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151  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 28 April 2008, 22:18:44
Ugh. The Day of Silence is supposed to represent how many homosexuals have to keep their lips shut about things they might want to say without getting hurt for it, it was created after the one gay boy was tortured then murdered and left draped over a picket fence just because some straight white boys thought it was wrong to kiss other men. It was also intended at first for all sorts of people to attend and not just gay supporters- to show how some people have to live constantly worrying about what to say.

I personally didn't understand it, but I did respect the meaning; the Day of Silence just adds more attention to a potential target (because people are mean little #####s). I participated once in high school, only once. I suppose it's a little like praying- feeling like you're doing something while doing nothing at all. However it was strange during my high school when the Day of Silence came up, one dude asked me horrified "There are gay people in Rogers?! #####! I better stop saying ##### or I'm gunna get beat up!"

In any event. Do you guys know what it is like having an airbag go off?

It's like having someone spray you with acid, punch you in the face, and then hug your head in rapid succession. I was in a car that got T-boned this weekend and got to experience an airbag. I never want to do it again.

152  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 22 April 2008, 23:03:05
I was thinking that if it was Signas, he obviously had an armor upgrade at some point.
153  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 22 April 2008, 22:34:03
Is this Signas? Or just a very close look-a-like?
154  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 22 April 2008, 22:18:46
Today was boring. I fell asleep during all my classes and the only time when my day got really exciting was when I was tutoring my favorite Japanese student Yuuko. She's hilarious and isn't afraid to ask questions about the English language.
I'm thinking about making some soup when I get home... I have an urge to play X2 as well... might do both...
155  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Happy Thread on: 22 April 2008, 22:11:25
Lulz indeed.

Rama Olendris: Ruining YOUR favorite series since 2001!

At least I don't rub it in people's faces obsessively like some crazed fangirl.

Oh! She makes me happy too.
156  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Your Stuff! (lots of images) on: 22 April 2008, 22:07:47
OMG those things... I remember in my phys-ed class in grammar school our teacher MADE us play with those things. They're fun for the first 10 minutes... but get 20 of them going off at the same time then they get pretty annoying real quick.

So your teacher bought 20 of those things so that you guys could all play with them?

What a re*banned*

I don't know what she was thinking... Then again this was when I was in 5th grade or so... They might have been supplied. In any event... I thought that it was a poor choice of an activity to do in a class where you're supposed to be running and jumping and the like.
157  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Happy Thread on: 22 April 2008, 15:52:23
Bunnies make me really happy too.
Good comedy.
Nice teachers.
Old movies from before 1945.
Playing Rockman (of course)
Food (it's my weakness)
Trees and flowers.
A good yarn.
Stupid humor.
Not getting yelled at.


[spoiler]yaoi o.o and yuri[/spoiler]
158  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Your Stuff! (lots of images) on: 22 April 2008, 15:44:55
OMG those things... I remember in my phys-ed class in grammar school our teacher MADE us play with those things. They're fun for the first 10 minutes... but get 20 of them going off at the same time then they get pretty annoying real quick.
159  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Skype! on: 18 April 2008, 21:37:07
V.v I wish I had Skype...
160  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: GEE!!! WHY AM I NOT #####ING SURPRISED!? on: 17 April 2008, 23:05:46
*facepalm* Crap crap crap!!! ><!

Well I'm not going to touch it. I'll still have hope that they'll make more agreeable games after they're done with child luring. Which is what they are doing now.
161  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) on: 17 April 2008, 22:59:25
I decided to revisit my favorite Final Fantasy and was surprised to find out they 're-did' it. I am looking forward to seeing how well it is when it comes out in July. Nice new artwork.

This is Edge. My favorite character from FFIV.
162  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: R20 previews! (must see) on: 16 April 2008, 19:55:35 still exists?

It only exists if you want it to exist.
163  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Birthdayesar! on: 14 April 2008, 21:42:58
otanjoubiomedetougozaimasu! Happy birthday!
164  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: If you were making a video game film who would you cast? on: 14 April 2008, 21:40:15
If I were making a video game movie I'd cast new actors, new talent. I'd also cast a lot of my friends (they DO actually have talent). However- if the situation was perfect for it- I would have to have Patrick Stewart playing as someone.
165  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Your Stuff! (lots of images) on: 14 April 2008, 21:37:17
I never thought of fish as pets or something to keep around -_- I just end up wanting to -eat- them.
166  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: R20 previews! (must see) on: 11 April 2008, 21:03:24
Quote all you want, the manga is not canon.  Capcom approves all kinds of secondary market products, manga included.  None of what they do with it has any weight on the video game canon it's based on.  So when discussing an issue of canon baldness, citing the manga as evidence they have hair fails before you even start.

