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Author Topic: Trip Down Memory Lane!  (Read 46704 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #100 on: 15 October 2008, 16:59:12 »

I first beat it on a road trip (same way I beat the first game, come to think of it, but I died WAY more in SML1). Then I realised there was an easy mode.

Easy mode doesn't actually make the final castle too much easier.
Orange Devil
Super Robot
Posts: 1086

« Reply #101 on: 17 October 2008, 22:54:35 »

I can't imagine it would really change too much.

<3 Your friendly neighboorhood hippie
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #102 on: 18 October 2008, 00:45:16 »

There are less enemies, and...
... yeah, that's about it.

Strangely, even on normal it looks like there are enemies missing, but I've never heard of a hard mode in it.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #103 on: 18 November 2008, 21:22:25 »


Unfortunately, I don't remember any episodes, but I liked it for some reason.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #104 on: 18 November 2008, 22:31:51 »

##### YES

I've been rewatching that series recently.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #105 on: 18 November 2008, 22:55:13 »

NICE. God bless the Family channel, they're giving kids the chance to watch what we watched. And we all know they need it, especially with all this #####ing anime bullcrap going around. I hear Family actually airs the old Digimon. Kudos to them..

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #106 on: 19 November 2008, 00:29:03 »

We watched a few episodes again for #####s in high school. It was a good show, but some really stupid stuff happened in it that makes you go "Whaat?" if you're not like 10.

Same with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

So many laughs.

Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #107 on: 19 November 2008, 03:39:16 »

I watched that show all the time!

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #108 on: 19 November 2008, 03:41:42 »

I hated Gargoyles.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #109 on: 19 November 2008, 03:43:53 »

I had this little toy (I think from Burger King) of Goliath in this concrete Egg, and when you pressed the button on it real fast, it would break open and the concrete would fly around him like a helicopter so you could see him.

I miss this show now...

EDIT: I hate you.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #110 on: 19 November 2008, 03:51:04 »

I had this little toy (I think from Burger King) of Goliath in this concrete Egg, and when you pressed the button on it real fast, it would break open and the concrete would fly around him like a helicopter so you could see him.

I miss this show now...

EDIT: I hate you.


I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #111 on: 19 November 2008, 05:31:25 »


Anybody remember the #####ty live action TMNT show on Fox? Trashiest thing around, they introduced a new girl turtle.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #112 on: 19 November 2008, 09:40:02 »

I remember my mom buying something akin to TMNT being a rock band and doing concerts... It was a "behind the scenes look" but from the turtle's perspective.

I don't quite remember it, I only watched it once...
Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #113 on: 19 November 2008, 20:02:22 »


Anybody remember the #####ty live action TMNT show on Fox? Trashiest thing around, they introduced a new girl turtle.

I definitely don't remember it being live action. I remember there being a girl turtle in some TMNT cartoon, she had a green mask.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #114 on: 19 November 2008, 22:35:44 »

In the live action she has a cyan mask. Her name was Venus (as in, "of Milo") and she had a love story with Leonardo in which they explained that Leo, his brothers, and Venus were not blood relatives, as they were all from a pet store where turtles are just plopped together. Meaning it wasn't incest.



Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #115 on: 1 December 2008, 01:56:01 »

I know you'll remember this.

Loved this show so much.

And I miss this most of all.

Credit to Annie for reminding me of these shows.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #116 on: 1 December 2008, 02:03:22 »

Let's... get... dangerous.

...when there's trouble you can call Dee Dubbya!

White Shadow
Matrix Marine
Posts: 412

« Reply #117 on: 8 December 2008, 10:40:02 »

##### yes. I STILL want a hat like this.

White Shadow
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #118 on: 8 December 2008, 21:36:14 »

I remember that show.

I remember thinking that villain who was a liquid dog was cool as hell.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #119 on: 8 December 2008, 23:20:10 »

I used to always sing the theme song as a kid but I never knew all the words.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #120 on: 12 May 2009, 00:55:57 »

Thread revival.

Anyone ever played Jet Moto?

I just want to know if anyone ever played it and their thoughts about it. I absolutely loved this suicidal racing game.

The tracks get much crazier than the one shown above.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #121 on: 12 May 2009, 05:03:49 »

Looks like a bad mix of X-Treme G and Waverace. While I love X-Treme G, I've never been into Waverace. That's just the looks though. I have no idea how it actually places.

I kind of like how the levels are designed though. The look like crap but I like that you can fall through and stuff.

I'd still rather play X-Treme G anyday though, at this point.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #122 on: 12 May 2009, 15:54:58 »

I thought it was pretty awesome and I'd be tempted to play it again. If you're into difficult racing games then this would be one of them. By difficult, I mean... you'll be smacking your face against countless objects, flying off your Moto, falling to your death, crashing, etc.

There's apparently a Jet Moto 3 for the PS2 but I never knew of it's existence.

I'd call this Jet Moto's attempt at a Rainbow Road. Racing through Heaven in one minute, then dropping into Hell the other.

I don't remember it getting THAT dark though so it must be the video.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #123 on: 12 May 2009, 16:16:49 »

That's absolutely insane.

