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MegaMan Series => Miscellaneous MegaMan Games => Topic started by: NovaMan XP on 20 April 2018, 20:32:41

Title: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: NovaMan XP on 20 April 2018, 20:32:41
Famitsu is doing a questionnaire for English speaking fans of Mega Man, and some of the answers will show up on the magazine.

You can take the questionnaire here (

It ends early tomorrow so if you want to fill it out, do it as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Xero on 20 April 2018, 20:59:13

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Teelio on 20 April 2018, 21:07:07
Done and done.

Should have made a subtle hint toward wanting a new X installment in the "good wishes" section....

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 20 April 2018, 21:18:51
I too have added a reply.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: LCrazy11 on 20 April 2018, 23:37:57
I did it

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Teelio on 21 April 2018, 02:18:49
( (

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Abominator on 21 April 2018, 19:05:19
Doesn't work properly on my phone :(

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 23 April 2018, 03:51:34
You never should have sold your desktop for an Xbox-One-X.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Abominator on 28 April 2018, 16:40:05
Haha, I actually did pick one of those up cheap due to a pricing error and it's surprisingly decent (aside from the horrible UI but PS4 is in the same boat)

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 29 April 2018, 20:44:03
They really remove most any incentive to get one if you have a PC though since they don't really have any console exclusives.  They just shove every game onto PC.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Mikero on 30 April 2018, 21:14:42
Microsoft couldn't care less about the XBox at this point (me neither). It's just supplementary to them. They were smart to hybrid their game purchases.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 1 May 2018, 19:38:50
I don't see it being smart making their console literally obsolete.  If you're a PC gamer you'd never touch a console (because snobs and pc master race horse #####), and if you're a console gamer why buy the console that has all their games on PC?

There's like a super small group of folks that have no PC or one that's so ##### it can't play games and who want to play games.  And even then Switch and PS4 offer so much more.  I realistically can't see any reason for XBox to even exist at this point.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Johncarllos on 1 May 2018, 22:27:33
Mine is a blu ray player and Rock Band machine.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 2 May 2018, 00:10:26
So is a PS4 but it will play games you can't on a PC!

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 May 2018, 00:16:21
But there was a sale!

And my friends wanted me to get it.

I have fewer friends now.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 4 May 2018, 14:03:57
And the local morgue has more business!

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Mikero on 9 May 2018, 19:20:42
I don't see it being smart making their console literally obsolete.  If you're a PC gamer you'd never touch a console (because snobs and pc master race horse #####), and if you're a console gamer why buy the console that has all their games on PC?

You're saying it as a negative but from their perspective it's actually a positive. It may sound silly to you but they just wanted a toe in each market and don't care about complete dominance at this point. They legitimately wanted to ease console gamers into playing on PC, which for them has actually been successful. I agree with you overall but that's their outlook and it works for their market.

This is all a known thing already, Sony is on top of the console market right now (and deservedly so). However many agree they will lose ground moving forward as long as they keep shunning online cross-play and other consumer favourite features, especially as the console themselves move closer and closer to fully being "just a PC" (even though consoles are heavily optimized PC's so I actually loathe that argument). Sony doesn't currently have to make those moves because they have a strangehold on the console market. But they will. Microsoft hasn't had a truly vested interest in console wars since the 360 (if that), as far as they are concerned the XBox One is ancillary whereas Playstation comprises the largest part of the Sony Corporation's revenue (with the rest of their entire company on a reported slow decline). I have no love for Microsoft but I can I see why they did that.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 9 May 2018, 22:03:21
Except I don't want to play games on a #####ing PC.  For the same reason I haven't for decades.  I don't want to mess with at the #####ing setting/hardware versions/ram/video cards, etc, etc.  I just want to buy a game and know I can put it in and play it.

And that's not even getting into PCs "digital only" and "always online" horse #####.

PC and console markets are for completely different targets.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Xero on 10 May 2018, 12:31:13

I perfer playing on consoles because that's what they are SPECIFICALLY Designed for.  Playing Games.  Alot of games take up space on the PC when it's used for more than just playing games (Unless you purchase a dedicated PC just for gaming).

What's even better, is the Swtich is portable so I can take games like Tropical Freeze & BoTW and play it on a long bus ride or at a relative's house so it's convenient. 

PS4 is also cool (Got mine from a co-worker with 1TB at only $150.)  Play alot of games on it and stuff.

The just kinda there really.  I don't even see the appeal of the Xbox anyway.  I mean I guess it has Cuphead but that's about it really.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: TheRedPriest on 10 May 2018, 14:13:31
Cuphead isn't even retail.  Hopefully that changes soon.

Title: Re: Famitsu Questionnaire for Mega Man Fans
Post by: Mikero on 11 May 2018, 17:59:51
Except I don't want to play games on a #####ing PC.  For the same reason I haven't for decades.  I don't want to mess with at the #####ing setting/hardware versions/ram/video cards, etc, etc.  I just want to buy a game and know I can put it in and play it.

And that's not even getting into PCs "digital only" and "always online" horse #####.

PC and console markets are for completely different targets.


I perfer playing on consoles because that's what they are SPECIFICALLY Designed for.  Playing Games.  Alot of games take up space on the PC when it's used for more than just playing games (Unless you purchase a dedicated PC just for gaming).

What's even better, is the Swtich is portable so I can take games like Tropical Freeze & BoTW and play it on a long bus ride or at a relative's house so it's convenient. 

PS4 is also cool (Got mine from a co-worker with 1TB at only $150.)  Play alot of games on it and stuff.

The just kinda there really.  I don't even see the appeal of the Xbox anyway.  I mean I guess it has Cuphead but that's about it really.

I understand that and I'm inclined to agree with you both for the most part (I don't mind PC gaming here or there but I certainly do not prefer it), but Microsoft's business model likely isn't catered specifically to users of a niche forum about a comatose series. It's just market analysis.

I too think the XBox One is a disaster, but Microsoft themselves are just fine because they set themselves up as such. Conversely the Playstation 4 is fantastic, but Sony themselves are in dire straights.