That's why official was in quotes. I know it's not canon however the manga does follow the games well enough; when certain calamities happen in the games- in the manga the same crisis happens for the same reason. The only real difference is that the manga has unofficial characters and new character motivations and quests that make the 'crisis' more believable. So the manga is close to the series but not close enough. I still refuse that they are bald all the same.

167  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Re: GENERAL ZERO SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 11 April 2008, 20:52:37
I submit the answer is "no".

168  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: My Findings at Sakura Con on: 11 April 2008, 15:33:07
Do you have the pic handy?

Not on me, I just have a few cosplay right now.

>.<! That is some awful cosplay...
169  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: What it Truly is to be a Maverick. on: 11 April 2008, 00:44:11
Woah, touchy and sticky subject. I had to write a paper on this.
170  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: My Findings at Sakura Con on: 11 April 2008, 00:40:38
Those Chobit things? Yeah v.v One was really cute and pretty and I had to take a picture of her.
171  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: R20 previews! (must see) on: 11 April 2008, 00:27:17
Reploid Cancer? Oh noes there's a new plot for Capcom to run with. Crap!

X needs hair. He really should have been portrayed more often without his helmet.
172  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: My Findings at Sakura Con on: 11 April 2008, 00:22:16
Uhhh... There were about 50 Yuna's there and I'm afraid I ignored most all Final Fantasy cosplayers (other than those from Final Fantasy VI and IV) because I think they're over rated. However they all had some amazing outfits that were obviously hard to create. I didn't go to the cosplay panel either... I was busy at that time in a panel with my favorite American manga artist.
173  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 11 April 2008, 00:19:23

Onion or everything bagels, toasted, with herb cream cheese.

they're simply wonderful.

I hate you now... I'm very hungry for that v.v
174  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 10 April 2008, 23:52:44
Fried Chicken!!!
175  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 10 April 2008, 23:45:38
2003 is just a guess on my part. I know they played it for a long time on Toonami back when it was awesome but they ripped it off of the air then put it back on for maybe a month then POOF no more Reboot.
176  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 10 April 2008, 23:41:13
The series continued on for about 20 more episodes when they left Toonami in... 2003?
177  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Re: GENERAL ZX SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 10 April 2008, 23:38:06

And she couldn't really ask for their permission, they were dead and she just thought "LOL LETS BE GOD" and made them rocks. They don't even remember their past lives.

;.; I feel... betrayed... somehow.
178  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 10 April 2008, 23:21:39
Well I'm an honest person, if you ask what happened I'll tell you. Oh well, it happened a long time ago and I didn't let it bother me- no tears shed over that crap job.

I don't care for that place. Hell, I can't even stand saying it. I don't even want to remotely associate myself with "those" kind of people.

Who do you mean by 'those'?
179  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 10 April 2008, 23:16:59
That's the first time I've even heard of a movie... Not sure how they would pull that off without the massive jokes.

I just got done watching the episode where they were making fun of DBZ. Priceless.
180  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Re: GENERAL ZX SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 10 April 2008, 23:14:43
.... That's.... Retarded. Why would she do that? Did she even ask for their permission before doing such a thing?  :'(

I hate scientists... Except Light and Wily, they're cool- when they're not being anally assaulted by Capcom.
181  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 10 April 2008, 23:12:20
 I did expect it however my friend worked there and she said she never once had a problem so I remained optimistic and believed her. As for the harassment it was mostly verbal (not cat calling but real verbal abuse) but one dude got a little too uptight because I forgot to refill his drink and he grabbed my arm in a threatening manner- reminded me as to why I should bring pepper spray everywhere- and got himself thrown out real quick.


I know what foods AREN'T delectable... Anything that's a frozen dinner. And all mock-frozen Chinese. 
182  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 10 April 2008, 23:01:41
LOL South Park, it never ceases to get old.

I've been watching Reboot recently; you know that old show they used to play on toonami that makes fun of everything in a corny way?
183  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 10 April 2008, 22:59:02
Depends on the person?