I hate how floaty the physics seem to be.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #124 on: 12 May 2009, 17:21:33 »

...Yeah, well I remember when the matrix used to be so popular that everyone wanted to be a mod...

...seriously, when's the last time you saw a "Can I has mod" post from a noob?

...So I recently found out, through one of my few preteen friends... that Bellingham Middle-schoolers have a really fun game they play. They play... MARBLES. This made me rather angry seeing as the little bastard I talked to was clueless of several things including pogs... Captain planet...

Who's Captain planet...? He's your hero, bitch. He's going to bring pollution down to zero!

I remember my pokemon cards getting taken from me by the teachers. and my pogs being jacked by other students... but whining because the cool kid stole my marbles?!

It's obvious to me that we have to take some accountability as parents, when we find our concubine of choice, to give our children overpriced pieces of cardboard and tinfoil.

...For god's sake... Marbles...

Your thoughts?
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #125 on: 12 May 2009, 18:58:58 »

Marbles are hard.
You can throw them at people and they hurt.

Unlike pogs.
Or Pokemon cards.

Marbles are better.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #126 on: 12 May 2009, 19:05:47 »

I don't know if I'm older than you or something, WW, but while I remember and did all those other games and watched enough Captain Planet that I was able to recite the characters' names at Dim Sum on this past Sunday morning (true story), I also played marbles as a kid.

Before middle school though, this was all well before middle school (except Pokemon cards, which I got out of quick enough and coincidentally that had lame glass beads that made me wish I was playing marbles).

But really, marbles are actually a lot cooler than any CCG, TCG, MRI, FBI, NBA, or NAACP, OK?  OK, well maybe not cooler than the NBA or NAACP.

Anyway what I mean is, POGs really kick ass and I still have them and rock a "1994 POGs Champion" shirt ROUTINELY, but I also still have my marbles too. Marbles were great. They weren't expensive (that I know of), there were unlimited kinds and styles, and anyone would have a hard time making a cartoon or some other cash grab about them. You got to hit them against things. No, man. They made a clack sound, rolled around, hurt your friends. Marbles put on a good show. I dug and dig marbles.

Somewhere down the road you lost your marbles.
(Sorry, planet Earth, I had to.)

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #127 on: 12 May 2009, 21:08:05 »

POGs were the #####, I wish I'd held onto them, unfortunately several moves precluded that possibility
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #128 on: 12 May 2009, 21:23:32 »

Marbles are indeed cooler than the NAACP.

I played marbles, pogs, Crazy Bones, Tech Decks, and Pokemon in elementary school. I also did a little Yu-Gi-Oh for a very small amount of time.

By middle school, I was done with all of that. Though maybe Pokemon carried over a bit.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #129 on: 12 May 2009, 21:33:28 »

Do you know what the NAACP is? Because marbles are no cooler than that you racist Jew face.

I didn't know you could play "Tech Decks" but I do have a couple still. And a finger BMX.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #130 on: 12 May 2009, 21:35:54 »

Okay, fine, we played WITH Tech Decks. And yeah, those Finger BMX things. And there were even finger snowboards.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #131 on: 12 May 2009, 21:41:25 »

Don't get me wrong, I like "play Tech Decks" better.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #132 on: 12 May 2009, 21:42:50 »

Just for the record, the snowboard ones were awesome because they strapped to your fingers and had no wheels so you could just leave them on your fingers and play with them effing everywhere, "grinding" tons of crap like door handles or any possible edge.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #133 on: 13 May 2009, 03:37:23 »

Tech Decks. Those were dark days, man. Back when I actually liked the Tony Hawk games.
Despite still being ridiculously good at them, I can't stand playing them for more than a few minutes now.

Anyway what I mean is, POGs really kick ass and I still have them and rock a "1994 POGs Champion" shirt ROUTINELY, but I also still have my marbles too. Marbles were great. They weren't expensive (that I know of), there were unlimited kinds and styles, and anyone would have a hard time making a cartoon or some other cash grab about them. You got to hit them against things. No, man. They made a clack sound, rolled around, hurt your friends. Marbles put on a good show. I dug and dig marbles.

I hate to break it to you, but...

... this show was about marbles.

Anyway, this reminds me: did anyone else play Kerplunk? It had marbles.
Also sticks, but mostly marbles.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #134 on: 13 May 2009, 04:06:10 »

As stated before in the past, only thing I had that was marble related was Marble racing.


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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #135 on: 13 May 2009, 04:22:47 »

Kerplunk, Sadly I didn't get to play with the whole poor hick family and all, but it seemed awesome!

also, Marble racing made me think of MicroMachines. I miss MicroMachines...
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #136 on: 13 May 2009, 04:27:50 »



Awwwww #####. I'm about to blow this thread to hell-


Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #137 on: 13 May 2009, 08:08:55 »

Ker-plunk = YES. YES YES YES YES.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #138 on: 13 May 2009, 21:18:18 »

Yeah I thought about Battle B-Daman when posting, but I never considered it to be about marbles (not that I saw it really) because it seemed like they shot them out of guns or some dumb thing. If it's about marbles then fine, but nowadays you can make a #####ty american anime-style show about anything. I was talking more about how at the time in the 80's they couldn't find a way to cash grab the popularity of marbles.

