 19:44:46 »

Fiber-optic internet connections will have to be more common first though. There's no way that downloading a 50GB game will be practical until connection speeds improve significantly.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1183 on: 22 June 2009, 19:49:31 »

Well, most areas have the option of at LEAST 8Mb/s (read 1 Megabyte per second), so if people are willing to pay the money, that's entirely doable.

Of course, with satellite and cable internet, 56Mb/s is becoming quite common (for like 200 bucks a month). Who even NEEDS that fast of a connection besides a business?

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #1184 on: 22 June 2009, 19:55:26 »

People already bitch about five minute install/download times. Until they can get a new game in less time than that, I don't see it catching on.

That said, I'm sure it's ultimately inevitable.

In a way it's kind of sad though. Digital media lacks the artistic presentation that was possible with it's physical counterparts. I've owned albums and movies where the case was just as cool as its contents. It will be sad to see that aspect die off.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1185 on: 22 June 2009, 19:58:17 »

I much prefer to have the CD, it's easy to share, can be played almost anywhere (without taking an MP3 player and adapter), and I always have a backup of it if my computer decides to crap itself.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1186 on: 22 June 2009, 20:04:01 »

In a way it's kind of sad though. Digital media lacks the artistic presentation that was possible with it's physical counterparts. I've owned albums and movies where the case was just as cool as its contents. It will be sad to see that aspect die off.

I feel the exact same way, which is why I collect DVD's physically, and buy a CD if I like it enough, and why I paid $50 for a stupid cardboard box and an old stripped NES cartridge with a MegaMan 9 sticker on it.

That said, I also own a terabyte which currently houses hundreds of digital copies of movies, almost 50 full TV shows, and over 50 gigs of music. I'm a huge fan of this all-digital thing, but I'm also a huge fan of physically owning a nice phyiscal package of something.

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #1187 on: 22 June 2009, 20:11:28 »

I used to collect DVDs too. I had around 400 or so when I sold them all to buy Emili's engagement ring.

Since then, I've started collecting blu-rays.
I'd say that I don't anticipate needing any higher fidelity than blu-ray offers, but I'm also pretty sure I said that when I started collecting DVDs.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1188 on: 22 June 2009, 22:15:03 »

Blu-Ray is GORGEOUS but I don't collect them for several reasons.

- I only have 1 HDTV in my house, and for most of my time I won't even be home
- I don't own a Blu-Ray player at all
- I watch a LOT of my DVD's on a portable DVD-player, which can't play Blu-Rays
- I usually hook that same portable DVD-player up to a TV if I want to watch something on a regular TV
- Aside from my portable DVD-player, I generally use my 360 to watch DVD's
- They're really goddamn expensive

But I do love watching Blu-Rays. It's just not practical for me.

Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1189 on: 22 June 2009, 23:13:53 »

I couldn't play or watch a Blu-Ray if I tried, I have none of the necessary components and while I think my friends' HDTVs look incredible for gaming I think it's a bit too much def when looking at real people. There's something I don't like about my TV looking MORE clear than real life. Maybe that's just me not wanting change, I don't know, but I'm willing to wait. I always do.

And yeah I agree with Edge about the packaging thing. It used to be awesome. Today it's not as common that something has great packaging, so it's kind of easy to see that going away completely. It reminds of me the sound lost between vinyl records and CDs.

And yeah I still buy movies and music physically.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1190 on: 23 June 2009, 00:27:06 »

Take a look at the package for the new Spinal Tap CD and you will see a lot more effort put into that than MANY other things.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1191 on: 23 June 2009, 00:59:39 »

I think the most impressive things on HDTV are sports events.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1192 on: 23 June 2009, 02:00:19 »

I like videogames on HDTV.

But yeah, sports do look AMAZING.
Seeing each blade of grass is really something.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11986

« Reply #1193 on: 23 June 2009, 04:30:29 »

I watch sports on a court so I won't benefit from this grass business.

But yeah, an HDTV is amazing connected to an XBox 360, PS3, or a computer with a decent graphics card.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1194 on: 28 June 2009, 21:22:19 »

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle.

1. Shinobu, the teen assassin from the original game, will return in NMH2: Desperate Struggle as a playable character. Her fighting style will significantly differ from Travis’, as she moves faster and can even jump. You can’t play as her whenever you want, though.
2. Suda expects NMH2 to have around 50 boss battles. He comments, “… we didn’t just want you to be fighting them as the same character again and again. By allowing the player to use a different character we can change up the tempo and offer more surprises. “
3. Travis’ primary reason for taking on the United Assassins Association again is to avenge the death of his best friend from the first game, Bishop.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #1195 on: 29 June 2009, 02:02:01 »

You don't have a Wii anymore though.
So nyah!
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1196 on: 29 June 2009, 02:30:56 »

I have friends who have Wiis.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #1197 on: 29 June 2009, 02:54:00 »

Whatever, I've been waiting for it since last year and it's going to be #####ing awesome!
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1198 on: 29 June 2009, 03:05:55 »

John, you're not a man without a Wii and you know it!

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1199 on: 3 July 2009, 04:08:06 »

Suda 51 says the No More Heroes franchise needs to leave the Wii if it's going to be successful.

If it comes out for the 360, I really will have NO regrets.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
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