No, I hated working there because one 1.) I'm a terrible waitress. 2.) I don't like talking to strangers much 3.) I don't like working in the fast food/food business 4.) Harassment. The only reason why I worked there is because they were the first ones to hire me on the spot with a fair wage and it was only for the summer and my friend said it wasn't how everyone thought it was... But it was... Liar. 
184  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 10 April 2008, 22:51:26
185  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: My Findings at Sakura Con on: 10 April 2008, 22:51:10
It was actually very good, the cosplayer had it full bodied and in pretty much one piece it seemed.
186  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 10 April 2008, 22:48:35
v.v I know... I used to work there last summer... *shudder*...
187  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Re: GENERAL ZX SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 10 April 2008, 22:47:47
Interesting. Now, seriously what is Biometal?
188  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Re: GENERAL ZX SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 10 April 2008, 22:31:12
Like those things in Never Ending Story?  ???
189  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Re: GENERAL ZX SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 10 April 2008, 22:21:24
I've never played the ZX series because I've been very reluctant to; however I am curious as to this- what the hell is Biometal exactly?
190  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Proto Man on: 10 April 2008, 22:15:09
You sound almost like a genius who is just a little 'odd' to the 'normal' public. People said that about me for a long time just because of my drug overdose when I was an infant (everyone thought I was autistic). Or you just might like Rockman a little too much. Whatever makes you happy- just really consider what sort of negative responses your actions might produce though.
191  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 10 April 2008, 22:10:17
I've slept in, and now I gotta rush to the bus.


What a fine lad who in the midst of the panic of early morning drops by to his forum to say hi.

Today I bought some stuffs online, accidentally stole some food from my school's cafeteria (our school's security must really be lax) had fun drawing and then had to lecture Japanese girls on some of the American views/biases of Japanese culture and what to expect during their 6 month stay in Washington.
192  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 10 April 2008, 22:05:14
Hooters' food is actually pretty good, if you like greasy American food occasionally. The prices aren't so good though.
193  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: Star force 2 Japanese on: 10 April 2008, 22:01:59
I wouldn't want to waste the money to buy the Japanese version, heck I didn't even buy the English version o_o...
194  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Re: GENERAL ZERO SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 10 April 2008, 21:50:46
so far it's the only MM series they have completed

*ahem* Battle Network.

Whoops, my bad. Forgot about that.

I was going on which series really felt -done-.
195  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: What it Truly is to be a Maverick. on: 10 April 2008, 21:27:51
Well I'm glad I've never played it then.

Side scrolling Metroid onri!
196  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: R20 previews! (must see) on: 10 April 2008, 21:20:00
It only makes sense that they have hair- Rock, Blues and Roll did.
197  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 10 April 2008, 21:18:42
LOL Yu-Gi-Oh! Whatever makes you happy.

I personally never got into it or saw the draw to it- maybe it's because my friends tried to force it upon me in High School every day.

I stopped playing Rengoku and I'm now whittling my time away searching all over Hyrule and back for that last damn Poe (Twilight Princess) because I'm curious as to what you gain, if anything. And then there's that last key to the Castle... Normally I don't go all out in getting everything but I thought it would be nice to try to for a change.

198  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: What it Truly is to be a Maverick. on: 10 April 2008, 21:14:02
Businesses work like that... You're the mule and they dangle a carrot in front of your nose. As long as you go after it they'll still attempt/pretend to feed you.
199  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 10 April 2008, 21:12:03
Whatever makes you happy.
200  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Re: GENERAL ZERO SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 10 April 2008, 21:09:52
Since Zero dies and comes back,  do you think the Zero series will continue?  I really enjoyed it.

He got -blown- up and shattered to smithereens from space. He's come back from death before but only when he at least had a head. He's never suffered damage to this extent before so it's highly doubtful that he'd come back... I don't think Capcom will continue the Zero series- hell I hope they don't, so far it's the only MM series they have completed. Also they would have to come up with an explanation as to how Zero comes back- which would probably just makes things ugly and over complicated unless they want to through in the capricious dragon balls of Rockman.   

Personally, I don't want him to come back, I like him as a character but I think he's suffered enough and he needs to stay dead with the Zero series. I loved the games probably as much as anyone who enjoyed them did but I like to see things completed. I'm content with the ending present. Trouble often brews when series never end.
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