I never played Kerplunk but it always looked awesome.

Beast Wars/Beasties toys were great. So were MicroMachines.

I am disturbed by Airazor's pose in that picture though.

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #139 on: 13 May 2009, 21:33:58 »

The following videos will only be nostalgic to those of us who grew up in Canada and who watched YTV. If you DO remember them, you will probably love me and wonder how I found them again. This was around 92~95 and IT WAS BACK WHEN THE ZONE HAD PHIL AND SNITZ AND UGH DO YOU REMEMBER THESE DO YOU? YOU DO DONT YOU PLEASE SAY YOU DO.

Again, no point watching unless you meet the above criteria. :@
This one
This one didn't make ANY sense.
You have to remember this one
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #140 on: 13 May 2009, 21:54:39 »

Oh my God.

I remember I always got mad at the guy in Gourmet Records for not liking the 80's rock song or the jazz song. And while I liked the pop song at the end, I hated it's singer.

I thought The Pyramid was awesome (well I liked most of the The Mind's Eye stuff like it) but that weird fish-eye shot always bugged me.

Imaginaria was always just badass. But as a kid I'd get bored of it in the middle, waiting for my cartoons to come back.

It should be noted that Breaking The Ice (Love Found) was the best Short Circutz ever. I've posted it before, but it's always worth a look.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #141 on: 13 May 2009, 22:18:55 »

I suddenly feel sad that I did not have cable until early '97 :O
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #142 on: 13 May 2009, 22:20:27 »

I don't know how we afforded it.

Except when we didn't afford it and had an illegal box...

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #143 on: 13 May 2009, 22:21:28 »

The clapping things during the Gourmet Records part scared me...So much. I think I had nightmares about them.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #144 on: 13 May 2009, 22:24:49 »

I used to have almost ALL the Maximal transformers.

All 3 Optimus Primals

..Okay, so that's not a lot, but I also had a few of those ones that never appeared in the show, like an Armadillo guy. Armadillo's are awesome.

I also still have Optimal Optimus, he's huge. Too bad I lost the first Transmetal Optimus, he was a shiny blue gorilla on a surfboard.. so cool..

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #145 on: 13 May 2009, 22:53:50 »

The armadillo was called Armordillo and yeah he was awesome. Most of the toys that didn't appear in the show were what they'd had planned for the protoforms if they fell. That's why toys like Airazor and I think Tigatron came out before they appeared in the show.

A lot of the protoforms were also gonna be new versions of old characters a la Optimus, Megatron, Scorpinok, etc. So there you had toys like Laserbeak (for legal reasons they had to call him Lazorbeak, was a recolour of Terrorsaur) and Ironhide reimaginings. There were also toys based on characters that appeared in the original Japanese animated Beast Wars series like Onyx Primal.

They also had a lot of foresight when planning the toyline for the show or something, because Waspinator had a second head. The second head was more robotic (like a Decepticon) and I didn't understand why it was there until YEARS after I got the toy when Waspinator's body got taken over by the immortal spark of Starscream.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #146 on: 13 May 2009, 23:04:43 »

Haha, I had some of those toys you named off. The purple coloured Terrorsaur, Lazorbeak. I also had the variant of Waspinator which was Buzzsaw I think. It had the second head too, but it's not because of Starscream, all of them had different heads, Optimus had an optional mask that looked like some alien/Maximal symbol. Cheetor also had an optional head.

I used to have the comic book Optimus and Megatron, they were a bat and an alligator and came with a mini beast wars comic book.

But anyway, I never liked how Waspinator was the host for Starscream, I mean, it's good and all. But Terrorsaur WAS Starscream, ya know?

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #147 on: 13 May 2009, 23:37:33 »

I only had Waspinator but I don't remember my friends' Cheetors or Tarantualsses or anything having extra heads, but OK. Either way, the robot head with Waspinator was the exact one he had as Starscream.

Onyx Primal was originally a Nemesis version of the bat form of Optimus Primal, but that was abandoned and they make Onyx Primal into a character who was a Predacon turned Maximal, much like Dinobot.

Terrorsaur was similar to Starscream in that he wanted to take over and his voice (and when Starscream appeared in the show they used Terrorsaur's voice actor). He was, however, completely unlike Starscream in that he was a colossal idiot. Starscream isn't really smart or anything, but Terrorsaur is borderline retarded. Also Waspinator was far more popular, and thus Terrorsaur was killed off instead.

But yeah, Terrorsaur was much more like Starscream.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #148 on: 13 May 2009, 23:55:26 »

Bahaha, everyone in that show acted stupid, it was a real kids show in the sense that it was filled with a lot of comedy.

Like when Rhinox beats all of the Pred's by FARTING.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #149 on: 13 May 2009, 23:57:05 »

It was funny but no one was as stupid as Terrorsaur. Not even Waspinator or Inferno.

Transmutate was smarter than Terrorsaur!

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