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351  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: WWII Vets are Badasses on: 7 February 2008, 22:52:44
This implies you did more than just sing.

You expelled me from my happy-place >.<!!!!!!!
352  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "I'll be gone for _______" topic. on: 7 February 2008, 20:09:12
I guess I should say I'll be gone from February 14th until the 21st or 22nd... I might drop in during that time. I'll be gone in Japan visiting my dad.

353  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: The best X,Z or A on: 7 February 2008, 00:59:28
X! Or as Sigma in X6 says; "XXX"!!!

No really, I just think that X is better than Zero or Axl. I'm not just counting physical strength and the warrior's calling- but more so emotional strength. X just seems to be emotionally stronger than Zero or Axl. He also seems to have a balance between calm, gentleness and stoicism that makes him a hero.

That's just my opinion though. I'm a sucker for the tormented hero I guess.
354  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 7 February 2008, 00:50:04
Yeah. As I said- bad make-up. The color of the wig made the color of the lipstick brighter than it actually is though.

'Kay... So who're you cosplaying as?


.... O.o.... You bitch.
355  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 7 February 2008, 00:45:01
Not telling. And WIND I swear- if you tell... I'll *sensor!* and *sensor* until *sensor* *sensor*
356  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 7 February 2008, 00:40:02
Oh by the way, there's a weight requirement for the internet, and you're below it. Leave.

But internet gives me porn!
357  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 7 February 2008, 00:36:11
Now tell everyone who you were cosplaying as! : D

Nooo! Oh god no please don't make me! I'm already ashamed!
358  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 7 February 2008, 00:32:17
Yeah, well today I found out there's a cure for a physical abnormality that's been plaguing me for awhile. The process is going to be a tad bit embarrassing, but at least it's going to work.

My arms really hurt which is strange because I'm an endurance runner and I thought I was in good shape.


Orly? Ah, well, the only pics that I have are already embarrassing enough.

Here you go!

Me, at a friend's house, horrible make-up, horrible cosplay because my sewing machine broke.

I don't think I can get more embarrassing........
359  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 7 February 2008, 00:14:47

So yes that was sarcasm. Anyway the muscles in your arms that use while running aren't pulled at all in the same way as when you're shovelling.

Correct, but I do more than just run. I also have to do mandatory push-ups before running and other warm ups.

-And there's actually more than three feet of snow, and imagine digging a truck out of snow that deep on three sides said truck. It's very tiring and hard work. But very fun to play in.
360  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 7 February 2008, 00:07:55
Well, today I had to dig my mom's car out of the snow because we got over three feet during the past two weeks and just -now- my mom really wanted to go somewhere.... v.v My arms really hurt which is strange because I'm an endurance runner and I thought I was in good shape.

I also confirmed with my dad on where he was going to pick me up once I get to Japan on the 15th (ish) v.v... I dunno why but now I'm starting to not want to go back to Japan.
361  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: WWII Vets are Badasses on: 5 February 2008, 00:31:15
 :) I love WWII Veterans. I have much admiration and RESPECT for them- from all sides of the War.

Some of them are cute too! Last year when I was visiting a retirement home with my choir I sang Jingle Bells in Japanese to a Japanese WWII Vet. He was the happiest man the the planet then.
362  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: On a scale of 1 to 10, how good do you think your Mega Man playable skills a on: 5 February 2008, 00:28:01
Depends on the game, actually. However on average I'd give myself an 8 if I really try instead of just ignoring enemy fire when I'm at maximum power.  :P
363  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Who created Zero??? on: 5 February 2008, 00:24:54
Zero was going to be the star, but because Zero looked so different from the Rockman everyone knew and loved- they scrapped the idea. They were afraid that it would not catch on. However later, as we all know, Zero got his own series just like Keiji wanted.

364  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Who created Zero??? on: 4 February 2008, 21:48:08

Anyway, Dr. Wily created Zero, most likely from original parts. Maybe we'll never know for sure. I know Zero isn't supposed to be a futuristic Roll, maybe a balancer for her in the X series because everyone was so used to seeing her in the original series- So Keiji maybe wanted to have a companion for X that was also red and blond. I'm not too sure though.

Dr. Wily got his Ph.D from a Cracker Jack Box.
365  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Maverick Hunter X on: 4 February 2008, 21:41:17
I don't think I'm treading water when I say that 'I rather liked the plot in MHX'. The older games were really fun, I will admit that, however there is a certain amount of -activity- that I think is appreciated in a game. I play games for mostly story and interactivity (along with amusement, of course) so I support the idea of remaking the older Mega Man games simply to give them more... character (?) if nothing else. To me, the lack of speech made the games slightly... bland.

As for The Day of Sigma... ... Sometimes I love it, other times I cringe away from the 'shining finger' reference.Then there is that ridiculous 'test reploid potential' speech that the foul-chinned one declaired which gave and undesirable taste of cheese.

Oh! Was X's 'shining finger' in The Day of Sigma an infantile Nova Strike? I always wondered about that...
366  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Maverick Hunter X on: 1 February 2008, 21:57:20
I just got the game as well in mid January, and I've finished to completion. I was only slightly disappointed because after beating the game in hard mode in both X and Vile mode nothing more was unlocked. That, and it was a little too easy...

As for Capcom remaking old games, I would -love- it if all the old Mega Man games were remade, more so with the X series. I would like it if Capcom created remakes of X2 and X3 as well as the Xtreme games. Not necessarily for game play but for more story, since the early games seriously lack in in-game story. I enjoyed MHX's story more than the actual game itself, even if Sigma's "Let's test reploid potential" thing was.... well, we all know what that was.

Anyway, I wouldn't have a problem if old games were remade. 
367  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 1 February 2008, 21:47:43
Aw, you don't have to worry about me, I won't do anything too bizarre or strange, and I warn people usually if something might be offensive. I'm a nice girl  ::) (Be suspicious!!!)

What is this internet?! I do not understand!!! I'll go back to the kitchen.
368  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 31 January 2008, 00:27:12
 :) Hey here is a noob to greet!

My pen name is Rama Olendris and Megaman has been my most favorite fictional series for most of my life. Some people think it is strange that I like Megaman, as I am a girl, but I do not care. I draw a lot ,and I have a very open-minded sense of humor and I tend to be open-minded about most things. I don't like furries much though. PreventerWind suggested that I join this forum months ago and I just now finally did something.

A little more about me;

I spent about a year and a half in school in Japan when I was 15, and I speak Japanese well enough to get buy but I'm not good enough to be called fluent when speaking. I can read Japanese but speaking is hard.

Currently I am a college student hoping to get out of school to be a tattoo artist... Strange, yes, but I really don't see a point in American school.
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