Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #105 on: 12 November 2008, 02:01:22 » |
maniac man

Posts: 21
« Reply #108 on: 4 February 2009, 03:55:23 » |
Axl sucks balls!!!All he has are 2 guns!Ohhhhhh im scared! If i was a mavrick I would have just reflect the dam thing off my chest!I mean how hard is it to beat him?!?!?!?! Posted on: 4 February 2009, 03:47:46
I just cheked the tardface thing and i was laughing so hard!!!! he should have never said that to u guys thats retarted!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ic is a retarted man! 
« Last Edit: 4 February 2009, 12:04:44 by Xero »
Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #127 on: 13 February 2009, 05:00:08 » |
Oh, that. We bought some tabs you put on the toilet bag, or however you call it. Then the flusher broke, so we had to open the bag, or whichever the word is in english, and flush manually, and the blue pill thing had...Uh...Melted? I know there's a better word, but I forgot it. Anyway, our hands were all blue.
And it only goes green if you pee with a yellowish color, sort of like it was paint. (Because blue+yellow is green, right...?)
Edit: Dissolved!... ...Right...?
Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #132 on: 13 February 2009, 05:56:53 » |
We'd be more likely to call that a 'tank'.
Oh. Well, we call it "Mochila del inodoro" Mochila=Bag Del=Of the Inodoro=Toilet So it was just one of those crappy, direct transaltions. Like that lame RPG I played once. It translated "Chain mail" into "Correo cadena" Which means, well, chain mail. But Correo is the mailing sistem and cadena is chain. It also translated Party(in the meaning, group, like when a character joins your party) Into fiesta, which is also party, but the one with dancing and drinking and smoking caterpillars and stuff. And from what I read from Mike's post, also colostomy bags. Or not. Maybe for cropophilles or something? Uh... *Opens a new tab* Posted on: 13-02-2009, 01:27:21
*Closes tab* ...No, I don't think it's commonly found on parties. Mike, wouldn't it have been easier to say it is a [spoiler]bag that collects #####...?[/spoiler]